@1natsu/handy-media-query 中文文档教程
一种方便的 JavaScript CSS 媒体查询方法
Table of contents
- Table of contents
- ✨ Getting Started
- Usage
- Simple
- Realistic example
- maybe as usufull
- APIs
- Default exported object
- Named exported methods
- Running the tests
- Contributing
- Versioning
- ©️ License
- Acknowledgments
- Inspiration
✨ Getting Started
有机会与 yarn
yarn add @1natsu/handy-media-query
npm install @1natsu/handy-media-query
import mq from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
mq.max(480) // "@media all and (max-width: 30em)"
mq.between(481,767) // "@media all and (min-width: 30.0625em) and (max-width: 47.9375em)"
mq.min(768) // "@media all and (min-width: 48em)"
默认情况下,将传递的 px 转换为 em。
Realistic example
maybe as usufull
import mq, { composeMediaQuery, pxToEm } from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
const breakpoints = {
small: 480,
middle: [481, 767],
large: 768
const mediaQueries = composeMediaQuery({
small: mq.max(breakpoints.small),
middle: mq.between(breakpoints.middle[0], breakpoints.middle[1]),
large: mq.min(breakpoints.large),
irregular: `@media (min-height: ${pxToEm('680px')}), screen and (orientation: portrait)`
export { mediaQueries as mq }
作为示例,带有 Styled-components(v4) 的组件文件
import React from 'react'
import styled from "styled-components";
import { mq } from './mediaQuery'
const Foo = ({text}) => <div>{text}</div>
const StyledFoo = styled(Foo)`
color: blue;
${mq.small} {
color: red;
${mq.middle} {
color: cyan;
// Local irregular……is also OK
${mq.between(1921,3840)} {
color: pink;
Default exported object
import mq from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
#min(minPx, [opts])
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
minPx | ✓ | string | number | - | "<number>px" or number (assuming pixels) |
options | - | object | DefaultOptions |
// '@media all and (min-width: 30em)'
mq.min(480, {unit: 'px', mediaType: 'screen'})
// '@media screen and (min-width: 480px)'
#max(maxPx, [opts])
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
maxPx | ✓ | string | number | - | "<number>px" or number (assuming pixels) |
options | - | object | DefaultOptions |
// '@media all and (max-width: 30em)'
mq.max(480, {unit: 'px', mediaType: 'screen'})
// '@media screen and (max-width: 480px)'
#between(minPx, maxPx, [opts])
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
minPx | ✓ | string | number | - | "<number>px" or number (assuming pixels) |
maxPx | ✓ | string | number | - | "<number>px" or number (assuming pixels) |
options | - | object | DefaultOptions |
// '@media all and (min-width: 30em) and (max-width: 61.25em)'
mq.between(480, 980, {unit: 'px', mediaType: 'screen'})
// '@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 61.25em)'
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
unit | - | 'em' | 'rem' | 'px' | 'em' | Output unit |
unitRatio | - | number | 16 | Unit ratio as a reference of 'em' or 'rem' |
mediaType | - | 'all' | 'screen' | 'print' | 'speech' | 'all' | MDN - Media Query#Media-Types |
Named exported methods
返回带有 {passed argument object}
的新对象+ {media query methods}
这个函数合并了媒体查询方法 & 与对象一起传递。 因此有必要避免重复的属性名称。
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
userSelfMediaQuery | ✓ | object | - | Object with string media query in value |
import { composeMediaQuery } from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
const mediaQueries = composeMediaQuery({
small: '@media (min-width: 320px)'
middle: '@media (min-width: 768px)'
large: '@media (min-width: 1280px)'
irregular: `@media (min-height: 400px), screen and (orientation: portrait)`
↓↓ 生成的对象的内容如下↓↓
const mediaQueries = {
small: '@media (min-width: 320px)'
middle: '@media (min-width: 768px)'
large: '@media (min-width: 1280px)'
irregular: '@media (min-height: 400px), screen and (orientation: portrait)'
min: [Function]
max: [Function]
between: [Function]
但是,假设像这样的用法 现实的例子
pxToEm(value, ratio)
- Unit converter for px to em
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
value | ✓ | string | number | - | Conversion source px."<number>px" or number |
ratio | - | number | 16 | Unit ratio as a reference of 'em' |
import { pxToEm } from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
const convertToEm = pxToEm(480, 10)
console.log(convertToEm) // 48em
pxToRem(value, ratio)
- Unit converter for px to rem
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
value | ✓ | string | number | - | Conversion source px."<number>px" or number |
ratio | - | number | 16 | Unit ratio as a reference of 'rem' |
import { pxToRem } from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
const convertToRem = pxToRem(480, 10)
console.log(convertToRem) // 48rem
Running the tests
yarn test
npm run test
使用 SemVer 进行版本控制。 有关可用版本,请参阅此存储库上的标签。
©️ License
麻省理工学院 © 1natsu172
A handy CSS media query methods of JavaScript
Just return the media query string.
The opportunity to use… (e.g. styled-components, emotion, …)
???? Table of contents
- ???? Table of contents
- ✨ Getting Started
- ???? Usage
- Simple
- ???? Realistic example
- maybe as usufull
- ???? APIs
- Default exported object
- Named exported methods
- ???? Running the tests
- Contributing
- ???? Versioning
- ©️ License
- ???? Acknowledgments
- Inspiration
✨ Getting Started
with yarn
yarn add @1natsu/handy-media-query
with npm
npm install @1natsu/handy-media-query
???? Usage
import mq from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
mq.max(480) // "@media all and (max-width: 30em)"
mq.between(481,767) // "@media all and (min-width: 30.0625em) and (max-width: 47.9375em)"
mq.min(768) // "@media all and (min-width: 48em)"
By default, the passed px is converted to em.
???? Realistic example
maybe as usufull
import mq, { composeMediaQuery, pxToEm } from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
const breakpoints = {
small: 480,
middle: [481, 767],
large: 768
const mediaQueries = composeMediaQuery({
small: mq.max(breakpoints.small),
middle: mq.between(breakpoints.middle[0], breakpoints.middle[1]),
large: mq.min(breakpoints.large),
irregular: `@media (min-height: ${pxToEm('680px')}), screen and (orientation: portrait)`
export { mediaQueries as mq }
As an example a component file with Styled-components(v4)
import React from 'react'
import styled from "styled-components";
import { mq } from './mediaQuery'
const Foo = ({text}) => <div>{text}</div>
const StyledFoo = styled(Foo)`
color: blue;
${mq.small} {
color: red;
${mq.middle} {
color: cyan;
// Local irregular……is also OK
${mq.between(1921,3840)} {
color: pink;
???? APIs
Default exported object
import mq from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
#min(minPx, [opts])
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
minPx | ✓ | string | number | - | "<number>px" or number (assuming pixels) |
options | - | object | DefaultOptions |
// '@media all and (min-width: 30em)'
mq.min(480, {unit: 'px', mediaType: 'screen'})
// '@media screen and (min-width: 480px)'
#max(maxPx, [opts])
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
maxPx | ✓ | string | number | - | "<number>px" or number (assuming pixels) |
options | - | object | DefaultOptions |
// '@media all and (max-width: 30em)'
mq.max(480, {unit: 'px', mediaType: 'screen'})
// '@media screen and (max-width: 480px)'
#between(minPx, maxPx, [opts])
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
minPx | ✓ | string | number | - | "<number>px" or number (assuming pixels) |
maxPx | ✓ | string | number | - | "<number>px" or number (assuming pixels) |
options | - | object | DefaultOptions |
// '@media all and (min-width: 30em) and (max-width: 61.25em)'
mq.between(480, 980, {unit: 'px', mediaType: 'screen'})
// '@media screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 61.25em)'
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
unit | - | 'em' | 'rem' | 'px' | 'em' | Output unit |
unitRatio | - | number | 16 | Unit ratio as a reference of 'em' or 'rem' |
mediaType | - | 'all' | 'screen' | 'print' | 'speech' | 'all' | MDN - Media Query#Media-Types |
Named exported methods
Return a new object with {passed argument object}
+ {media query methods}
This function merges media query methods & passed with the object. So it's necessary to avoid duplicate property names.
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
userSelfMediaQuery | ✓ | object | - | Object with string media query in value |
import { composeMediaQuery } from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
const mediaQueries = composeMediaQuery({
small: '@media (min-width: 320px)'
middle: '@media (min-width: 768px)'
large: '@media (min-width: 1280px)'
irregular: `@media (min-height: 400px), screen and (orientation: portrait)`
↓↓ The contents of the generated object are as follows ↓↓
const mediaQueries = {
small: '@media (min-width: 320px)'
middle: '@media (min-width: 768px)'
large: '@media (min-width: 1280px)'
irregular: '@media (min-height: 400px), screen and (orientation: portrait)'
min: [Function]
max: [Function]
between: [Function]
But, assume a usage like a Realistic example
pxToEm(value, ratio)
- Unit converter for px to em
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
value | ✓ | string | number | - | Conversion source px."<number>px" or number |
ratio | - | number | 16 | Unit ratio as a reference of 'em' |
import { pxToEm } from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
const convertToEm = pxToEm(480, 10)
console.log(convertToEm) // 48em
pxToRem(value, ratio)
- Unit converter for px to rem
name | require | type | default | decstiption |
value | ✓ | string | number | - | Conversion source px."<number>px" or number |
ratio | - | number | 16 | Unit ratio as a reference of 'rem' |
import { pxToRem } from '@1natsu/handy-media-query'
const convertToRem = pxToRem(480, 10)
console.log(convertToRem) // 48rem
???? Running the tests
with Jest.
yarn test
npm run test
???? Versioning
Use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
©️ License
MIT © 1natsu172
???? Acknowledgments
- 123-cli 中文文档教程
- 200-ok 中文文档教程
- 8fold-simplemde 中文文档教程
- @0x04/retro-remix-catcher 中文文档教程
- @0xcert/ethereum-bitski-frontend-provider 中文文档教程
- @1hive/oracle-token-balance 中文文档教程
- @1onlinesolution/dws-crypto 中文文档教程
- @1password/asset-fingerprint 中文文档教程
- @20i/react-component-generator 中文文档教程
- @21epub/epub-custom-label 中文文档教程