@aaronjensen/react-query 中文文档教程
用于在 React 中获取、缓存和更新异步数据的挂钩
喜欢这个图书馆吗? 试用整个 TanStack! 反应表,反应表< /a>,React Charts
Visit react-query.tanstack.com for docs, guides, API and more!
Quick Features
- Transport/protocol/backend agnostic data fetching (REST, GraphQL, promises, whatever!)
- Auto Caching + Refetching (stale-while-revalidate, Window Refocus, Polling/Realtime)
- Parallel + Dependent Queries
- Mutations + Reactive Query Refetching
- Multi-layer Cache + Automatic Garbage Collection
- Paginated + Cursor-based Queries
- Load-More + Infinite Scroll Queries w/ Scroll Recovery
- Request Cancellation
- React Suspense + Fetch-As-You-Render Query Prefetching
- Dedicated Devtools (React Query Devtools)
(depending on features imported)
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Contributors ✨
感谢这些优秀的人(emoji key):
这个项目遵循all-contributors规格。 欢迎任何形式的贡献!
Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
Enjoy this library? Try the entire TanStack! React Table, React Form, React Charts
Visit react-query.tanstack.com for docs, guides, API and more!
Quick Features
- Transport/protocol/backend agnostic data fetching (REST, GraphQL, promises, whatever!)
- Auto Caching + Refetching (stale-while-revalidate, Window Refocus, Polling/Realtime)
- Parallel + Dependent Queries
- Mutations + Reactive Query Refetching
- Multi-layer Cache + Automatic Garbage Collection
- Paginated + Cursor-based Queries
- Load-More + Infinite Scroll Queries w/ Scroll Recovery
- Request Cancellation
- React Suspense + Fetch-As-You-Render Query Prefetching
- Dedicated Devtools (React Query Devtools)
(depending on features imported)
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Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!