@abcum/ember-editables 中文文档教程

发布于 5 年前 浏览 35 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


用于 Ember.js 的文本、html 和代码的内联可编辑文本组件的集合。



ember install @abcum/ember-editables

Usage examples


editable-te xt 组件支持对内容可编辑的 div 进行内联编辑,同时删除所有其他 html 标记(例如粗体、斜体)。

{{editable-text value=model.name on-change=(action (mut model.name)) placeholder="Enter your fullname..."}}

要在 editable-text 组件中显示占位符文本,请将以下代码添加到您的 css、less 或 sass 文件中。

[contentEditable="true"][placeholder]:empty:not(:focus):before {
    color:#B6B6B6; /* Specify your placeholder colour */


editable-html 组件支持对 contenteditable div 进行内联编辑,同时保留任何其他 html 标记(例如粗体、斜体)。

{{editable-html value=model.name on-change=(action (mut model.name)) placeholder="Enter your fullname..."}}

要在 editable-html 组件中显示占位符文本,请将以下代码添加到您的 css、less 或 sass 文件中。

[contentEditable="true"][placeholder]:empty:not(:focus):before {
    color:#B6B6B6; /* Specify your placeholder colour */


editable-code 组件提供了一个由 Codemirror 提供支持的可编辑代码区域。

{{editable-code value=model.code on-change=(action (mut model.code))}}
Install options


// config/environment.js
module.exports = function(environment) {
    return {
        editables: {
            codemirror: true,
            includeTags: true,
            includeComments: true,
            includeBrackets: true,
            includeWhitespace: true,
            modes: [ "htmlmixed", "css",  "sass",  "javascript",  "markdown",  "handlebars" ],
            themes: [ "base16-dark", "base16-light", "bespin", "dracula", "eclipse" ],
Editor options


autoCloseBracketstrueWhether to automatically close brackets and quotes when typed.
autofocusfalseCan be used to make CodeMirror focus itself on initialization
commentBlankLinesfalseWhether to also comment empty lines when adding line comments.
cursorBlinkRate530Half-period in milliseconds used for cursor blinking.
electricCharstrueWhether the editor should re-indent when characters are changed.
firstLineNumber1At which number to start counting lines.
historyEventDelay1250How many milliseconds of inactivity until a new history event is started.
indentUnit4How many spaces a block should be indented.
indentWithTabsfalseWhether tabs or spaces should be used to indent.
lineNumberstrueWhether to show line numbers to the left of the editor.
lineWrappingfalseWhether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines.
matchBracketstrueWhether to highlight matching brackets when the cursor is next to them.
mode"htmlmixed"The language mode to use in the editor.
readOnlyfalseThis disables editing of the editor content by the user.
smartIndenttrueWhether to use the context-sensitive indentation that the mode provides.
tabSize4The width of a tab character.
theme"default"The name of the the css theme to use with the editor.
undoDepth200The maximum number of content or selection changes that are stored.
viewportMargin10How many lines are rendered above and below the visible lines.


  • make install (install bower and ember-cli dependencies)
  • make upgrade (upgrade ember-cli to the specified version)
  • make tests (run all tests defined in the package)


A collection of inline editable text components for Ember.js for text, html, and code.



ember install @abcum/ember-editables

Usage examples


The editable-text component enables inline editing of a contenteditable div, while removing all additional html markup (e.g. bold, italics).

{{editable-text value=model.name on-change=(action (mut model.name)) placeholder="Enter your fullname..."}}

To display placeholder text inside the editable-text component add the following code to your css, less, or sass files.

[contentEditable="true"][placeholder]:empty:not(:focus):before {
    color:#B6B6B6; /* Specify your placeholder colour */


The editable-html component enables inline editing of a contenteditable div, while keeping any additional html markup (e.g. bold, italics).

{{editable-html value=model.name on-change=(action (mut model.name)) placeholder="Enter your fullname..."}}

To display placeholder text inside the editable-html component add the following code to your css, less, or sass files.

[contentEditable="true"][placeholder]:empty:not(:focus):before {
    color:#B6B6B6; /* Specify your placeholder colour */


The editable-code component provides an editable code area powered by Codemirror.

{{editable-code value=model.code on-change=(action (mut model.code))}}
Install options

The plugins, themes, and language modes that will be bundled with the application source code can be configured from the application environment file,

// config/environment.js
module.exports = function(environment) {
    return {
        editables: {
            codemirror: true,
            includeTags: true,
            includeComments: true,
            includeBrackets: true,
            includeWhitespace: true,
            modes: [ "htmlmixed", "css",  "sass",  "javascript",  "markdown",  "handlebars" ],
            themes: [ "base16-dark", "base16-light", "bespin", "dracula", "eclipse" ],
Editor options

Additional configuration options can be passed to the editable-code instance allowing for further customisation of the editor.

autoCloseBracketstrueWhether to automatically close brackets and quotes when typed.
autofocusfalseCan be used to make CodeMirror focus itself on initialization
commentBlankLinesfalseWhether to also comment empty lines when adding line comments.
cursorBlinkRate530Half-period in milliseconds used for cursor blinking.
electricCharstrueWhether the editor should re-indent when characters are changed.
firstLineNumber1At which number to start counting lines.
historyEventDelay1250How many milliseconds of inactivity until a new history event is started.
indentUnit4How many spaces a block should be indented.
indentWithTabsfalseWhether tabs or spaces should be used to indent.
lineNumberstrueWhether to show line numbers to the left of the editor.
lineWrappingfalseWhether CodeMirror should scroll or wrap for long lines.
matchBracketstrueWhether to highlight matching brackets when the cursor is next to them.
mode"htmlmixed"The language mode to use in the editor.
readOnlyfalseThis disables editing of the editor content by the user.
smartIndenttrueWhether to use the context-sensitive indentation that the mode provides.
tabSize4The width of a tab character.
theme"default"The name of the the css theme to use with the editor.
undoDepth200The maximum number of content or selection changes that are stored.
viewportMargin10How many lines are rendered above and below the visible lines.


  • make install (install bower and ember-cli dependencies)
  • make upgrade (upgrade ember-cli to the specified version)
  • make tests (run all tests defined in the package)
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