@4ddavydov/infobox 中文文档教程
InfoBox 扩展了 Google Maps JavaScript API V3 OverlayView 类。 InfoBox 的行为类似于 google.maps.InfoWindow,但它支持多个用于高级样式的附加属性。 InfoBox 也可以用作地图标签。 InfoBox 也会触发与 google.maps.InfoWindow 相同的事件。
这个库是社区支持的。 我们对它的稳定性和功能感到满意 我们希望您在其上构建实际生产应用程序的库。
InfoBox extends the Google Maps JavaScript API V3 OverlayView class. An InfoBox behaves like a google.maps.InfoWindow, but it supports several additional properties for advanced styling. An InfoBox can also be used as a map label. An InfoBox also fires the same events as a google.maps.InfoWindow.
This library is community supported. We're comfortable enough with the stability and features of the library that we want you to build real production applications on it.
If you find a bug, or have a feature suggestion, please log an issue. If you'd like to contribute, please read How to Contribute.