@4sellers/ngx-datatable 中文文档教程
是一个用于呈现大量复杂数据的 Angular 组件。 它具有您期望从任何其他表中获得的所有功能,但在一个没有外部依赖性的轻量级包中。 桌子设计得非常灵活和轻便; 它不会对您的数据或您如何:过滤、排序或分页做出任何假设。
它是为使用 TypeScript、CSS3 和 HTML5 以及 Angular >=4.0.0
的现代浏览器构建的。 这是为 Angular 1.x 设计的 angular-data-table 的姊妹项目。
- Handle large data sets ( Virtual DOM )
- Expressive Header and Cell Templates
- Horizontal & Vertical Scrolling
- Column Reordering & Resizing
- Client/Server side Pagination & Sorting
- Intelligent Column Width Algorithms ( Force-fill & Flex-grow )
- Integrated Pager
- Cell & Row Selection ( Single, Multi, Keyboard, Checkbox )
- Fixed AND Fluid height
- Left and Right Column Pinning
- Row Detail View
- Decoupled theme'ing with included Google Material theme
- Light codebase / No external dependencies
- AoT Compilation Support
- Universal Support
要在您的项目中使用 ngx-datatable,请通过 npm 安装它:
npm i @4sellers/ngx-datatable --save
ngx-datatable 是一个 Swimlane 开源项目; 我们相信通过分享我们为我们的应用程序构建的一些项目来回馈开源社区。 Swimlane 是一个自动化的网络安全操作和事件响应平台,使网络安全团队能够利用威胁情报、加快事件响应和自动化安全操作。
SecOps Hub 是一个开放的、与产品无关的在线社区,供安全专业人员分享想法、用例、最佳实践和事件响应策略。
is an Angular component for presenting large and complex data. It has all the features you would expect from any other table but in a light package with no external dependencies. The table was designed to be extremely flexible and light; it doesn't make any assumptions about your data or how you: filter, sort or page it.
It was built for modern browsers using TypeScript, CSS3 and HTML5 and Angular >=4.0.0
. This is the sister project of the angular-data-table that is designed for Angular 1.x.
Check out the documentation & demos for more information!
See the changelog for recent changes.
- Handle large data sets ( Virtual DOM )
- Expressive Header and Cell Templates
- Horizontal & Vertical Scrolling
- Column Reordering & Resizing
- Client/Server side Pagination & Sorting
- Intelligent Column Width Algorithms ( Force-fill & Flex-grow )
- Integrated Pager
- Cell & Row Selection ( Single, Multi, Keyboard, Checkbox )
- Fixed AND Fluid height
- Left and Right Column Pinning
- Row Detail View
- Decoupled theme'ing with included Google Material theme
- Light codebase / No external dependencies
- AoT Compilation Support
- Universal Support
To use ngx-datatable in your project install it via npm:
npm i @4sellers/ngx-datatable --save
is a Swimlane open-source project; we believe in giving back to the open-source community by sharing some of the projects we build for our application. Swimlane is an automated cyber security operations and incident response platform that enables cyber security teams to leverage threat intelligence, speed up incident response and automate security operations.
SecOps Hub is an open, product-agnostic, online community for security professionals to share ideas, use cases, best practices, and incident response strategies.
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