@aaxis/azure-database 中文文档教程

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Azure 数据库(表存储Cosmos DB 等)Nest 框架 (node.js) 的模块


了解如何开始使用 NestJS 的 Azure 表存储

Before Installation


  1. Create a Storage account and resource (read more)
  2. For Table Storage, In the Azure Portal, go to Dashboard > Storage > your-storage-account.
  3. Note down the "Storage account name" and "Connection string" obtained at Access keys under Settings tab.

对于 Cosmos DB

  1. Create a Cosmos DB account and resource (read more)
  2. For Cosmos DB, In the Azure Portal, go to Dashboard > Azure Cosmos DB > your-cosmos-db-account.
  3. Note down the "URI" and "Primary Key" obtained at Keys under Settings tab.


$ npm i --save @nestjs/azure-database


For Azure Table Storage support

  1. Create or update your existing .env file with the following content:
  1. 重要:请务必将您的 .env 文件添加到您的 .gitignore 中! .env 文件不得在 Git 上进行版本控制。

  2. 确保包含对主文件的以下调用:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') require('dotenv').config();



Prepare your entity

  1. Create a new feature module, eg. with the nest CLI:
$ nest generate module contact
  1. Create a Data Transfer Object (DTO) inside a file named contact.dto.ts:
export class ContactDTO {
  name: string;
  message: string;
  1. Create a file called contact.entity.ts and describe the entity model using the provided decorators:
  • @EntityPartitionKey(value: string):表示实体的PartitionKey必填)。

  • @EntityRowKey(value: string):表示实体的RowKey必填)。

  • @EntityInt32(value?: string):用于带符号的 32 位整数值。

  • @EntityInt64(value?: string):用于带符号的 64 位整数值。

  • @EntityBinary(value?: string):用于二进制(blob)数据。

  • @EntityBoolean(value?: string):对于 truefalse 值。

  • @EntityString(value?: string):用于字符数据。

  • @EntityDouble(value?: string):用于 15 位精度的浮点数。

  • @EntityDateTime(value?: string):一天中的时间。


import { EntityPartitionKey, EntityRowKey, EntityString } from '@nestjs/azure-database';

export class Contact {
  @EntityString() name: string;
  @EntityString() message: string;


  "PartitionKey": { "_": "ContactID", "$": "Edm.String" },
  "RowKey": { "_": "ContactName", "$": "Edm.String" },
  "name": { "_": undefined, "$": "Edm.String" },
  "message": { "_": undefined, "$": "Edm.String" }


  1. Import the AzureTableStorageModule inside your Nest feature module contact.module.ts:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AzureTableStorageModule } from '@nestjs/azure-database';
import { ContactController } from './contact.controller';
import { ContactService } from './contact.service';
import { Contact } from './contact.entity';

  imports: [AzureTableStorageModule.forFeature(Contact)],
  providers: [ContactService],
  controllers: [ContactController],
export class ContactModule {}


AzureTableStorageModule.forFeature(Contact, {
  table: 'AnotherTableName',
  createTableIfNotExists: true,
  • table: string: The name of the table. If not provided, the name of the Contact entity will be used as a table name
  • createTableIfNotExists: boolean: Whether to automatically create the table if it doesn't exists or not:
  • If true the table will be created during the startup of the app.
  • If false the table will not be created. You will have to create the table by yourself before querying it!

CRUD operations

  1. Create a service that will abstract the CRUD operations:
$ nest generate service contact
  1. Use the @InjectRepository(Contact) to get an instance of the Azure Repository for the entity definition created earlier:
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Repository, InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/azure-database';
import { Contact } from './contact.entity';

export class ContactService {
    private readonly contactRepository: Repository<Contact>,
  ) {}

AzureTableStorageRepository 提供了几个公共 API 和接口来管理各种 CRUD 操作:


create(entity: T, rowKeyValue?: string): Promise ;:创建一个新实体。

  async create(contact: Contact, rowKeyValue: string): Promise<Contact> {
    //if rowKeyValue is null, rowKeyValue will generate a UUID
    return this.contactRepository.create(contact, rowKeyValue)

find(rowKey: string, entity: Partial): Promise:使用其 RowKey 查找一个实体。

  async getContact(@Param('rowKey') rowKey) {
    try {
      return await this.contactRepository.find(rowKey, new Contact());
    } catch (error) {
      // Entity not found
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);

findAll(tableQuery?: azure.TableQuery, currentToken?: azure.TableService.TableContinuationToken): Promise>:查找与给定查询匹配的所有实体(如果没有查询则返回所有实体假如)。

  async getAllContacts() {
    return await this.contactRepository.findAll();

update(rowKey: string, entity: Partial): Promise:更新一个实体。 它进行部分更新。

  async saveContact(@Param('rowKey') rowKey, @Body() contactData: ContactDTO) {
    try {
      const contactEntity = new Contact();
      // Disclaimer: Assign only the properties you are expecting!
      Object.assign(contactEntity, contactData);

      return await this.contactRepository.update(rowKey, contactEntity);
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);
  async updateContactDetails(@Param('rowKey') rowKey, @Body() contactData: Partial<ContactDTO>) {
    try {
      const contactEntity = new Contact();
      // Disclaimer: Assign only the properties you are expecting!
      Object.assign(contactEntity, contactData);

      return await this.contactRepository.update(rowKey, contactEntity);
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);

delete(rowKey: string, entity: T): Promise:从数据库中删除一个实体。

  async deleteDelete(@Param('rowKey') rowKey) {
    try {
      const response = await this.contactRepository.delete(rowKey, new Contact());

      if (response.statusCode === 204) {
        return null;
      } else {
        throw new UnprocessableEntityException(response);
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);

For Azure Cosmos DB support

  1. Create or update your existing .env file with the following content:
  1. 重要提示:确保将您的 .env 文件添加到您的 .gitignore! .env 文件不得在 Git 上进行版本控制。

  2. 确保包含对主文件的以下调用:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') require('dotenv').config();



注意:查看 示例文件夹

Prepare your entity

  1. Create a new feature module, eg. with the nest CLI:
$ nest generate module event
  1. Create a Data Transfer Object (DTO) inside a file named event.dto.ts:
export class EventDTO {
  name: string;
  type: string;
  date: Date;
  location: Point;
  1. Create a file called event.entity.ts and describe the entity model using the provided decorators:
  • 中包含的 CosmosDB 示例项目@CosmosPartitionKey(value: string):表示实体的PartitionKey必填)。

  • @CosmosDateTime(value?: string):用于日期时间值。


import { CosmosPartitionKey, CosmosDateTime, Point } from '@nestjs/azure-database';

export class Event {
  id?: string;
  type: string;
  @CosmosDateTime() createdAt: Date;
  location: Point;


  "type": "Meetup",
  "createdAt": "2019-11-15T17:05:25.427Z",
  "position": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [2.3522, 48.8566]
  1. Import the AzureCosmosDbModule inside your Nest feature module event.module.ts:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AzureCosmosDbModule } from '@nestjs/azure-database';
import { EventController } from './event.controller';
import { EventService } from './event.service';
import { Event } from './event.entity';

  imports: [
      dbName: process.env.AZURE_COSMOS_DB_NAME,
      endpoint: process.env.AZURE_COSMOS_DB_ENDPOINT,
      key: process.env.AZURE_COSMOS_DB_KEY,
    AzureCosmosDbModule.forFeature([{ dto: Event }]),
  providers: [EventService],
  controllers: [EventController],
export class EventModule {}

CRUD operations

  1. Create a service that will abstract the CRUD operations:
$ nest generate service event
  1. Use the @InjectModel(Event) to get an instance of the Azure Cosmos DB Container for the entity definition created earlier:
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/azure-database';
import { Event } from './event.entity';

export class EventService {
    private readonly eventContainer,
  ) {}

Azure Cosmos DB Container 提供了几个公共 API 和接口来管理各种 CRUD 操作:


create(entity: T ): Promise:创建一个新实体。

  async create(event: Event): Promise<Event> {
      return this.eventContainer.items.create(event)

query(query: string | SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator:运行 SQL 查询以查找文档。

  async getContact(@Param('id') id) {
    try {
       const querySpec = {
           query: "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id=@id",
           parameters: [
               name: "@id",
               value: id
        const { resources } = await this.eventContainer.items.query<Event>(querySpec).fetchAll()
         return resources
    } catch (error) {
      // Entity not found
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);

read(options?: RequestOptions): Promise>:获取文档。 replace(body: T, options?: RequestOptions): Promise>:更新文档。

  async saveEvent(@Param('id') id, @Body() eventData: EventDTO) {
    try {
      const { resource: item } = await this.eventContainer.item<Event>(id, 'type').read()

      // Disclaimer: Assign only the properties you are expecting!
      Object.assign(item, eventData);

      const { resource: replaced } = await this.eventContainer
       .item(id, 'type')
      return replaced
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);

delete(options?: RequestOptions): Promise>:从数据库中删除一个实体。

  async deleteEvent(@Param('id') id) {
    try {
      const { resource: deleted } = await this.eventContainer
       .item(id, 'type')

      return deleted;
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);


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Azure Database (Table Storage, Cosmos DB and more) module for Nest framework (node.js)


Learn how to get started with Azure table storage for NestJS

Before Installation

For Table Storage

  1. Create a Storage account and resource (read more)
  2. For Table Storage, In the Azure Portal, go to Dashboard > Storage > your-storage-account.
  3. Note down the "Storage account name" and "Connection string" obtained at Access keys under Settings tab.

For Cosmos DB

  1. Create a Cosmos DB account and resource (read more)
  2. For Cosmos DB, In the Azure Portal, go to Dashboard > Azure Cosmos DB > your-cosmos-db-account.
  3. Note down the "URI" and "Primary Key" obtained at Keys under Settings tab.


$ npm i --save @nestjs/azure-database


For Azure Table Storage support

  1. Create or update your existing .env file with the following content:
  1. IMPORTANT: Make sure to add your .env file to your .gitignore! The .env file MUST NOT be versioned on Git.

  2. Make sure to include the following call to your main file:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') require('dotenv').config();

This line must be added before any other imports!


Prepare your entity

  1. Create a new feature module, eg. with the nest CLI:
$ nest generate module contact
  1. Create a Data Transfer Object (DTO) inside a file named contact.dto.ts:
export class ContactDTO {
  name: string;
  message: string;
  1. Create a file called contact.entity.ts and describe the entity model using the provided decorators:
  • @EntityPartitionKey(value: string): Represents the PartitionKey of the entity (required).

  • @EntityRowKey(value: string): Represents the RowKey of the entity (required).

  • @EntityInt32(value?: string): For signed 32-bit integer values.

  • @EntityInt64(value?: string): For signed 64-bit integer values.

  • @EntityBinary(value?: string): For binary (blob) data.

  • @EntityBoolean(value?: string): For true or false values.

  • @EntityString(value?: string): For character data.

  • @EntityDouble(value?: string): For floating point numbers with 15 digit precision.

  • @EntityDateTime(value?: string): For time of day.

For instance, the shape of the following entity:

import { EntityPartitionKey, EntityRowKey, EntityString } from '@nestjs/azure-database';

export class Contact {
  @EntityString() name: string;
  @EntityString() message: string;

Will be automatically converted to:

  "PartitionKey": { "_": "ContactID", "$": "Edm.String" },
  "RowKey": { "_": "ContactName", "$": "Edm.String" },
  "name": { "_": undefined, "$": "Edm.String" },
  "message": { "_": undefined, "$": "Edm.String" }

Note: The provided entity type annotations represent the Entity Data Model types.

  1. Import the AzureTableStorageModule inside your Nest feature module contact.module.ts:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AzureTableStorageModule } from '@nestjs/azure-database';
import { ContactController } from './contact.controller';
import { ContactService } from './contact.service';
import { Contact } from './contact.entity';

  imports: [AzureTableStorageModule.forFeature(Contact)],
  providers: [ContactService],
  controllers: [ContactController],
export class ContactModule {}

You can optionally pass in the following arguments:

AzureTableStorageModule.forFeature(Contact, {
  table: 'AnotherTableName',
  createTableIfNotExists: true,
  • table: string: The name of the table. If not provided, the name of the Contact entity will be used as a table name
  • createTableIfNotExists: boolean: Whether to automatically create the table if it doesn't exists or not:
  • If true the table will be created during the startup of the app.
  • If false the table will not be created. You will have to create the table by yourself before querying it!

CRUD operations

  1. Create a service that will abstract the CRUD operations:
$ nest generate service contact
  1. Use the @InjectRepository(Contact) to get an instance of the Azure Repository for the entity definition created earlier:
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Repository, InjectRepository } from '@nestjs/azure-database';
import { Contact } from './contact.entity';

export class ContactService {
    private readonly contactRepository: Repository<Contact>,
  ) {}

The AzureTableStorageRepository provides a couple of public APIs and Interfaces for managing various CRUD operations:


create(entity: T, rowKeyValue?: string): Promise<T>: creates a new entity.

  async create(contact: Contact, rowKeyValue: string): Promise<Contact> {
    //if rowKeyValue is null, rowKeyValue will generate a UUID
    return this.contactRepository.create(contact, rowKeyValue)

find(rowKey: string, entity: Partial<T>): Promise<T>: finds one entity using its RowKey.

  async getContact(@Param('rowKey') rowKey) {
    try {
      return await this.contactRepository.find(rowKey, new Contact());
    } catch (error) {
      // Entity not found
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);

findAll(tableQuery?: azure.TableQuery, currentToken?: azure.TableService.TableContinuationToken): Promise<AzureTableStorageResultList<T>>: finds all entities that match the given query (return all entities if no query provided).

  async getAllContacts() {
    return await this.contactRepository.findAll();

update(rowKey: string, entity: Partial<T>): Promise<T>: Updates an entity. It does a partial update.

  async saveContact(@Param('rowKey') rowKey, @Body() contactData: ContactDTO) {
    try {
      const contactEntity = new Contact();
      // Disclaimer: Assign only the properties you are expecting!
      Object.assign(contactEntity, contactData);

      return await this.contactRepository.update(rowKey, contactEntity);
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);
  async updateContactDetails(@Param('rowKey') rowKey, @Body() contactData: Partial<ContactDTO>) {
    try {
      const contactEntity = new Contact();
      // Disclaimer: Assign only the properties you are expecting!
      Object.assign(contactEntity, contactData);

      return await this.contactRepository.update(rowKey, contactEntity);
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);

delete(rowKey: string, entity: T): Promise<AzureTableStorageResponse>: Removes an entity from the database.

  async deleteDelete(@Param('rowKey') rowKey) {
    try {
      const response = await this.contactRepository.delete(rowKey, new Contact());

      if (response.statusCode === 204) {
        return null;
      } else {
        throw new UnprocessableEntityException(response);
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);

For Azure Cosmos DB support

  1. Create or update your existing .env file with the following content:
  1. IMPORTANT: Make sure to add your .env file to your .gitignore! The .env file MUST NOT be versioned on Git.

  2. Make sure to include the following call to your main file:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') require('dotenv').config();

This line must be added before any other imports!


Note: Check out the CosmosDB example project included in the sample folder

Prepare your entity

  1. Create a new feature module, eg. with the nest CLI:
$ nest generate module event
  1. Create a Data Transfer Object (DTO) inside a file named event.dto.ts:
export class EventDTO {
  name: string;
  type: string;
  date: Date;
  location: Point;
  1. Create a file called event.entity.ts and describe the entity model using the provided decorators:
  • @CosmosPartitionKey(value: string): Represents the PartitionKey of the entity (required).

  • @CosmosDateTime(value?: string): For DateTime values.

For instance, the shape of the following entity:

import { CosmosPartitionKey, CosmosDateTime, Point } from '@nestjs/azure-database';

export class Event {
  id?: string;
  type: string;
  @CosmosDateTime() createdAt: Date;
  location: Point;

Will be automatically converted to:

  "type": "Meetup",
  "createdAt": "2019-11-15T17:05:25.427Z",
  "position": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [2.3522, 48.8566]
  1. Import the AzureCosmosDbModule inside your Nest feature module event.module.ts:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AzureCosmosDbModule } from '@nestjs/azure-database';
import { EventController } from './event.controller';
import { EventService } from './event.service';
import { Event } from './event.entity';

  imports: [
      dbName: process.env.AZURE_COSMOS_DB_NAME,
      endpoint: process.env.AZURE_COSMOS_DB_ENDPOINT,
      key: process.env.AZURE_COSMOS_DB_KEY,
    AzureCosmosDbModule.forFeature([{ dto: Event }]),
  providers: [EventService],
  controllers: [EventController],
export class EventModule {}

CRUD operations

  1. Create a service that will abstract the CRUD operations:
$ nest generate service event
  1. Use the @InjectModel(Event) to get an instance of the Azure Cosmos DB Container for the entity definition created earlier:
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectModel } from '@nestjs/azure-database';
import { Event } from './event.entity';

export class EventService {
    private readonly eventContainer,
  ) {}

The Azure Cosmos DB Container provides a couple of public APIs and Interfaces for managing various CRUD operations:


create(entity: T): Promise<T>: creates a new entity.

  async create(event: Event): Promise<Event> {
      return this.eventContainer.items.create(event)

query<T>(query: string | SqlQuerySpec, options?: FeedOptions): QueryIterator<T>: run a SQL Query to find a document.

  async getContact(@Param('id') id) {
    try {
       const querySpec = {
           query: "SELECT * FROM root r WHERE r.id=@id",
           parameters: [
               name: "@id",
               value: id
        const { resources } = await this.eventContainer.items.query<Event>(querySpec).fetchAll()
         return resources
    } catch (error) {
      // Entity not found
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);

read<T>(options?: RequestOptions): Promise<ItemResponse<T>>: Get a document. replace<T>(body: T, options?: RequestOptions): Promise<ItemResponse<T>>: Updates a document.

  async saveEvent(@Param('id') id, @Body() eventData: EventDTO) {
    try {
      const { resource: item } = await this.eventContainer.item<Event>(id, 'type').read()

      // Disclaimer: Assign only the properties you are expecting!
      Object.assign(item, eventData);

      const { resource: replaced } = await this.eventContainer
       .item(id, 'type')
      return replaced
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);

delete<T>(options?: RequestOptions): Promise<ItemResponse<T>>: Removes an entity from the database.

  async deleteEvent(@Param('id') id) {
    try {
      const { resource: deleted } = await this.eventContainer
       .item(id, 'type')

      return deleted;
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error);


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