@1mmunity/discord-bot-base 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 50 更新于 2 年前

Table of contents


这是一个不和谐的机器人基地,因此更容易启动机器人。 新:斜杠命令 - 想轻松地创建斜杠命令吗? 那么这是给你的!


npm i @1mmunity/discord-bot-base

Node.js 需要 12.0.0 或更新版本。

Getting Started


  1. Require it in your script.
const DBB = require('@1mmunity/discord-bot-base')
  1. Initialize the DBB Client.
const DBB = require('@1mmunity/discord-bot-base')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'

请参阅 ClientOptions 来自文档

  1. Login to your client
const DBB = require('@1mmunity/discord-bot-base')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'

  1. Register defaults (optional)
const DBB = require('@1mmunity/discord-bot-base')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'



这就是快速入门! 注册事件:

  • ready
  • message
  • guildCreate
  • guildDelete


  • eval - Evaluate JavaScript code
  • ban - Bans mentioned members from a guild
  • kick - Kicks mentioned members from a guild
  • warn - DMs users from a guild that they have been warned
  • help - Gets a list of commands
  • ping - Gets client's websocket ping
  • user - Gets a detailed information of a mentioned member

您设置选项 options.events.{event}: Boolean, options.commands.{command}: Boolean, options.prefix : 字符串


您可以在 Tests 文件夹中查看示例。

const DBB = require('../')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'




const DBB = require('../')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'
const registry = client.registry

// registry.handleCommands() is used only on the message event



const DBB = require('../')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'
const registry = client.registry

    name: 'ready',
    run: (client) => {
      console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`)
    name: 'message',
    run: (client, message) => {
      registry.handleCommands(message, {
        ignoreBots: true,
        guildOnly: true,
        prefix: '!',
        prefixRequired: true,

// registers ready and message event

    name: 'test',
    aliases: ['t'],
    run: (client, message) => {
      return message.reply(client.user.tag)

  help: true


// registers test and help commands


Slash Commands


const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: ''
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js')
const slashy = client.slash({
  testServers: ['id1', 'id2']
// testServers is for developmental reasons, because globally it will take up to an hour.

slashy.addCommand('ping', {
  description: 'Pong',
  run: (_client, message, args) => {
    // args is for options
    // message is for interaction
    // _client is the client that interacted
    // EXAMPLE:
    return message.send('Pong!')

// with embed, options & register more than one
    name: 'embed',
    description: 'Sends an embed',
    run: (_client, message) => {
      return message.send(null, [
        new MessageEmbed().setTitle('Hello World'),
        new MessageEmbed().setTitle('Hello World2')
      // send(content=String, embeds=Array, hidden=Boolean)
  }, {
    name: 'apply',
    description: 'Apply for Moderator',
    options: [
        name: 'Age',
        description: 'Your age, must be above 18.',
        required: true,
        type: 4 // 1: COMMAND_GROUP | 2: SUB_COMMAND_GROUP | 3: String | 4: Number | 5: Boolean | 6: Mention
        name: 'Reason',
        description: 'Reason to become a moderator.',
        required: true,
        type: 3
    run: (_client, message, args) => {
      if (args.Age < 18) return message.send('Your age must be above 18 to be a moderator!', null, true) // hidden or ephermal if last parameter is true
      if (args.Reason.toLowerCase() === 'to troll') return message.send('Sorry, we aren\'t looking for trolls.', null, true)
      // ...
      return message.send('Your application has successfully being processed, please wait until further notice.')

client.registry.addEvent('ready', () => {
  slashy.handle() // handle Interactions; slashy.postCommands() then slashy.handleCommands()

  • slashy.registerCommands(dir, options) - 注册命令,与注册表相同。 registerCommands(dir, options) 但对于斜杠命令,完全作为 slashy.addCommands(commandsArr) 的对象工作

  • >slashy.handleGlobal() - 像 < code>slashy.handle(),但这不适用于测试服务器,而是全局的。 可能最多需要一个小时,因此请使用 slashy.handle() 进行开发。

  • run(client, message, args) => {} - message 是自定义消息类,它不是来自 discord.js 的常规消息对象。

  • message.author - 来自 discord.js 的作者(用户)对象

  • message.member - 将作者表示为来自 discord.js 的

  • 成员hidden) - 您只能在命令中使用一次。 msg 是您要发送的消息(字符串)。 embeds 是您要发送的嵌入的数组不能用于临时命令)。 args 是选项(对象)的值。


DBB 的文档。 您可以查看原始的 Discord.js 文档


new DBB.Client(ClientOptions)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
ClientOptions object false - Options for the client, see ClientOptions
ClientOptions.ownerId string false - The bot owner's ID, used for ownerOnly property in a command

DBB 的属性


  • reportBotVitals - returns an object that has arrays of event and command names




new Modules.Registry(client)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
client Client false - Client that has this registry


  • client - The client that has this registry


  • registerAllDefaults(options) - Registers default commands, events, and handlers
  • registerDefaultCommands(options) - Registers default commands only
  • registerDefaultEvents(options) - Registers default events only
  • registerCommands(dir, options) - Registers all files as commands in a directory
  • registerEvents(dir) - Registers all files as events in a directory
  • handleEvents(extraArg) - Handles all events IMPORTANT
  • handleCommands(message, options) - Handles incoming messages as commands, used in the message event IMPORTANT
  • addCommand(name, props) - Adds a command with the name of name, command contents are in props
  • addEvent(name, callbackfn) - Similar to the discord.js client.on(), but this adds an event to later be triggered on handleEvents
  • addCommands(commandsArr) - Adds multiple commands as an array, similar to addCommand
  • addEvents(eventsArr) - Adds multiple events as an array, similar to addEvent
  • registerCommand(dir) - Registers a file as a command in the provided file directory
  • registerEvent(dir) - Registers a file as an event in the provided file directory




client.reportBotVitals(options, callbackfn)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
options object true * What should be included on report
options.commands boolean true true Should commands be included
options.events boolean true true Should events be included
callbackfn Function true - Callback function when vitals are reported
callbackfn(returnObj) object true object, Array> Object including events and commands array on the vitals


此包已根据 MIT 许可证获得许可。

Table of contents


This is a discord bot base so that it is easier to start a bot. NEW: Slash Commands - Want to make a slash command easily? Well this is for you!


npm i @1mmunity/discord-bot-base

Node.js 12.0.0 or newer is required.

Getting Started


  1. Require it in your script.
const DBB = require('@1mmunity/discord-bot-base')
  1. Initialize the DBB Client.
const DBB = require('@1mmunity/discord-bot-base')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'

See ClientOptions from the documentations

  1. Login to your client
const DBB = require('@1mmunity/discord-bot-base')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'

  1. Register defaults (optional)
const DBB = require('@1mmunity/discord-bot-base')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'



That's it for a quick start! Registered events:

  • ready
  • message
  • guildCreate
  • guildDelete

Registered Commands:

  • eval - Evaluate JavaScript code
  • ban - Bans mentioned members from a guild
  • kick - Kicks mentioned members from a guild
  • warn - DMs users from a guild that they have been warned
  • help - Gets a list of commands
  • ping - Gets client's websocket ping
  • user - Gets a detailed information of a mentioned member

You set options with options.events.{event}: Boolean, options.commands.{command}: Boolean, options.prefix: String.


You can see examples in the Tests folder.

const DBB = require('../')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'




const DBB = require('../')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'
const registry = client.registry

// registry.handleCommands() is used only on the message event



const DBB = require('../')
const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: 'id'
const registry = client.registry

    name: 'ready',
    run: (client) => {
      console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`)
    name: 'message',
    run: (client, message) => {
      registry.handleCommands(message, {
        ignoreBots: true,
        guildOnly: true,
        prefix: '!',
        prefixRequired: true,

// registers ready and message event

    name: 'test',
    aliases: ['t'],
    run: (client, message) => {
      return message.reply(client.user.tag)

  help: true


// registers test and help commands


Slash Commands

Make slash commands, this is an experimental feature,

const client = new DBB.Client({
  ownerId: ''
const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js')
const slashy = client.slash({
  testServers: ['id1', 'id2']
// testServers is for developmental reasons, because globally it will take up to an hour.

slashy.addCommand('ping', {
  description: 'Pong',
  run: (_client, message, args) => {
    // args is for options
    // message is for interaction
    // _client is the client that interacted
    // EXAMPLE:
    return message.send('Pong!')

// with embed, options & register more than one
    name: 'embed',
    description: 'Sends an embed',
    run: (_client, message) => {
      return message.send(null, [
        new MessageEmbed().setTitle('Hello World'),
        new MessageEmbed().setTitle('Hello World2')
      // send(content=String, embeds=Array, hidden=Boolean)
  }, {
    name: 'apply',
    description: 'Apply for Moderator',
    options: [
        name: 'Age',
        description: 'Your age, must be above 18.',
        required: true,
        type: 4 // 1: COMMAND_GROUP | 2: SUB_COMMAND_GROUP | 3: String | 4: Number | 5: Boolean | 6: Mention
        name: 'Reason',
        description: 'Reason to become a moderator.',
        required: true,
        type: 3
    run: (_client, message, args) => {
      if (args.Age < 18) return message.send('Your age must be above 18 to be a moderator!', null, true) // hidden or ephermal if last parameter is true
      if (args.Reason.toLowerCase() === 'to troll') return message.send('Sorry, we aren\'t looking for trolls.', null, true)
      // ...
      return message.send('Your application has successfully being processed, please wait until further notice.')

client.registry.addEvent('ready', () => {
  slashy.handle() // handle Interactions; slashy.postCommands() then slashy.handleCommands()

  • slashy.registerCommands(dir, options) - Registers commands, the same as registry.registerCommands(dir, options) but for slash commands, works exactly as an object of slashy.addCommands(commandsArr)

  • slashy.handleGlobal() - Works like slashy.handle(), but this is not for test servers, instead globally. Might take up to an hour, so use slashy.handle() for development.

  • run(client, message, args) => {} - message is a custom message class, it IS NOT the regular message object from discord.js.

  • message.author - Author (user) object from discord.js

  • message.member - Represents author as member from discord.js

  • message.send(msg, embeds, hidden) - You can only use this one time in your command. msg is the message you want to send (string). embeds is an array of embeds that you want to send (Can\'t be used in ephermal commands). args is the values of the options (object).


Documentations for DBB. You can see the original Discord.js Documentations.


new DBB.Client(ClientOptions)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
ClientOptions object false - Options for the client, see ClientOptions
ClientOptions.ownerId string false - The bot owner's ID, used for ownerOnly property in a command



  • reportBotVitals - returns an object that has arrays of event and command names


Modules for DBB.


new Modules.Registry(client)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
client Client false - Client that has this registry


  • client - The client that has this registry


  • registerAllDefaults(options) - Registers default commands, events, and handlers
  • registerDefaultCommands(options) - Registers default commands only
  • registerDefaultEvents(options) - Registers default events only
  • registerCommands(dir, options) - Registers all files as commands in a directory
  • registerEvents(dir) - Registers all files as events in a directory
  • handleEvents(extraArg) - Handles all events IMPORTANT
  • handleCommands(message, options) - Handles incoming messages as commands, used in the message event IMPORTANT
  • addCommand(name, props) - Adds a command with the name of name, command contents are in props
  • addEvent(name, callbackfn) - Similar to the discord.js client.on(), but this adds an event to later be triggered on handleEvents
  • addCommands(commandsArr) - Adds multiple commands as an array, similar to addCommand
  • addEvents(eventsArr) - Adds multiple events as an array, similar to addEvent
  • registerCommand(dir) - Registers a file as a command in the provided file directory
  • registerEvent(dir) - Registers a file as an event in the provided file directory

See Examples



client.reportBotVitals(options, callbackfn)
Parameter Type Optional Default Description
options object true * What should be included on report
options.commands boolean true true Should commands be included
options.events boolean true true Should events be included
callbackfn Function true - Callback function when vitals are reported
callbackfn(returnObj) object true object, Array> Object including events and commands array on the vitals


This package is licensed under MIT License.



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