@abalmus/validator 中文文档教程

发布于 6 年前 浏览 32 项目主页 更新于 2 年前

Validation Processor


ValidationProcessor - 低级异步验证引擎。 专为测试数据而设计,基于验证规则。 可以使用自定义验证器轻松扩展。 与任何现代框架或 VanillaJS 兼容。


// NPM
npm install @abalmus/validator

yarn add @abalmus/validator


Validation processor initialization

import { ValidationProcessor } from '@abalmus/validator';

const constrains = {
  rules: {
    firstName: {
      minlength: 10
  messages: {
    firstName: {
      minlength: 'First name needs to be not less than 10 characters'
    * ValidateProcessor constructor
    * params: ( constrains, [options] )
    * returns: instance of the validation processor
const validationProcessor = new ValidationProcessor(constrains);
    * validate
    * params: ( fieldName, value, [options] )
    * returns: undefined
validationProcessor.validate('firstName', 'myname');

Getting validation errors

从验证处理器获取错误的最简单方法是使用 ErrorPopulator。

import { ErrorsPopulator } from '@abalmus/validator';
    * ErrorPopulator constructor
    * params: ( validationProcessorInstance, [options] )
    * returns: errors populator instance
const errors = new ErrorsPopulator(validationProcessor);

    * getByField emthod
    * params: ( fieldName, [options] )
    * returns: Promise
errors.getByField('firstName').then((errors) => console.log(errors));
// [{minlength: "First name needs to be not less than 10 characters"}]


Build in Validators

    const constrains = {
        rules: {
            firstName: {
                minLength: 4,
                maxLength: 10,
                required: true,
                equal: 'John',
                pattern: /^[a-zA-Z ]+$/
        messages: {
            firstName: {
                minLength: 'Please insert minimum 4 characters',
                maxLength: 'Please insert maximum 10 characters',
                required: 'Please insert first name',
                equal: 'Please insert correct name',
                pattern: 'Only letters allowed'

"maxLength" and "minLength"

minLengthmaxLength 这些验证器中的每一个都将任何值转换为字符串并检查长度属性。

"equal" validator


"pattern" validator

JavaScript Regexp 测试方法执行搜索以查找 pattern 属性中提供的正则表达式与指定字符串之间的匹配项。

"async" validator

为服务器端验证创建的异步验证器。 示例电子邮件地址存在,当您进行 ajax 调用以检查电子邮件是否存在时。

    const constrains = {
        rules: {
            email: {
                async: {
                    url: 'api/email/exist',
                    // ...other fetch API options
        messages: {
            email: {
                async: 'Email already exists.'


        status: 'ERROR', // ['SUCCESS', 'ERROR', 'INFO']
        message: 'Server message goes here' // will be rendered below the field

Custom Validators

这个库最重要的部分是自定义验证器的创建。 这是扩展验证处理器的强大机制。 要注册验证器,请调用 validator.registerValidator 方法。

    import {
    } from '@abalmus/validator';

    validator.registerValidator('moreOrEqual', (value, ruleValue) => {
        return (Number(value) >= Number(ruleValue));

现在我们可以在约束中使用 moreOrEqual 验证器。

    const constrains = {
        rules: {
            age: {
                moreOrEqual: 16
        messages: {
            age: {
                moreOrEqual: 'You needs to be at least 16 years old'

    const validationProcessor = new ValidationProcessor(constrains);

    validationProcessor.validate('age', 18); // Valid!

"dependsOn" rule wrapper

一种更强大和有用的机制是 dependsOn 规则包装器。 此包装器允许应用验证规则取决于其他值。


    const constrains = {
        rules: {
            phoneNumber: {
                dependsOn: {
                    country: {
                        US: {
                            rules: {
                                pattern: // US phone number regex
                                minLength: 10
                        DE: {
                            rules: {
                                pattern: // DE phone number regex
                                minLength: 8

如您所见,有嵌套的 dependsOn 包装器和规则。 根据国家价值自动应用国家内部的规则。

How to use:

选项 1:在初始化阶段将 dependsOnValues 传递给 ValidationProcessor 配置

const validationProcessor = new ValidationProcessor(constrains, {
    dependsOnValues: {
        country: 'US'

validationProcessor.validate('phoneNumber', '123456787') // not valid

选项 2:将 dependsOnValues 作为 validate 方法的第三个参数传递

const validationProcessor = new ValidationProcessor(constrains);

validationProcessor.validate('phoneNumber', '123456787', { country: 'US' }) // not valid

Validation Processor


ValidationProcessor - low-level asynchronous validation engine. Designed for testing data, based on validation rules. Can be easily extended with custom validators. Compatible with any modern frameworks or VanillaJS.


// NPM
npm install @abalmus/validator

yarn add @abalmus/validator


Validation processor initialization

import { ValidationProcessor } from '@abalmus/validator';

const constrains = {
  rules: {
    firstName: {
      minlength: 10
  messages: {
    firstName: {
      minlength: 'First name needs to be not less than 10 characters'
    * ValidateProcessor constructor
    * params: ( constrains, [options] )
    * returns: instance of the validation processor
const validationProcessor = new ValidationProcessor(constrains);
    * validate
    * params: ( fieldName, value, [options] )
    * returns: undefined
validationProcessor.validate('firstName', 'myname');

Getting validation errors

The easiest way of getting errors from validation processor is using ErrorPopulator.

import { ErrorsPopulator } from '@abalmus/validator';
    * ErrorPopulator constructor
    * params: ( validationProcessorInstance, [options] )
    * returns: errors populator instance
const errors = new ErrorsPopulator(validationProcessor);

    * getByField emthod
    * params: ( fieldName, [options] )
    * returns: Promise
errors.getByField('firstName').then((errors) => console.log(errors));
// [{minlength: "First name needs to be not less than 10 characters"}]


Build in Validators

    const constrains = {
        rules: {
            firstName: {
                minLength: 4,
                maxLength: 10,
                required: true,
                equal: 'John',
                pattern: /^[a-zA-Z ]+$/
        messages: {
            firstName: {
                minLength: 'Please insert minimum 4 characters',
                maxLength: 'Please insert maximum 10 characters',
                required: 'Please insert first name',
                equal: 'Please insert correct name',
                pattern: 'Only letters allowed'

"maxLength" and "minLength"

minLength and maxLength each of these validators convert any value to a string and checks length property.

"equal" validator

Simple equality check, comparing value and type.

"pattern" validator

JavaScript Regexp test method executes a search for a match between a regular expression provided in pattern property and a specified string.

"async" validator

Async validator created for server side validations. The example email address existence, when you make an ajax call to check if email exists or not.

    const constrains = {
        rules: {
            email: {
                async: {
                    url: 'api/email/exist',
                    // ...other fetch API options
        messages: {
            email: {
                async: 'Email already exists.'

Default server side response format:

        status: 'ERROR', // ['SUCCESS', 'ERROR', 'INFO']
        message: 'Server message goes here' // will be rendered below the field

Custom Validators

The most important part of this library is a creation of custom validators. This is powerful mechanism of extending validation processor. To register validator lets call validator.registerValidator method.

    import {
    } from '@abalmus/validator';

    validator.registerValidator('moreOrEqual', (value, ruleValue) => {
        return (Number(value) >= Number(ruleValue));

Now we can use moreOrEqual validator inside constrains.

    const constrains = {
        rules: {
            age: {
                moreOrEqual: 16
        messages: {
            age: {
                moreOrEqual: 'You needs to be at least 16 years old'

    const validationProcessor = new ValidationProcessor(constrains);

    validationProcessor.validate('age', 18); // Valid!

"dependsOn" rule wrapper

One more powerful and useful mechanism is dependsOn rules wrapper. This wrapper allows to apply validation rules depends on other values.

The example phone pattern for Germany is different than in the United States.

    const constrains = {
        rules: {
            phoneNumber: {
                dependsOn: {
                    country: {
                        US: {
                            rules: {
                                pattern: // US phone number regex
                                minLength: 10
                        DE: {
                            rules: {
                                pattern: // DE phone number regex
                                minLength: 8

As you can see there are nested dependsOn wrapper and rules. The rules inside the country automatically applied based on country value.

How to use:

Option 1: Passing dependsOnValues to ValidationProcessor config on initialization phase

const validationProcessor = new ValidationProcessor(constrains, {
    dependsOnValues: {
        country: 'US'

validationProcessor.validate('phoneNumber', '123456787') // not valid

Option 2: Passing dependsOnValues as a third parameter of the validate method

const validationProcessor = new ValidationProcessor(constrains);

validationProcessor.validate('phoneNumber', '123456787', { country: 'US' }) // not valid
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