@80pct/react-time-picker 中文文档教程

发布于 4 年前 浏览 43 项目主页 更新于 3 年前


为 React 精心设计的时间选择器。


$ npm install @80pct/react-time-picker


var TimePicker = require('./src')

var VALUE = '14:00:01'

var onChange = function(value){
    picker.setProps({value: value})

var picker = React.render(

对于不受控制的行为,使用 defaultValue 而不是 value



  • value: String - a time value - for controlled behavior
  • defaultValue: String - a time value - for uncontrolled behavior
  • onChange: Function(string, moment) - function to be called on change


时间选择器可以多种格式显示时间。 例如,您可以显示小时、小时和时间。 分、时& 分钟& 其次,所有这些都有或没有 AM/PM。


  • 格式:字符串 - 请参阅 http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/string-format/。 一种格式,指示显示时间选择器的哪些部分。


    • H or HH - 0..23 - 24 hour time (hour and double digit hour)
    • h or hh - 1..12 - 12 hour time used with a A
    • m or mm - 0..59 for minute and double digit minute
    • s or ss - 0..59 for second and double digit second
    • a or A - for meridiem display

因此您可以通过指定 format 或仅对您提供的 value 使用适当的格式来决定显示什么。


  • If you want to display only hour & minute, specify a value string with hour and minute (eg: 16:03)
  • If you want to display hour, minute & second, specify eg 16:45:21
  • If you want to display AM/PM, specify an hour format that contains AM/PM eg 10:45 PM


默认情况下,当分钟/秒递增并且它们溢出 59 时,下一个量将增加。 您还可以使用 overflowHourToMeridian 溢出小时来触发子午线更改。

Increment steps

当时间箭头被触发时,值会增加一定数量 - 称为步长。 默认 step 值为 1

  • step: Number
  • hourStep: Number - A step for incrementing hours (defaults to null). If not provided, step will be used when incrementing the hour
  • minuteStep: Number - A step for incrementing minutes (defaults to null). If not provided, step will be used when incrementing the minute
  • secondStep: Number - A step for incrementing seconds (defaults to null). If not provided, step will be used when incrementing the second

Styling props

时间选择器带有内置样式,不依赖于外部 css 文件。

  • style

默认情况下,时间选择器的宽度为 200 像素,内边距为 10 像素。 您可以轻松更改:

<TimePicker style={{width: '100%', padding: 5}} />

时间框的样式(包含输入和箭头的 div)

  • boxStyle - style to be applied to all boxes (hour, minute, second, meridian)
  • hourStyle
  • minuteStyle
  • secondStyle
  • meridianStyle


  • hourInputStyle
  • minuteInputStyle
  • secondInputStyle
  • meridianInputStyle

Other props

  • useArrowKeys: Boolean - 默认为 true。 当此属性为 true 时,您可以在字段获得焦点时使用向上/向下箭头键更新时间值。 如果您不想要此行为,请设置为 false

  • inputFactory: Function(props) - 您可以使用此函数控制如何呈现时间输入。 它将使用一些输入道具调用:

    • props.style - 输入的样式

    • props.value

    • props.onChange

    • props.onFocus

    • props.onBlur

      改变 onChange, onFocusonBlur 传递给 inputFactory 的道具是不推荐的。 如果您选择更改这些,请确保您知道自己在做什么,或者您调用初始函数以及您自己的逻辑

  • showArrows: Boolean - 决定是否显示箭头。 默认为 true

  • arrowStyle - 要应用于所有箭头

  • 的样式

  • arrowUpStyle arrowDownStyle

  • arrowOverStyle

  • arrowUpOverStyle

  • arrowDownOverStyle

  • arrowFactory

  • stepDelay:Number - 默认为 60。当鼠标在箭头上按下时,数量增量之间的毫秒数

  • stopChangePropagation:Boolean - 默认为 true。 停止在时间选择器中包含的输入上传播 change 事件。 需要这样您的 onChange 函数将不会被多次调用,并且不会使用不同的参数。 仅当您知道自己在做什么时才修改它

  • normalizeStyle: Boolean - 默认为 true。 在需要时使用 react-style-normalizer 作为样式名称的前缀。 在这种情况下,所有样式道具都带有前缀(style、inputStyle、hourStyle 等...)


检查项目,cd 进入它并执行

$ npm install
$ npm run dev

导航到 localhost:8080。

更改 src 目录中的源代码。 当检测到更改时,浏览器会自动刷新。

要进行新构建,请执行 npm run build,这会从 src 中找到的源刷新 lib 文件夹(用于 npm)。


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A carefully crafted time picker for React.


$ npm install @80pct/react-time-picker


var TimePicker = require('./src')

var VALUE = '14:00:01'

var onChange = function(value){
    picker.setProps({value: value})

var picker = React.render(

For uncontrolled behavior, use defaultValue instead of value

The time picker can also be used on touch devices.


  • value: String - a time value - for controlled behavior
  • defaultValue: String - a time value - for uncontrolled behavior
  • onChange: Function(string, moment) - function to be called on change


The time picker can display time in multiple formats. For example, you can show hour, hour & minute, hour & minute & second, and all of these with or without AM/PM.

You can specify a format to decide which parts of the time picker to display

  • format: String - See http://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/string-format/. A format that dictates which parts of the time picker are displayed.

    Valid format tokens are:

    • H or HH - 0..23 - 24 hour time (hour and double digit hour)
    • h or hh - 1..12 - 12 hour time used with a A
    • m or mm - 0..59 for minute and double digit minute
    • s or ss - 0..59 for second and double digit second
    • a or A - for meridiem display

So you can decide what to display either by specifying a format or just use the appropriate formatting on the value you provide.


  • If you want to display only hour & minute, specify a value string with hour and minute (eg: 16:03)
  • If you want to display hour, minute & second, specify eg 16:45:21
  • If you want to display AM/PM, specify an hour format that contains AM/PM eg 10:45 PM


By default when minutes/seconds are incremented, and they overflow 59, the next amount is increased. You can also overflow hour to trigger a meridian change by using overflowHourToMeridian.

Increment steps

When time arrows are triggered, values are incremented with a certain amount - called step. The default step value is 1

  • step: Number
  • hourStep: Number - A step for incrementing hours (defaults to null). If not provided, step will be used when incrementing the hour
  • minuteStep: Number - A step for incrementing minutes (defaults to null). If not provided, step will be used when incrementing the minute
  • secondStep: Number - A step for incrementing seconds (defaults to null). If not provided, step will be used when incrementing the second

Styling props

The time picker comes with built-in styles, no dependencies on external css files.

  • style

By default, the timepicker is 200px in width and has padding 10px. You can easily change that:

<TimePicker style={{width: '100%', padding: 5}} />

Styles for time boxes (the div containing the input and the arrows)

  • boxStyle - style to be applied to all boxes (hour, minute, second, meridian)
  • hourStyle
  • minuteStyle
  • secondStyle
  • meridianStyle

Styles for time input fields

  • hourInputStyle
  • minuteInputStyle
  • secondInputStyle
  • meridianInputStyle

Other props

  • useArrowKeys: Boolean - defaults to true. When this prop is true, you can update time values with arrow up/down keys when field is focused. Set to false if you don't want this behavior

  • inputFactory: Function(props) - you can control how to render the time inputs, by using this function. It will be called with some props for the input:

    • props.style - the style for the input

    • props.value

    • props.onChange

    • props.onFocus

    • props.onBlur

      Changing either onChange, onFocus or onBlur of the props passed in to inputFactory is not recommended. If you choose to change those, make sure you know what you're doing or you call the initial functions along with your own logic

  • showArrows: Boolean - decides whether to show arrows or not. Defaults to true

  • arrowStyle - style to be applied to all arrows

  • arrowUpStyle

  • arrowDownStyle

  • arrowOverStyle

  • arrowUpOverStyle

  • arrowDownOverStyle

  • arrowFactory

  • stepDelay: Number - defaults to 60. The amount of milliseconds between amount increments when mouse is down on an arrow

  • stopChangePropagation: Boolean - defaults to true. Stops the propagation of the change event on the inputs contained in the time picker. Needed so your onChange function will not get called multiple times, and with different arguments. Only modify this if you know what you're doing

  • normalizeStyle: Boolean - defaults to true. Uses react-style-normalizer to prefix style names when needed. In this case, all style props are prefixed (style, inputStyle, hourStyle, etc… )


Check out the project, cd into it and do

$ npm install
$ npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:8080.

Change the sources in the src directory. When a change is detected, the browser is auto refreshed.

To make a new build, execute npm run build, which refreshes the lib folder (for use with npm) from sources found in src.


See Changelog



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