@aakagi/datetimepicker 中文文档教程

发布于 5 年前 浏览 37 项目主页 更新于 2 年前

React Native DateTimePicker

CircleCI Status支持 Android 和 iOS MIT 许可证 Lean Core Badge

React Native 日期 & iOS 和 Android 的时间选择器组件



Table of Contents

Getting started

npm install @react-native-community/datetimepicker --save

yarn add @react-native-community/datetimepicker

RN >= 0.60

如果您使用的是 RN >= 0.60,则仅从 ios 目录运行 pod install。 然后重建你的项目。

RN < 0.60

对于 RN < 0.60,您需要使用 react-native link 链接依赖项:

react-native link @react-native-community/datetimepicker

然后从 ios 目录运行 pod install 并重建您的项目。


General Usage

import DateTimePicker from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker';

const DateTimePicker = require('@react-native-community/datetimepicker');

Basic usage with state

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import {View, Button, Platform} from 'react-native';
import DateTimePicker from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker';

const App = () => {
  const [date, setDate] = useState(new Date(1598051730000));
  const [mode, setMode] = useState('date');
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

  const onChange = (event, selectedDate) => {
    const currentDate = selectedDate || date;

    setShow(Platform.OS === 'ios' ? true : false);

  const showMode = currentMode => {

  const showDatepicker = () => {

  const showTimepicker = () => {

  return (
        <Button onPress={showDatepicker} title="Show date picker!" />
        <Button onPress={showTimepicker} title="Show time picker!" />
      {show && (

export default App;


请注意,此库目前在 iOS 上公开来自 UIDatePicker 的功能和 DatePickerDialog + TimePickerDialog 在 Android 上。

这些本机类仅提供有限的配置,而您作为开发人员可能需要数十种可能的选项。 因此,如果支持本机视图不支持您的要求,则此库将无法实现您的要求。 当您打开带有功能请求的问题时,请记录是否(或如何)使用上述本机视图来实现该功能。 如果这些视图不支持您的需求,则此类功能请求将因不可操作而被关闭。

mode (optional)



  • "date" (default for iOS and Android)
  • "time"
  • "datetime" (iOS only)
  • "countdown" (iOS only)
<RNDateTimePicker mode="time" />

display (optional, Android only)

定义 Android 选择器的视觉显示,iOS 将被忽略。


  • "default"
  • "spinner"
  • "calendar" (only for date mode)
  • "clock" (only for time mode)
<RNDateTimePicker display="spinner" />

onChange (optional)


当用户更改 UI 中的日期或时间时调用此方法。 它接收事件和日期作为参数。

setDate = (event, date) => {}

<RNDateTimePicker onChange={this.setDate} />

value (required)


<RNDateTimePicker value={new Date()} />

maximumDate (optional)


<RNDateTimePicker maximumDate={new Date(2300, 10, 20)} />

minimumDate (optional)


<RNDateTimePicker minimumDate={new Date(1950, 0, 1)} />

timeZoneOffsetInMinutes (optional, iOS only)

允许更改日期选择器的时区。 默认情况下,它使用设备的时区。

// GMT+1
<RNDateTimePicker timeZoneOffsetInMinutes={60} />

locale (optional, iOS only)

允许更改组件的语言环境。 默认情况下,它使用设备的区域设置。

<RNDateTimePicker locale="es-ES" />

is24Hour (optional, Android only)

允许将时间选择器更改为 24 小时格式。

<RNDateTimePicker is24Hour={true} />

neutralButtonLabel (optional, Android only)

允许在选择器对话框中显示中性按钮。 按下按钮可以在 onChange 处理程序中观察到 event.type === 'neutralButtonPressed'

<RNDateTimePicker neutralButtonLabel="clear" />

minuteInterval (optional, iOS only)

可以选择分钟的间隔。 可能的值是:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30

<RNDateTimePicker minuteInterval={10} />

Migration from the older components

RNDateTimePicker 是用来表示旧的新通用名称iOS 和 Android 版本。

在 Android 上,如果属性 value 发生变化,打开的选择器模式将更新所选的日期和/或时间。 例如,如果 HOC 持有状态,则更新 value 属性。 以前该组件用于关闭模态并在连续调用时呈现一个新模态。


  • initialDate 已弃用,请改用 value

    // Before
    <DatePickerIOS initialValue={new Date()} />
    // Now
    <RNDateTimePicker value={new Date()} />
  • date 已弃用,请改用 value

    // Before
    <DatePickerIOS date={new Date()} />
    // Now
    <RNDateTimePicker value={new Date()} />
  • onChange 现在也返回日期。

    // Before
    onChange = (event) => {}
    <DatePickerIOS onChange={this.onChange} />
    // Now
    onChange = (event, date) => {}
    <RNDateTimePicker onChange={this.onChange} />
  • onDateChange 已弃用,请改用 onChange

    // Before
    setDate = (date) => {}
    <DatePickerIOS onDateChange={this.setDate} />
    // Now
    setDate = (event, date) => {}
    <RNDateTimePicker onChange={this.setDate} />


  • date 已弃用,请改用 value

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, year, month, day} = await DatePickerAndroid.open({
        date: new Date()
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open date picker', message);
    // Now
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="date" value={new Date()} />
  • minDatemaxDate 已弃用,请改用 minimumDatemaximumDate

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, year, month, day} = await DatePickerAndroid.open({
        minDate: new Date(),
        maxDate: new Date()
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open date picker', message);
    // Now
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="date" minimumDate={new Date()} maximumDate={new Date()} />
  • dateSetAction 已弃用,请改用 onChange

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, year, month, day} = await DatePickerAndroid.open();
      if (action === DatePickerAndroid.dateSetAction) {
        // Selected year, month (0-11), day
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open date picker', message);
    // Now
    setDate = (event, date) => {
      if (date !== undefined) {
        // timeSetAction
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="date" onChange={this.setDate} />
  • dismissedAction 已弃用,请改用 onChange

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, year, month, day} = await DatePickerAndroid.open();
      if (action === DatePickerAndroid.dismissedAction) {
        // Dismissed
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open date picker', message);
    // Now
    setDate = (event, date) => {
      if (date === undefined) {
        // dismissedAction
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="date" onChange={this.setDate} />


  • hourminute 已弃用,请改用 value

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, hour, minute} = await TimePickerAndroid.open({
        hour: 14,
        minute: 0,
        is24Hour: false, // Will display '2 PM'
      if (action !== TimePickerAndroid.dismissedAction) {
        // Selected hour (0-23), minute (0-59)
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open time picker', message);
    // Now
    // It will use the hour and minute defined in date
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="time" value={new Date()} />
  • timeSetAction 已弃用,请改用 onChange

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, hour, minute} = await TimePickerAndroid.open();
      if (action === TimePickerAndroid.timeSetAction) {
        // Selected hour (0-23), minute (0-59)
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open time picker', message);
    // Now
    setTime = (event, date) => {
      if (date !== undefined) {
        // Use the hour and minute from the date object
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="time" onChange={this.setTime} />
  • dismissedAction 已弃用,请改用 onChange

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, hour, minute} = await TimePickerAndroid.open();
      if (action === TimePickerAndroid.dismissedAction) {
        // Dismissed
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open time picker', message);
    // Now
    setTime = (event, date) => {
      if (date === undefined) {
        // dismissedAction
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="time" onChange={this.setTime} />

Contributing to the component


Manual installation


  1. 安装 CocoaPods,此处是安装指南

  2. 在 iOS 文件夹中运行 pod init,这将创建初始 pod 文件。

  3. 文件更新为如下所示(请记住将 MyApp 替换为您的目标名称):

    # Allowed sources
    source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
    target 'MyApp' do
      # As we use Swift, ensure that `use_frameworks` is enabled.
      # Specific iOS platform we are targetting
      platform :ios, '8.0'
      # Point to the installed version
      pod 'RNDateTimePicker', :path => '../node_modules/@react-native-community/datetimepicker/RNDateTimePicker.podspec'
      # React/React-Native specific pods
      pod 'React', :path => '../node_modules/react-native', :subspecs => [
        'CxxBridge',      # Include this for RN >= 0.47
        'DevSupport',     # Include this to enable In-App Devmenu if RN >= 0.43
        'RCTWebSocket',   # Needed for debugging
      # Explicitly include Yoga if you are using RN >= 0.42.0
      pod 'yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga'
      # Third party deps podspec link
      pod 'DoubleConversion', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/DoubleConversion.podspec'
      pod 'glog', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/glog.podspec'
      pod 'Folly', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/Folly.podspec'
  4. 将您的 pod pod 文件已创建

  5. npm run start

  6. npm run start:ios


  1. Add the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
   include ':@react-native-community_datetimepicker'
   project(':@react-native-community_datetimepicker').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@react-native-community/datetimepicker/android')
  1. Add the compile line to the dependencies in android/app/build.gradle:
   dependencies {
       implementation project(':@react-native-community_datetimepicker')
  1. Add the import and link the package in MainApplication.java:
   + import com.reactcommunity.rndatetimepicker.RNDateTimePickerPackage;

   public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {

     protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
       List<ReactPackage> packages = new PackageList(this).getPackages();
       // Packages that cannot be autolinked yet can be added manually here, for example:
   +   packages.add(new RNDateTimePickerPackage());
       return packages;

Running the example app

  1. Install required pods in example/ios by running pods install
  2. Run npm start to start Metro Bundler
  3. Run npm run start:ios or npm run start:android

React Native DateTimePicker

CircleCI StatusSupports Android and iOS MIT License Lean Core Badge

React Native date & time picker component for iOS and Android



Table of Contents

Getting started

npm install @react-native-community/datetimepicker --save


yarn add @react-native-community/datetimepicker

RN >= 0.60

If you are using RN >= 0.60, only run pod install from the ios directory. Then rebuild your project.

RN < 0.60

For RN < 0.60, you need to link the dependency using react-native link:

react-native link @react-native-community/datetimepicker

Then run pod install from the ios directory and rebuild your project.

If this does not work, see Manual installation.

General Usage

import DateTimePicker from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker';


const DateTimePicker = require('@react-native-community/datetimepicker');

Basic usage with state

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import {View, Button, Platform} from 'react-native';
import DateTimePicker from '@react-native-community/datetimepicker';

const App = () => {
  const [date, setDate] = useState(new Date(1598051730000));
  const [mode, setMode] = useState('date');
  const [show, setShow] = useState(false);

  const onChange = (event, selectedDate) => {
    const currentDate = selectedDate || date;

    setShow(Platform.OS === 'ios' ? true : false);

  const showMode = currentMode => {

  const showDatepicker = () => {

  const showTimepicker = () => {

  return (
        <Button onPress={showDatepicker} title="Show date picker!" />
        <Button onPress={showTimepicker} title="Show time picker!" />
      {show && (

export default App;


Please note that this library currently exposes functionality from UIDatePicker on iOS and DatePickerDialog + TimePickerDialog on Android.

These native classes offer only limited configuration, while there are dozens of possible options you as a developer may need. It follows that if your requirement is not supported by the backing native views, this libray will not be able to implement your requirement. When you open an issue with a feature request, please document if (or how) the feature can be implemented using the aforementioned native views. If those views do not support what you need, such feature requests will be closed as not actionable.

mode (optional)

Defines the type of the picker.

List of possible values:

  • "date" (default for iOS and Android)
  • "time"
  • "datetime" (iOS only)
  • "countdown" (iOS only)
<RNDateTimePicker mode="time" />

display (optional, Android only)

Defines the visual display of the picker for Android and will be ignored for iOS.

List of possible values:

  • "default"
  • "spinner"
  • "calendar" (only for date mode)
  • "clock" (only for time mode)
<RNDateTimePicker display="spinner" />

onChange (optional)

Date change handler.

This is called when the user changes the date or time in the UI. It receives the event and the date as parameters.

setDate = (event, date) => {}

<RNDateTimePicker onChange={this.setDate} />

value (required)

Defines the date or time value used in the component.

<RNDateTimePicker value={new Date()} />

maximumDate (optional)

Defines the maximum date that can be selected.

<RNDateTimePicker maximumDate={new Date(2300, 10, 20)} />

minimumDate (optional)

Defines the minimum date that can be selected.

<RNDateTimePicker minimumDate={new Date(1950, 0, 1)} />

timeZoneOffsetInMinutes (optional, iOS only)

Allows changing of the timeZone of the date picker. By default it uses the device's time zone.

// GMT+1
<RNDateTimePicker timeZoneOffsetInMinutes={60} />

locale (optional, iOS only)

Allows changing of the locale of the component. By default it uses the device's locale.

<RNDateTimePicker locale="es-ES" />

is24Hour (optional, Android only)

Allows changing of the time picker to a 24 hour format.

<RNDateTimePicker is24Hour={true} />

neutralButtonLabel (optional, Android only)

Allows displaying neutral button on picker dialog. Pressing button can be observed in onChange handler as event.type === 'neutralButtonPressed'

<RNDateTimePicker neutralButtonLabel="clear" />

minuteInterval (optional, iOS only)

The interval at which minutes can be selected. Possible values are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30

<RNDateTimePicker minuteInterval={10} />

Migration from the older components

RNDateTimePicker is the new common name used to represent the old versions of iOS and Android.

On Android, open picker modals will update the selected date and/or time if the prop value changes. For example, if a HOC holding state, updates the value prop. Previously the component used to close the modal and render a new one on consecutive calls.


  • initialDate is deprecated, use value instead.

    // Before
    <DatePickerIOS initialValue={new Date()} />
    // Now
    <RNDateTimePicker value={new Date()} />
  • date is deprecated, use value instead.

    // Before
    <DatePickerIOS date={new Date()} />
    // Now
    <RNDateTimePicker value={new Date()} />
  • onChange now returns also the date.

    // Before
    onChange = (event) => {}
    <DatePickerIOS onChange={this.onChange} />
    // Now
    onChange = (event, date) => {}
    <RNDateTimePicker onChange={this.onChange} />
  • onDateChange is deprecated, use onChange instead.

    // Before
    setDate = (date) => {}
    <DatePickerIOS onDateChange={this.setDate} />
    // Now
    setDate = (event, date) => {}
    <RNDateTimePicker onChange={this.setDate} />


  • date is deprecated, use value instead.

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, year, month, day} = await DatePickerAndroid.open({
        date: new Date()
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open date picker', message);
    // Now
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="date" value={new Date()} />
  • minDate and maxDate are deprecated, use minimumDate and maximumDate instead.

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, year, month, day} = await DatePickerAndroid.open({
        minDate: new Date(),
        maxDate: new Date()
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open date picker', message);
    // Now
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="date" minimumDate={new Date()} maximumDate={new Date()} />
  • dateSetAction is deprecated, use onChange instead.

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, year, month, day} = await DatePickerAndroid.open();
      if (action === DatePickerAndroid.dateSetAction) {
        // Selected year, month (0-11), day
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open date picker', message);
    // Now
    setDate = (event, date) => {
      if (date !== undefined) {
        // timeSetAction
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="date" onChange={this.setDate} />
  • dismissedAction is deprecated, use onChange instead.

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, year, month, day} = await DatePickerAndroid.open();
      if (action === DatePickerAndroid.dismissedAction) {
        // Dismissed
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open date picker', message);
    // Now
    setDate = (event, date) => {
      if (date === undefined) {
        // dismissedAction
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="date" onChange={this.setDate} />


  • hour and minute are deprecated, use value instead.

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, hour, minute} = await TimePickerAndroid.open({
        hour: 14,
        minute: 0,
        is24Hour: false, // Will display '2 PM'
      if (action !== TimePickerAndroid.dismissedAction) {
        // Selected hour (0-23), minute (0-59)
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open time picker', message);
    // Now
    // It will use the hour and minute defined in date
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="time" value={new Date()} />
  • timeSetAction is deprecated, use onChange instead.

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, hour, minute} = await TimePickerAndroid.open();
      if (action === TimePickerAndroid.timeSetAction) {
        // Selected hour (0-23), minute (0-59)
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open time picker', message);
    // Now
    setTime = (event, date) => {
      if (date !== undefined) {
        // Use the hour and minute from the date object
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="time" onChange={this.setTime} />
  • dismissedAction is deprecated, use onChange instead.

    // Before
    try {
      const {action, hour, minute} = await TimePickerAndroid.open();
      if (action === TimePickerAndroid.dismissedAction) {
        // Dismissed
    } catch ({code, message}) {
      console.warn('Cannot open time picker', message);
    // Now
    setTime = (event, date) => {
      if (date === undefined) {
        // dismissedAction
    <RNDateTimePicker mode="time" onChange={this.setTime} />

Contributing to the component

Please see CONTRIBUTING.md

Manual installation


  1. Install CocoaPods, here the installation guide.

  2. Inside the iOS folder run pod init, this will create the initial pod file.

  3. Update your pod file to look like the following ( Remember to replace MyApp with your target name ):

    # Allowed sources
    source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
    target 'MyApp' do
      # As we use Swift, ensure that `use_frameworks` is enabled.
      # Specific iOS platform we are targetting
      platform :ios, '8.0'
      # Point to the installed version
      pod 'RNDateTimePicker', :path => '../node_modules/@react-native-community/datetimepicker/RNDateTimePicker.podspec'
      # React/React-Native specific pods
      pod 'React', :path => '../node_modules/react-native', :subspecs => [
        'CxxBridge',      # Include this for RN >= 0.47
        'DevSupport',     # Include this to enable In-App Devmenu if RN >= 0.43
        'RCTWebSocket',   # Needed for debugging
      # Explicitly include Yoga if you are using RN >= 0.42.0
      pod 'yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga'
      # Third party deps podspec link
      pod 'DoubleConversion', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/DoubleConversion.podspec'
      pod 'glog', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/glog.podspec'
      pod 'Folly', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native/third-party-podspecs/Folly.podspec'
  4. Run pod install inside the same folder where the pod file was created

  5. npm run start

  6. npm run start:ios


  1. Add the following lines to android/settings.gradle:
   include ':@react-native-community_datetimepicker'
   project(':@react-native-community_datetimepicker').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@react-native-community/datetimepicker/android')
  1. Add the compile line to the dependencies in android/app/build.gradle:
   dependencies {
       implementation project(':@react-native-community_datetimepicker')
  1. Add the import and link the package in MainApplication.java:
   + import com.reactcommunity.rndatetimepicker.RNDateTimePickerPackage;

   public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {

     protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
       List<ReactPackage> packages = new PackageList(this).getPackages();
       // Packages that cannot be autolinked yet can be added manually here, for example:
   +   packages.add(new RNDateTimePickerPackage());
       return packages;

Running the example app

  1. Install required pods in example/ios by running pods install
  2. Run npm start to start Metro Bundler
  3. Run npm run start:ios or npm run start:android
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