@3dr/sitescan-ui-patterns 中文文档教程
Site Scan Pattern Library
通过 Github Pages 托管在 https://3drobotics.github.io/sitescan-ui-patterns/。
Install app dependencies
yarn install
Managing Dependencies
使用 Yarn CLI 添加或删除依赖项。 (文档)
例如,yarn add [package]@[version]
Building (Handled by Rollup)
构建由 rollup 处理,这是一个利用 ES6 模块来最大化效率的模块打包器。 要构建,请运行 yard build
构建配置存储在 rollup.config.js
文件中,捆绑输出存储在 dist
Local Development Between Repositories
有了像这样的可重用模式库,在其他本地存储库中开发时能够查看实时更新是非常理想的。 为此,请使用此库目录中的 yarn link
命令。 接下来导航到您要将其链接到的目录并运行 yarn link "@3dr/sitescan-ui-patterns"
要在进行更新时启用自动重建,请在此库的目录中运行 yarn dev
命令。 此命令由 rollup-watch
插件启用。 除了 yarn link
注意:在链接此存储库之前,您必须运行yarn build
Storybook Development
Storybook用于提供一个简单的UI开发环境。 它有助于为每个组件提供文档和交互式沙箱。 开发服务器使用故事书的默认配置与 webpack 一起运行:
yarn storybook
导航到 localhost:9001
每个组件都应该在 stories
文件夹中有一个相应的 [componentName].js
文件,其中包含用于在 Storybook 中查看组件并与之交互的逻辑。
和<代码>旋钮,以增强文档和灵活性。 这些插件注册在 .storybook/addons.js
Building and Deploying storybook
使用 故事书部署器 将故事书界面部署到 Github Pages。 要进行构建,请运行以下命令:
yarn build-storybook
这会将库包添加到 gh-pages
分支中可用的 .out
文件夹中。 要部署,请运行:
yarn deploy-storybook
您的更新现在应该可以在 https://3drobotics.github.io/sitescan-ui-patterns/ 上查看。 当更新 master
CSS-in-JS 库 glamorous 用于设置组件样式。 这个具有低配置开销的简单库默认提供作用域样式,并允许将样式属性视为普通的 React 组件道具。 glamorous 仍然提供对更高级的 CSS 技术(如媒体查询和伪选择器)的支持。
每个组件都应该有一个相应的 [componentName].styles.js
文件,该文件将组件样式存储在 JavaScript 对象中。 然后可以根据给定的输入通过迷人的 css
方法将基本样式与任何适用的修饰符合并。 任何提供的特定于实例的样式属性都可以直接通过 ...props
传递,这确保它们优先于 css
示例 -
/* Input.styles.js */
export default {
base: { border: '1px solid black' }, // styles applicable to all instances
small: { fontSize: '12px', width: '40px' },
large: { fontSize: '16px', width: '60px' },
/* Input.js */
import styles from ./Input.styles.js;
...styles[size], // size prop can default to 'small' or 'large'
{...props} // can contain individual style properties
Style Adjustments
库元素需要灵活地构建,以便根据给定的条件调整它们的样式 用例。 在大多数情况下,这将涉及使用道具,例如 modifiers
和 size
通常,修饰符通过背景颜色、字体颜色、边框等更多装饰性属性来改变元素的外观。Size 属性在最高级别影响元素的大小。 修饰符和大小是分开的,因为给定的元素实例不应有多个修饰符或多个大小,但可以各有一个。
某些元素可能还具有基于特定属性的样式逻辑,例如 disabled
按钮。 这些实例可以作为单独的道具传入,组件可以根据它们的值应用条件样式。
元素是使用与这些道具相对应的预定义样式构建的,这些道具应该在可能的情况下用于调整外观。 但是,如果给定的实现需要额外的样式调整,glamorous 允许将样式属性作为 props 直接传递给元素。
<Button modifiers="danger" size="large" marginLeft="40px" disabled>
JavaScript linting 配置通过 eslint-config-sitescan 存储库与站点扫描管理器和 SS 管理员共享。
还可以通过 stylelint-processor-glamorous 对样式语法进行检查。 然而,由于样式主要存储在 JavaScript 对象中,因此它相对有限且需要手动操作。 yarn stylelint 'src/**/*.js'
命令用于检查样式模块语法的有效性,但请注意,它仅针对以 stylelint-processor-glamorous 文档。
鉴于此设置的性质和此库的样式配置,这主要在语法调试的情况下很有用。 在开发期间对样式模块进行 lint 的一种快速方法是在其左括号之前添加 @css
注释,然后运行 yarn stylelint 'src/**/*.js' 命令:
const styles = // @css
notACssProperty: 'test',
Releases and Versioning
在@3dr 命名空间下发布到 NPM @3dr/sitescan-ui-模式。
yarn publish --access public --[major|minor|patch]
将自动创建一个新的提交,该提交会影响 package.json
Site Scan Pattern Library
Hosted through Github Pages at https://3drobotics.github.io/sitescan-ui-patterns/.
Install app dependencies
yarn install
Managing Dependencies
Use the Yarn CLI to add or remove dependencies. (Documentation)
For example, yarn add [package]@[version]
Building (Handled by Rollup)
Building is handled by rollup, a module bundler that leverages ES6 modules to maximize efficiency. To build, run the yard build
Build configuration is stored in the rollup.config.js
file, and bundle output is stored in the dist
Local Development Between Repositories
With a reusable pattern library like this, it's ideal to be able to view live updates while developing in other local repositories. To do this, use the yarn link
command in this library's directory. Next navigate to the directory you want to link it to and run yarn link "@3dr/sitescan-ui-patterns"
To enable automatic rebuilds whenever updates are made, run the yarn dev
command in this library's directory. This command is enabled by the rollup-watch
addon. Alongside the yarn link
setup, this will allow for live updates to pattern components in the linked repositorys.
Note: Before this repository can be linked, you must run yarn build
Storybook Development
Storybook is used to provide a simple UI development environment. It helps provide documentation and an interactive sandbox for each component. The development server is run with webpack using storybook's default configuration:
yarn storybook
Navigate to localhost:9001
to view the storybook interface and develop components and their stories.
Each component should have a corresponding [componentName].js
file in the stories
folder that contains the logic for viewing and interact with the component in Storybook.
Most stories will make use of some of storybook addons, such as info
and knobs
, to enhance documentation and flexibility. These addons are registered in the .storybook/addons.js
file and can be used in any story file.
Building and Deploying storybook
The storybook interface is deployed to Github Pages using the storybook deployer. To make a build, run the command:
yarn build-storybook
This will add the library bundle to an .out
folder available in the gh-pages
branch. To deploy, run:
yarn deploy-storybook
Your updates should now be viewable at https://3drobotics.github.io/sitescan-ui-patterns/. This will be necessary to update the deployed site when the master
branch is updated.
The CSS-in-JS library glamorous is used to style components. This simple library with low configuration overhead provides scoped styles by default and allows style properties to be treated like normal React component props. Support for more advanced CSS techniques like media queries and pseudo selectors is still provided with glamorous.
Each component should have a corresponding [componentName].styles.js
file that stores component styles in JavaScript objects. The base styles can then be merged with any applicable modifiers according to the given inputs through the glamorous css
method. Any provided instance-specific style properties can be passed along directly through ...props
, which ensures they take priority over the css
generated class.
Example - <Input />
/* Input.styles.js */
export default {
base: { border: '1px solid black' }, // styles applicable to all instances
small: { fontSize: '12px', width: '40px' },
large: { fontSize: '16px', width: '60px' },
/* Input.js */
import styles from ./Input.styles.js;
...styles[size], // size prop can default to 'small' or 'large'
{...props} // can contain individual style properties
Style Adjustments
Library elements need to be built with the flexibility to have their styles adjusted based on a given use case. In most cases, this will involve the use of props such as modifiers
and size
In general, modifiers change the appearance of an element through more decorative properties such as background color, font color, border, etc. Size props affect the size of an element at the highest level. Modifiers and size are separated because a given element instance should not have multiple modifiers or multiple sizes but can have one of each.
Some elements may also have styling logic based on specific props such as a disabled
button. Those instances can be passed in as separate props and the component can apply conditional styles according to their values.
Elements are built with pre-defined styles corresponding to each these props that should be used to adjust appearance when possible. However, if additional styling tweaks are needed for a given implementation, glamorous allows style properties to be passed on to an element directly as props.
<Button modifiers="danger" size="large" marginLeft="40px" disabled>
JavaScript linting configuration is shared with Site Scan Manager and SS Admin through the eslint-config-sitescan repository.
Linting for styling syntax is also available through stylelint-processor-glamorous. However, it is relatively limited and manual due to the fact that styles are primarily stored in JavaScript objects. The yarn stylelint 'src/**/*.js'
command is used to check validity of a style module's syntax, but note that it only runs against styles configured in the specific ways listed in the stylelint-processor-glamorous documentation.
Given the nature of this setup and this library's style configuration, this is useful primarily in the case of syntax debugging. A quick way to lint a style module during development is to add the @css
annotation right before its opening bracket and then run the yarn stylelint 'src/**/*.js'
const styles = // @css
notACssProperty: 'test',
Releases and Versioning
is published to NPM under the @3dr namespace @3dr/sitescan-ui-patterns.
yarn publish --access public --[major|minor|patch]
Follow semantic versioning for versioning.
A new commit will automatically be created that bumps the version in package.json
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