@667/vue-json-ui-editor 中文文档教程

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Greenkeeper badgeDeepScan grade

使用 JSON Schema 和 Vue.js 以 UI 形式编辑 JSON > 组件。



npm install vue-json-ui-editor --save


<json-editor ref="JsonEditor" :schema="schema" v-model="model">
    <button @click="submit">submit</button>
    <button @click="reset">Reset</button>

const SCHEMA = {
  type: 'object',
  title: 'vue-json-editor demo',
  properties: {
    name: {
      type: 'string',
    email: {
      type: 'string',
// import vue-json-ui-editor
import JsonEditor from 'vue-json-ui-editor';
export default {
  components: { JsonEditor },
  data: () => ({
    // init json schma file ( require('@/schema/newsletter') )
    schema: SCHEMA,
    // data
    model: {
      name: 'Yourtion',

  methods: {
    submit(_e) {
    reset() {

更多信息:Example-Subscription 模式:newsletter.json


  • schema Object需要) JSON 模式对象。 使用 v-if 指令加载异步模式。

  • v-model Object可选默认:[object Object] 使用此指令创建与组件的双向数据绑定。 它会根据输入类型自动选择正确的方式来更新元素。

  • 自动完成 String可选) 该属性表示控件的值是否可以由浏览器自动补全。 可能的值是:offon

  • 不验证 布尔值可选) 此布尔属性表示提交时不验证表单。

  • 输入包装类 String可选) 定义输入包装类。 保留 undefined 以禁用输入换行。


  • <代码>默认 初始值: [object Object]

  • 字段 初始值: [object Object]

  • 错误 初始值: null

  • data 初始值: [object Object]


  • input 当元素的值改变时同步触发。

  • change 当用户提交对元素值的更改时触发。

  • invalid 当可提交元素已被检查但不满足其约束时触发。 可提交元素的有效性在提交其所有者表单之前检查,或者在调用元素或其所有者表单的 checkValidity() 之后检查。

  • submit 提交表单时触发


  • input(name) 获取表单输入引用

  • form() 获取表单引用

  • checkValidity() 检查表单是否有任何约束以及它是否满足这些约束。 如果表单未通过其约束,浏览器将在元素上触发可取消的 invalid 事件,然后返回 false。

  • <代码>重置() 重置父表单所有元素的值。

  • <代码>提交(事件) 将表单内容发送到服务器

  • setErrorMessage(message) 设置消息错误。

  • <代码>clearErrorMessage() 清除消息错误。

NPM versionbuild statusTest coverageDavid depsnpm downloadnpm license


Greenkeeper badgeDeepScan grade

Edit JSON in UI form with JSON Schema and Vue.js <json-editor> component.



npm install vue-json-ui-editor --save


<json-editor ref="JsonEditor" :schema="schema" v-model="model">
    <button @click="submit">submit</button>
    <button @click="reset">Reset</button>

const SCHEMA = {
  type: 'object',
  title: 'vue-json-editor demo',
  properties: {
    name: {
      type: 'string',
    email: {
      type: 'string',
// import vue-json-ui-editor
import JsonEditor from 'vue-json-ui-editor';
export default {
  components: { JsonEditor },
  data: () => ({
    // init json schma file ( require('@/schema/newsletter') )
    schema: SCHEMA,
    // data
    model: {
      name: 'Yourtion',

  methods: {
    submit(_e) {
    reset() {

More info on: Example-Subscription Schema: newsletter.json


  • schema Object (required) The JSON Schema object. Use the v-if directive to load asynchronous schema.

  • v-model Object (optional) default: [object Object] Use this directive to create two-way data bindings with the component. It automatically picks the correct way to update the element based on the input type.

  • auto-complete String (optional) This property indicates whether the value of the control can be automatically completed by the browser. Possible values are: off and on.

  • no-validate Boolean (optional) This Boolean attribute indicates that the form is not to be validated when submitted.

  • input-wrapping-class String (optional) Define the inputs wrapping class. Leave undefined to disable input wrapping.


  • default initial value: [object Object]

  • fields initial value: [object Object]

  • error initial value: null

  • data initial value: [object Object]


  • input Fired synchronously when the value of an element is changed.

  • change Fired when a change to the element's value is committed by the user.

  • invalid Fired when a submittable element has been checked and doesn't satisfy its constraints. The validity of submittable elements is checked before submitting their owner form, or after the checkValidity() of the element or its owner form is called.

  • submit Fired when a form is submitted


  • input(name) Get a form input reference

  • form() Get the form reference

  • checkValidity() Checks whether the form has any constraints and whether it satisfies them. If the form fails its constraints, the browser fires a cancelable invalid event at the element, and then returns false.

  • reset() Reset the value of all elements of the parent form.

  • submit(event) Send the content of the form to the server

  • setErrorMessage(message) Set a message error.

  • clearErrorMessage() clear the message error.

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