@1stdibs/react-portal 中文文档教程

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在 React 中与模态框、灯箱或加载条苦苦挣扎? React-portal 创建了一个新的顶级 React 树并将其子树注入其中。 这对于正确的样式(尤其是定位)是必要的。


  • transports its child into a new React component and appends it to the document.body (creates a new independent React tree)
  • can be opened by the prop isOpened
  • can be opened after a click on an element that you pass through the prop openByClickOn (and then it takes care of the open/close state)
  • doesn't leave any mess in DOM after closing
  • provides its child with this.props.closePortal callback
  • provides close on ESC and close on outside mouse click out of the box
  • supports absolute positioned components (great for tooltips)
  • no dependencies
  • fully covered by tests


尝试 https://miksu.cz/react-portal

git clone https://github.com/tajo/react-portal
cd react-portal
npm install
npm run build:examples
open examples/index.html


npm install react react-dom react-portal --save


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Portal from 'react-portal';

export default class App extends React.Component {

  render() {
    const button1 = <button>Open portal with pseudo modal</button>;

    return (
      <Portal closeOnEsc closeOnOutsideClick openByClickOn={button1}>
          <h2>Pseudo Modal</h2>
          <p>This react component is appended to the document body.</p>


export class PseudoModal extends React.Component {

  render() {
    return (
        <p><button onClick={this.props.closePortal}>Close this</button></p>


ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('react-body'));

Documentation - props

Always required

children : ReactElement

门户需要一个孩子() 将被移植。

One of these two required

isOpened : bool

如果为 true,则门户是打开的。 如果为假,门户将关闭。 由您负责关闭(也称为照顾状态)。 如果你想让你的生活更轻松,请不要使用这个道具。 请改用 openByClickOn!

openByClickOn : ReactElement

第二种方式如何打开传送门。 该元素将立即由门户呈现 使用触发门户打开的 onClick 处理程序。 然后如何关闭门户? 门户为其已移植的子级提供回调 this.props.closePortal。 或者您可以使用内置的门户关闭方法(closeOnEsc,……更多内容见下文)。 请注意,您不必处理打开/关闭状态(就像使用 isOpened 属性时一样)。


closeOnEsc: bool

如果为真,则可以通过 ESC 键关闭门户。

closeOnOutsideClick: bool

如果为 true,则可以通过单击外部鼠标来关闭门户。

onOpen: func(DOMNode)

当门户打开并呈现时调用此回调(对于为 DOMNode 设置动画很有用)。

beforeClose: func(DOMNode, removeFromDOM)

当触发关闭事件时调用此回调,但它会阻止从 DOM 中正常移除。 因此,您可以先做一些 DOMNode 动画,然后调用 removeFromDOM() 从 DOM 中删除门户。

onClose: func

当门户关闭时和 beforeClose 之后调用此回调。

onUpdate: func


Tips & Tricks

  • Does your modal have a fullscreen overlay and the closeOnOutsideClick doesn't work? There is a simple solution.
  • Does your inner inner component <LevelTwo />
    <LevelTwo />

还需要访问 this.props.closePortal()? 您不能只在 组件的渲染方法中使用 {this.props.children}。 您必须改为克隆它:

  {closePortal: this.props.closePortal}

Open modal programmatically

有时您需要自动打开门户(例如模态)。 没有按钮可以点击。 没问题,因为门户有 isOpen 道具,所以您可以将其设置为 truefalse。 然而,这完全取决于您来处理门户关闭(ESC,外部点击,没有 this.props.closePortal 回调...)。

但是,即使没有 isOpen,也有一个很好的技巧可以实现这一点:

<Portal ref="myPortal">
  <Modal title="My modal">
    Modal content
// opens the portal, yay!



git clone https://github.com/tajo/react-portal
cd react-portal
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:3000


npm test


灵感来自 React.js Conf 2015 - Hype!, Ryan Florence

Vojtech Miksu 2015, miksu.cz, @vmiksu


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Struggling with modals, lightboxes or loading bars in React? React-portal creates a new top-level React tree and injects its child into it. That's necessary for proper styling (especially positioning).


  • transports its child into a new React component and appends it to the document.body (creates a new independent React tree)
  • can be opened by the prop isOpened
  • can be opened after a click on an element that you pass through the prop openByClickOn (and then it takes care of the open/close state)
  • doesn't leave any mess in DOM after closing
  • provides its child with this.props.closePortal callback
  • provides close on ESC and close on outside mouse click out of the box
  • supports absolute positioned components (great for tooltips)
  • no dependencies
  • fully covered by tests


Try https://miksu.cz/react-portal or

git clone https://github.com/tajo/react-portal
cd react-portal
npm install
npm run build:examples
open examples/index.html


npm install react react-dom react-portal --save


import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import Portal from 'react-portal';

export default class App extends React.Component {

  render() {
    const button1 = <button>Open portal with pseudo modal</button>;

    return (
      <Portal closeOnEsc closeOnOutsideClick openByClickOn={button1}>
          <h2>Pseudo Modal</h2>
          <p>This react component is appended to the document body.</p>


export class PseudoModal extends React.Component {

  render() {
    return (
        <p><button onClick={this.props.closePortal}>Close this</button></p>


ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('react-body'));

Documentation - props

Always required

children : ReactElement

The portal expects one child (<Portal><Child ... /></Portal>) that will be ported.

One of these two required

isOpened : bool

If true, the portal is open. If false, the portal is closed. It's up to you to take care of the closing (aka taking care of the state). Don't use this prop if you want to make your life easier. Use openByClickOn instead!

openByClickOn : ReactElement

The second way how to open the portal. This element will be rendered by the portal immediately with onClick handler that triggers portal opening. How to close the portal then? The portal provides its ported child with a callback this.props.closePortal. Or you can use built-in portal closing methods (closeOnEsc, … more below). Notice that you don't have to deal with the open/close state (like when using the isOpened prop).


closeOnEsc: bool

If true, the portal can be closed by the key ESC.

closeOnOutsideClick: bool

If true, the portal can be closed by the outside mouse click.

onOpen: func(DOMNode)

This callback is called when the portal is opened and rendered (useful for animating the DOMNode).

beforeClose: func(DOMNode, removeFromDOM)

This callback is called when the closing event is triggered but it prevents normal removal from the DOM. So, you can do some DOMNode animation first and then call removeFromDOM() that removes the portal from DOM.

onClose: func

This callback is called when the portal closes and after beforeClose.

onUpdate: func

This callback is called when the portal is (re)rendered.

Tips & Tricks

  • Does your modal have a fullscreen overlay and the closeOnOutsideClick doesn't work? There is a simple solution.
  • Does your inner inner component <LevelTwo />
    <LevelTwo />

also needs an access to this.props.closePortal()? You can't just use {this.props.children} in render method of <LevelOne> component. You have to clone it instead:

  {closePortal: this.props.closePortal}

Open modal programmatically

Sometimes you need to open your portal (e.g. modal) automatically. There is no button to click on. No problem, because the portal has the isOpen prop, so you can just set it to true or false. However, then it's completely up to you to take care about the portal closing (ESC, outside click, no this.props.closePortal callback…).

However, there is a nice trick how to make this happen even without isOpen:

<Portal ref="myPortal">
  <Modal title="My modal">
    Modal content
// opens the portal, yay!


Please, create issues and pull requests.

git clone https://github.com/tajo/react-portal
cd react-portal
npm install
npm start
open http://localhost:3000

Don't forget to run this before every commit:

npm test


Inspired by the talk React.js Conf 2015 - Hype!, Ryan Florence

Vojtech Miksu 2015, miksu.cz, @vmiksu

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