@2003scape/rsc-config 中文文档教程

发布于 4 年前 浏览 33 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


(反)序列化 runescape 经典配置文件。 将 config 归档文件解析为 对象数组并重新编码+重新压缩它们回到原始格式。


$ npm install @2003scape/rsc-config # -g for CLI program

cli usage

rsc-config <command>

  rsc-config dump-json <archive>            dump JSON files of each config
  rsc-config pack-json <archive> <files..>  encode and compress JSON files into
                                            config archive

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]


const fs = require('fs');
const { Config } = require('./src');

const config = new Config();

config.items = config.items.map(item => {
    // Iron Mace -> ecaM norI
    item.name = item.name.split('').reverse().join('');
    return item;

config.npcs = config.npcs.map(npc => {
    npc.width = Math.floor(npc.width * 4/3);
    npc.height = Math.floor(npc.height * 4/3);
    return npc;

config.animations = config.animations.map(animation => {
    if (animation.colour) {
        animation.colour = '#ff00ff';

    return animation;

fs.writeFileSync('./config86.jag', config.toArchive());



一系列反序列化的库存物品(剑、硬币、食物等)。 这些都是 在 jagex 文档中称为“对象”。

        name: 'item name',
        description: 'text displayed when examined',
        command: 'Bury', // item action: Bury, Eat, etc.
        sprite: 123, // item sprite index
        price: 12345, // base price for alchemy and shops
        stackable: false, // for multiple items in one slot (arrows, coins)
        special: false, // destroy on drop ? (only beads of death has this)
        equip: [
            '2-handed', // requires right-hand and left-hand
            'chest', // amulets
            'feet', // boots
            'hands', // gloves
            'legs', // skirts, platelegs, etc.
            'body', // leather body, chainmail
            'head', // medium helmet
            'right-hand', // weapons
            'left-hand', // shield
            'replace-legs', // replace character leg sprite (platelegs)
            'replace-body', // replace character body sprite (platemail)
            'replace-head' // replace character head sprite (large helmet)
        ] || null,
        colour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null, // colourize grey
        untradeable: false,
        members: false


一系列反序列化的 NPC(非玩家角色;怪物)。

        name: 'npc name',
        description: 'text displayed when examined',
        command: '', // pickpocket, ....
        attack: 12, // 1-99
        strength: 23,
        hits: 34,
        defense: 56,
        // https://classic.runescape.wiki/w/Aggressiveness
        // the client treats > 3 as 3
        hostility: null || 'retreats' || 'combative' || 'aggressive',
        // each animation maps to an index of config.animations
        animations: [
            null, // id of head animation
            null, // id of body animation
            null, // id of leg animation
            null, // id of hand animation
            null, // id of hand animation
            null, // id of overlay head animation
            null, // id of overlay body animation
            null, // id of overlay legs animation
            null, // id of gloves animation
            null, // id of feet animation
            null, // id of chest animation (necklaces)
            null // id cape animation
        hairColour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        topColour:  'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        bottomColour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        skinColour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        width: 123,
        height: 456,
        walkModel: 6,
        combatModel: 6,
        combatAnimation: 5


反序列化纹理数组。 这些用于墙壁、覆盖瓷砖、屋顶 和对象。

        name: 'wall', // main texture image name
        subName: 'door' // overlay texture image name


反序列化动画数组。 这些用于 NPC、玩家和可使用的 项目。

        name: 'entity jag sprite collection', // sword, necklace, cape, etc.
        colour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null, // colourize grey
        genderModel: 0,
        hasA: true,
        hasF: false


反序列化的游戏对象数组(树、祭坛、熔炉等)。 这些都是 在 jagex 文档中称为“位置”。

        name: 'object name',
        description: 'text displayed when examined',
        commands: [
            'WalkTo', // Mine, open, etc.
            'Examine' // Prospect
        // this is where the client learns which models to fetch from models
        // archive
        model: {
            name: 'model jag model name', // rocks1, shopsign, deadtree1, etc.
            id: 12 // index of the model in collection
        width: 1, // extra tiles to occupy for collision detection
        height: 1,
        type: 'unblocked' || 'blocked' || 'closed-door' || 'open-door',
        itemHeight: 123 // height from ground of items on top of this object


反序列化墙对象(门、墙)的数组,称为“边界” 在 jagex 文档中。 与游戏对象不同,如果 它们是阻塞的,所以它们对碰撞检测很有用。 他们的位置是 在景观档案

        name: 'wall name', // displayed when command[0] != WalkTo
        description: 'text displayed when examined', // commands[0] != WalkTo
        commands: [
            'WalkTo', // Open, Push, etc.
            'Examine' // Pick Lock, Close, etc.
        height: 192, // 275 for high walls
        colourFront: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        textureFront: 2, // texture ID - requires null colourFront
        colourBack: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        textureBack: 2, // texture ID - requires null colourBack
        blocked: true, // does wall block collisions?
        invisible: false


一系列反序列化的屋顶。 它们的位置在景观档案中。

        height: 64, // 64-90
        texture: 6 // corresponds to config.textures


反序列化图块覆盖数组。 他们的位置在景观中 档案。

        colour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || null,
        texture: 12 || null, // corresponds to config.textures
        type: 'ground' || 'floor' || 'liquid' || 'bridge' || 'hole',
        blocked: false // does tile block collisions?





        name: 'spell name', // displayed in client spell book
        description: 'spell description',
        level: 1, // 1-99
        // self are usually teleports, offensive are against NPCs and players,
        // inventory is used for alchemy and enchanment, object for obelisks
        type: 'self' || 'offensive' || 'inventory' || 'object',
        runes: [
                id: 33, // corresponds to config.items
                amount: 1 // if elemental, staffs will give infinite amount



        name: 'prayer name', // displayed in client spell book (prayer tab)
        description: 'prayer description',
        level: 12,
        drain: 34

config = new Config()



加载配置 jag 存档缓冲区。


返回配置 jag 存档。



    'items', 'npcs', 'textures', 'animations', 'objects', 'wallObjects',
    'roofs', 'tiles', 'spells', 'prayers', 'models'


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分发该程序是希望它有用,但没有任何 保修单; 甚至没有适销性或适用性的默示保证 特殊用途。 有关详细信息,请参阅 GNU Affero 通用公共许可证。

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(de)serialize runescape classic config files. parse config archive files into arrays of objects and re-encode + re-compress them back to the original format.


$ npm install @2003scape/rsc-config # -g for CLI program

cli usage

rsc-config <command>

  rsc-config dump-json <archive>            dump JSON files of each config
  rsc-config pack-json <archive> <files..>  encode and compress JSON files into
                                            config archive

  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]


const fs = require('fs');
const { Config } = require('./src');

const config = new Config();

config.items = config.items.map(item => {
    // Iron Mace -> ecaM norI
    item.name = item.name.split('').reverse().join('');
    return item;

config.npcs = config.npcs.map(npc => {
    npc.width = Math.floor(npc.width * 4/3);
    npc.height = Math.floor(npc.height * 4/3);
    return npc;

config.animations = config.animations.map(animation => {
    if (animation.colour) {
        animation.colour = '#ff00ff';

    return animation;

fs.writeFileSync('./config86.jag', config.toArchive());



array of deserialized inventory items (swords, coins, food, etc.). these are called "objects" in jagex documentation.

        name: 'item name',
        description: 'text displayed when examined',
        command: 'Bury', // item action: Bury, Eat, etc.
        sprite: 123, // item sprite index
        price: 12345, // base price for alchemy and shops
        stackable: false, // for multiple items in one slot (arrows, coins)
        special: false, // destroy on drop ? (only beads of death has this)
        equip: [
            '2-handed', // requires right-hand and left-hand
            'chest', // amulets
            'feet', // boots
            'hands', // gloves
            'legs', // skirts, platelegs, etc.
            'body', // leather body, chainmail
            'head', // medium helmet
            'right-hand', // weapons
            'left-hand', // shield
            'replace-legs', // replace character leg sprite (platelegs)
            'replace-body', // replace character body sprite (platemail)
            'replace-head' // replace character head sprite (large helmet)
        ] || null,
        colour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null, // colourize grey
        untradeable: false,
        members: false


array of deserialized NPCs (non-player-characters; monsters).

        name: 'npc name',
        description: 'text displayed when examined',
        command: '', // pickpocket, ....
        attack: 12, // 1-99
        strength: 23,
        hits: 34,
        defense: 56,
        // https://classic.runescape.wiki/w/Aggressiveness
        // the client treats > 3 as 3
        hostility: null || 'retreats' || 'combative' || 'aggressive',
        // each animation maps to an index of config.animations
        animations: [
            null, // id of head animation
            null, // id of body animation
            null, // id of leg animation
            null, // id of hand animation
            null, // id of hand animation
            null, // id of overlay head animation
            null, // id of overlay body animation
            null, // id of overlay legs animation
            null, // id of gloves animation
            null, // id of feet animation
            null, // id of chest animation (necklaces)
            null // id cape animation
        hairColour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        topColour:  'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        bottomColour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        skinColour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        width: 123,
        height: 456,
        walkModel: 6,
        combatModel: 6,
        combatAnimation: 5


array of deserialized textures. these are used for walls, overlay tiles, roofs and objects.

        name: 'wall', // main texture image name
        subName: 'door' // overlay texture image name


array of deserialized animations. these are used for NPCs, players and wieldable items.

        name: 'entity jag sprite collection', // sword, necklace, cape, etc.
        colour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null, // colourize grey
        genderModel: 0,
        hasA: true,
        hasF: false


array of deserialized game objects (tree, altar, furnace, etc.). these are called "locations" in jagex documentation.

        name: 'object name',
        description: 'text displayed when examined',
        commands: [
            'WalkTo', // Mine, open, etc.
            'Examine' // Prospect
        // this is where the client learns which models to fetch from models
        // archive
        model: {
            name: 'model jag model name', // rocks1, shopsign, deadtree1, etc.
            id: 12 // index of the model in collection
        width: 1, // extra tiles to occupy for collision detection
        height: 1,
        type: 'unblocked' || 'blocked' || 'closed-door' || 'open-door',
        itemHeight: 123 // height from ground of items on top of this object


array of deserialized wall objects (doors, walls) and are called "boundaries" in jagex documentation. unlike game objects, they don't take up entire tiles if they're blocking so they're useful for collision detection. their locations are in the landscape archives.

        name: 'wall name', // displayed when command[0] != WalkTo
        description: 'text displayed when examined', // commands[0] != WalkTo
        commands: [
            'WalkTo', // Open, Push, etc.
            'Examine' // Pick Lock, Close, etc.
        height: 192, // 275 for high walls
        colourFront: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        textureFront: 2, // texture ID - requires null colourFront
        colourBack: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || '#ff00ff' || null,
        textureBack: 2, // texture ID - requires null colourBack
        blocked: true, // does wall block collisions?
        invisible: false


array of deserialized roofs. their locations are in the landscape archives.

        height: 64, // 64-90
        texture: 6 // corresponds to config.textures


array of deserialized tile overlays. their locations are in the landscape archives.

        colour: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)' || null,
        texture: 12 || null, // corresponds to config.textures
        type: 'ground' || 'floor' || 'liquid' || 'bridge' || 'hole',
        blocked: false // does tile block collisions?


decoded projectile sprite index.


array of deserialized magic spells.

        name: 'spell name', // displayed in client spell book
        description: 'spell description',
        level: 1, // 1-99
        // self are usually teleports, offensive are against NPCs and players,
        // inventory is used for alchemy and enchanment, object for obelisks
        type: 'self' || 'offensive' || 'inventory' || 'object',
        runes: [
                id: 33, // corresponds to config.items
                amount: 1 // if elemental, staffs will give infinite amount


array of deserialized prayers.

        name: 'prayer name', // displayed in client spell book (prayer tab)
        description: 'prayer description',
        level: 12,
        drain: 34

config = new Config()

create new config (de)serializer instance.


load a config jag archive buffer.


return a config jag archive.


an array of config sections.

    'items', 'npcs', 'textures', 'animations', 'objects', 'wallObjects',
    'roofs', 'tiles', 'spells', 'prayers', 'models'


Copyright 2020 2003Scape Team

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

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