@66pix/angular-ui-notification 中文文档教程

发布于 8 年前 浏览 34 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


依赖状态devDependency Status构建状态依赖状态Code Climate

Angular.js 服务提供简单的通知,使用 Bootstrap 3 样式和动画的 css 转换


  • No dependencies except of angular.js.
  • CSS3 Animations.
  • Small size.
  • 5 message types.
  • Use HTML in your messages.
  • Configure options globally py the provider
  • Use custom options by the message
  • Use custom template


要使用 bower 安装包并保存为依赖项,请使用...

bower install angular-ui-notification --save

要通过 NPM 安装:

npm install angular-ui-notification --save


Heres a plunker demo

在你的 html/template add

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-ui-notification.min.css">
  <script src="angular-ui-notification.min.js"></script>


  angular.module('notificationTest', ['ui-notification']);


angular.module('notificationTest', ['ui-notification'])
    .config(function(NotificationProvider) {
            delay: 10000,
            startTop: 20,
            startRight: 10,
            verticalSpacing: 20,
            horizontalSpacing: 20,
            positionX: 'left',
            positionY: 'bottom'


angular.module('notificationTest').controller('notificationController', function($scope, Notification) {

  Notification.primary('Primary notification');
  // or simply..
  Notification('Primary notification');

  // Other Options
  // Success
  Notification.success('Success notification');

  // Message with custom type
  Notification({message: 'Warning notification'}, 'warning');

  // With Title
  Notification({message: 'Primary notification', title: 'Primary notification'});

  // Message with custom delay
  Notification.error({message: 'Error notification 1s', delay: 1000});

  // Embed HTML within your message.....
  Notification.success({message: 'Success notification<br>Some other <b>content</b><br><a href="https://github.com/alexcrack/angular-ui-notification">This is a link</a><br><img src="https://angularjs.org/img/AngularJS-small.png">', title: 'Html content'});

  // Change position notification
  Notification.error({message: 'Error Bottom Right', positionY: 'bottom', positionX: 'right'});

  // Replace message
  Notification.error({message: 'Error notification 1s', replaceMessage: true});








OptionPossible valuesDefault valueDescription
delayAny integer value5000The time in ms the message is showing before start fading out
startTopAny integer value10Vertical padding between messages and vertical border of the browser
startRightAny integer value10Horizontal padding between messages and horizontal border of the browser
verticalSpacingAny integer value10Vertical spacing between messages
horizontalSpacingAny integer value10Horizontal spacing between messages
positionX"right", "left", "center""right"Horizontal position of the message
positionY"top", "bottom""top"Vertical position of the message
replaceMessagetrue, falsefalseIf true every next appearing message replace old messages
templateUrlAny string"angular-ui-notification.html"Custom template filename (URL)
onCloseAny functionundefinedCallback to execute when a notification element is closed. Callback receives the element as its argument.
closeOnClicktrue, falsetrueIf true, messages are closed on click
maxCountAny integer0Show only [maxCount] last messages. Old messages will be killed. 0 - do not kill

您也可以传递“scope”选项。 这是一个角度范围选项,通知范围将从中继承。 此选项只能在方法中传递。 默认值为 $rootScope


Notification service methods

Method nameDescription
Notification(), Notification.primary()Show the message with bootstrap's primary class
Notification.info()Show the message with bootstrap's info class
Notification.success()Show the message with bootstrap's success class
Notification.warning()Show the message with bootstrap's warn class
Notification.error()Show the message with bootstrap's danger class
Notification.clearAll()Remove all shown messages

Notification service options

OptionPossible valuesDefault valueDescription
titleString""Title to appear at the top of the notification
messageString""Message to appear in the notification
templateUrlString"angular-ui-notification.html"URL of template to be used for notification
delayInt (?)5000 or configured global delayNumber of ms before notification fades out. If not an integer, notification will persist until killed.
type"primary", "info", "success", "warning", "error""primary"Bootstrap flavoring
positionY"top", "bottom""top"
positionX"right", "left", "center"`"right"
replaceMessageBooleanfalseIf true this message will replace old(er) message(s)
closeOnClicktrue, falsetrueIf true, the message is closed on click

Returning value


Method nameDescription
notificationScope.kill(isHard)Remove the specific message
isHard - if false or omitted kill message with fadeout effect (default). If true - immediately remove the message

Custom Templates


<div class="ui-notification">
    <h3 ng-show="title" ng-bind-html="title"></h3>
    <div class="message" ng-bind-html="message"></div>

默认的现有范围值是“title”——消息的标题和“message”。 也可以使用任何自定义范围的属性。


Dependency StatusdevDependency StatusBuild StatusDependency StatusCode Climate

Angular.js service providing simple notifications using Bootstrap 3 styles with css transitions for animations


  • No dependencies except of angular.js.
  • CSS3 Animations.
  • Small size.
  • 5 message types.
  • Use HTML in your messages.
  • Configure options globally py the provider
  • Use custom options by the message
  • Use custom template


To install the package using bower and save as a dependency use…

bower install angular-ui-notification --save

To install via NPM:

npm install angular-ui-notification --save


Heres a plunker demo

In your html/template add

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="angular-ui-notification.min.css">
  <script src="angular-ui-notification.min.js"></script>

In your application, declare dependency injection like so..

  angular.module('notificationTest', ['ui-notification']);

You can configure module by the provider

angular.module('notificationTest', ['ui-notification'])
    .config(function(NotificationProvider) {
            delay: 10000,
            startTop: 20,
            startRight: 10,
            verticalSpacing: 20,
            horizontalSpacing: 20,
            positionX: 'left',
            positionY: 'bottom'

And when you need to show notifications, inject service and call it!

angular.module('notificationTest').controller('notificationController', function($scope, Notification) {

  Notification.primary('Primary notification');
  // or simply..
  Notification('Primary notification');

  // Other Options
  // Success
  Notification.success('Success notification');

  // Message with custom type
  Notification({message: 'Warning notification'}, 'warning');

  // With Title
  Notification({message: 'Primary notification', title: 'Primary notification'});

  // Message with custom delay
  Notification.error({message: 'Error notification 1s', delay: 1000});

  // Embed HTML within your message.....
  Notification.success({message: 'Success notification<br>Some other <b>content</b><br><a href="https://github.com/alexcrack/angular-ui-notification">This is a link</a><br><img src="https://angularjs.org/img/AngularJS-small.png">', title: 'Html content'});

  // Change position notification
  Notification.error({message: 'Error Bottom Right', positionY: 'bottom', positionX: 'right'});

  // Replace message
  Notification.error({message: 'Error notification 1s', replaceMessage: true});


Module name: "ui-notification"

Service: "Notification"

Configuration provider: "NotificationProvider"


Options can be passed to configuration provider globally or used in the current message.

The options list:

OptionPossible valuesDefault valueDescription
delayAny integer value5000The time in ms the message is showing before start fading out
startTopAny integer value10Vertical padding between messages and vertical border of the browser
startRightAny integer value10Horizontal padding between messages and horizontal border of the browser
verticalSpacingAny integer value10Vertical spacing between messages
horizontalSpacingAny integer value10Horizontal spacing between messages
positionX"right", "left", "center""right"Horizontal position of the message
positionY"top", "bottom""top"Vertical position of the message
replaceMessagetrue, falsefalseIf true every next appearing message replace old messages
templateUrlAny string"angular-ui-notification.html"Custom template filename (URL)
onCloseAny functionundefinedCallback to execute when a notification element is closed. Callback receives the element as its argument.
closeOnClicktrue, falsetrueIf true, messages are closed on click
maxCountAny integer0Show only [maxCount] last messages. Old messages will be killed. 0 - do not kill

Also you can pass the "scope" option. This is an angular scope option Notification scope will be inherited from. This option can be passed only in the methods. The default value is $rootScope


Notification service methods

Method nameDescription
Notification(), Notification.primary()Show the message with bootstrap's primary class
Notification.info()Show the message with bootstrap's info class
Notification.success()Show the message with bootstrap's success class
Notification.warning()Show the message with bootstrap's warn class
Notification.error()Show the message with bootstrap's danger class
Notification.clearAll()Remove all shown messages

Notification service options

OptionPossible valuesDefault valueDescription
titleString""Title to appear at the top of the notification
messageString""Message to appear in the notification
templateUrlString"angular-ui-notification.html"URL of template to be used for notification
delayInt (?)5000 or configured global delayNumber of ms before notification fades out. If not an integer, notification will persist until killed.
type"primary", "info", "success", "warning", "error""primary"Bootstrap flavoring
positionY"top", "bottom""top"
positionX"right", "left", "center"`"right"
replaceMessageBooleanfalseIf true this message will replace old(er) message(s)
closeOnClicktrue, falsetrueIf true, the message is closed on click

Returning value

Every "show" method returns a promise that resolves a notification scope with these methods:

Method nameDescription
notificationScope.kill(isHard)Remove the specific message
isHard - if false or omitted kill message with fadeout effect (default). If true - immediately remove the message

Custom Templates

Custom template can be provided.

<div class="ui-notification">
    <h3 ng-show="title" ng-bind-html="title"></h3>
    <div class="message" ng-bind-html="message"></div>

Default existing scope values is "title" - the title of the message and "message". Also any custom scope's properties can be used.

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