@8xprotocol/service-node-core 中文文档教程
8x 协议支持在以太坊区块链上进行分散式定期支付。 协议的完整解释可以在我们的白皮书中找到。 这个 repo 适用于代表用户处理订阅的 8x 中继器。
我们感谢您愿意为 8x 协议做出贡献。 我们努力维护 对代码质量和代码安全性的高标准。 请仔细阅读 这个贡献者指南在开始之前。
How to Contribute
Code Quality
- When adding a new function, make sure to add comments that adhere to the format seen throughout the project
- When fixing conflicts please use
- When updating your working branch with
upstream master
changes, pleaserebase
- Make sure there are no linter
Style Guide
Editor Settings
- 4 space(soft) indentation
- strip trailing whitespace
- 120 char max line length
Getting Started
为我们的上游 repo 设置一个远程 url,这样你就可以保持你的 master 分支不受污染和更新。
git remote set-url upstream https://github.com/8xprotocol/repeater.git
8x Protocol enables decentralised recurring payments on the Ethereum blockchain. A complete explanation of the protocol may be found in our whitepaper. This repo is for the 8x repeaters that process subscriptions on behalf of users.
We appreciate your desire to contribute to the 8x Protocol. We strive to maintain a high standard over code quality and the security of our code. Please read over this contributor guide before starting.
How to Contribute
If you would like to contribute please fork the repo, create a new branch, fix the problem, commit the work with a clear message about what was accomplished, and submit a pull request.
Code Quality
- When adding a new function, make sure to add comments that adhere to the format seen throughout the project
- When fixing conflicts please use
- When updating your working branch with
upstream master
changes, pleaserebase
- Make sure there are no linter
Style Guide
Editor Settings
Please setup your editor with the following settings for this project.
- 4 space(soft) indentation
- strip trailing whitespace
- 120 char max line length
Getting Started
Set a remote url for our upstream repo so you can keep your master branch unpolluted and updated.
git remote set-url upstream https://github.com/8xprotocol/repeater.git
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