@abcum/ember-editables 中文文档教程
用于 Ember.js 的文本、html 和代码的内联可编辑文本组件的集合。
ember install @abcum/ember-editables
Usage examples
editable-te xt
组件支持对内容可编辑的 div 进行内联编辑,同时删除所有其他 html 标记(例如粗体、斜体)。
{{editable-text value=model.name on-change=(action (mut model.name)) placeholder="Enter your fullname..."}}
要在 editable-text
组件中显示占位符文本,请将以下代码添加到您的 css、less 或 sass 文件中。
[contentEditable="true"][placeholder]:empty:not(:focus):before {
color:#B6B6B6; /* Specify your placeholder colour */
组件支持对 contenteditable div 进行内联编辑,同时保留任何其他 html 标记(例如粗体、斜体)。
{{editable-html value=model.name on-change=(action (mut model.name)) placeholder="Enter your fullname..."}}
要在 editable-html
组件中显示占位符文本,请将以下代码添加到您的 css、less 或 sass 文件中。
[contentEditable="true"][placeholder]:empty:not(:focus):before {
color:#B6B6B6; /* Specify your placeholder colour */
组件提供了一个由 Codemirror 提供支持的可编辑代码区域。
{{editable-code value=model.code on-change=(action (mut model.code))}}
Install options
// config/environment.js
module.exports = function(environment) {
return {
editables: {
codemirror: true,
includeTags: true,
includeComments: true,
includeBrackets: true,
includeWhitespace: true,
modes: [ "htmlmixed", "css", "sass", "javascript", "markdown", "handlebars" ],
themes: [ "base16-dark", "base16-light", "bespin", "dracula", "eclipse" ],
Editor options
Attribute | Default | Description |
autoCloseBrackets | true | Whether to automatically close brackets and quotes when typed. |
autofocus | false | Can be used to make CodeMirror focus itself on initialization |
commentBlankLines | false | Whether to also comment empty lines when adding line comments. |
cursorBlinkRate | 530 | Half-period in milliseconds used for cursor blinking. |
electricChars | true | Whether the editor should re-indent when characters are changed. |
firstLineNumber | 1 | At which number to start counting lines. |
historyEventDelay | 1250 | How many milliseconds of inactivity until a new history event is started. |
indentUnit | 4 | How many spaces a block should be indented. |
indentWithTabs | false | Whether tabs or spaces should be used to indent. |
lineNumbers | true | Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor. |
lineWrapping | false | Whether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines. |
matchBrackets | true | Whether to highlight matching brackets when the cursor is next to them. |
mode | "htmlmixed" | The language mode to use in the editor. |
readOnly | false | This disables editing of the editor content by the user. |
smartIndent | true | Whether to use the context-sensitive indentation that the mode provides. |
tabSize | 4 | The width of a tab character. |
theme | "default" | The name of the the css theme to use with the editor. |
undoDepth | 200 | The maximum number of content or selection changes that are stored. |
viewportMargin | 10 | How many lines are rendered above and below the visible lines. |
make install
(install bower and ember-cli dependencies)make upgrade
(upgrade ember-cli to the specified version)make tests
(run all tests defined in the package)
A collection of inline editable text components for Ember.js for text, html, and code.
ember install @abcum/ember-editables
Usage examples
The editable-text
component enables inline editing of a contenteditable div, while removing all additional html markup (e.g. bold, italics).
{{editable-text value=model.name on-change=(action (mut model.name)) placeholder="Enter your fullname..."}}
To display placeholder text inside the editable-text
component add the following code to your css, less, or sass files.
[contentEditable="true"][placeholder]:empty:not(:focus):before {
color:#B6B6B6; /* Specify your placeholder colour */
The editable-html
component enables inline editing of a contenteditable div, while keeping any additional html markup (e.g. bold, italics).
{{editable-html value=model.name on-change=(action (mut model.name)) placeholder="Enter your fullname..."}}
To display placeholder text inside the editable-html
component add the following code to your css, less, or sass files.
[contentEditable="true"][placeholder]:empty:not(:focus):before {
color:#B6B6B6; /* Specify your placeholder colour */
The editable-code
component provides an editable code area powered by Codemirror.
{{editable-code value=model.code on-change=(action (mut model.code))}}
Install options
The plugins, themes, and language modes that will be bundled with the application source code can be configured from the application environment file,
// config/environment.js
module.exports = function(environment) {
return {
editables: {
codemirror: true,
includeTags: true,
includeComments: true,
includeBrackets: true,
includeWhitespace: true,
modes: [ "htmlmixed", "css", "sass", "javascript", "markdown", "handlebars" ],
themes: [ "base16-dark", "base16-light", "bespin", "dracula", "eclipse" ],
Editor options
Additional configuration options can be passed to the editable-code instance allowing for further customisation of the editor.
Attribute | Default | Description |
autoCloseBrackets | true | Whether to automatically close brackets and quotes when typed. |
autofocus | false | Can be used to make CodeMirror focus itself on initialization |
commentBlankLines | false | Whether to also comment empty lines when adding line comments. |
cursorBlinkRate | 530 | Half-period in milliseconds used for cursor blinking. |
electricChars | true | Whether the editor should re-indent when characters are changed. |
firstLineNumber | 1 | At which number to start counting lines. |
historyEventDelay | 1250 | How many milliseconds of inactivity until a new history event is started. |
indentUnit | 4 | How many spaces a block should be indented. |
indentWithTabs | false | Whether tabs or spaces should be used to indent. |
lineNumbers | true | Whether to show line numbers to the left of the editor. |
lineWrapping | false | Whether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines. |
matchBrackets | true | Whether to highlight matching brackets when the cursor is next to them. |
mode | "htmlmixed" | The language mode to use in the editor. |
readOnly | false | This disables editing of the editor content by the user. |
smartIndent | true | Whether to use the context-sensitive indentation that the mode provides. |
tabSize | 4 | The width of a tab character. |
theme | "default" | The name of the the css theme to use with the editor. |
undoDepth | 200 | The maximum number of content or selection changes that are stored. |
viewportMargin | 10 | How many lines are rendered above and below the visible lines. |
make install
(install bower and ember-cli dependencies)make upgrade
(upgrade ember-cli to the specified version)make tests
(run all tests defined in the package)
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