@8base/forms 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 37 项目主页 更新于 2 年前

8base Forms

8base Forms 是 React Final Forms 的薄 React 包装器,可以轻松实现 8base API 实体的表单。


Table of Contents


扩展 React.Component

Field 包装器基于 Field 来自 react-final-form。 此组件接受 FieldProps 和其他道具,以便使用 8base 轻松实现应用程序接口。


  • fieldSchema FieldSchema? The 8base API field schema.
  • name string? The name of field, based on the 8base API table schema.


扩展 React.Component

FieldArray 包装器,基于 FieldArray 来自 react-final-form-arrays。 它接受 FieldArrayProps 作为道具。


扩展 React.Component

Fieldset 将关系表架构传递给子字段。


  • tableSchema TableSchema? The 8base API table schema.
  • tableSchemaName string? The name of the 8base API table schema. This prop only works if SchemaContext is provided.


扩展 React.Component

Form 包装器基于 Form 来自 react-final-form。 此组件接受 FormProps 和其他 props,以便使用 8base 轻松实现应用程序接口。


  • tableSchema TableSchema? The 8base API table schema.
  • tableSchemaName string? The name of the 8base API table schema. This prop only works if SchemaContext is provided.


Basic Form

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Form, Field } from '@8base/forms';

const TABLE_SCHEMA = {
  name: 'client',
  displayName: 'Client',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [{
    name: 'firstName',
    displayName: 'First Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Vladimir',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'lastName',
    displayName: 'Last Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Putin',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'age',
    displayName: 'Age',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'NUMBER',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,

  <Form type="CREATE" onSubmit={onSubmit}>
      ({ handleSubmit }) => (
        <form onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
          <Field name="firstName" component="input" />
          <Field name="lastName" component="input" />
          <Field name="age" component="input" />
          <button type="submit">Create Client</button>
, document.getElementById('root'));

Form with FieldArray

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Form, Field, FieldArray } from '@8base/forms';

const TABLE_SCHEMA = {
  name: 'client',
  displayName: 'Client',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [{
    name: 'firstName',
    displayName: 'First Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Vladimir',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'lastName',
    displayName: 'Last Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Putin',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'age',
    displayName: 'Age',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'NUMBER',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'fieldArray',
    displayName: 'FieldArray',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: true,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,

  <Form type="CREATE" onSubmit={onSubmit}>
      ({ handleSubmit }) => (
        <form onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
          <Field name="firstName" component="input" />
          <Field name="lastName" component="input" />
          <Field name="age" component="input" />
          <FieldArray name="fieldArray">
              React.Children.toArray(({ fields }) => (
                    fields.map((name, index) => (
                        <Field key={ name } name={ name } component="input" />
                        <button onClick={ () => fields.remove(index) }>Remove</button>
                  <button onClick={ () => fields.push('New Field Array Item') }>Add</button>
          <button type="submit">Create Client</button>
, document.getElementById('root'));

Multiple Forms with TableSchemaProvider

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Form, Field } from '@8base/forms';
import { TableSchemaProvider } from '@8base/table-schema-provider';

const SCHEMA = [{
  name: 'client',
  displayName: 'Client',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [{
    name: 'firstName',
    displayName: 'First Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Vladimir',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'lastName',
    displayName: 'Last Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Putin',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'age',
    displayName: 'Age',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'NUMBER',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,
}, {
  name: 'order',
  displayName: 'Order',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [{
    name: 'name',
    displayName: 'name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'deliveryDate',
    displayName: 'Delivery Date',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'DATE',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'DATE',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,

  <TableSchemaProvider schema={SCHEMA}>
    <Form type="CREATE" tableSchemaName="client" onSubmit={ onSubmitClient }>
        ({ handleSubmit }) => (
          <form onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
            <Field name="firstName" component="input" />
            <Field name="lastName" component="input" />
            <Field name="age" component="input" />
            <button type="submit">Create Client</button>
    <Form type="CREATE" tableSchemaName="order" onSubmit={onSubmitOrder}>
        ({ handleSubmit }) => (
          <form onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
            <Field name="name" component="input" />
            <Field name="deliveryDate" component="input" />
            <button type="submit">Create Order</button>
, document.getElementById('root'));

Complex form

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Form, Field } from '@8base/forms';
import { TableSchemaProvider } from '@8base/table-schema-provider';

const SCHEMA = [{
  name: 'tableSchema',
  displayName: 'Table Schema',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [
      name: 'scalar',
      displayName: 'Scalar',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'TEXT',
      fieldTypeAttributes: {
        format: 'UNFORMATTED',
        fieldSize: 100,
      isList: false,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: false,
      defaultValue: 'Scalar Default Value',
      relation: null,
      name: 'scalarList',
      displayName: 'Scalar List',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'TEXT',
      fieldTypeAttributes: {
        format: 'UNFORMATTED',
        fieldSize: 100,
      isList: true,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: false,
      defaultValue: 'Scalar List Default Value 1',
      relation: null,
      name: 'relation',
      displayName: 'Relation',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'RELATION',
      fieldTypeAttributes: null,
      isList: false,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: null,
      defaultValue: null,
      relation: {
        id: 'RELATION_FIELD_ID_1',
        relationTableName: 'RELATION_TABLE_NAME_1',
        relationFieldName: 'aid',
        refTable: {
        refFieldIsList: false,
        refFieldIsRequired: true,
      name: 'relationList',
      displayName: 'RelationList',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'RELATION',
      fieldTypeAttributes: null,
      isList: true,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: null,
      defaultValue: null,
      relation: {
        id: 'RELATION_FIELD_ID_2',
        relationTableName: 'RELATION_TABLE_NAME_2',
        relationFieldName: 'aid',
        refTable: {
        refFieldIsList: false,
        refFieldIsRequired: true,
}, {
  name: 'relationTableSchema',
  displayName: 'Relation Table Schema',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [
      name: 'scalar',
      displayName: 'Scalar',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'TEXT',
      fieldTypeAttributes: {
        format: 'UNFORMATTED',
        fieldSize: 100,
      isList: false,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: false,
      defaultValue: 'Scalar Default Value',
      relation: null,
      name: 'scalarList',
      displayName: 'Scalar List',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'TEXT',
      fieldTypeAttributes: {
        format: 'UNFORMATTED',
        fieldSize: 100,
      isList: true,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: false,
      defaultValue: 'Scalar List Default Value 1',
      relation: null,
      name: 'relation',
      displayName: 'Relation',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'RELATION',
      fieldTypeAttributes: null,
      isList: false,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: null,
      defaultValue: null,
      relation: {
        id: 'RELATION_FIELD_ID_3',
        relationTableName: 'RELATION_TABLE_NAME_1',
        relationFieldName: 'aid',
        refTable: {
          id: 'TABLE_SCHEMA_ID',
        refFieldIsList: false,
        refFieldIsRequired: true,
      name: 'relationList',
      displayName: 'RelationList',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'RELATION',
      fieldTypeAttributes: null,
      isList: true,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: null,
      defaultValue: null,
      relation: {
        id: 'RELATION_FIELD_ID_4',
        relationTableName: 'RELATION_TABLE_NAME_2',
        relationFieldName: 'aid',
        refTable: {
          id: 'TABLE_SCHEMA_ID',
        refFieldIsList: false,
        refFieldIsRequired: true,

  scalar: 'Scalar Value',
  scalarList: [
    'Scalar List Value',
  relation: {
    scalar: 'Relation Scalar Value',
  relationList: [{
    scalar: 'Relation List Scalar Value',

  <TableSchemaProvider value={ SCHEMA }>
    <Form type="CREATE" tableSchemaName="tableSchema" initialValues={ INITIAL_VALUES } onSubmit={ onSubmitForm }>
        ({ handleSubmit }) => (
          <form onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
            <Field name="scalar" component="input" />
            <FieldArray name="scalarList">
                ({ fields }) => (
                  fields.map((name) => (
                    <Field key={ name } name={ name } component="input" />
            <Fieldset tableSchemaName="relationTableSchema">
              <Field name="relation.scalar" component="input" />
            <FieldArray name="relationList">
                ({ fields }) => (
                  fields.map((name) => (
                    <Fieldset key={ name } tableSchemaName="relationTableSchema">
                      <Field name={ `${name}.scalar` } component="input" />
, document.getElementById('root'));

8base Forms

8base Forms is a thin React wrapper for React Final Forms to easy implement forms for 8base API entities.


Table of Contents


Extends React.Component

Field wrapper based on Field from the react-final-form. This component accepts FieldProps and other props for easy implementation with the 8base API.


  • fieldSchema FieldSchema? The 8base API field schema.
  • name string? The name of field, based on the 8base API table schema.


Extends React.Component

FieldArray wrapper based on FieldArray from the react-final-form-arrays. It accepts FieldArrayProps as a prop.


Extends React.Component

Fieldset passes relation table schema to the children fields.


  • tableSchema TableSchema? The 8base API table schema.
  • tableSchemaName string? The name of the 8base API table schema. This prop only works if SchemaContext is provided.


Extends React.Component

Form wrapper based on Form from the react-final-form. This component accepts FormProps and other props for easy implementation with the 8base API.


  • tableSchema TableSchema? The 8base API table schema.
  • tableSchemaName string? The name of the 8base API table schema. This prop only works if SchemaContext is provided.


Basic Form

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Form, Field } from '@8base/forms';

const TABLE_SCHEMA = {
  name: 'client',
  displayName: 'Client',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [{
    name: 'firstName',
    displayName: 'First Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Vladimir',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'lastName',
    displayName: 'Last Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Putin',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'age',
    displayName: 'Age',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'NUMBER',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,

  <Form type="CREATE" onSubmit={onSubmit}>
      ({ handleSubmit }) => (
        <form onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
          <Field name="firstName" component="input" />
          <Field name="lastName" component="input" />
          <Field name="age" component="input" />
          <button type="submit">Create Client</button>
, document.getElementById('root'));

Form with FieldArray

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Form, Field, FieldArray } from '@8base/forms';

const TABLE_SCHEMA = {
  name: 'client',
  displayName: 'Client',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [{
    name: 'firstName',
    displayName: 'First Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Vladimir',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'lastName',
    displayName: 'Last Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Putin',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'age',
    displayName: 'Age',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'NUMBER',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'fieldArray',
    displayName: 'FieldArray',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: true,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,

  <Form type="CREATE" onSubmit={onSubmit}>
      ({ handleSubmit }) => (
        <form onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
          <Field name="firstName" component="input" />
          <Field name="lastName" component="input" />
          <Field name="age" component="input" />
          <FieldArray name="fieldArray">
              React.Children.toArray(({ fields }) => (
                    fields.map((name, index) => (
                        <Field key={ name } name={ name } component="input" />
                        <button onClick={ () => fields.remove(index) }>Remove</button>
                  <button onClick={ () => fields.push('New Field Array Item') }>Add</button>
          <button type="submit">Create Client</button>
, document.getElementById('root'));

Multiple Forms with TableSchemaProvider

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Form, Field } from '@8base/forms';
import { TableSchemaProvider } from '@8base/table-schema-provider';

const SCHEMA = [{
  name: 'client',
  displayName: 'Client',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [{
    name: 'firstName',
    displayName: 'First Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Vladimir',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'lastName',
    displayName: 'Last Name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: 'Putin',
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'age',
    displayName: 'Age',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'NUMBER',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,
}, {
  name: 'order',
  displayName: 'Order',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [{
    name: 'name',
    displayName: 'name',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'TEXT',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'UNFORMATTED',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,
  }, {
    name: 'deliveryDate',
    displayName: 'Delivery Date',
    description: null,
    fieldType: 'DATE',
    fieldTypeAttributes: {
      format: 'DATE',
      fieldSize: 100,
    isList: false,
    isRequired: true,
    isUnique: false,
    defaultValue: null,
    relation: null,

  <TableSchemaProvider schema={SCHEMA}>
    <Form type="CREATE" tableSchemaName="client" onSubmit={ onSubmitClient }>
        ({ handleSubmit }) => (
          <form onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
            <Field name="firstName" component="input" />
            <Field name="lastName" component="input" />
            <Field name="age" component="input" />
            <button type="submit">Create Client</button>
    <Form type="CREATE" tableSchemaName="order" onSubmit={onSubmitOrder}>
        ({ handleSubmit }) => (
          <form onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
            <Field name="name" component="input" />
            <Field name="deliveryDate" component="input" />
            <button type="submit">Create Order</button>
, document.getElementById('root'));

Complex form

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Form, Field } from '@8base/forms';
import { TableSchemaProvider } from '@8base/table-schema-provider';

const SCHEMA = [{
  name: 'tableSchema',
  displayName: 'Table Schema',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [
      name: 'scalar',
      displayName: 'Scalar',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'TEXT',
      fieldTypeAttributes: {
        format: 'UNFORMATTED',
        fieldSize: 100,
      isList: false,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: false,
      defaultValue: 'Scalar Default Value',
      relation: null,
      name: 'scalarList',
      displayName: 'Scalar List',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'TEXT',
      fieldTypeAttributes: {
        format: 'UNFORMATTED',
        fieldSize: 100,
      isList: true,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: false,
      defaultValue: 'Scalar List Default Value 1',
      relation: null,
      name: 'relation',
      displayName: 'Relation',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'RELATION',
      fieldTypeAttributes: null,
      isList: false,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: null,
      defaultValue: null,
      relation: {
        id: 'RELATION_FIELD_ID_1',
        relationTableName: 'RELATION_TABLE_NAME_1',
        relationFieldName: 'aid',
        refTable: {
        refFieldIsList: false,
        refFieldIsRequired: true,
      name: 'relationList',
      displayName: 'RelationList',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'RELATION',
      fieldTypeAttributes: null,
      isList: true,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: null,
      defaultValue: null,
      relation: {
        id: 'RELATION_FIELD_ID_2',
        relationTableName: 'RELATION_TABLE_NAME_2',
        relationFieldName: 'aid',
        refTable: {
        refFieldIsList: false,
        refFieldIsRequired: true,
}, {
  name: 'relationTableSchema',
  displayName: 'Relation Table Schema',
  isSystem: false,
  fields: [
      name: 'scalar',
      displayName: 'Scalar',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'TEXT',
      fieldTypeAttributes: {
        format: 'UNFORMATTED',
        fieldSize: 100,
      isList: false,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: false,
      defaultValue: 'Scalar Default Value',
      relation: null,
      name: 'scalarList',
      displayName: 'Scalar List',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'TEXT',
      fieldTypeAttributes: {
        format: 'UNFORMATTED',
        fieldSize: 100,
      isList: true,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: false,
      defaultValue: 'Scalar List Default Value 1',
      relation: null,
      name: 'relation',
      displayName: 'Relation',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'RELATION',
      fieldTypeAttributes: null,
      isList: false,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: null,
      defaultValue: null,
      relation: {
        id: 'RELATION_FIELD_ID_3',
        relationTableName: 'RELATION_TABLE_NAME_1',
        relationFieldName: 'aid',
        refTable: {
          id: 'TABLE_SCHEMA_ID',
        refFieldIsList: false,
        refFieldIsRequired: true,
      name: 'relationList',
      displayName: 'RelationList',
      description: null,
      fieldType: 'RELATION',
      fieldTypeAttributes: null,
      isList: true,
      isRequired: false,
      isUnique: null,
      defaultValue: null,
      relation: {
        id: 'RELATION_FIELD_ID_4',
        relationTableName: 'RELATION_TABLE_NAME_2',
        relationFieldName: 'aid',
        refTable: {
          id: 'TABLE_SCHEMA_ID',
        refFieldIsList: false,
        refFieldIsRequired: true,

  scalar: 'Scalar Value',
  scalarList: [
    'Scalar List Value',
  relation: {
    scalar: 'Relation Scalar Value',
  relationList: [{
    scalar: 'Relation List Scalar Value',

  <TableSchemaProvider value={ SCHEMA }>
    <Form type="CREATE" tableSchemaName="tableSchema" initialValues={ INITIAL_VALUES } onSubmit={ onSubmitForm }>
        ({ handleSubmit }) => (
          <form onSubmit={ handleSubmit }>
            <Field name="scalar" component="input" />
            <FieldArray name="scalarList">
                ({ fields }) => (
                  fields.map((name) => (
                    <Field key={ name } name={ name } component="input" />
            <Fieldset tableSchemaName="relationTableSchema">
              <Field name="relation.scalar" component="input" />
            <FieldArray name="relationList">
                ({ fields }) => (
                  fields.map((name) => (
                    <Fieldset key={ name } tableSchemaName="relationTableSchema">
                      <Field name={ `${name}.scalar` } component="input" />
, document.getElementById('root'));
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