@1hive/apps-agreement 中文文档教程
Aragon 协议允许组织行为受一组主观规则的约束,这些规则不能编码到智能合约中。
协议是阿拉贡组织和阿拉贡法院之间的桥梁。 拥有协议的组织可以变得乐观:大多数操作应该很容易执行并受到特别挑战,而不是强迫每个用户在每次想要执行操作时都经过繁琐的批准过程。
????️ Project stage: development
⚠️ Security review status: pre-audit
Note on calling permissioned functions from Disputable Voting
有争议的投票将调用协议合约列入黑名单,以防止投票关闭协议应用程序上不应执行的操作。 为了通过投票调用协议上的许可功能,需要创建一个单独的硬编码调用的合约,通过单次投票,可以授予适当的权限,调用并删除权限。
Aragon Agreements allow organization actions to be governed by a subjective set of rules, that cannot be encoded into smart contracts.
Agreements are the bridge between an Aragon organization and Aragon Court. Organizations with an Agreement can become optimistic: most actions should be easily executed and challenged exceptionally, instead of forcing each user to go through a tedious approval process every time they want to perform an action.
????️ Project stage: development
The Agreement app is still in development phase and aspects of the mechanism are still being designed and implemented.
⚠️ Security review status: pre-audit
The code in this sub-repo is under heavy development and hasn't undergone a professional security review yet, therefore we cannot recommend using any of the code at the moment.
Note on calling permissioned functions from Disputable Voting
Disputable Voting blacklists the Agreement contract from being called in order to prevent votes from closing actions on the Agreements app that is shouldn't. In order to call permissioned functions on the Agreement via vote, a separate contract that hard codes the call will need to be created which, in a single vote, can be granted the appropriate permission, called and have the permission removed.