@a.davydov/react-kanban 中文文档教程

发布于 3年前 浏览 28 项目主页 更新于 3年前

  <a href=测试覆盖率 构建状态 JavaScript 风格指南

另一个用于 React 的看板/Trello 板库。


▶️ Demo



❓ Why?

  • Reliable: 100% tested on CI; 100% coverage; 100% SemVer.
  • Having fun: Play with Hooks and ~~Styled Components~~.
  • ♿️ Accessible: Keyboard and mobile friendly.
  • Pluggable: For use in projects.

Install and usage

因为这个项目使用了 Hooks,所以你必须安装它们:

  • react>=16.8.5

之后,在你的项目上安装 lib:

yarn add @asseinfo/react-kanban

导入 lib 并在你的项目中使用它:

import Board from '@asseinfo/react-kanban'
import '@asseinfo/react-kanban/dist/styles.css'

const board = {
  columns: [
      id: 1,
      title: 'Backlog',
      cards: [
          id: 1,
          title: 'Add card',
          description: 'Add capability to add a card in a column'
      id: 2,
      title: 'Doing',
      cards: [
          id: 2,
          title: 'Drag-n-drop support',
          description: 'Move a card between the columns'

<Board initialBoard={board} />


Controlled and Uncontrolled

当你需要更好地控制电路板时,你应该坚持使用受控板。 一个controlled board意味着你需要自己处理board state,你需要把state保持在你手中(component),然后把这个state传递给,我们只是反映这个状态。 这也意味着更多的复杂性,尽管我们提供了一些助手来处理棋盘形状。 您可以在 React 文档、此处此处

如果你使用受控的,你需要通过 children 属性传递你的板,否则你需要通过 initialBoard 属性传递它。

Helpers to work with the controlled board

我们公开了一些您可以导入的 API,以帮助您处理受控状态。 这些是我们在内部用于管理不受控制的板的相同 API。 我们真的建议您使用它们,它们经过 100% 的单元测试,并且不会对您的电路板状态产生任何副作用。


import Board, { addCard, addColumn, ... } from '@asseinfo/react-kanban'


import Board, { addColumn } from '@asseinfo/react-kanban'
const [board, setBoard] = useState(initialBoard)
const newBoard = addColumn(board, newColumn)


Shape of a board

  columns: [{
    id: ${unique-required-columnId},
    title: {$required-columnTitle**},
    cards: [{
      id: ${unique-required-cardId},
      title: ${required-cardTitle*}
      description: ${required-description*}

* title 和 <如果您使用的是卡片的默认模板,则代码>说明 是必需的。 您可以通过 renderCard 属性渲染您自己的卡片模板。

** 如果您使用列的默认模板,则 title 是必需的。 您可以通过 renderColumnHeader 属性呈现您自己的列模板。

⚙️ Props

Prop Description Controlled Uncontrolled
children (required if controlled) The board to render ????
initialBoard (required if uncontrolled) The board to render ????
onCardDragEnd Callback that will be called when the card move ends
onColumnDragEnd Callback that will be called when the column move ends
renderCard A card to be rendered instead of the default card
renderColumnHeader A column header to be rendered instead of the default column header
allowAddColumn Allow a new column be added by the user
onNewColumnConfirm (required if use the default column adder template) Callback that will be called when a new column is confirmed by the user through the default column adder template
onColumnNew (required if allowAddColumn or when addColumn is called) Callback that will be called when a new column is added through the default column adder template ????
renderColumnAdder A column adder to be rendered instead of the default column adder template
disableColumnDrag Disable the column move
disableCardDrag Disable the card move for entire board
allowRemoveColumn Allow to remove a column in default column header
onColumnRemove (required if allowRemoveColumn or when removeColumn is called) Callback that will be called when a column is removed
allowRenameColumn Allow to rename a column in default column header
onColumnRename (required if allowRenameColumn or when renameColumn is called) Callback that will be called when a column is renamed
allowRemoveCard Allow to remove a card in default card template
onCardRemove (required if allowRemoveCard) Callback that will be called when a card is removed
allowAddCard Allow to add a card. Expect an object with the position to add the card in the column. ????
onCardNew (required if allowAddCard or when addCard is called) Callback that will be called when a new card is added through the default card adder template ????
onNewCardConfirm (required if allowAddCard) Callback that will be called when a new card is confirmed by the user through the default card adder template ????


董事会。 如果您想控制棋盘的状态,请使用此道具。


董事会。 如果您不想控制棋盘的状态,请使用此道具。



Arg Description
board The modified board
card The moved card
source An object with the card source { fromColumnId, fromPosition }
destination An object with the card destination { toColumnId, toPosition }
Source and destination
Prop Description
fromColumnId Column source id.
toColumnId Column destination id.
fromPosition Card's index in column source's array.
toPosition Card's index in column destination's array.



Arg Description
board The modified board
column The moved column
source An object with the column source { fromPosition }
destination An object with the column destination { toPosition }
Source and destination
Prop Description
fromPosition Column index before the moving.
toPosition Column index after the moving.


如果您想呈现自己的卡片,请使用此回调。 您必须传递一个函数并返回您的卡片组件。 该函数将接收这些参数:

Arg Description
card The card props
cardBag A bag with some helper functions and state to work with the card
function Description
removeCard* Call this function to remove the card from the column
dragging Whether the card is being dragged or not

* 控制板时不可用。


const board = {
  columns: [{
    id: ${unique-required-columnId},
    title: ${columnTitle},
    cards: [{
      id: ${unique-required-cardId},
      dueDate: ${cardDueDate},
      content: ${cardContent}

  renderCard={({ content }, { removeCard, dragging }) => (
    <YourCard dragging={dragging}>
      <button type="button" onClick={removeCard}>Remove Card</button>


如果您想呈现自己的列标题,请使用此选项。 您必须传递一个函数并返回您的列标题组件。 该函数将接收以下参数:

Arg Description
column The column props
columnBag A bag with some helper functions to work with the column
function Description
removeColumn* Call this function to remove the column from the board
renameColumn* Call this function with a title to rename the column
addCard* Call this function with a new card to add it in the column


  • { on: 'top' }: to add on the top of the column.
  • { on: 'bottom' }: to add on the bottom of the column (default).



const board = {
  columns: [{
    id: ${unique-required-columnId},
    title: ${columnTitle},
    wip: ${wip},
    cards: [{
      id: ${unique-required-cardId},
      title: ${required-cardTitle},
      description: ${required-cardDescription},
      disableCardDrag: ${optional-disableCardDrag}

  renderColumnHeader={({ title }, { removeColumn, renameColumn, addCard }) => (
      <button type='button' onClick={removeColumn}>Remove Column</button>
      <button type='button' onClick={() => renameColumn('New title')}>Rename Column</button>
      <button type='button' onClick={() => addCard({ id: 99, title: 'New Card' })}>Add Card</button>





如果您的看板不受控制,您必须在此回调中返回带有新 ID 的新列。



function onColumnNew (newColumn) {
  const newColumn = { id: ${required-new-unique-columnId}, ...newColumn }
  return newColumn

<Board initialBoard={board} allowAddColumn onColumnNew={onColumnNew} />





如果您想呈现自己的列加法器,请使用它。 您必须传递一个函数并返回您的列加法器组件。 该函数将接收这些参数:

Arg Description
columnBag A bag with some helper functions
function Description
addColumn* Call this function with a new column to add the new column

* 控制板时不可用。


const ColumnAdder = ({ addColumn }) {
  return (
    <div onClick={()=> addColumn({id: ${required-new-unique-columnId}, title: 'Title', cards:[]})}>
      Add column

  renderColumnAdder={({ addColumn }) => <ColumnAdder addColumn={addColumn} />}






使用默认标题模板时,当您不通过 renderColumnHeader 传递模板时,它将允许用户删除列。



Arg Description
board The board without the removed column
column The removed column


当使用默认标题模板时,当您不通过 renderColumnHeader 传递模板时,它将允许用户重命名一个柱子。



Arg Description
board The board with the renamed column
column The renamed column


当使用默认卡片模板时,当您不通过 renderCard 传递模板时,它将允许用户删除一个卡片。



Arg Description
board The board without the removed column
column The column without the removed card
card The removed card


允许用户直接通过板在列中添加卡片。 默认情况下,它会将卡片添加到列的底部,但您可以通过传递带有 'on' 属性的对象来指定是要添加在板的顶部还是底部。

例如: // 默认在底部 // 在列的底部 // 在列的顶部

Helpers to be used with an controlled board


Arg Description
board Your board
{ fromPosition } Index of column to be moved
{ toPosition } Index destination of column to be moved


在受控的情况下使用它板,“from”和“to”与传递给 onCardDragEnd 回调的相同。 您可以在 onCardDragEnd 回调中使用它来实际更新您的板,因为它将返回一个新板,您可以将其保存到状态中。

Arg Description
board Your board
{ fromPosition, fromColumnId } An object with the card source { fromColumnId, fromPosition } which are the indexes of the cards current position
{ toPosition, toColumnId } An object with the card destination { fromColumnId, fromPosition } which are the indexes of the cards new position


Arg Description
board Your board
column Column to be added


Arg Description
board Your board
column Column to be removed


Arg Description
board Your board
column Column to be renamed
object Pass a object to be merged with the column. You can add new props and/or change the existing ones


Arg Description
board Your board
inColumn Column to add the card be added
card Card to be added
{ on: 'bottom|top' } Whether the card will be added on top or bottom of the column (bottom is default)


Arg Description
board Your board
cardId Card's id to be changed
object Pass a object to be merged with the card. You can add new props and/or change the existing ones





必须在此回调中返回带有新 ID 的新卡。


function onCardNew (newCard) {
  const newCard = { id: ${required-new-unique-cardId}, ...newCard }
  return newCard

<Board initialBoard={board} allowAddCard onNewCardConfirm={onCardNew} onCardNew={console.log} />


Arg Description
board Your board
fromColumn Column where the card is
card Card to be removed






yarn test

代码覆盖率保存在 coverage 文件夹中。 例如

open coverage/lcov-report/index.html


使用 Cypress 测试运行器打开 HTML 报告。 启动开发服务器并使用打开 Cypress

yarn dev

所有测试都在 cypress/integration 文件夹中。 这些测试还收集代码覆盖率并以多种格式保存在 coverage 文件夹中。 打开 HTML 报告

open coverage/lcov-report/index.html

阅读 Cypress 代码覆盖率指南

注意:避免插入 babel-plugin-istanbul 两次在 Jest 测试期间,E2E 测试使用 NODE_ENV=cypress 环境变量运行。 babel-plugin-istanbul 插件只包含在 .babelrc 文件中,仅在 cypress Node 环境下,保留默认NODE_ENV=test 期间的 Jest 配置相同。

????‍♀️ Roadmap

您可以在此处查看下一个功能。 欢迎帮助我们完成一些 PR。


欢迎 PR:

  • Fork this project.
  • Setup it:
  yarn start
  • Make your change.
  • Please add yourself to the contributors table (we use all contributors for that, we you will need that installed first):
  yarn contributors:add
  • Open the PR.

✍️ Guidelines for contributing

  • You need to test your change.
  • Try to be clean on your change. CodeClimate will keep an eye on you.
  • It has to pass on CI.

Maintainability Test Coverage Build Status JavaScript Style Guide

Yet another Kanban/Trello board lib for React.

Kanban Demo

▶️ Demo


Edit react-kanban-demo

❓ Why?

  • ???? Reliable: 100% tested on CI; 100% coverage; 100% SemVer.
  • ???? Having fun: Play with Hooks ???? and ~~Styled Components~~.
  • ♿️ Accessible: Keyboard and mobile friendly.
  • ???? Pluggable: For use in projects.

???? Install and usage

Since this project use Hooks, you have to install them:

  • react>=16.8.5

After, Install the lib on your project:

yarn add @asseinfo/react-kanban

Import the lib and use it on your project:

import Board from '@asseinfo/react-kanban'
import '@asseinfo/react-kanban/dist/styles.css'

const board = {
  columns: [
      id: 1,
      title: 'Backlog',
      cards: [
          id: 1,
          title: 'Add card',
          description: 'Add capability to add a card in a column'
      id: 2,
      title: 'Doing',
      cards: [
          id: 2,
          title: 'Drag-n-drop support',
          description: 'Move a card between the columns'

<Board initialBoard={board} />

???? API

???? Controlled and Uncontrolled

When you need a better control over the board, you should stick with the controlled board. A controlled board means you need to deal with the board state yourself, you need to keep the state in your hands (component) and pass this state to the <Board />, we just reflect this state. This also means a little more of complexity, although we make available some helpers to deal with the board shape. You can read more in the React docs, here and here.

If you go with the controlled one, you need to pass your board through the children prop, otherwise you need to pass it through the initialBoard prop.

Helpers to work with the controlled board

We expose some APIs that you can import to help you to work with the controlled state. Those are the same APIs we use internally to manage the uncontrolled board. We really recommend you to use them, they are 100% unit tested and they don't do any side effect to your board state.

To use them, you just need to import them together with your board:

import Board, { addCard, addColumn, ... } from '@asseinfo/react-kanban'

All the helpers you need to pass your board and they will return a new board to pass to your state:

import Board, { addColumn } from '@asseinfo/react-kanban'
const [board, setBoard] = useState(initialBoard)
const newBoard = addColumn(board, newColumn)

You can see the list of helpers in the end of the props documentation.

???? Shape of a board

  columns: [{
    id: ${unique-required-columnId},
    title: {$required-columnTitle**},
    cards: [{
      id: ${unique-required-cardId},
      title: ${required-cardTitle*}
      description: ${required-description*}

* The title and the description are required if you are using the card's default template. You can render your own card template through the renderCard prop.

** The title is required if you are using the column's default template. You can render your own column template through the renderColumnHeader prop.

⚙️ Props

Prop Description Controlled Uncontrolled
children (required if controlled) The board to render ????
initialBoard (required if uncontrolled) The board to render ????
onCardDragEnd Callback that will be called when the card move ends
onColumnDragEnd Callback that will be called when the column move ends
renderCard A card to be rendered instead of the default card
renderColumnHeader A column header to be rendered instead of the default column header
allowAddColumn Allow a new column be added by the user
onNewColumnConfirm (required if use the default column adder template) Callback that will be called when a new column is confirmed by the user through the default column adder template
onColumnNew (required if allowAddColumn or when addColumn is called) Callback that will be called when a new column is added through the default column adder template ????
renderColumnAdder A column adder to be rendered instead of the default column adder template
disableColumnDrag Disable the column move
disableCardDrag Disable the card move for entire board
allowRemoveColumn Allow to remove a column in default column header
onColumnRemove (required if allowRemoveColumn or when removeColumn is called) Callback that will be called when a column is removed
allowRenameColumn Allow to rename a column in default column header
onColumnRename (required if allowRenameColumn or when renameColumn is called) Callback that will be called when a column is renamed
allowRemoveCard Allow to remove a card in default card template
onCardRemove (required if allowRemoveCard) Callback that will be called when a card is removed
allowAddCard Allow to add a card. Expect an object with the position to add the card in the column. ????
onCardNew (required if allowAddCard or when addCard is called) Callback that will be called when a new card is added through the default card adder template ????
onNewCardConfirm (required if allowAddCard) Callback that will be called when a new card is confirmed by the user through the default card adder template ????


The board. Use this prop if you want to control the board's state.


The board. Use this prop if you don't want to control the board's state.


When the user moves a card, this callback will be called passing these parameters:

Arg Description
board The modified board
card The moved card
source An object with the card source { fromColumnId, fromPosition }
destination An object with the card destination { toColumnId, toPosition }
Source and destination
Prop Description
fromColumnId Column source id.
toColumnId Column destination id.
fromPosition Card's index in column source's array.
toPosition Card's index in column destination's array.


When the user moves a column, this callback will be called passing these parameters:

Arg Description
board The modified board
column The moved column
source An object with the column source { fromPosition }
destination An object with the column destination { toPosition }
Source and destination
Prop Description
fromPosition Column index before the moving.
toPosition Column index after the moving.


Use this if you want to render your own card. You have to pass a function and return your card component. The function will receive these parameters:

Arg Description
card The card props
cardBag A bag with some helper functions and state to work with the card
function Description
removeCard* Call this function to remove the card from the column
dragging Whether the card is being dragged or not

* It's unavailable when the board is controlled.


const board = {
  columns: [{
    id: ${unique-required-columnId},
    title: ${columnTitle},
    cards: [{
      id: ${unique-required-cardId},
      dueDate: ${cardDueDate},
      content: ${cardContent}

  renderCard={({ content }, { removeCard, dragging }) => (
    <YourCard dragging={dragging}>
      <button type="button" onClick={removeCard}>Remove Card</button>


Use this if you want to render your own column header. You have to pass a function and return your column header component. The function will receive these parameters:

Arg Description
column The column props
columnBag A bag with some helper functions to work with the column
function Description
removeColumn* Call this function to remove the column from the board
renameColumn* Call this function with a title to rename the column
addCard* Call this function with a new card to add it in the column

addCard: As a second argument you can pass an option to define where in the column you want to add the card:

  • { on: 'top' }: to add on the top of the column.
  • { on: 'bottom' }: to add on the bottom of the column (default).

* It's unavailable when the board is controlled.


const board = {
  columns: [{
    id: ${unique-required-columnId},
    title: ${columnTitle},
    wip: ${wip},
    cards: [{
      id: ${unique-required-cardId},
      title: ${required-cardTitle},
      description: ${required-cardDescription},
      disableCardDrag: ${optional-disableCardDrag}

  renderColumnHeader={({ title }, { removeColumn, renameColumn, addCard }) => (
      <button type='button' onClick={removeColumn}>Remove Column</button>
      <button type='button' onClick={() => renameColumn('New title')}>Rename Column</button>
      <button type='button' onClick={() => addCard({ id: 99, title: 'New Card' })}>Add Card</button>


Allow the user to add a new column directly by the board.


When the user confirms a new column through the default column adder template, this callback will be called with a draft of a column with the title typed by the user.

If your board is uncontrolled you must return the new column with its new id in this callback.

If your board is controlled use this to get the new column title.


function onColumnNew (newColumn) {
  const newColumn = { id: ${required-new-unique-columnId}, ...newColumn }
  return newColumn

<Board initialBoard={board} allowAddColumn onColumnNew={onColumnNew} />


When the user adds a new column through the default column adder template, this callback will be called passing the updated board and the new column.

This callback will not be called in an uncontrolled board.


Use this if you want to render your own column adder. You have to pass a function and return your column adder component. The function will receive these parameters:

Arg Description
columnBag A bag with some helper functions
function Description
addColumn* Call this function with a new column to add the new column

* It's unavailable when the board is controlled.


const ColumnAdder = ({ addColumn }) {
  return (
    <div onClick={()=> addColumn({id: ${required-new-unique-columnId}, title: 'Title', cards:[]})}>
      Add column

  renderColumnAdder={({ addColumn }) => <ColumnAdder addColumn={addColumn} />}


Disallow the user from move a column.


Disallow the user from move a card (board scoped).


When using the default header template, when you don't pass a template through the renderColumnHeader, it will allow the user to remove a column.


When the user removes a column, this callback will be called passing these parameters:

Arg Description
board The board without the removed column
column The removed column


When using the default header template, when you don't pass a template through the renderColumnHeader, it will allow the user to rename a column.


When the user renames a column, this callback will be called passing these parameters:

Arg Description
board The board with the renamed column
column The renamed column


When using the default card template, when you don't pass a template through the renderCard, it will allow the user to remove a card.


When the user removes a card, this callback will be called passing these parameters:

Arg Description
board The board without the removed column
column The column without the removed card
card The removed card


Allow the user to add a card in the column directly by the board. By default, it adds the card on the bottom of the column, but you can specify whether you want to add at the top or at the bottom of the board by passing an object with 'on' prop.

E.g.: // at the bottom by default // in the bottom of the column // at the top of the column

???? Helpers to be used with an controlled board


Arg Description
board Your board
{ fromPosition } Index of column to be moved
{ toPosition } Index destination of column to be moved


Use this on a controlled board, the "from" and "to" are the same ones passed to onCardDragEnd callback. You can used this within your onCardDragEnd call back to actually update your board as it will return a new board which you can save down into state.

Arg Description
board Your board
{ fromPosition, fromColumnId } An object with the card source { fromColumnId, fromPosition } which are the indexes of the cards current position
{ toPosition, toColumnId } An object with the card destination { fromColumnId, fromPosition } which are the indexes of the cards new position


Arg Description
board Your board
column Column to be added


Arg Description
board Your board
column Column to be removed


Arg Description
board Your board
column Column to be renamed
object Pass a object to be merged with the column. You can add new props and/or change the existing ones


Arg Description
board Your board
inColumn Column to add the card be added
card Card to be added
{ on: 'bottom|top' } Whether the card will be added on top or bottom of the column (bottom is default)


Arg Description
board Your board
cardId Card's id to be changed
object Pass a object to be merged with the card. You can add new props and/or change the existing ones


When the user adds a new card through the default card adder template, this callback will be called passing the updated board and the new card.


When the user confirms a new card through the default card adder template, this callback will be called with a draft of a card with the title and the description typed by the user.

You must return the new card with its new id in this callback.


function onCardNew (newCard) {
  const newCard = { id: ${required-new-unique-cardId}, ...newCard }
  return newCard

<Board initialBoard={board} allowAddCard onNewCardConfirm={onCardNew} onCardNew={console.log} />


Arg Description
board Your board
fromColumn Column where the card is
card Card to be removed

???????? Styling

You can either style all the board or import our style and override it with the styles you want:


???? Tests


yarn test

Code coverage is saved in coverage folder. Open HTML report for example with

open coverage/lcov-report/index.html


Using Cypress test runner. Start dev server and open Cypress using

yarn dev

All tests are in the cypress/integration folder. These tests also collect code coverage and save in several formats in the coverage folder. Open HTML report

open coverage/lcov-report/index.html

Read Cypress code coverage guide

Note: to avoid inserting babel-plugin-istanbul twice during Jest tests, E2E tests run with NODE_ENV=cypress environment variable. The babel-plugin-istanbul plugin is included in .babelrc file only in the cypress Node environment, leaving the default Jest configuration during NODE_ENV=test the same.

????‍♀️ Roadmap

You can view the next features here. Feel welcome to help us with some PRs.

???? Contributing

PRs are welcome:

  • Fork this project.
  • Setup it:
  yarn start
  • Make your change.
  • Please add yourself to the contributors table (we use all contributors for that, we you will need that installed first):
  yarn contributors:add
  • Open the PR.

✍️ Guidelines for contributing

  • You need to test your change.
  • Try to be clean on your change. CodeClimate will keep an eye on you.
  • It has to pass on CI.


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