@6river/rosbag 中文文档教程
是一个 node.js & 用于读取 rosbag 二进制数据文件的浏览器兼容模块。
npm install rosbag
yarn add rosbag
Quick start
与 rosbag 交互的最常见方式是读取一组特定主题的数据记录。 rosbag格式编码主题的类型信息,rosbag
读取此类型信息并将数据记录解析为JavaScript 对象和数组。
下面是一个从 node.js 中的 rosbag 读取消息的示例:
const { open } = require('rosbag');
// open a new bag at a given file location:
const bag = await open('../path/to/ros.bag');
// read all messages from both the '/foo' and '/bar' topics:
await bag.readMessages({ topics: ['/foo', '/bar'] }, (result) => {
// topic is the topic the data record was in
// in this case it will be either '/foo' or '/bar'
// message is the parsed payload
// this payload will likely differ based on the topic
Opening a new rosbag reader
// @flow signature
function open(fileOrPath: File | string) => Promise<Bag>
打开一个新的 rosbag 阅读器是使用 open
函数完成的。 在浏览器中,该函数采用一个文件实例,您通常会从文件输入中获取该实例元素。 在 node.js 中,该函数采用一个字符串,该字符串应该是 rosbag 文件的完整路径。 Node.js 将从磁盘读取文件。 如果打开文件时出现问题或文件格式无效,承诺将拒绝,否则将使用 Bag
Bag instance
// @flow signature
class Bag {
// the time of the earliest message in the bag
startTime: Time,
// the time of the last message in the bag
endTime: Time,
// a hash of connection records by their id
connections: { [number]: Connection },
// an array of ChunkInfos describing the chunks within the bag
chunkInfos: Array<ChunkInfo>,
// call to consume from the bag - see 'Consuming messages from the bag instance' below
readMessages(options: BagOptions, cb: (result: ReadResult) => void) => Promise<void>
Consuming messages from the bag instance
方法返回一个 Promise
,它在读取操作完成时解析,或者在读取错误时拒绝。 在读取操作期间,各个ReadResult
。 callback
可能会在同一个 tick 上被多次调用,因为多个数据记录可以在 bag 读取器读取的单个二进制块中进行编码。
// @flow signature
const bagOptions = {
// an optional array of topics used to filter down
// which data records will be read
// the default is all records on all topics
topics?: Array<string>,
// an optional Time instance used to filter data records
// to only those which start on or after the given start time
// the default is undefined which will apply no filter
startTime?: Time,
// an optional Time instance used to filter data records
// to only those which end on or before the given end time
// the default is undefined which will apply no filter
endTime? Time,
// decompression callbacks
// if your bag is compressed you can supply a callback to decompress
// based on the compression type. The callback should accept a buffer of compressed bytes
// and return a buffer of uncompressed bytes
decompress?: {|
bz2?: (buffer: Buffer) => Buffer,
lz4?: (buffer: Buffer) => Buffer,
// by default the individual parsed binary messages will be parsed based on their [ROS message definition](http://wiki.ros.org/msg)
// if you set noParse to true the read operation will skip the message parsing step
noParse?: boolean
所有选项都是可选的,用于从 rosbag 中有时庞大而多样的数据记录中过滤下来。 可以省略所有选项 & 在 readMessages
回调中过滤内存中的消息; 然而,由于 rosbag 格式的优化可以在读取和读取期间进行。 如果您提前指定主题和/或日期范围,解析将产生显着性能和内存增益。
// @flow signature
const readResult {
// the topic from which the current record was read
topic: string,
// the parsed message contents as a JavaScript object
// this can contain nested complex types
// and arrays of complex & simple types
// this will be undefined if you supply { noParse: true } to `bag.readMessages`
message: { [string]: any },
// a Time instance - the receive time of the message
timestamp: Time
// the raw buffer data from the data record
// a node.js buffer in node & an array buffer in the browser
data: Array<int8>,
// the offset of the chunk being read
// starts at 0 and eventually increments to totalChunks
// useful for computing read progress as a percentage
chunkOffset: number,
// the total chunks to eventually be consumed
// during the current read operation
totalChunks: number,
// @flow signature
class Connection {
// the id of the connection
conn: number,
// the topic for the connection
topic: string,
// the md5 hash for the connection message definition
md5sum: string,
// the rosbag formatted message definition for records on this connection's topic
messageDefinition: string,
ROS 格式代表纳秒级的时间。 在 JavaScript 中,它存储为 Time 类的实例。 时间类有转换辅助方法来往返于 JavaScript 日期。
// @flow signature
class Time {
// the seconds portion of the unix epoc
sec: number,
// the number of nanoseconds past the second of the unix epoc
nsec: number,
// the constructor expects a number for both the sec and nsec values
constructor(sec: number, nsec: number),
// convert this Time instance to a JavaScript date object
// note: this is a lossy conversion as JavaScript dates do not store nanoseconds
toDate(): Date,
// helper method to build a time instance from a JavaScript date object
static fromDate(Date): Time,
// returns a positive number if left is greater than right
// returns a negative number if right is greater than left
// returns 0 if the times are the same
// useful to sort an array of times:
// const times = [new Time(1, 1000), new Time(2, 2000), new Time(0, 100)]
// const sortedTimes = times.sort(Time.compare)
static compare(left: Time, right: Time): number,
// returns true if left is less than right, otherwise false
static isLessThan(left: Time, right: Time): boolean,
// returns true if left is greater than right, otherwise false
static isGreaterThan(left: Time, right: Time): boolean,
// returns true if the times are the same, otherwise false
static areSame(left: Time, right: Time): boolean,
// computes the sum of two times and returns a new time
static add(left: Time, right: Time): Time,
您可以像这样导入 Time 模块:const { Time } = require('rosbag')
Supported platforms
> 在 node@8.x
和 google chrome(通过 webpack)中经过严格测试。 它也应该在所有具有 FileReader 和 类型化数组 API 可用。 如果您在使用 Firefox、Edge 或 Safari 时遇到问题,请随时提出问题或提交包含修复的拉取请求。
本软件根据下面引用的 Apache 许可证版本 2(“ALv2”)获得许可。
版权所有 2017-2018 GM Cruise
根据 Apache 许可证 2.0 版(“许可证”)获得许可; 你不可以 使用此文件,除非符合许可证。 您可以获得一份 许可
除非适用法律要求或书面同意,否则 根据许可证分发是在“按原样”的基础上分发的,没有 任何明示或暗示的保证或条件。 见 下的特定语言管理权限和限制的许可 许可证。
is a node.js & browser compatible module for reading rosbag binary data files.
npm install rosbag
yarn add rosbag
Quick start
The most common way to interact with a rosbag is to read data records for a specific set of topics. The rosbag format encodes type information for topics, and rosbag
reads this type information and parses the data records into JavaScript objects and arrays.
Here is an example of reading messages from a rosbag in node.js:
const { open } = require('rosbag');
// open a new bag at a given file location:
const bag = await open('../path/to/ros.bag');
// read all messages from both the '/foo' and '/bar' topics:
await bag.readMessages({ topics: ['/foo', '/bar'] }, (result) => {
// topic is the topic the data record was in
// in this case it will be either '/foo' or '/bar'
// message is the parsed payload
// this payload will likely differ based on the topic
Opening a new rosbag reader
// @flow signature
function open(fileOrPath: File | string) => Promise<Bag>
Opening a new rosbag reader is done with the open
function. In the browser the function takes a File instance which you will generally get from a file input element. In node.js the function takes a string which should be the full path to a rosbag file. Node.js will read the file off of the disk. The promise will reject if there is an issue opening the file or if the file format is invalid, otherwise it will resolve with an instance of a Bag
Bag instance
// @flow signature
class Bag {
// the time of the earliest message in the bag
startTime: Time,
// the time of the last message in the bag
endTime: Time,
// a hash of connection records by their id
connections: { [number]: Connection },
// an array of ChunkInfos describing the chunks within the bag
chunkInfos: Array<ChunkInfo>,
// call to consume from the bag - see 'Consuming messages from the bag instance' below
readMessages(options: BagOptions, cb: (result: ReadResult) => void) => Promise<void>
Consuming messages from the bag instance
method returns a Promise<void>
which resolves when the read operation is completed or rejects in the event of a read error. During the read operation individual ReadResult
objects are passed to the callback
supplied to the open
function. The callback
may be called multiple times on the same tick as multiple data records can be encoded within a single binary chunk read within the bag reader.
// @flow signature
const bagOptions = {
// an optional array of topics used to filter down
// which data records will be read
// the default is all records on all topics
topics?: Array<string>,
// an optional Time instance used to filter data records
// to only those which start on or after the given start time
// the default is undefined which will apply no filter
startTime?: Time,
// an optional Time instance used to filter data records
// to only those which end on or before the given end time
// the default is undefined which will apply no filter
endTime? Time,
// decompression callbacks
// if your bag is compressed you can supply a callback to decompress
// based on the compression type. The callback should accept a buffer of compressed bytes
// and return a buffer of uncompressed bytes
decompress?: {|
bz2?: (buffer: Buffer) => Buffer,
lz4?: (buffer: Buffer) => Buffer,
// by default the individual parsed binary messages will be parsed based on their [ROS message definition](http://wiki.ros.org/msg)
// if you set noParse to true the read operation will skip the message parsing step
noParse?: boolean
All options are optional and used to filter down from the sometimes enormous and varied data records in a rosbag. One could omit all options & filter the messages in memory within the readMessages
callback; however, due to the rosbag format optimizations can be made during reading & parsing which will yield significant performance and memory gains if you specify topics and/or date ranges ahead of time.
// @flow signature
const readResult {
// the topic from which the current record was read
topic: string,
// the parsed message contents as a JavaScript object
// this can contain nested complex types
// and arrays of complex & simple types
// this will be undefined if you supply { noParse: true } to `bag.readMessages`
message: { [string]: any },
// a Time instance - the receive time of the message
timestamp: Time
// the raw buffer data from the data record
// a node.js buffer in node & an array buffer in the browser
data: Array<int8>,
// the offset of the chunk being read
// starts at 0 and eventually increments to totalChunks
// useful for computing read progress as a percentage
chunkOffset: number,
// the total chunks to eventually be consumed
// during the current read operation
totalChunks: number,
// @flow signature
class Connection {
// the id of the connection
conn: number,
// the topic for the connection
topic: string,
// the md5 hash for the connection message definition
md5sum: string,
// the rosbag formatted message definition for records on this connection's topic
messageDefinition: string,
The ROS format represents time to the nanosecond granularity. In JavaScript it is stored as an instance of the Time class. The time class has conversion helper methods to go to and from JavaScript dates.
// @flow signature
class Time {
// the seconds portion of the unix epoc
sec: number,
// the number of nanoseconds past the second of the unix epoc
nsec: number,
// the constructor expects a number for both the sec and nsec values
constructor(sec: number, nsec: number),
// convert this Time instance to a JavaScript date object
// note: this is a lossy conversion as JavaScript dates do not store nanoseconds
toDate(): Date,
// helper method to build a time instance from a JavaScript date object
static fromDate(Date): Time,
// returns a positive number if left is greater than right
// returns a negative number if right is greater than left
// returns 0 if the times are the same
// useful to sort an array of times:
// const times = [new Time(1, 1000), new Time(2, 2000), new Time(0, 100)]
// const sortedTimes = times.sort(Time.compare)
static compare(left: Time, right: Time): number,
// returns true if left is less than right, otherwise false
static isLessThan(left: Time, right: Time): boolean,
// returns true if left is greater than right, otherwise false
static isGreaterThan(left: Time, right: Time): boolean,
// returns true if the times are the same, otherwise false
static areSame(left: Time, right: Time): boolean,
// computes the sum of two times and returns a new time
static add(left: Time, right: Time): Time,
You can import the Time module like this: const { Time } = require('rosbag')
Supported platforms
Currently rosbag is used & heavily tested in node@8.x
as well as google chrome (via webpack). It should also work under all modern browsers which have the FileReader and typed array APIs available. If you run into issues with Firefox, Edge, or Safari please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request with a fix.
This software is licensed under the Apache License, version 2 ("ALv2"), quoted below.
Copyright 2017-2018 GM Cruise
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
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