@aakashdeveloper/create-node-app 中文文档教程
这是节点 js 的种子应用程序
Available Scripts
How To Start
在 node_modules 文件夹内
- Globally install this module with npm "npm install -g @aakashdeveloper/create-node-app"
- Go to the directory where you want to generate the project files
- Run "generate" in shell/cmd and follow the instructions.
- Inside your newly created project folder run "npm start".
- Navigate to http://localhost:7600
Available Script
- npm start
- npm run dev
- npm run test
Available Test Script
npm test
使用 Mocha 和 chai 进行测试 在测试文件夹中添加测试用例
Database connector
的 mongodb 文件
添加了所有GET 邮政 放 删除 操作只需在需要的地方调用 mongodb 文件
Added Redis Sample code
- Connect application with redis
- Install redis server
- Sample code is in src/node-redis-sample.js
Added view engine layer
- added ejs script
- added lint