@36node/upload 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 42 项目主页 更新于 3 年前



上传文件到阿里云的上传组件,支持上传前裁剪,可以与antd form集成


yarn add @36node/upload antd ali-oss



import Upload from "@36node/upload";
import "@36node/upload/dist/index.css";

const ossOptions = {
  endpoint: '<oss endpoint>',
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: '<Your accessKeyId>',
    secretAccessKey: '<Your secretAccessKey>',
  region: '<oss region>',
  bucket: '<Your bucket name>',
  url: '<oss prefix>'

<Upload ossOptions={ossOptions}>

Integrate With Form

    {getFieldDecorator("upload", {
      initialValue: [
          uid: Date.now(),
          status: "done",
          name: "logo",
          url: "./images/logo.png",
      <Upload ossOptions={ossOptions}>

Crop Before Upload


const cropOptions = {
  crop: {
    unit: "%",
    width: 100,
    aspect: 1,

<Upload ossOptions={ossOptions} cropOptions={cropOptions}>



@36node/upload基于antd upload,它支持所有antd upload api,查看这里


ossOptionsaws-client-s3 options, requiredobject-
cropOptionscrop option from react-image-cropobject-
maxFileSizethe max size of file list. Size unit is kb.number-
maxFileNumberthe max number of file listnumber-
valueinitial file listarray-
onChangeA callback function, can be executed when uploading state is changingFunction-
listTypeBuilt-in stylesheets, support for three types: text, picture or picture-cardString'text'
acceptFile types that can be accepted. See input accept AttributeString-
previewPreview the uploaded pictures. If preview is true, the upload component will display preview of picture.Booleantrue


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


module< /strong> © 36node,根据 MIT 许可发布。

在贡献者 (list) 的帮助下由 36node 创作和维护。

github.com/zzswang · GitHub @36node



a upload component that upload file to aliyun, support crop before upload and can integrate with antd form


yarn add @36node/upload antd ali-oss



import Upload from "@36node/upload";
import "@36node/upload/dist/index.css";

const ossOptions = {
  endpoint: '<oss endpoint>',
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: '<Your accessKeyId>',
    secretAccessKey: '<Your secretAccessKey>',
  region: '<oss region>',
  bucket: '<Your bucket name>',
  url: '<oss prefix>'

<Upload ossOptions={ossOptions}>

Integrate With Form

    {getFieldDecorator("upload", {
      initialValue: [
          uid: Date.now(),
          status: "done",
          name: "logo",
          url: "./images/logo.png",
      <Upload ossOptions={ossOptions}>

Crop Before Upload

check all crop options here

const cropOptions = {
  crop: {
    unit: "%",
    width: 100,
    aspect: 1,

<Upload ossOptions={ossOptions} cropOptions={cropOptions}>

check full examples here


@36node/upload is base on antd upload, it supports all antd upload api, check it here

some extra options are list below

ossOptionsaws-client-s3 options, requiredobject-
cropOptionscrop option from react-image-cropobject-
maxFileSizethe max size of file list. Size unit is kb.number-
maxFileNumberthe max number of file listnumber-
valueinitial file listarray-
onChangeA callback function, can be executed when uploading state is changingFunction-
listTypeBuilt-in stylesheets, support for three types: text, picture or picture-cardString'text'
acceptFile types that can be accepted. See input accept AttributeString-
previewPreview the uploaded pictures. If preview is true, the upload component will display preview of picture.Booleantrue


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


module © 36node, Released under the MIT License.

Authored and maintained by 36node with help from contributors (list).

github.com/zzswang · GitHub @36node

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