@aaquibbot/index 中文文档教程
Google Personal/Shared Drive Index
Full White label and Customizable Index | One of a kind
- Supports Both My and Team/Shared Drives with Dark Mode.
- Click https://bdi-generator.hashhackers.com to make yours or watch https://youtu.be/Ihk4Gm3DPvg.
Read Wiki of Index before asking How to Do What…
注意:由于缓存,您的工作人员配置中的更改可能会在稍后生效。 每次都使用隐身模式打开工作人员 URL 以解决该问题。
How to
- Stable Release
- Beta Version (Latest) - bdi-generator (For Dark Theme use darkly)
- If you want to deploy main drive leave the option ROOT as it is.
- If you want to deploy your Team Drive/Shared Drive/Folder then copy the ID and replace it with ROOT.
- Eg. if you open this shared drive
is its ID. - Authenticate and copy the code from Google and paste it into Authorization Code Box.
- Click on Get Code to Generate Code and Copy it for later use.
- Now Create Cloud flare account and verify email or login with existing account.
- Find Workers and Open it.
- Create your sub-domain or continue if already done.
- Select the Free Plan.
- Click on Create a Worker.
- You can rename the workers at top of the page.
- Now paste the code you copied before.
- Click on Save and Deploy.
- Done. (May take time for some users due to new account or cache issues)
- Watch Video
Basic Config
"id": "root",
"name": "Drive One",
"protect_file_link": false,
// "auth": {"username":"password"} /* Remove double slash before "auth" to activate id password protection */
Multiple ID Config
- Add this code for each drive. see cloud flare workers code for more info. (requires common sense)
"id": "root",
"name": "Drive One",
"protect_file_link": false,
// "auth": {"username":"password"} /* Remove double slash before "auth" to activate id password protection */
"id": "root",
"name": "Drive Two",
"protect_file_link": false,
// "auth": {"username":"password", "username1":"password1"} /* Remove double slash before "auth" to activate id password protection */
Service Account
- Multiple Service Accounts are supported.
- set
"service_account": false
to"service_account": true
- Replace {} with data from service account
Multiple Users Password
- For single user
// "auth": {"username":"password"} /** remove double slash at starting of this line to use password. */
- For multiple users (unlimited users)
"id": "",
"name": "Drive Two",
"protect_file_link": false,
// "auth": { "user1":"pass1", "user2":"pass2", } /** remove double slash at starting of this line to use password. */
- where
are combinations. - if users adds
empty values then the site will ask for authentication but user can enter without entering any data by clicking submit.
Use of .password File
- This is directory encryption added by the original author.
- Add a .password file your required password in your folder which you want to protect, each folder should have its own .password file.
- The password is stored inside the Google Drive Folder, not the index and the .password file is hidden an cannot be accessed using Index.
- Example use https://bit.ly/3tBxXJN and password is
Brand Customization
- In Latest Release, you can rebrand the Index as per your needs.
- Each line has its own custom feature. Edit as per your needs.
- You can remove credit option but we request you not to.
- See Below code to understand Customization.
const uiConfig = {
"theme": "slate", // switch between themes, default set to vapor, select from https://www.npmjs.com/package/@googledrive/index
"version": "2.0.24", // don't touch this one. get latest code using generator at https://bdi-generator.hashhackers.com
// If you're using Image then set to true, If you want text then set it to false
"logo_image": true, // true if you're using image link in next option.
"logo_height": "", // only if logo_image is true
"logo_width": "100px", // only if logo_image is true
"favicon": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@googledrive/index@2.0.24/images/favicon.ico",
// if logo is true then link otherwise just text for name
"logo_link_name": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@googledrive/index@2.0.24/images/bhadoo-cloud-logo-white.svg",
"fixed_header": true, // If you want the footer to be flexible or fixed.
"header_padding": "60", // Value 60 for fixed header, Value 20 for flexible header. Required to be changed accordingly in some themes.
"nav_link_1": "Home", // change navigation link name
"nav_link_3": "Current Path", // change navigation link name
"nav_link_4": "Contact", // change navigation link name
"fixed_footer": false, // If you want the footer to be flexible or fixed.
"hide_footer": true, // hides the footer from site entirely.
"header_style_class": "navbar-dark bg-primary", // navbar-dark bg-primary || navbar-dark bg-dark || navbar-light bg-light
"footer_style_class": "bg-primary", // bg-primary || bg-dark || bg-light
"css_a_tag_color": "white", // Color Name or Hex Code eg. #ffffff
"css_p_tag_color": "white", // Color Name or Hex Code eg. #ffffff
"folder_text_color": "white", // Color Name or Hex Code eg. #ffffff
"loading_spinner_class": "text-light", // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/components/spinners/#colors
"search_button_class": "btn btn-danger", // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/components/buttons/#examples
"path_nav_alert_class": "alert alert-primary", // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/alerts/#examples
"file_view_alert_class": "alert alert-danger", // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/alerts/#examples
"file_count_alert_class": "alert alert-secondary", // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/alerts/#examples
"contact_link": "https://telegram.dog/Telegram", // Link to Contact Button on Menu
"copyright_year": "2050", // year of copyright, can be anything like 2015 - 2020 or just 2020
"company_name": "Bhadoo Cloud", // Name next to copyright
"company_link": "https://telegram.dog/Telegram", // link of copyright name
"credit": true, // Set this to true to give us credit
"display_size": true, // Set this to false to hide display file size
"display_time": false, // Set this to false to hide display modified time for folder and files
"display_download": true, // Set this to false to hide download icon for folder and files on main index
"disable_player": false, // Set this to true to hide audio and video players
"custom_srt_lang": "", // Subtitle Language Code for Custom .vtt language.
"disable_video_download": false, // Remove Download, Copy Button on Videos
"second_domain_for_dl": false, // If you want to display other URL for Downloading to protect your main domain.
"downloaddomain": "https://testing.fetchgoogleapi.workers.dev", // If "second_domain_for_dl": true then enter downloaddomain otherwise keep empty. eg. https://workers.workersname.workers.dev No Trailing '/'
"poster": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@googledrive/index@2.0.24/images/poster.jpg", // Video poster URL or see Readme to how to load from Drive
"audioposter": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@googledrive/index@2.0.24/images/music.jpg", // Video poster URL or see Readme to how to load from Drive
"jsdelivr_cdn_src": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@googledrive/index", // If Project is Forked, then enter your GitHub repo
"render_head_md": true, // Render Head.md
"render_readme_md": true, // Render Readme.md
"display_drive_link": false, // This will add a Link Button to Google Drive of that particular file.
"plyr_io_version": "3.6.4", // Change plyr.io version in future when needed.
"plyr_io_video_resolution": "16:9", // For reference, visit: https://github.com/sampotts/plyr#options
"unauthorized_owner_link": "https://telegram.dog/Telegram", // Unauthorized Error Page Link to Owner
"unauthorized_owner_email": "abuse@telegram.org", // Unauthorized Error Page Owner Email
"arc_code": "jfoY2h19", // arc.io Integration Code, get yours from https://portal.arc.io
"search_all_drives": false // turn this on to switch this to gdrive search application
Second Domain Systems
- set seconddomainfor_dl to
first. - set downloaddomain to ur new index you're going to make below.
- then make separate index on different cloudflare account with worker-beta-second-domain.js code.
- change only refresh_token or SA and Drive IDs, don't touch anything else.
- It's done.
arc.io Integration
- arc.io is embedded in code to support gdi.js.org
- if you have approved arc.io account, use your code.
- incase you don't have arc account and want to support us, please keep our arc.io code in your index.
- if anyone doesn't want to support us and want to remove arc, remove L140 line from the workers code.
- There are 25 Themes from bootswatch official Bootstrap Themes.
- You can check Theme from bootswatch.com before selecting.
- To Change theme, first generate the code, paste in Cloud flare Workers and then select one theme code from below and paste it in line 61 of worker script.
Themes | |||||
cerulean | cosmo | cyborg | darkly | flatly | journal |
litera | lumen | lux | materia | minty | pulse |
sandstone | simplex | sketchy | slate | solar | spacelab |
superhero | united | yeti | vapor | morph | quartz |
zephyr |
Audio and Video
- Poster for Video is added as default.
- Fetch Video Poster from Google Drive, uses default if none available.
Search Limitations
- Search only works if you use Shared Drive ID or root.
- Search won't work or the bar won't appear if you're using Folder ID inside from root or Shared Drive.
Sorting by Name or Modified Time
- Find
in workers code L623 and L710. - use
params.orderBy = 'folder,name,modifiedTime desc';
to sort by File and Folder Name. - use
params.orderBy = 'folder,modifiedTime desc,name';
to sort by Modified Time. - A comma-separated list of sort keys. Valid keys are 'createdTime', 'folder', 'modifiedByMeTime', 'modifiedTime', 'name', 'name_natural', 'quotaBytesUsed', 'recency', 'sharedWithMeTime', 'starred', and 'viewedByMeTime'. Each key sorts ascending by default, but may be reversed with the 'desc' modifier. Example usage: ?orderBy=folder,modifiedTime desc,name. Please note that there is a current limitation for users with approximately one million files in which the requested sort order is ignored.
Making your own repo, editing and making changes
- Fork this Repo or Import.
- Make your changes in
files. - Make a new release in GitHub.
- Change jsDelivr CDN URL and version code in
. - Deploy in Cloud flare Workers.
Get GoogleClientID and Secret and Generate Token
- Open Google Dev Credentials Site.
- Create a Project, name as you like.
- Enable Drive API
- In Credentials Page Click
Create Credentials
and then ClickOAuth Client ID
. - Click Configure Consent Screen.
- Select External.
- Fill your APP Details
- Select Scope as
(wait few hours if Google Drive is not showing up if you've just enabled the scope) or - You can also enter manual scope
and click on add to table and then save or update. - Proceed with Save and Continue.
- Add your email id you want to use as test user, up to 100 emails maximum. (Because you are not verified)
- In Credentials Page Click
Create Credentials
and then ClickOAuth Client ID
. - Select Desktop App.
- Now you have your own CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET.
- Copy your details and save for future use.
- Copy worker-generator.js code.
- Replace Line 20 and 21 with your own CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET.
- Paste this code in Cloud flare Workers and follow the site.
Upcoming Changes
- Adding More Features from other Indexes.
Other Indexes
- List of Few Indexes
- This project is not associated with Google, this project uses Google Drive API to Index Files and Folders.
- These Index's are written by someone else, possibly by donva and maple3142.
- Beta Version is redesigned using Bootstrap from Alpha Version by Parveen Bhadoo.
- This Repo was imported from yanzai and then modified for personal use.
Support this Project
Donate by Crpto
Google Personal/Shared Drive Index
Full White label and Customizable Index | One of a kind
- Supports Both My and Team/Shared Drives with Dark Mode.
- Click https://bdi-generator.hashhackers.com to make yours or watch https://youtu.be/Ihk4Gm3DPvg.
Read Wiki of Index before asking How to Do What…
Note: The Changes in your workers config can effect later due to cache. Use incognito mode every time to open the worker URL to overcome that issue.
How to
- Stable Release
- Beta Version (Latest) - bdi-generator (For Dark Theme use darkly)
- If you want to deploy main drive leave the option ROOT as it is.
- If you want to deploy your Team Drive/Shared Drive/Folder then copy the ID and replace it with ROOT.
- Eg. if you open this shared drive
is its ID. - Authenticate and copy the code from Google and paste it into Authorization Code Box.
- Click on Get Code to Generate Code and Copy it for later use.
- Now Create Cloud flare account and verify email or login with existing account.
- Find Workers and Open it.
- Create your sub-domain or continue if already done.
- Select the Free Plan.
- Click on Create a Worker.
- You can rename the workers at top of the page.
- Now paste the code you copied before.
- Click on Save and Deploy.
- Done. (May take time for some users due to new account or cache issues)
- Watch Video
Basic Config
"id": "root",
"name": "Drive One",
"protect_file_link": false,
// "auth": {"username":"password"} /* Remove double slash before "auth" to activate id password protection */
Multiple ID Config
- Add this code for each drive. see cloud flare workers code for more info. (requires common sense)
"id": "root",
"name": "Drive One",
"protect_file_link": false,
// "auth": {"username":"password"} /* Remove double slash before "auth" to activate id password protection */
"id": "root",
"name": "Drive Two",
"protect_file_link": false,
// "auth": {"username":"password", "username1":"password1"} /* Remove double slash before "auth" to activate id password protection */
Service Account
- Multiple Service Accounts are supported.
- set
"service_account": false
to"service_account": true
- Replace {} with data from service account
Multiple Users Password
- For single user
// "auth": {"username":"password"} /** remove double slash at starting of this line to use password. */
- For multiple users (unlimited users)
"id": "",
"name": "Drive Two",
"protect_file_link": false,
// "auth": { "user1":"pass1", "user2":"pass2", } /** remove double slash at starting of this line to use password. */
- where
are combinations. - if users adds
empty values then the site will ask for authentication but user can enter without entering any data by clicking submit.
Use of .password File
- This is directory encryption added by the original author.
- Add a .password file your required password in your folder which you want to protect, each folder should have its own .password file.
- The password is stored inside the Google Drive Folder, not the index and the .password file is hidden an cannot be accessed using Index.
- Example use https://bit.ly/3tBxXJN and password is
Brand Customization
- In Latest Release, you can rebrand the Index as per your needs.
- Each line has its own custom feature. Edit as per your needs.
- You can remove credit option but we request you not to.
- See Below code to understand Customization.
const uiConfig = {
"theme": "slate", // switch between themes, default set to vapor, select from https://www.npmjs.com/package/@googledrive/index
"version": "2.0.24", // don't touch this one. get latest code using generator at https://bdi-generator.hashhackers.com
// If you're using Image then set to true, If you want text then set it to false
"logo_image": true, // true if you're using image link in next option.
"logo_height": "", // only if logo_image is true
"logo_width": "100px", // only if logo_image is true
"favicon": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@googledrive/index@2.0.24/images/favicon.ico",
// if logo is true then link otherwise just text for name
"logo_link_name": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@googledrive/index@2.0.24/images/bhadoo-cloud-logo-white.svg",
"fixed_header": true, // If you want the footer to be flexible or fixed.
"header_padding": "60", // Value 60 for fixed header, Value 20 for flexible header. Required to be changed accordingly in some themes.
"nav_link_1": "Home", // change navigation link name
"nav_link_3": "Current Path", // change navigation link name
"nav_link_4": "Contact", // change navigation link name
"fixed_footer": false, // If you want the footer to be flexible or fixed.
"hide_footer": true, // hides the footer from site entirely.
"header_style_class": "navbar-dark bg-primary", // navbar-dark bg-primary || navbar-dark bg-dark || navbar-light bg-light
"footer_style_class": "bg-primary", // bg-primary || bg-dark || bg-light
"css_a_tag_color": "white", // Color Name or Hex Code eg. #ffffff
"css_p_tag_color": "white", // Color Name or Hex Code eg. #ffffff
"folder_text_color": "white", // Color Name or Hex Code eg. #ffffff
"loading_spinner_class": "text-light", // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/components/spinners/#colors
"search_button_class": "btn btn-danger", // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/components/buttons/#examples
"path_nav_alert_class": "alert alert-primary", // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/alerts/#examples
"file_view_alert_class": "alert alert-danger", // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/alerts/#examples
"file_count_alert_class": "alert alert-secondary", // https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/alerts/#examples
"contact_link": "https://telegram.dog/Telegram", // Link to Contact Button on Menu
"copyright_year": "2050", // year of copyright, can be anything like 2015 - 2020 or just 2020
"company_name": "Bhadoo Cloud", // Name next to copyright
"company_link": "https://telegram.dog/Telegram", // link of copyright name
"credit": true, // Set this to true to give us credit
"display_size": true, // Set this to false to hide display file size
"display_time": false, // Set this to false to hide display modified time for folder and files
"display_download": true, // Set this to false to hide download icon for folder and files on main index
"disable_player": false, // Set this to true to hide audio and video players
"custom_srt_lang": "", // Subtitle Language Code for Custom .vtt language.
"disable_video_download": false, // Remove Download, Copy Button on Videos
"second_domain_for_dl": false, // If you want to display other URL for Downloading to protect your main domain.
"downloaddomain": "https://testing.fetchgoogleapi.workers.dev", // If "second_domain_for_dl": true then enter downloaddomain otherwise keep empty. eg. https://workers.workersname.workers.dev No Trailing '/'
"poster": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@googledrive/index@2.0.24/images/poster.jpg", // Video poster URL or see Readme to how to load from Drive
"audioposter": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@googledrive/index@2.0.24/images/music.jpg", // Video poster URL or see Readme to how to load from Drive
"jsdelivr_cdn_src": "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@googledrive/index", // If Project is Forked, then enter your GitHub repo
"render_head_md": true, // Render Head.md
"render_readme_md": true, // Render Readme.md
"display_drive_link": false, // This will add a Link Button to Google Drive of that particular file.
"plyr_io_version": "3.6.4", // Change plyr.io version in future when needed.
"plyr_io_video_resolution": "16:9", // For reference, visit: https://github.com/sampotts/plyr#options
"unauthorized_owner_link": "https://telegram.dog/Telegram", // Unauthorized Error Page Link to Owner
"unauthorized_owner_email": "abuse@telegram.org", // Unauthorized Error Page Owner Email
"arc_code": "jfoY2h19", // arc.io Integration Code, get yours from https://portal.arc.io
"search_all_drives": false // turn this on to switch this to gdrive search application
Second Domain Systems
- set seconddomainfor_dl to
first. - set downloaddomain to ur new index you're going to make below.
- then make separate index on different cloudflare account with worker-beta-second-domain.js code.
- change only refresh_token or SA and Drive IDs, don't touch anything else.
- It's done.
arc.io Integration
- arc.io is embedded in code to support gdi.js.org
- if you have approved arc.io account, use your code.
- incase you don't have arc account and want to support us, please keep our arc.io code in your index.
- if anyone doesn't want to support us and want to remove arc, remove L140 line from the workers code.
- There are 25 Themes from bootswatch official Bootstrap Themes.
- You can check Theme from bootswatch.com before selecting.
- To Change theme, first generate the code, paste in Cloud flare Workers and then select one theme code from below and paste it in line 61 of worker script.
Themes | |||||
cerulean | cosmo | cyborg | darkly | flatly | journal |
litera | lumen | lux | materia | minty | pulse |
sandstone | simplex | sketchy | slate | solar | spacelab |
superhero | united | yeti | vapor | morph | quartz |
zephyr |
Audio and Video
- Poster for Video is added as default.
- Fetch Video Poster from Google Drive, uses default if none available.
Search Limitations
- Search only works if you use Shared Drive ID or root.
- Search won't work or the bar won't appear if you're using Folder ID inside from root or Shared Drive.
Sorting by Name or Modified Time
- Find
in workers code L623 and L710. - use
params.orderBy = 'folder,name,modifiedTime desc';
to sort by File and Folder Name. - use
params.orderBy = 'folder,modifiedTime desc,name';
to sort by Modified Time. - A comma-separated list of sort keys. Valid keys are 'createdTime', 'folder', 'modifiedByMeTime', 'modifiedTime', 'name', 'name_natural', 'quotaBytesUsed', 'recency', 'sharedWithMeTime', 'starred', and 'viewedByMeTime'. Each key sorts ascending by default, but may be reversed with the 'desc' modifier. Example usage: ?orderBy=folder,modifiedTime desc,name. Please note that there is a current limitation for users with approximately one million files in which the requested sort order is ignored.
Making your own repo, editing and making changes
- Fork this Repo or Import.
- Make your changes in
files. - Make a new release in GitHub.
- Change jsDelivr CDN URL and version code in
. - Deploy in Cloud flare Workers.
Get GoogleClientID and Secret and Generate Token
- Open Google Dev Credentials Site.
- Create a Project, name as you like.
- Enable Drive API
- In Credentials Page Click
Create Credentials
and then ClickOAuth Client ID
. - Click Configure Consent Screen.
- Select External.
- Fill your APP Details
- Select Scope as
(wait few hours if Google Drive is not showing up if you've just enabled the scope) or - You can also enter manual scope
and click on add to table and then save or update. - Proceed with Save and Continue.
- Add your email id you want to use as test user, up to 100 emails maximum. (Because you are not verified)
- In Credentials Page Click
Create Credentials
and then ClickOAuth Client ID
. - Select Desktop App.
- Now you have your own CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET.
- Copy your details and save for future use.
- Copy worker-generator.js code.
- Replace Line 20 and 21 with your own CLIENT ID and CLIENT SECRET.
- Paste this code in Cloud flare Workers and follow the site.
Upcoming Changes
- Adding More Features from other Indexes.
Other Indexes
- List of Few Indexes
- This project is not associated with Google, this project uses Google Drive API to Index Files and Folders.
- These Index's are written by someone else, possibly by donva and maple3142.
- Beta Version is redesigned using Bootstrap from Alpha Version by Parveen Bhadoo.
- This Repo was imported from yanzai and then modified for personal use.
Support this Project
Donate by Crpto
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