@a11ygato/audit-engine 中文文档教程

发布于 6 年前 浏览 25 项目主页 更新于 2 年前



该项目是负责审核 URL、URL 树或浏览器容器中的 puppeteer 脚本的引擎。

在幕后,我们正在使用 axe-core 来分析页面。 但我们不排除将来添加其他辅助功能引擎的可能性。

有一种浏览器容器:Chrome Headless。 之前也有Phantom(Webkit),不过已经弃用了。

这是节点 API。 有一个名为 @a11ygato/cli 的 CLI。

Ax 配置了以下可访问性规范:

  • WCAG2A


  • bypass
  • video-caption
  • audio-caption
  • object-alt
  • video-description



npm i -S @a11ygato/audit-engine

Initialize the engine


const auditEngine = require('@a11ygato/audit-engine');
const settings = {...};
await auditEngine.init(settings);

Trigger an audit or a scenario


审计总是有一个根 URL。 您可以启用抓取以查找新的 URL。

const auditEngine = require('@a11ygato/audit-engine');
const task = {url: 'https://...', depth, limit, ...};
const audit =  auditEngine.createAudit(task);
const report = await audit.run();

另一种分析页面的方法是创建场景。 一个场景通过脚本重新组合一个或多个审计。 脚本只是使用具有一些特殊性的 Puppeteer API 的 javascript 代码。

const auditEngine = require('@a11ygato/audit-engine');
const task = {scenario: '...'};
const scenario = auditEngine.createScenario(task)
const report = await scenario.run();

您可以使用 try/catch 语句来捕获 错误,但您只会收到未捕获的错误。 如果需要,审核或场景总是会完成并最终将失败原因存储在 exception 字段中。




  • settings <Object>
  • publicFolder <String> Absolute or relative path to the folder that will store screen captures and source codes. Default: ./public.
  • axeScript <String> Absolute or relative path to the javascript axe file. If not provided, the axe-core package will be searched in node_modules.
  • includeRawAxeResults <boolean> Whether raw results returned by axe should be included too? Default: false.
  • screenshotFilename <String> Basename for the captured screenshot. Default: page.png.
  • sourceFilename <String> Basename for the captured source code. Default: source.html.
  • concurrentInstances <Number> Max number of concurrent browser instances. Default: 15. The maximum concurrent jobs for one audit being 5, we can have between 3 (each task having 5 concurrents jobs) and 15 tasks (each task having one concurrent job) in parallel.
  • proxy <String> Proxy address. Default: null.
  • returns <Promise>

该引擎为每个浏览器容器管理一个连接池。 今天只剩下 Chrome,但之前还有 Phantom。 您可以同时拥有的最大连接数是有限制的。 即使您启动 20 个并发数为 5 的审计,当达到最大值时,您将不得不等待空闲连接。 这显然是自动的,但仍然很高兴知道。 它可以解释为什么审计比平时花费更多的时间。




  • task <Object>
  • url <String> Only mandatory argument. Root URL to audit from which we may start crawling.
  • limit <Number> Maximum number of URL that may be audited independently of the depth. Default: 1. Max: 200.
  • depth Define how many levels of crawling may be done. When a URL is audited, if depth is > 0 and/or limit > 1, the engine will parse the source in search of new URL from the same domain and add them (protocol, hostname and port must match). Default: 5.
  • concurrency <Number> Maximum number of URL audited in parallel. Default: 5. Max: 5.
  • timeout <Number> Timeout (in ms) used in several places notably when running axe tests. Be aware that some very large site might solicit axe for several minutes before getting the results back. Default: 90000.
  • urlFilter <String> Regular expression content (without // or flags) that allows you to bypass the default crawling algorithm and decide precisely which urls are selected by the crawler.
  • returns <Audit>


一个场景是使用 Puppeteer API 的 JavaScript 代码 (ES6)。

如果需要,您可以使用现代的 async/await 关键字,并且不需要任何 IIEFor 异步包装函数即可立即开始使用它。

无论您喜欢哪种代码风格,您都应该始终返回一个 Promise 作为您的最后一个表达式:

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Do something
    resolve(); // or reject()

// OR

return audit(...).then(() => {
    return audit(...);
}).then(() => {
    return audit(...);

// OR

await audit(...);
await audit(...);

// OR

return Promise.all(audit(...), audit(...), audit(...));
A simple example with BASIC authentication

const username = 'foo';
const password = 'bar';

const url = `https://httpbin.org/basic-auth/${username}/${password}`;

await page.goto(url);
await page.authenticate({ username, password });

// Trigger an audit using the current state (current page url).
await audit(page);

// This is another way to set HTTP headers but be aware they will be preserved between navigations.
// const headers = new Map();
// headers.set(
//     'Authorization',
//     `Basic ${new Buffer(`${username}:${password}`).toString('base64')}`
// );
// await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers);
A more advanced example

const login = 'foo';
const password = 'bar';
const timeout = 90000;

await page.goto('http://www.orange.fr/portail');

// Click the customer space button
await page.waitForSelector('.espace-client-left', { visible: true, timeout });
await page.click('.espace-client-left');

// Click the identification button
await page.waitForSelector('#sc-identification .ec_button5', { visible: true, timeout });
await page.click('#sc-identification .ec_button5');

// Set username and password
await page.waitForSelector('#default_f_credential', { visible: true, timeout });
await page.$eval('#default_f_credential', el => el.value = '');
await page.focus('#default_f_credential');
await page.type(login);
await page.waitForSelector('#default_f_password', { visible: true, timeout });
await page.focus('#default_f_password');
await page.type(password);

// Submit form
await page.click('#AuthentForm input[type=submit].sc_button_content_2.submit');
await page.waitForNavigation({ timeout });

// Audit current page and another one (crawl).
await audit(page, { limit: 2, depth: 1 });

// Audit another site entirely with the same connection.
// URLs will be audited sequentially because there is only one connection.
await audit(page, { url: 'http://www.orange.es', limit:5 });

// Audit another site without reusing the same connection (will use a shared pool of connections).
// A maximum of 5 URLs can be audited in parallel.
await audit({ url: 'https://twitter.com', concurrency: 5, limit: 3, depth: 2 });

page 是 Puppeteer Page 类的一个实例。 即使出于明显的安全原因冻结了某些方法,您也可以正常使用它。 您可以在 Chrome 中将 page 视为一个选项卡。

audit(page, task)
  • page <Page> Optional Puppeteer Page instance.
  • task <Object> Task configuration:
    • url <String> URL to audit
    • limit <Number> Maximum number of URL that will be audited. Default 1.
    • depth <Number> Maximum depth when crawling (searching new urls). Default 5.
    • concurrency <Number> Maximum number of URL audited in parallel (between 1 and 5). Default 5.
    • timeout <Number> Timeout used during an audit for specific tasks like loading the page, executing axe tests, etc. Default 180000.
    • urlFilter <String> Regular expression content (without // or flags) that allows you to bypass the default crawling algorithm and decide precisely which urls are selected by the crawler.

当省略 page 时,您必须至少提供以下极简任务配置:{ url:'https://...' }。 只传输当前的page相当于传输一个只有一个URL(当前的)的极简任务配置。

Accessible modules

您可以要求的不多。 这是当前的白名单:

  • q
  • url
  • async
  • lodash
  • util

您可以访问经典的 ES6 全局变量和节点 Buffer 类。


我鼓励您在关机时正确关闭引擎。 例如:

process.once('SIGINT', function () {
    console.log('Received SIGINT');
    return gracefulShutdown(0);


function gracefulShutdown(exitCode) {
    // Destroying pools.
    return auditEngine.shutdown().then(function() {
        console.log('Pools drained');

class: Audit

  • run <function> Start auditing. Each url in error is tried two more times before being marked in error.

class: Scenario



  • count <Object>
  • total <Number> Aggregated number of tests
  • pass <Number> Aggregated number of successes
  • error <Number> Aggregated number of errors
  • warning <Number> Aggregated number of warnings
  • notice <Number> Aggregated number of notices
  • numElements <Number> Aggregated number of HTML elements in all audited pages
  • urls <[Array<URLResult>]> List of url results (one per url audited). Contains axe results.
  • root <String> First URL that triggered the audit


URLResult 包含一个 URL 的轴结果。

  • count <Object>
  • total <Number> Aggregated number of tests
  • pass <Number> Aggregated number of successes
  • error <Number> Aggregated number of errors
  • warning <Number> Aggregated number of warnings
  • notice <Number> Aggregated number of notices
  • numElements <Number> Number of HTML elements in the page.
  • results <[Array<[Violation]>]> List of violations (yes it contains only violations).
  • local <String> Relative filepath to source code from public folder root. Default: ''.
  • image <String> Relative filepath to screen capture from public folder root. Default: ''.
  • exception <String> Error message if this url failed during audition.


违规表示特定节点上的 ax 错误。

  • code <String> Error label.
  • type <String>. Fixed to error.
  • message <String> Error message.
  • selector <[Array<String>]> List of HTML node elements.



This project is the engine responsible to audit a URL, a tree of URLs or a puppeteer script in a browser container.

Behind the scene, we are using axe-core to analyze pages. But we don't exclude the possibility to add other accessibility engines in the future.

There is one browser container: Chrome Headless. There was also Phantom (Webkit) before, but it has been abandonned.

This is the node API. There is a CLI named @a11ygato/cli.

Axe is configured with these accessibility norms:

  • WCAG2A

These rules are also deactivated:

  • bypass
  • video-caption
  • audio-caption
  • object-alt
  • video-description

The browser container is installed and instantiated by this module automatically as a dependency.


npm i -S @a11ygato/audit-engine

Initialize the engine

You must first initialize once and for all the audit engine package:

const auditEngine = require('@a11ygato/audit-engine');
const settings = {...};
await auditEngine.init(settings);

Trigger an audit or a scenario

After that, you can trigger how many audits or scenarii you want.

An audit always have a root URL. You may enable crawling to find new URLs.

const auditEngine = require('@a11ygato/audit-engine');
const task = {url: 'https://...', depth, limit, ...};
const audit =  auditEngine.createAudit(task);
const report = await audit.run();

Another way to analyze pages is to create a scenario. A scenario regroup one or more audits via scripting. A script is simply javascript code using the Puppeteer API with a few specificities.

const auditEngine = require('@a11ygato/audit-engine');
const task = {scenario: '...'};
const scenario = auditEngine.createScenario(task)
const report = await scenario.run();

You may catch errors with a try/catch statement but you will only receive uncaught errors. An audit or a scenario always complete and store eventually in the exception field the cause of failure if needed.



Modify settings for the whole engine.

  • settings <Object>
  • publicFolder <String> Absolute or relative path to the folder that will store screen captures and source codes. Default: ./public.
  • axeScript <String> Absolute or relative path to the javascript axe file. If not provided, the axe-core package will be searched in node_modules.
  • includeRawAxeResults <boolean> Whether raw results returned by axe should be included too? Default: false.
  • screenshotFilename <String> Basename for the captured screenshot. Default: page.png.
  • sourceFilename <String> Basename for the captured source code. Default: source.html.
  • concurrentInstances <Number> Max number of concurrent browser instances. Default: 15. The maximum concurrent jobs for one audit being 5, we can have between 3 (each task having 5 concurrents jobs) and 15 tasks (each task having one concurrent job) in parallel.
  • proxy <String> Proxy address. Default: null.
  • returns <Promise>

The engine manage a pool of connections per browser container. Today, only Chrome is left, but before there was also Phantom. There is a limit to the maximum number of connections you can have at the same time. Even if you launch 20 audits with a concurrency of 5, when the max is reached, you will have to wait for a free connection. This is obviously automatic but still good to know. It may explains why an audit take much more time than usual.


Get engine settings.


  • task <Object>
  • url <String> Only mandatory argument. Root URL to audit from which we may start crawling.
  • limit <Number> Maximum number of URL that may be audited independently of the depth. Default: 1. Max: 200.
  • depth Define how many levels of crawling may be done. When a URL is audited, if depth is > 0 and/or limit > 1, the engine will parse the source in search of new URL from the same domain and add them (protocol, hostname and port must match). Default: 5.
  • concurrency <Number> Maximum number of URL audited in parallel. Default: 5. Max: 5.
  • timeout <Number> Timeout (in ms) used in several places notably when running axe tests. Be aware that some very large site might solicit axe for several minutes before getting the results back. Default: 90000.
  • urlFilter <String> Regular expression content (without // or flags) that allows you to bypass the default crawling algorithm and decide precisely which urls are selected by the crawler.
  • returns <Audit>


A scenario is javascript code (ES6) using the Puppeteer API.

You can use the modern async/await keywords if you want and you DON'T need any IIEFor async wrapper function to start using it right away.

Whatever code style you like, your should always return a Promise as your last expression:

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Do something
    resolve(); // or reject()

// OR

return audit(...).then(() => {
    return audit(...);
}).then(() => {
    return audit(...);

// OR

await audit(...);
await audit(...);

// OR

return Promise.all(audit(...), audit(...), audit(...));
A simple example with BASIC authentication

const username = 'foo';
const password = 'bar';

const url = `https://httpbin.org/basic-auth/${username}/${password}`;

await page.goto(url);
await page.authenticate({ username, password });

// Trigger an audit using the current state (current page url).
await audit(page);

// This is another way to set HTTP headers but be aware they will be preserved between navigations.
// const headers = new Map();
// headers.set(
//     'Authorization',
//     `Basic ${new Buffer(`${username}:${password}`).toString('base64')}`
// );
// await page.setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers);
A more advanced example

const login = 'foo';
const password = 'bar';
const timeout = 90000;

await page.goto('http://www.orange.fr/portail');

// Click the customer space button
await page.waitForSelector('.espace-client-left', { visible: true, timeout });
await page.click('.espace-client-left');

// Click the identification button
await page.waitForSelector('#sc-identification .ec_button5', { visible: true, timeout });
await page.click('#sc-identification .ec_button5');

// Set username and password
await page.waitForSelector('#default_f_credential', { visible: true, timeout });
await page.$eval('#default_f_credential', el => el.value = '');
await page.focus('#default_f_credential');
await page.type(login);
await page.waitForSelector('#default_f_password', { visible: true, timeout });
await page.focus('#default_f_password');
await page.type(password);

// Submit form
await page.click('#AuthentForm input[type=submit].sc_button_content_2.submit');
await page.waitForNavigation({ timeout });

// Audit current page and another one (crawl).
await audit(page, { limit: 2, depth: 1 });

// Audit another site entirely with the same connection.
// URLs will be audited sequentially because there is only one connection.
await audit(page, { url: 'http://www.orange.es', limit:5 });

// Audit another site without reusing the same connection (will use a shared pool of connections).
// A maximum of 5 URLs can be audited in parallel.
await audit({ url: 'https://twitter.com', concurrency: 5, limit: 3, depth: 2 });

page is an instance of the Puppeteer Page class. You can use it normally even though some methods are frozen for obvious security reasons. You can see page as a tab in Chrome.

audit(page, task)
  • page <Page> Optional Puppeteer Page instance.
  • task <Object> Task configuration:
    • url <String> URL to audit
    • limit <Number> Maximum number of URL that will be audited. Default 1.
    • depth <Number> Maximum depth when crawling (searching new urls). Default 5.
    • concurrency <Number> Maximum number of URL audited in parallel (between 1 and 5). Default 5.
    • timeout <Number> Timeout used during an audit for specific tasks like loading the page, executing axe tests, etc. Default 180000.
    • urlFilter <String> Regular expression content (without // or flags) that allows you to bypass the default crawling algorithm and decide precisely which urls are selected by the crawler.

When page is omitted, you must provide at least this minimalist task configuration: { url:'https://...' }. Transmitting only the current page is equivalent to transmitting a minimalist task configuration with only a URL (the current one).

Accessible modules

There is not much you can require. Here is the current whitelist:

  • q
  • url
  • async
  • lodash
  • util

You have access to classic ES6 globals plus node Buffer class.


I encourage you to close properly the engine on shutdown. For instance:

process.once('SIGINT', function () {
    console.log('Received SIGINT');
    return gracefulShutdown(0);


function gracefulShutdown(exitCode) {
    // Destroying pools.
    return auditEngine.shutdown().then(function() {
        console.log('Pools drained');

class: Audit

  • run <function> Start auditing. Each url in error is tried two more times before being marked in error.

class: Scenario


An audit or a scenario return a report with the following structure (which is essentially legacy).

  • count <Object>
  • total <Number> Aggregated number of tests
  • pass <Number> Aggregated number of successes
  • error <Number> Aggregated number of errors
  • warning <Number> Aggregated number of warnings
  • notice <Number> Aggregated number of notices
  • numElements <Number> Aggregated number of HTML elements in all audited pages
  • urls <[Array<URLResult>]> List of url results (one per url audited). Contains axe results.
  • root <String> First URL that triggered the audit


A URLResult contains axe results for one URL.

  • count <Object>
  • total <Number> Aggregated number of tests
  • pass <Number> Aggregated number of successes
  • error <Number> Aggregated number of errors
  • warning <Number> Aggregated number of warnings
  • notice <Number> Aggregated number of notices
  • numElements <Number> Number of HTML elements in the page.
  • results <[Array<[Violation]>]> List of violations (yes it contains only violations).
  • local <String> Relative filepath to source code from public folder root. Default: ''.
  • image <String> Relative filepath to screen capture from public folder root. Default: ''.
  • exception <String> Error message if this url failed during audition.


A violation represent an axe error on a specific node.

  • code <String> Error label.
  • type <String>. Fixed to error.
  • message <String> Error message.
  • selector <[Array<String>]> List of HTML node elements.


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