@4giving/r-m-e 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 40 项目主页 更新于 2 年前

npm 版本使用更漂亮的格式TypeScript


This is a modified clone of Rich Markdown Editor。



yarn add @4giving/r-m-e


npm install @4giving/r-m-e

请注意,reactreact-domstyled-components必需的 对等依赖项。


import Editor from '@4giving/r-m-e';

<Editor defaultValue="Hello world!" />;

请参阅示例目录 中的工作示例,其中包含许多示例道具。



此编辑器的唯一 ID,用于保留折叠标题等设置。 如果未传递 id,则编辑器将默认使用位置路径名。


表示编辑器初始值的降价字符串。 用这个来支撑恢复 以前保存的内容供用户继续编辑。


表示编辑器值的降价字符串。 一旦安装,使用此属性更改编辑器的值,这将重新呈现整个编辑器,因此仅适用于 readOnly 模式。 不要将 onChange 的值通过管道返回到 value 中,编辑器会保留它自己的内部状态,这会导致意想不到的副作用。


允许覆盖占位符。 默认是“写点好东西……”。


readOnly 设置为 false 时,编辑器针对合成进行了优化。 当 true 时,编辑器可用于显示以前编写的内容——标题获得锚点并且链接变得可点击。


readOnlyWriteCheckboxes 设置为 true 时,复选框仍然可以作为一种特殊情况被选中或取消选中,而 readOnly 被设置为 true否则无法编辑编辑器。


当设置 truereadOnly 设置为 false 时,焦点在最后 自动记录。


允许将额外的 Prosemirror 插件传递给底层的 Prosemirror 实例。


允许覆盖内置主题以标记编辑器,例如使用您自己的字体和品牌颜色使编辑器适合您的应用程序。 请参阅内置主题,以获取应提供的键的示例。


允许覆盖内置的复制字典,例如使编辑器国际化。 请参阅内置字典,以获取应提供的键的示例。


dark 设置为 true 时,编辑器将使用包含的默认深色主题。 请参阅此处的来源


一个 React 组件,它将包裹在具有可选工具提示的项目周围。 您可以使用它来将您自己的工具提示库注入编辑器——该组件将传递以下属性:

  • tooltip: A React node with the tooltip content
  • placement: Enum top, bottom, left, right
  • children: The component that the tooltip wraps, must be rendered


一个将文档标题偏移多个级别的数字。 例如,如果您已经将编辑器嵌套在主 h1 标题下,您可能希望用户只能创建 h2 标题及以下标题,在这种情况下,您可以设置1 的道具。


表示标题锚点的字符串——文档将平滑滚动以便标题可见 在视口中。


可选地定义嵌入,当 matcher 函数返回真值时,嵌入将被插入以代替链接。 匹配器方法的返回值将在 props.attrs.matches 下的组件上可用。 如果提供了 titleicon,则嵌入也会出现在块菜单中。

            title: 'Google Doc',
            keywords: 'google docs gdocs',
            icon: <GoogleDocIcon />,
            matcher: href => href.matches(/docs.google.com/i),
            component: GoogleDocEmbed


onSave({ done: boolean }): void

当用户使用键盘快捷键 Cmd+SCmd+Enter 明确请求保存时,会触发此回调。 您可以将其用作将文档保存到远程服务器的信号。

onCancel(): void

当在编辑器中点击 Cmd+Escape 时会触发此回调。 您可以使用它来取消编辑。

onChange(() => value): void

当编辑器的内容发生变化时会触发此回调,通常是由于用户输入(例如击键)或使用格式选项。 您可以使用它在本地保留编辑器状态,请参阅内置示例

它返回一个函数,该函数在被调用时返回文档的当前文本值。 进行此优化是为了避免在每次更改事件时将文档状态序列化为文本,从而允许主机应用程序选择何时需要序列化值。

onClickLink(href: string, event: MouseEvent): void

此回调允许覆盖链接处理。 通常情况下,您希望让外部链接打开一个新窗口,并让内部链接使用诸如 react-router 之类的东西来导航。 如果未提供回调,则打开新选项卡的默认行为将应用于所有链接。 例如:

import { history } from 'react-router';

    onClickLink={(href, event) => {
        if (isInternalLink(href)) {
        } else {
            window.location.href = href;

onHoverLink(event: MouseEvent): boolean


    onHoverLink={event => {
        console.log(`Hovered link ${event.target.href}`);

handleDOMEvents: {[name: string]: (view: EditorView, event: Event) => boolean;}

此对象映射事件名称(focuspaste< /code>、touchstart 等)回调函数。

        focus: () => console.log('FOCUS'),
        blur: () => console.log('BLUR'),
        paste: () => console.log('PASTE'),
        touchstart: () => console.log('TOUCH START')

insertImageHandler: () => (imageUrl: string);

这允许您获得一种方法,该方法将为您插入图像 url 字符串,从而消除通过此工具上传图像的依赖。

    insertImageHandler={handler => {


Editor 组件公开了一些与已安装的编辑器进行交互的方法。

focusAtStart(): void


focusAtEnd(): void


getHeadings(): { title: string, level: number, id: string }[]

返回一个对象数组,其中包含文档中所有标题的文本内容, 它们在层次结构中的级别,以及锚点 ID。 这对于构建您自己的目录很有用,因为 toc 选项在 v10 中被删除了。


该项目使用 yarn 来管理依赖项。 您可以使用 npm,但它不会遵守 yarn lock 文件,并且可能会安装略有不同的版本。

yarn install

在开发中运行时,包含 webpack-serve 以提供具有热重载功能的示例编辑器。 安装依赖项后运行 yarn start 开始。


这个项目是 BSD 许可的

npm versionFormatted with PrettierTypeScript


This is a modified clone of Rich Markdown Editor.



yarn add @4giving/r-m-e


npm install @4giving/r-m-e

Note that react, react-dom, and styled-components are required peer dependencies.


import Editor from '@4giving/r-m-e';

<Editor defaultValue="Hello world!" />;

See a working example in the example directory with many example props.



A unique id for this editor, used to persist settings such as collapsed headings. If no id is passed then the editor will default to using the location pathname.


A markdown string that represents the initial value of the editor. Use this to prop to restore previously saved content for the user to continue editing.


A markdown string that represents the value of the editor. Use this prop to change the value of the editor once mounted, this will re-render the entire editor and as such is only suitable when also in readOnly mode. Do not pipe the value of onChange back into value, the editor keeps it's own internal state and this will result in unexpected side effects.


Allows overriding of the placeholder. The default is "Write something nice…".


With readOnly set to false the editor is optimized for composition. When true the editor can be used to display previously written content – headings gain anchors and links become clickable.


With readOnlyWriteCheckboxes set to true checkboxes can still be checked or unchecked as a special case while readOnly is set to true and the editor is otherwise unable to be edited.


When set true together with readOnly set to false, focus at the end of the document automatically.


Allows additional Prosemirror plugins to be passed to the underlying Prosemirror instance.


Allows overriding the inbuilt theme to brand the editor, for example use your own font face and brand colors to have the editor fit within your application. See the inbuilt theme for an example of the keys that should be provided.


Allows overriding the inbuilt copy dictionary, for example to internationalize the editor. See the inbuilt dictionary for an example of the keys that should be provided.


With dark set to true the editor will use a default dark theme that's included. See the source here.


A React component that will be wrapped around items that have an optional tooltip. You can use this to inject your own tooltip library into the editor – the component will be passed the following props:

  • tooltip: A React node with the tooltip content
  • placement: Enum top, bottom, left, right
  • children: The component that the tooltip wraps, must be rendered


A number that will offset the document headings by a number of levels. For example, if you already nest the editor under a main h1 title you might want the user to only be able to create h2 headings and below, in this case you would set the prop to 1.


A string representing a heading anchor – the document will smooth scroll so that the heading is visible in the viewport.


Optionally define embeds which will be inserted in place of links when the matcher function returns a truthy value. The matcher method's return value will be available on the component under props.attrs.matches. If title and icon are provided then the embed will also appear in the block menu.

            title: 'Google Doc',
            keywords: 'google docs gdocs',
            icon: <GoogleDocIcon />,
            matcher: href => href.matches(/docs.google.com/i),
            component: GoogleDocEmbed


onSave({ done: boolean }): void

This callback is triggered when the user explicitly requests to save using a keyboard shortcut, Cmd+S or Cmd+Enter. You can use this as a signal to save the document to a remote server.

onCancel(): void

This callback is triggered when the Cmd+Escape is hit within the editor. You may use it to cancel editing.

onChange(() => value): void

This callback is triggered when the contents of the editor changes, usually due to user input such as a keystroke or using formatting options. You may use this to locally persist the editors state, see the inbuilt example.

It returns a function which when called returns the current text value of the document. This optimization is made to avoid serializing the state of the document to text on every change event, allowing the host app to choose when it needs the serialized value.

onClickLink(href: string, event: MouseEvent): void

This callback allows overriding of link handling. It's often the case that you want to have external links open a new window and have internal links use something like react-router to navigate. If no callback is provided then default behavior of opening a new tab will apply to all links. eg:

import { history } from 'react-router';

    onClickLink={(href, event) => {
        if (isInternalLink(href)) {
        } else {
            window.location.href = href;

onHoverLink(event: MouseEvent): boolean

This callback allows detecting when the user hovers over a link in the document.

    onHoverLink={event => {
        console.log(`Hovered link ${event.target.href}`);

handleDOMEvents: {[name: string]: (view: EditorView, event: Event) => boolean;}

This object maps event names (focus, paste, touchstart, etc.) to callback functions.

        focus: () => console.log('FOCUS'),
        blur: () => console.log('BLUR'),
        paste: () => console.log('PASTE'),
        touchstart: () => console.log('TOUCH START')

insertImageHandler: () => (imageUrl: string);

This allows you to get a method that will insert an image url string for you, removing the reliance of image uploading through this tool.

    insertImageHandler={handler => {


The Editor component exposes a few methods for interacting with the mounted editor.

focusAtStart(): void

Place the cursor at the start of the document and focus it.

focusAtEnd(): void

Place the cursor at the end of the document and focus it.

getHeadings(): { title: string, level: number, id: string }[]

Returns an array of objects with the text content of all the headings in the document, their level in the hierarchy, and the anchor id. This is useful to construct your own table of contents since the toc option was removed in v10.


This project uses yarn to manage dependencies. You can use npm however it will not respect the yarn lock file and may install slightly different versions.

yarn install

When running in development webpack-serve is included to serve an example editor with hot reloading. After installing dependencies run yarn start to get going.


This project is BSD licensed.

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