@131/sqlite3 中文文档教程

发布于 5 年前 浏览 51 项目主页 更新于 3 年前

Node.js 的异步、非阻塞 SQLite3 绑定。


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Supported platforms

sqlite3< /code> 模块适用于 Node.js v4.x、v6.x、v8.x、v10.x、v11.x 和 v12.x。

大多数 Node 版本和平台的二进制文件默认通过 node-pre-gyp 提供。

sqlite3 模块也适用于 node-webkit 如果 node-webkit 包含支持的版本Node.js 引擎。 (参见 下文。)

SQLite 的 SQLCipher 扩展也支持。 (参见下文。)


注意:模块必须已安装 a> 使用前。

var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var db = new sqlite3.Database(':memory:');

db.serialize(function() {
  db.run("CREATE TABLE lorem (info TEXT)");

  var stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO lorem VALUES (?)");
  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      stmt.run("Ipsum " + i);

  db.each("SELECT rowid AS id, info FROM lorem", function(err, row) {
      console.log(row.id + ": " + row.info);



  • Straightforward query and parameter binding interface
  • Full Buffer/Blob support
  • Extensive debugging support
  • Query serialization API
  • Extension support
  • Big test suite
  • Written in modern C++ and tested for memory leaks
  • Bundles Sqlite3 3.26.0 as a fallback if the installing system doesn't include SQLite


请参阅 wiki 中的 API 文档


你可以使用npm来 下载 安装:

  • 最新的sqlite3包:npm install sqlite3

  • GitHub的master分支:npm install https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/tarball/master

的模块使用 node-pre-gyp 为您的平台下载预编译的二进制文件(如果存在)。 否则,它使用 node-gyp 构建扩展。

也可以从 它的 源代码而不是 它的 npm 包构建你自己的sqlite3见 下面).

可以 使用node-webkit 中安装的包来代替 vanilla Node.js。 有关详细信息,请参阅为 node-webkit 构建

Source install


npm install --build-from-source

The sqlite3 module depends only on libsqlite3。 但是,默认情况下,将构建并静态链接 sqlite 的内部/捆绑副本,因此不需要外部安装的 sqlite3。

如果您希望针对外部 sqlite 安装,则需要将 --sqlite 参数传递给 npm 包装器:

npm install --build-from-source --sqlite=/usr/local

如果针对外部 sqlite3 进行构建,请确保具有开发标头可用的。 Mac OS X 默认附带这些。 如果您没有安装它们,请使用您的包管理器安装 -dev 包,例如 Debian/Ubuntu 的 apt-get install libsqlite3-dev。 确保您至少有 libsqlite3 >= 3.6。

请注意,如果在 OS X 上针对自制安装的 sqlite 进行构建,您可以执行以下操作:

npm install --build-from-source --sqlite=/usr/local/opt/sqlite/

默认情况下,node-gyp 安装将使用 python 作为安装的一部分。 A 可以在命令行上指定不同的 python 可执行文件。

npm install --build-from-source --python=/usr/bin/python2

这使用了 npmconfigpython 配置,因此 .npmrc 中的值将得到尊重:


Building for node-webkit

由于 ABI 差异,sqlite3 必须在自定义中构建才能与 一起使用 < href="https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit">node-webkit。

为 node-webkit 构建 node-sqlite3:

  1. 全局安装 nw-gypnpm install nw-gyp -g (除非已经安装)

  2. 使用 --runtime--target_arch< 的自定义标志构建 模块/code> 和 --target

NODE_WEBKIT_VERSION="0.8.6" # see latest version at https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit#downloads
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --runtime=node-webkit --target_arch=ia32 --target=$(NODE_WEBKIT_VERSION)

此命令在内部调用 node-pre -gyp--runtime=node-webkit 选项被传递。

您还可以从 node-sqlite3 checkout 中运行此命令:

npm install --build-from-source --runtime=node-webkit --target_arch=ia32 --target=$(NODE_WEBKIT_VERSION)


  • 您必须提供正确的 --target_arch 标志。 ia32 需要针对 32 位 node-webkit 构建,而 x64 将针对 64 位 node-webkit 构建(如果适用于您的平台)。

  • 在为 node-webkit 构建 sqlite3 包后,它不能在普通 Node.js 中运行(反之亦然)。

  • 例如,node-webkit 包的 npm test 会失败。

访问 node-webkit wiki 中的“使用 Node 模块”一文了解更多  ;细节。

Building for sqlcipher

有关构建 sqlcipher 的说明,请参见 为 node.js 构建 SQLCipher

运行 node-sqlite3针对 sqlcipher,您需要通过传递构建选项从源代码进行编译,例如:

npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --sqlite_libname=sqlcipher --sqlite=/usr/

node -e 'require("sqlite3")'

如果您的 sqlcipher 安装在自定义位置(如果您自己编译和安装), 您还需要设置一些环境变量:

On OS X with Homebrew

设置 brew 安装

export LDFLAGS="-L`brew --prefix`/opt/sqlcipher/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I`brew --prefix`/opt/sqlcipher/include"
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --sqlite_libname=sqlcipher --sqlite=`brew --prefix`

node -e 'require("sqlite3")'

On most Linuxes (including Raspberry Pi)

位置: 设置 make 安装位置:

export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/sqlcipher"
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --sqlite_libname=sqlcipher --sqlite=/usr/local --verbose

node -e 'require("sqlite3")'

Custom builds and Electron

通过 electron-rebuild 不保留 sqlcipher 扩展,因此需要一些额外的标志来使此构建与 Electron 兼容。 您的 npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source 命令需要这些额外的标志(确保将目标版本替换为您正在使用的当前 Electron 版本):

--runtime=electron --target=1.7.6 --dist-url=https://atom.io/download/electron

对于使用 Homebrew 的 MacOS,该命令应如下所示:

npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --sqlite_libname=sqlcipher --sqlite=`brew --prefix` --runtime=electron --target=1.7.6 --dist-url=https://atom.io/download/electron


mocha 是运行单元测试所必需的。

在 sqlite3 的目录(它的 package.json 所在的位置)运行以下内容:

npm install mocha
npm test



感谢 Orlando VazquezEric FredricksenRyan Dahl 用于节点的 SQLite 绑定,以及 Freenode 的 #v8 上的 mraleph 用于回答问题。

此模块的开发由 MapBox 赞助。


node-sqlite3BSD 许可

FOSSA Status

Asynchronous, non-blocking SQLite3 bindings for Node.js.


Build StatusBuild statusCoverage StatusDependenciesFOSSA Status

Supported platforms

The sqlite3 module works with Node.js v4.x, v6.x, v8.x, v10.x, v11.x and v12.x.

Binaries for most Node versions and platforms are provided by default via node-pre-gyp.

The sqlite3 module also works with node-webkit if node-webkit contains a supported version of Node.js engine. (See below.)

SQLite's SQLCipher extension is also supported. (See below.)


Note: the module must be installed before use.

var sqlite3 = require('sqlite3').verbose();
var db = new sqlite3.Database(':memory:');

db.serialize(function() {
  db.run("CREATE TABLE lorem (info TEXT)");

  var stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO lorem VALUES (?)");
  for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      stmt.run("Ipsum " + i);

  db.each("SELECT rowid AS id, info FROM lorem", function(err, row) {
      console.log(row.id + ": " + row.info);



  • Straightforward query and parameter binding interface
  • Full Buffer/Blob support
  • Extensive debugging support
  • Query serialization API
  • Extension support
  • Big test suite
  • Written in modern C++ and tested for memory leaks
  • Bundles Sqlite3 3.26.0 as a fallback if the installing system doesn't include SQLite


See the API documentation in the wiki.


You can use npm to download and install:

  • The latest sqlite3 package: npm install sqlite3

  • GitHub's master branch: npm install https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/tarball/master

The module uses node-pre-gyp to download a pre-compiled binary for your platform, if it exists. Otherwise, it uses node-gyp to build the extension.

It is also possible to make your own build of sqlite3 from its source instead of its npm package (see below).

It is possible to use the installed package in node-webkit instead of the vanilla Node.js. See Building for node-webkit for details.

Source install

To skip searching for pre-compiled binaries, and force a build from source, use

npm install --build-from-source

The sqlite3 module depends only on libsqlite3. However, by default, an internal/bundled copy of sqlite will be built and statically linked, so an externally installed sqlite3 is not required.

If you wish to install against an external sqlite then you need to pass the --sqlite argument to npm wrapper:

npm install --build-from-source --sqlite=/usr/local

If building against an external sqlite3 make sure to have the development headers available. Mac OS X ships with these by default. If you don't have them installed, install the -dev package with your package manager, e.g. apt-get install libsqlite3-dev for Debian/Ubuntu. Make sure that you have at least libsqlite3 >= 3.6.

Note, if building against homebrew-installed sqlite on OS X you can do:

npm install --build-from-source --sqlite=/usr/local/opt/sqlite/

By default the node-gyp install will use python as part of the installation. A different python executable can be specified on the command line.

npm install --build-from-source --python=/usr/bin/python2

This uses the npmconfigpython config, so values in .npmrc will be honoured:


Building for node-webkit

Because of ABI differences, sqlite3 must be built in a custom to be used with node-webkit.

To build node-sqlite3 for node-webkit:

  1. Install nw-gyp globally: npm install nw-gyp -g (unless already installed)

  2. Build the module with the custom flags of --runtime, --target_arch, and --target:

NODE_WEBKIT_VERSION="0.8.6" # see latest version at https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit#downloads
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --runtime=node-webkit --target_arch=ia32 --target=$(NODE_WEBKIT_VERSION)

This command internally calls out to node-pre-gyp which itself calls out to nw-gyp when the --runtime=node-webkit option is passed.

You can also run this command from within a node-sqlite3 checkout:

npm install --build-from-source --runtime=node-webkit --target_arch=ia32 --target=$(NODE_WEBKIT_VERSION)

Remember the following:

  • You must provide the right --target_arch flag. ia32 is needed to target 32bit node-webkit builds, while x64 will target 64bit node-webkit builds (if available for your platform).

  • After the sqlite3 package is built for node-webkit it cannot run in the vanilla Node.js (and vice versa).

  • For example, npm test of the node-webkit's package would fail.

Visit the “Using Node modules” article in the node-webkit's wiki for more details.

Building for sqlcipher

For instructions for building sqlcipher see Building SQLCipher for node.js

To run node-sqlite3 against sqlcipher you need to compile from source by passing build options like:

npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --sqlite_libname=sqlcipher --sqlite=/usr/

node -e 'require("sqlite3")'

If your sqlcipher is installed in a custom location (if you compiled and installed it yourself), you'll also need to to set some environment variables:

On OS X with Homebrew

Set the location where brew installed it:

export LDFLAGS="-L`brew --prefix`/opt/sqlcipher/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I`brew --prefix`/opt/sqlcipher/include"
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --sqlite_libname=sqlcipher --sqlite=`brew --prefix`

node -e 'require("sqlite3")'

On most Linuxes (including Raspberry Pi)

Set the location where make installed it:

export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/sqlcipher"
npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --sqlite_libname=sqlcipher --sqlite=/usr/local --verbose

node -e 'require("sqlite3")'

Custom builds and Electron

Running sqlite3 through electron-rebuild does not preserve the sqlcipher extension, so some additional flags are needed to make this build Electron compatible. Your npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source command needs these additional flags (be sure to replace the target version with the current Electron version you are working with):

--runtime=electron --target=1.7.6 --dist-url=https://atom.io/download/electron

In the case of MacOS with Homebrew, the command should look like the following:

npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source --sqlite_libname=sqlcipher --sqlite=`brew --prefix` --runtime=electron --target=1.7.6 --dist-url=https://atom.io/download/electron


mocha is required to run unit tests.

In sqlite3's directory (where its package.json resides) run the following:

npm install mocha
npm test



Thanks to Orlando Vazquez, Eric Fredricksen and Ryan Dahl for their SQLite bindings for node, and to mraleph on Freenode's #v8 for answering questions.

Development of this module is sponsored by MapBox.


node-sqlite3 is BSD licensed.

FOSSA Status

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