@2pi-network/js-sdk 中文文档教程

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Welcome to 2PI SDK

用于使用 2PI 协议构建的 Javascript SDK


Using yarn

yarn add @2pi-network/js-sdk

Using npm

npm i @2pi-network/js-sdk


以下是使用 SDK 的快速浏览。

const { JsonRpcProvider } = require('@ethersproject/providers')
const { TwoPi }           = require('@2pi-network/js-sdk')

const chainId  = 80001 // 80001 is Polygon testnet, best known as Mumbai
const rpcUrl   = 'https://matic-mumbai.chainstacklabs.com/'
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(rpcUrl, chainId)

const main = async () => {
  const twoPi        = await TwoPi.create(provider)
  const logVaultApys = twoPi.getVaults().map(async vault => {
    const apy = await vault.apy() || 0

    console.log(`${vault.id}\tAPY ${(apy * 100).toFixed(2)}%`)

  await Promise.all(logVaultApys)

main().then(() => {
}).catch(error => {

Public classes

TwoPi instance

这是几乎所有交互的入口点。 您将被要求提供 3 个参数:

  • The chain ID as an integer, for the time being the only supported values are 43113 and 80001, which identifies Avalanche Fuji and Polygon Mumbai (both are test nets).
  • The provider, can be any RPC that supports the selected network.
  • The wallet to be used for every operation that requires it.

TwoPi public attributes

在每个 twoPi 实例上,您可以访问以下属性:

  • id: string with this instance identification, it contains the fixed string "twoPi" together with the chainId attribute, separated by an hyphen.
  • chainId: the chain to be used.
  • provider: the RPC provided instance.
  • signer: the signer of any transaction that requires it (usually the user's wallet).

TwoPi public methods

  • static async create(provider, signer?) returns a new instance, this is the recommended way of instance creation. Refer to TwoPi public attributes to get a description of each argument.
  • getVaults() it returns an array of Vault instances, initialized with this instance for the selected network.
  • piTokenPerBlock() it returns the amount of 2PI tokens per block assigned to liquidity mining.
  • totalWeighing() it returns the sum of all the vault weighing, used to know the amount of tokens distributed to a given vault.
  • referralTotalPaid() it returns the sum of all the rewards payed to referrals, expressed in PI token weis.
  • referralsCount() it returns the amount of referrals for the current signer (if any).
  • referralsPaid() it returns the amount of rewards paid to the current signer (if any), expressed in PI token weis.

Vault instance


Vault public attributes

在每个 vault 实例上,您都可以访问以下属性:

  • twoPi: instance of the main TwoPi object being used.
  • id: string with the vault unique identifier (in the form of network-token-pool, for example polygon-dai-aave).
  • address: string with the vault main contract address.
  • token: token instance identifying the token to be maximized.
  • earn: string identifying what you'll be receiving as a reward.
  • priceId: string identifying which price will be queried to the oracle.
  • oracle: string identifying which oracle will be queried to obtain the token price.
  • uses: string identifying the protocol being used (can be 'Aave' or 'Curve' at the time being).
  • pool: string identifying the pool being used (can be 'aave' or 'curve' at the time being).
  • pid: string identifying pool ID on the Archimedes contract.
  • chainId: number identifying the chain in which the vault it is deployed.
  • borrow?: optional object containing the borrow depth and percentage used by the vault.

Vault public methods

  • constructor(twoPi: TwoPi, data: {id, token, earn, priceId, uses, pool, symbol, chainId, borrow, twoPi}) refer to Vault public attributes to get a description of each argument and attribute.
  • signer() returns the current assigned signer.
  • canSign() whether the current signer is a read-only signer or not.
  • isPowerVault() returns true only for 2PI vault (since it is a special vault, with no strategy nor transfers to other protocols).
  • async shares() returns the shares of the current signer.
  • async allowance() returns the vault's allowance in wei for the current signer.
  • async balance() returns the token balance in wei for the current signer.
  • async pendingPiTokens() returns the vault available 2PI tokens to be claimed by the current signer.
  • async paidRewards() returns the vault paid 2PI tokens to the current signer.
  • async decimals() returns the vault's decimals (not to be confused with the token decimals).
  • async tokenDecimals() returns the token decimal places (not to be confused with the vault decimals).
  • async pricePerFullShare() returns the vault's current price for every share.
  • async tvl() returns the vault's current overall balance.
  • async withdrawalFee() returns the vault's current withdrawal fee as a BigNumber using 2 decimal places, so 10 should be interpreted as 0.1%.
  • async approve(amount) sets amount of tokens in wei as vault allowance over the signer's tokens.
  • async deposit(amount, referral) deposits the amount of tokens in wei specified by the argument. The referral argument is optional and should be a valid address if provided.
  • async depositAll(referral) deposits all the tokens owned by the signer. In case of native tokens (like MATIC) a reserve is taken so the user can afford the transaction gas. The referral argument is optional and should be a valid address if provided.
  • async withdraw(amount) withdraw and transfer to the signer wallet the amount of tokens in wei specified by the argument.
  • async withdrawAll() withdraw all the deposited tokens and transfers them to the signer wallet.
  • async harvest() claim all the 2PI tokens rewarded by the vault to the current signer.
  • async apy() returns the vault current APY as a multiplier (for example, 10% it is represented as 0.1).
  • async rewardsApr() returns the vault current rewards APR as a multiplier (for example, 5% it is represented as 0.05).
  • async weighing() returns the vault current weighing. This value is used to determine how many 2PI tokens will be assigned during liquidity mining. Relates to twoPi totalWeighing, with that you can calculate the portion of tokens given to the vault using weighing / totalWeighing.
  • async depositCap() returns the vault current deposit cap (in wei using same decimals as want token). 0 means unlimited.
  • async availableDeposit() returns the vault current maximum amount allowed to be deposited (in wei using same decimals as want token).
  • async paused() returns true if the vault is paused (which means it does not accept deposits for the time being).

Token instance


Token public attributes

在每个 token 实例上,您可以访问以下属性:

  • name: string identifying the token.
  • symbol: string identifying the token symbol.
  • chainId: number identifying the chain in which the vault it is deployed.
  • type: string identifying the token type, can be token (means a single token) or lp.

Token public methods

  • constructor(data: {name, chainId}) refer to Token public attributes to get a description of each argument and attribute.
  • abiInfo() returns an array of objects with {address, abi, wabi} for each individual token (just one when single token and multiple when LP). The address attribute contains the contract address, the abi and wabi attributes contains the ABI data for that token. Only one of both is guaranteed to be defined, abi represents the "direct" ABI and wabi represents the wrapper ABI. For example, in case of native tokens like "Matic", abi will be undefined and wabi will contain the "WMATIC" ABI.
  • addLiquidityUrl() returns a string with the URL of an exchange that will allow adding liquidity to the current token (useful mostly for LPs).
  • names() returns an array of strings with each individual token name. In case of single tokens is the same as [token.name].
  • toString() returns a string representation for the token.

Zap instance

此类用于从单个令牌交换和构建 LP。 基本上是一个奇特而方便的包装器,因此我们可以省略去外部交换。

Zap public attributes

在每个 zap 实例上,您都可以访问以下属性:

  • twoPi: instance of the main TwoPi object being used.

Zap public methods

  • constructor(twoPi: TwoPi) refer to Zap public attributes to get a description of each argument and attribute.
  • tokenAddresses() returns the current supported tokens as a map with tokenId as keys and tokenAddress values.
  • async zapIn(from, to, amount) swap from tokens for to tokens (both as addresses) by amount (expressed on wei using from units). If to address points to an LP, it will be automatically created and "balanced" on equal parts. If to is a simple token, it behaves like a usual swap.
  • async zapOut(from, amount) split from LP token back to the "original" tokens, amount is expressed using the LP units in wei. It only works on LPs.
  • async estimateReceiveTokens(from, to, amount) estimates the amount of tokens to be received in case of confirming the swap of amount tokens from to tokens to.

Let's talk!

Welcome to 2PI SDK

Javascript SDK for building with 2PI Protocol


Using yarn

yarn add @2pi-network/js-sdk

Using npm

npm i @2pi-network/js-sdk


Here is a quick look at using the SDK.

const { JsonRpcProvider } = require('@ethersproject/providers')
const { TwoPi }           = require('@2pi-network/js-sdk')

const chainId  = 80001 // 80001 is Polygon testnet, best known as Mumbai
const rpcUrl   = 'https://matic-mumbai.chainstacklabs.com/'
const provider = new JsonRpcProvider(rpcUrl, chainId)

const main = async () => {
  const twoPi        = await TwoPi.create(provider)
  const logVaultApys = twoPi.getVaults().map(async vault => {
    const apy = await vault.apy() || 0

    console.log(`${vault.id}\tAPY ${(apy * 100).toFixed(2)}%`)

  await Promise.all(logVaultApys)

main().then(() => {
}).catch(error => {

Public classes

TwoPi instance

This is the entry point of almost any interaction. You will be asked to provide 3 arguments:

  • The chain ID as an integer, for the time being the only supported values are 43113 and 80001, which identifies Avalanche Fuji and Polygon Mumbai (both are test nets).
  • The provider, can be any RPC that supports the selected network.
  • The wallet to be used for every operation that requires it.

TwoPi public attributes

On every twoPi instance you can access the following attributes:

  • id: string with this instance identification, it contains the fixed string "twoPi" together with the chainId attribute, separated by an hyphen.
  • chainId: the chain to be used.
  • provider: the RPC provided instance.
  • signer: the signer of any transaction that requires it (usually the user's wallet).

TwoPi public methods

  • static async create(provider, signer?) returns a new instance, this is the recommended way of instance creation. Refer to TwoPi public attributes to get a description of each argument.
  • getVaults() it returns an array of Vault instances, initialized with this instance for the selected network.
  • piTokenPerBlock() it returns the amount of 2PI tokens per block assigned to liquidity mining.
  • totalWeighing() it returns the sum of all the vault weighing, used to know the amount of tokens distributed to a given vault.
  • referralTotalPaid() it returns the sum of all the rewards payed to referrals, expressed in PI token weis.
  • referralsCount() it returns the amount of referrals for the current signer (if any).
  • referralsPaid() it returns the amount of rewards paid to the current signer (if any), expressed in PI token weis.

Vault instance

This class represents a unique vault and can be used to interact and query information.

Vault public attributes

On every vault instance you can access the following attributes:

  • twoPi: instance of the main TwoPi object being used.
  • id: string with the vault unique identifier (in the form of network-token-pool, for example polygon-dai-aave).
  • address: string with the vault main contract address.
  • token: token instance identifying the token to be maximized.
  • earn: string identifying what you'll be receiving as a reward.
  • priceId: string identifying which price will be queried to the oracle.
  • oracle: string identifying which oracle will be queried to obtain the token price.
  • uses: string identifying the protocol being used (can be 'Aave' or 'Curve' at the time being).
  • pool: string identifying the pool being used (can be 'aave' or 'curve' at the time being).
  • pid: string identifying pool ID on the Archimedes contract.
  • chainId: number identifying the chain in which the vault it is deployed.
  • borrow?: optional object containing the borrow depth and percentage used by the vault.

Vault public methods

  • constructor(twoPi: TwoPi, data: {id, token, earn, priceId, uses, pool, symbol, chainId, borrow, twoPi}) refer to Vault public attributes to get a description of each argument and attribute.
  • signer() returns the current assigned signer.
  • canSign() whether the current signer is a read-only signer or not.
  • isPowerVault() returns true only for 2PI vault (since it is a special vault, with no strategy nor transfers to other protocols).
  • async shares() returns the shares of the current signer.
  • async allowance() returns the vault's allowance in wei for the current signer.
  • async balance() returns the token balance in wei for the current signer.
  • async pendingPiTokens() returns the vault available 2PI tokens to be claimed by the current signer.
  • async paidRewards() returns the vault paid 2PI tokens to the current signer.
  • async decimals() returns the vault's decimals (not to be confused with the token decimals).
  • async tokenDecimals() returns the token decimal places (not to be confused with the vault decimals).
  • async pricePerFullShare() returns the vault's current price for every share.
  • async tvl() returns the vault's current overall balance.
  • async withdrawalFee() returns the vault's current withdrawal fee as a BigNumber using 2 decimal places, so 10 should be interpreted as 0.1%.
  • async approve(amount) sets amount of tokens in wei as vault allowance over the signer's tokens.
  • async deposit(amount, referral) deposits the amount of tokens in wei specified by the argument. The referral argument is optional and should be a valid address if provided.
  • async depositAll(referral) deposits all the tokens owned by the signer. In case of native tokens (like MATIC) a reserve is taken so the user can afford the transaction gas. The referral argument is optional and should be a valid address if provided.
  • async withdraw(amount) withdraw and transfer to the signer wallet the amount of tokens in wei specified by the argument.
  • async withdrawAll() withdraw all the deposited tokens and transfers them to the signer wallet.
  • async harvest() claim all the 2PI tokens rewarded by the vault to the current signer.
  • async apy() returns the vault current APY as a multiplier (for example, 10% it is represented as 0.1).
  • async rewardsApr() returns the vault current rewards APR as a multiplier (for example, 5% it is represented as 0.05).
  • async weighing() returns the vault current weighing. This value is used to determine how many 2PI tokens will be assigned during liquidity mining. Relates to twoPi totalWeighing, with that you can calculate the portion of tokens given to the vault using weighing / totalWeighing.
  • async depositCap() returns the vault current deposit cap (in wei using same decimals as want token). 0 means unlimited.
  • async availableDeposit() returns the vault current maximum amount allowed to be deposited (in wei using same decimals as want token).
  • async paused() returns true if the vault is paused (which means it does not accept deposits for the time being).

Token instance

This class represents a unique token and can be used to interact and query information.

Token public attributes

On every token instance you can access the following attributes:

  • name: string identifying the token.
  • symbol: string identifying the token symbol.
  • chainId: number identifying the chain in which the vault it is deployed.
  • type: string identifying the token type, can be token (means a single token) or lp.

Token public methods

  • constructor(data: {name, chainId}) refer to Token public attributes to get a description of each argument and attribute.
  • abiInfo() returns an array of objects with {address, abi, wabi} for each individual token (just one when single token and multiple when LP). The address attribute contains the contract address, the abi and wabi attributes contains the ABI data for that token. Only one of both is guaranteed to be defined, abi represents the "direct" ABI and wabi represents the wrapper ABI. For example, in case of native tokens like "Matic", abi will be undefined and wabi will contain the "WMATIC" ABI.
  • addLiquidityUrl() returns a string with the URL of an exchange that will allow adding liquidity to the current token (useful mostly for LPs).
  • names() returns an array of strings with each individual token name. In case of single tokens is the same as [token.name].
  • toString() returns a string representation for the token.

Zap instance

This class is used to swap and build LPs from single tokens. Basically a fancy and convenient wrapper so we can omit going to an external exchange.

Zap public attributes

On every zap instance you can access the following attributes:

  • twoPi: instance of the main TwoPi object being used.

Zap public methods

  • constructor(twoPi: TwoPi) refer to Zap public attributes to get a description of each argument and attribute.
  • tokenAddresses() returns the current supported tokens as a map with tokenId as keys and tokenAddress values.
  • async zapIn(from, to, amount) swap from tokens for to tokens (both as addresses) by amount (expressed on wei using from units). If to address points to an LP, it will be automatically created and "balanced" on equal parts. If to is a simple token, it behaves like a usual swap.
  • async zapOut(from, amount) split from LP token back to the "original" tokens, amount is expressed using the LP units in wei. It only works on LPs.
  • async estimateReceiveTokens(from, to, amount) estimates the amount of tokens to be received in case of confirming the swap of amount tokens from to tokens to.

Let's talk!

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