@1st-setup/cul 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 37 项目主页 更新于 3 年前


NPM 版本 依赖状态 构建状态XO 代码风格License

这是一个Node.js 模块,可用于与 Busware CUL (USB), COC(树莓派)SCC (RaspberryPi)CUNO 运行 culfw。 与 CUL/COC/SCC/CUNO 和 可以控制许多 RF 设备,例如 FS20MAX!、温度传感器、气象站等。 请参阅受支持设备的完整列表


该模块为与 CUL/COC/SCC/CUNO/CUNO2 的串行端口或 telnet 通信提供了一个精简的抽象,以及轻量级的解析和 命令包装器。 它旨在用于不同的基于 Node.js 的家庭自动化软件。


基于 culfwfhem 的作者 Rudolf Koenig 的作品(均获得许可 GPLv2)


npm install cul

var Cul = require('cul');
var cul = new Cul();

// ready event is emitted after serial connection is established and culfw acknowledged data reporting
cul.on('ready', function () {
    // send arbitrary commands to culfw

cul.on('data', function (raw) {
    // show raw incoming messages


  • connectionMode (default: "serial") possible values:
    • serial (CUL/COC/SCC)
    • telnet (CUNO/CUNO2)
  • serialport (default: "/dev/ttyAMA0")
  • baudrate (default: 9600)
  • mode (default: "SlowRF")
    possible values:
    • SlowRF (FS20, HMS, FHT, EM, …)
    • MORITZ (MAX! devices)
    • AskSin (HomeMatic devices)
  • parse (default: true)
    try to parse received messages
  • init (default: true)
    auto send "enable datareporting" command when connection is established (depends on chosen mode)
  • coc (default: false)
    has to be enabled for usage with COC), changes default baudrate to 38400 and default serialport to /dev/ttyACM0
  • scc (default: false)
    has to be enabled for usage with SCC), changes default baudrate to 38400 and default serialport to /dev/ttyAMA0
  • rssi (default: true)
    receive rssi (signal strength) value with every message (works only if init and parse are both true)
  • debug (default: false)
    log every command which is send in the console
  • repeat (default: false)
    disable repeat message filtering in culfw, that means report each of the (repeated) packets of a message
  • host (no default value)
    the IP-Address of CUNO (has to be set when using telnet mode)
  • port (default: 2323)
    the port of the telnet server
  • networkTimeout (default: true)
    enabling sending keep alive signals to the telnet server

在创建新的 cul 对象时传递选项:

var Cul = require('cul');
var fs20 = new Cul({
    serialport: '/dev/ttyACM0',
    mode: 'SlowRF'
var max = new Cul({
    serialport: '/dev/ttyACM1',
    mode: 'MORITZ'


  • close( )
    close the serialport connection
  • write(raw, callback)
    send message to cul. writes directly to the serialport
    optional callback is passed through to serialport module and is called with params (err, res)
  • cmd(protocol, arg1, arg2, …, callback)
    generate a command and send it to cul (see chapter "predefined commands" below)
    optional callback is passed through to serialport module and is called with params (err, res)


  • ready
    called when serialport connection is established and (if init is true) datareporting is enabled
  • close
    called when serialport connection is closed
  • data(raw, obj)
    called for every received message
  • raw string, contains the raw message received from cul
  • obj object, contains parsed message data (see "data parsing" below)
  • error(exception)
    called when serialport or tcp connection is returning an error

Sending commands

Raw commands


cul.write('F6C480111'); // Raw command

Predefined commands

(直到现在只实现了 FS20 和 FHT)


查看文件 lib/fs20.js - 它导出函数 cmd( housecode, address, command, time, bidi, res)


cul.cmd('FS20', '2341 2131', '1112', 'on'); // house code in ELV-Notation, address in ELV-Notation, command as text
cul.cmd('FS20', '6C48', '01', '11');        // house code as hex string, address as hex string, command as hex string


Data parsing

数据事件的第二个参数 obj 包含对象表示解析的数据。


  • protocol
    FS20, EM, HMS, WS, MORITZ, …
  • address
    a unique address in this protocol
  • device
    device type name
  • rssi
    radio signal strength value (only present if option rssi is true)
  • data
    a object with the parsed data



cul.on('data', function (raw, obj) {
    console.log(raw, obj);


F6C480011E5, {
    protocol: 'FS20',
    address: '6C4800',
    device: 'FS20',
    rssi: -87.5,
    data: {
        addressCode: '6C48',
        addressCodeElv: '2341 2131',
        addressDevice: '00',
        addressDeviceElv: '1111',
        extended: false,
        time: null,
        bidirectional: false,
        response: false,
        cmdRaw: '11',
        cmd: 'on'



E020563037A01000200EC, {
    protocol: 'EM',
    address: '0205',
    device: 'EM1000-EM',
    rssi: -84,
    data: { seq: 99, total: 31235, current: 1, peak: 2 }


K1145525828, {
    protocol: 'WS',
    address: 1,
    device: 'S300TH',
    rssi: -28,
    data: { temperature: 24.5, humidity: 58.5 },

Moritz (MAX!)

V 1.66 CSM868 { data: { culfw: { version: '1.66', hardware: 'CSM868' } },
  protocol: 'MORITZ',
  rssi: -22 }
Z0C000442113AD30C4F0D001CB41D { data:
   { len: 12,
     msgcnt: 0,
     msgFlag: '04',
     msgTypeRaw: '42',
     msgType: 'WallThermostatControl',
     src: '113ad3',
     dst: '0c4f0d',
     groupid: 0,
     payload: '1CB41D',
     desiredTemperature: 14,
     measuredTemperature: 18 },
  protocol: 'MORITZ',
  address: '113ad3',
  device: 'WallMountedThermostat',
  rssi: -59.5 }
Z0E0002020C4F0D113AD3000119001C1E { data:
   { len: 14,
     msgcnt: 0,
     msgFlag: '02',
     msgTypeRaw: '02',
     msgType: 'Ack',
     src: '0c4f0d',
     dst: '113ad3',
     groupid: 0,
     payload: '0119001C1E',
     dstDevice: 'WallMountedThermostat' },
  protocol: 'MORITZ',
  address: '0c4f0d',
  rssi: -59 }
  Z0B4F06300E3F3C1234560012F7 { data:
   { len: 11,
     msgcnt: 79,
     msgFlag: '06',
     msgTypeRaw: '30',
     msgType: 'ShutterContactState',
     src: '0e3f3c',
     dst: '123456',
     groupid: 0,
     payload: '12F7',
     isopen: 1,
     unkbits: 4,
     rferror: 0,
     batterlow: 0,
     battery: 'ok' },
  protocol: 'MORITZ',
  address: '0e3f3c',
  device: 'ShutterContact',
  rssi: -78.5 }


T4C5300AA00E3 { protocol: 'FHT',
  address: '4c53',
   { cmdRaw: '00',
     addressCode: 7683,
     cmd: 'actuator',
     valueRaw: '00' },
  rssi: -88.5 }
T4D3F286924E2 { protocol: 'FHT',
  address: '4d3f',
   { cmdRaw: '28',
     addressCode: 7763,
     cmd: 'sat-from1',
     valueRaw: '24',
     value: '6:00' },
  rssi: -89 }


protocoldeviceshould worktested
FS20all Devices:whitecheckmark::whitecheckmark:
EMEM1000(-EM, -GZ, -WZ):whitecheckmark::whitecheckmark:
UnirollAll Devices:whitecheckmark:

数据解析和/或命令包装器已实现:可以轻松添加更多:查看目录 lib/ 中的文件并找到您的灵感 https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk/fhem/FHEM/


further reading


  • configurable serialport auto reconnect
  • more data parser modules
  • MORITZ (MAX!) (inprogress)
  • ESA
  • HMS: HMS100WD, RM100-2, HMS100TFK, HMS100MG, HMS100CO, HMS100FIT
  • more command modules
  • MORITZ (inprogress)
  • more tests

欢迎提出请求! :smile:


  • http://culfw.de
  • http://fhem.de
  • https://github.com/voodootikigod/node-serialport
  • https://github.com/netAction/CUL_FS20
  • https://github.com/katanapod/COC_FS20


根据 GPLv2 获得许可

版权所有 (c) 2014-2020 Sebastian Raff hobbyquaker@gmail.com和贡献者


NPM versiondependencies StatusBuild StatusXO code styleLicense

This is a Node.js module that can be used to interact with a Busware CUL (USB), COC (RaspberryPi), SCC (RaspberryPi) or CUNO running culfw. With CUL/COC/SCC/CUNO and culfw many RF devices can be controlled, like FS20, MAX!, temperature sensors, weather stations and more. See the full list of supported Devices.


This module provides a thin abstraction for the serial port or telnet communication with CUL/COC/SCC/CUNO/CUNO2 and lightweight parse and command wrappers. It's intended to be used in different Node.js based Home Automation software.


based on the work of Rudolf Koenig, Author of culfw and fhem (both licensed under GPLv2)


npm install cul

var Cul = require('cul');
var cul = new Cul();

// ready event is emitted after serial connection is established and culfw acknowledged data reporting
cul.on('ready', function () {
    // send arbitrary commands to culfw

cul.on('data', function (raw) {
    // show raw incoming messages


  • connectionMode (default: "serial") possible values:
    • serial (CUL/COC/SCC)
    • telnet (CUNO/CUNO2)
  • serialport (default: "/dev/ttyAMA0")
  • baudrate (default: 9600)
  • mode (default: "SlowRF")
    possible values:
    • SlowRF (FS20, HMS, FHT, EM, …)
    • MORITZ (MAX! devices)
    • AskSin (HomeMatic devices)
  • parse (default: true)
    try to parse received messages
  • init (default: true)
    auto send "enable datareporting" command when connection is established (depends on chosen mode)
  • coc (default: false)
    has to be enabled for usage with COC), changes default baudrate to 38400 and default serialport to /dev/ttyACM0
  • scc (default: false)
    has to be enabled for usage with SCC), changes default baudrate to 38400 and default serialport to /dev/ttyAMA0
  • rssi (default: true)
    receive rssi (signal strength) value with every message (works only if init and parse are both true)
  • debug (default: false)
    log every command which is send in the console
  • repeat (default: false)
    disable repeat message filtering in culfw, that means report each of the (repeated) packets of a message
  • host (no default value)
    the IP-Address of CUNO (has to be set when using telnet mode)
  • port (default: 2323)
    the port of the telnet server
  • networkTimeout (default: true)
    enabling sending keep alive signals to the telnet server

pass options when creating a new cul object:

var Cul = require('cul');
var fs20 = new Cul({
    serialport: '/dev/ttyACM0',
    mode: 'SlowRF'
var max = new Cul({
    serialport: '/dev/ttyACM1',
    mode: 'MORITZ'


  • close( )
    close the serialport connection
  • write(raw, callback)
    send message to cul. writes directly to the serialport
    optional callback is passed through to serialport module and is called with params (err, res)
  • cmd(protocol, arg1, arg2, …, callback)
    generate a command and send it to cul (see chapter "predefined commands" below)
    optional callback is passed through to serialport module and is called with params (err, res)


  • ready
    called when serialport connection is established and (if init is true) datareporting is enabled
  • close
    called when serialport connection is closed
  • data(raw, obj)
    called for every received message
  • raw string, contains the raw message received from cul
  • obj object, contains parsed message data (see "data parsing" below)
  • error(exception)
    called when serialport or tcp connection is returning an error

Sending commands

Raw commands


cul.write('F6C480111'); // Raw command

Predefined commands

(until now only FS20 and FHT is implemented)


Take a look at the file lib/fs20.js - it exports a function cmd(housecode, address, command, time, bidi, res)


cul.cmd('FS20', '2341 2131', '1112', 'on'); // house code in ELV-Notation, address in ELV-Notation, command as text
cul.cmd('FS20', '6C48', '01', '11');        // house code as hex string, address as hex string, command as hex string

(these examples result in the same message as the raw command example above.)

Data parsing

The 2nd param obj of the data event contains a object representation of the parsed data.

Each object has the following attributes:

  • protocol
    FS20, EM, HMS, WS, MORITZ, …
  • address
    a unique address in this protocol
  • device
    device type name
  • rssi
    radio signal strength value (only present if option rssi is true)
  • data
    a object with the parsed data


Sample output of

cul.on('data', function (raw, obj) {
    console.log(raw, obj);


F6C480011E5, {
    protocol: 'FS20',
    address: '6C4800',
    device: 'FS20',
    rssi: -87.5,
    data: {
        addressCode: '6C48',
        addressCodeElv: '2341 2131',
        addressDevice: '00',
        addressDeviceElv: '1111',
        extended: false,
        time: null,
        bidirectional: false,
        response: false,
        cmdRaw: '11',
        cmd: 'on'



E020563037A01000200EC, {
    protocol: 'EM',
    address: '0205',
    device: 'EM1000-EM',
    rssi: -84,
    data: { seq: 99, total: 31235, current: 1, peak: 2 }


K1145525828, {
    protocol: 'WS',
    address: 1,
    device: 'S300TH',
    rssi: -28,
    data: { temperature: 24.5, humidity: 58.5 },

Moritz (MAX!)

V 1.66 CSM868 { data: { culfw: { version: '1.66', hardware: 'CSM868' } },
  protocol: 'MORITZ',
  rssi: -22 }
Z0C000442113AD30C4F0D001CB41D { data:
   { len: 12,
     msgcnt: 0,
     msgFlag: '04',
     msgTypeRaw: '42',
     msgType: 'WallThermostatControl',
     src: '113ad3',
     dst: '0c4f0d',
     groupid: 0,
     payload: '1CB41D',
     desiredTemperature: 14,
     measuredTemperature: 18 },
  protocol: 'MORITZ',
  address: '113ad3',
  device: 'WallMountedThermostat',
  rssi: -59.5 }
Z0E0002020C4F0D113AD3000119001C1E { data:
   { len: 14,
     msgcnt: 0,
     msgFlag: '02',
     msgTypeRaw: '02',
     msgType: 'Ack',
     src: '0c4f0d',
     dst: '113ad3',
     groupid: 0,
     payload: '0119001C1E',
     dstDevice: 'WallMountedThermostat' },
  protocol: 'MORITZ',
  address: '0c4f0d',
  rssi: -59 }
  Z0B4F06300E3F3C1234560012F7 { data:
   { len: 11,
     msgcnt: 79,
     msgFlag: '06',
     msgTypeRaw: '30',
     msgType: 'ShutterContactState',
     src: '0e3f3c',
     dst: '123456',
     groupid: 0,
     payload: '12F7',
     isopen: 1,
     unkbits: 4,
     rferror: 0,
     batterlow: 0,
     battery: 'ok' },
  protocol: 'MORITZ',
  address: '0e3f3c',
  device: 'ShutterContact',
  rssi: -78.5 }


T4C5300AA00E3 { protocol: 'FHT',
  address: '4c53',
   { cmdRaw: '00',
     addressCode: 7683,
     cmd: 'actuator',
     valueRaw: '00' },
  rssi: -88.5 }
T4D3F286924E2 { protocol: 'FHT',
  address: '4d3f',
   { cmdRaw: '28',
     addressCode: 7763,
     cmd: 'sat-from1',
     valueRaw: '24',
     value: '6:00' },
  rssi: -89 }

Until now for these devices data parsing and/or a command wrapper is implemented:

protocoldeviceshould worktested
FS20all Devices:whitecheckmark::whitecheckmark:
EMEM1000(-EM, -GZ, -WZ):whitecheckmark::whitecheckmark:
UnirollAll Devices:whitecheckmark:

More can be added easily: take a look at the files in the directory lib/ and find your inspiration on https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk/fhem/FHEM/

Pull requests welcome!

further reading


  • configurable serialport auto reconnect
  • more data parser modules
  • MORITZ (MAX!) (inprogress)
  • ESA
  • HMS: HMS100WD, RM100-2, HMS100TFK, HMS100MG, HMS100CO, HMS100FIT
  • more command modules
  • MORITZ (inprogress)
  • more tests

Pull requests welcome! :smile:


  • http://culfw.de
  • http://fhem.de
  • https://github.com/voodootikigod/node-serialport
  • https://github.com/netAction/CUL_FS20
  • https://github.com/katanapod/COC_FS20


Licensed under GPLv2

Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Sebastian Raff hobbyquaker@gmail.com and Contributors

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