@66pix/angular-credit-cards 中文文档教程

发布于 8 年前 浏览 45 项目主页 更新于 3 年前

angular-credit-cards Build Status

一组用于构建信用卡支付表单的 Angular 指令。 使用 creditcards 来解析和验证输入。 与 angular-stripe 或任何其他支付后端完美搭配。 试试吧!


# use npm
$ npm install angular-credit-cards
# or bower
$ bower install angular-credit-cards


在模块的依赖项中包含 'angular-credit-cards'

// node module exports the string 'angular-credit-cards' for convenience
angular.module('myApp', [
// otherwise, include the code first then the module name
angular.module('myApp', [

如果你'如果想直接使用 creditcards API,您可以将服务作为 creditcards 注入。


除了 ccExp 之外,所有指令都需要在其元素上使用 ngModel。 虽然设计为一起使用,但除 ccExp 之外的所有指令都可以完全独立使用。

所有指令都应用数字输入模式,以便移动浏览器使用修改后的版本放大的电话键盘。 您应该对所有 input 元素使用 type="text"

Card Number (cc-number)

<input type="text" ng-model="card.number" cc-number cc-type="cardType" ng-required="true" />
  • Can format your inputs into space-delimited groups (e.g. 4242 4242 4242 4242) by adding the cc-format option
  • Strips all punctuation and spaces in the model
  • Validates the card against the Luhn algorithm
  • Checks whether the card is the type(s) specified in scope property in cc-type (optional)
  • Otherwise, checks whether the card matches any valid card type
  • Exposes the card type as $ccType on the model controller

如果您使用的是 cc-format,您需要应用 novalidate 属性添加到您的

以禁用本机浏览器验证。 用于在移动设备上触发拨号器键盘的输入模式不允许空格,导致实现模式验证的浏览器显示错误工具提示。

cc-type 属性是可选的,可以是单个卡片类型或类型数组。 如果它的值是在作用域上定义的,除了 Luhh 算法之外,卡号将根据类型进行检查。 一个特殊的有效性密钥——ccNumberType——指示该卡是否与指定类型相匹配。 如果未提供类型,ccNumberType 将始终对通过 Luhn 并匹配任何卡片类型的任何卡片有效。

您还可以启用即时卡类型检测以匹配只有前导数字的卡类型(例如 4 可以立即被检测为 Visa)。 将 cc-eager-type 属性添加到您的元素以启用即时类型检测。 急切匹配的类型将在模型控制器上作为 $ccEagerType 提供。


<form name="paymentForm">
  <input type="text" ng-model="card.number" name="cardNumber" cc-number cc-eager-type />
<p ng-show="paymentForm.cardNumber.$invalid && paymentForm.cardNumber.$ccEagerType">
  Looks like you're typing a {{paymentForm.cardNumber.$ccEagerType}} number!
<p ng-show="paymentForm.cardNumber.$valid">
  Yes, that looks like a valid {{paymentForm.cardNumber.$ccType}} number!
<p ng-show="paymentForm.cardNumber.$error.required">
  You must enter a credit card number!


<form name="paymentForm">
  <select ng-model="cardType" ng-options="type for type in ['Visa', 'American Express', 'MasterCard']"></select>
  <input type="text" ng-model="card.number" name="cardNumber" cc-number cc-type="cardType" />
  <p ng-show="paymentForm.cardNumber.$error.ccNumberType">That's not a valid {{cardType}}</p>

CVC (cc-cvc)

<input type="text" ng-model="card.cvc" cc-cvc ng-required="true" />
<input type="text" ng-model="card.cvc" cc-type="cardNumber.$ccType" ng-required="true" />
  • Sets maxlength="4"
  • Validates the CVC

您可以选择指定将卡片类型存储为 cc-type。 对于美国运通卡,需要 4 位数的 CVC。 对于所有其他卡类型,需要 3 位数字。

Expiration (cc-exp, cc-exp-month, cc-exp-year)

<div cc-exp>
  <input ng-model="card.exp_month" cc-exp-month ng-required="true" />
  <input ng-model="card.exp_year" cc-exp-year ng-required="true" />


  • Sets maxlength="2"
  • Validates the month
  • Converts it to a number


  • Sets maxlength="2" (or 4 with the full-year attribute)
  • Converts the year to a 4 digit number ('14' -> 2014), unless full-year is added
  • Validates the year
  • Validates that the expiration year has not passed



cc-exp-monthcc-exp-year 应该都放在 input 元素上type="text" 或没有 type 属性。 浏览器的正常最大长度行为(防止在指定字符数后输入并将粘贴的文本截断到该长度)不适用于 type="number"。 这两个指令都将在内部处理将日期组件解析为数字。

cc-exp 必须放在 cc-exp-monthcc-exp-year 的父元素上。 因为 ccExp 不是输入,而是直接向表单添加了验证属性,所以您无法将其有效性作为 myForm.ccExp.$valid 访问。 而是使用 myForm.$error.ccExp 来确定是否显示验证错误。


如果您不完全熟悉 Angular 中的表单验证,这些可能会有所帮助:

angular-credit-cards 设置与指令名称匹配的有效性密钥(ccNumberccCvcccExpccExpMonthccExpYear)。 您可以使用这些键或表单 css 类来显示错误消息。

您还可以尝试现场演示 并试验各种输入,看看它们是如何被验证的。



angular-credit-cards Build Status

A set of Angular directives for constructing credit card payment forms. Uses creditcards to parse and validate inputs. Pairs well with angular-stripe or any other payments backend. Try it!


# use npm
$ npm install angular-credit-cards
# or bower
$ bower install angular-credit-cards


Include 'angular-credit-cards' in your module's dependencies:

// node module exports the string 'angular-credit-cards' for convenience
angular.module('myApp', [
// otherwise, include the code first then the module name
angular.module('myApp', [

If you'd like to use the creditcards API directly, you can inject the service as creditcards.


With the exception of ccExp, all directives require ngModel on their elements. While designed to be used together, all directives except ccExp can be used completely independently.

All directives apply a numeric input pattern so that mobile browsers use a modified version of the enlarged telephone keypad. You should use type="text" for all input elements.

Card Number (cc-number)

<input type="text" ng-model="card.number" cc-number cc-type="cardType" ng-required="true" />
  • Can format your inputs into space-delimited groups (e.g. 4242 4242 4242 4242) by adding the cc-format option
  • Strips all punctuation and spaces in the model
  • Validates the card against the Luhn algorithm
  • Checks whether the card is the type(s) specified in scope property in cc-type (optional)
  • Otherwise, checks whether the card matches any valid card type
  • Exposes the card type as $ccType on the model controller

If you're using cc-format, you'll want to apply the novalidate attribute to your <form> to disable native browser validation. The input pattern used to trigger the dialer keypad on mobile does not allow spaces, causing browsers that implement pattern validation to display an error tooltip.

The cc-type property is optional and may be a single card type or an array of types. If its value is defined on the scope, the card number will be checked against the type(s) in addition to the Luhh algorithm. A special validity key—ccNumberType—indicates whether the card matched the specified type. If no type is provided, ccNumberType will always be valid for any card that passes Luhn and matches any card type.

You can also enable eager card type detection to match against card type with only leading digits (e.g. a 4 can immediately be detected as a Visa). Add the cc-eager-type attribute to your element to enable eager type detection. The eagerly matched type will be available as $ccEagerType on the model controller.

Displaying the card type from a user input:

<form name="paymentForm">
  <input type="text" ng-model="card.number" name="cardNumber" cc-number cc-eager-type />
<p ng-show="paymentForm.cardNumber.$invalid && paymentForm.cardNumber.$ccEagerType">
  Looks like you're typing a {{paymentForm.cardNumber.$ccEagerType}} number!
<p ng-show="paymentForm.cardNumber.$valid">
  Yes, that looks like a valid {{paymentForm.cardNumber.$ccType}} number!
<p ng-show="paymentForm.cardNumber.$error.required">
  You must enter a credit card number!

Enforcing a specific card type chosen with a <select>:

<form name="paymentForm">
  <select ng-model="cardType" ng-options="type for type in ['Visa', 'American Express', 'MasterCard']"></select>
  <input type="text" ng-model="card.number" name="cardNumber" cc-number cc-type="cardType" />
  <p ng-show="paymentForm.cardNumber.$error.ccNumberType">That's not a valid {{cardType}}</p>

CVC (cc-cvc)

<input type="text" ng-model="card.cvc" cc-cvc ng-required="true" />
<input type="text" ng-model="card.cvc" cc-type="cardNumber.$ccType" ng-required="true" />
  • Sets maxlength="4"
  • Validates the CVC

You can optionally specify a scope property that stores the card type as cc-type. For American Express cards, a 4 digit CVC is expected. For all other card types, 3 digits are expected.

Expiration (cc-exp, cc-exp-month, cc-exp-year)

<div cc-exp>
  <input ng-model="card.exp_month" cc-exp-month ng-required="true" />
  <input ng-model="card.exp_year" cc-exp-year ng-required="true" />


  • Sets maxlength="2"
  • Validates the month
  • Converts it to a number


  • Sets maxlength="2" (or 4 with the full-year attribute)
  • Converts the year to a 4 digit number ('14' -> 2014), unless full-year is added
  • Validates the year
  • Validates that the expiration year has not passed


Validates that the month/year pair has not passed

cc-exp-month and cc-exp-year should both be placed on input elements with type="text" or no type attribute. The browser's normal maxlength behavior (preventing input after the specified number of characters and truncating pasted text to that length) does not work with type="number". Both directives will handle parsing the date components into numbers internally.

cc-exp must be placed on a parent element of cc-exp-month and cc-exp-year. Because ccExp is not an input and adds a validation property directly to the form, you cannot access its validity as myForm.ccExp.$valid. Instead use myForm.$error.ccExp to determine whether to show a validation error.


If you're not fully familiar with form validation in Angular, these may be helpful:

angular-credit-cards sets validity keys that match the directive names (ccNumber, ccCvc, ccExp, ccExpMonth, ccExpYear). You can use these keys or the form css classes in order to display error messages.

You can also try a live demo and experiment with various inputs and see how they're validated.



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