@100mslive/react-native-hms 中文文档教程
100 毫秒 SDK 的 React 本机包装器
npm install @100mslive/react-native-hms --save
在此处下载示例 iOS 应用程序:https://testflight.apple.com/join/v4bSIPad
在此处下载示例 Android 应用程序:https:
For iOS Permissions
//appdistribution.firebase.dev/i/7b7ab3b30e627c35 在 Info.plist
<string>Please allow access to Camera to enable video conferencing</string>
<string>Please allow access to network usage to enable video conferencing</string>
<string>Please allow access to Microphone to enable video conferencing</string>
For Android Permissions
在 AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
权限在加入通话或显示预览之前,还需要在运行时请求摄像头和录制音频权限。 请按照 Android 文档 获取运行时权限。
我们建议使用 react-native-permission 从两个平台获取权限。
该包导出所有类和管理所有内容的 HMSSDK 类。
Setting up the HMS Instance:
首先我们必须调用 build 方法,该方法返回 HMSSDK 类的一个实例,该方法用于执行所有操作
import { HMSSDK } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
const hmsInstance = await HMSSDK.build();
// save this instance, it will be used for all the operations that we'll perform
Add event listeners
,为所有事件添加事件侦听器,例如 onPreview、onJoin、onPeerUpdate 等。这些操作可以在HMSUpdateListenerActions 类
import { HMSUpdateListenerActions } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
// instance acquired from build() method
previewSuccess, // function that will be called on Preview success
事件处理程序是处理 hms 中发生的任何更新的方式 所有事件都可以在 HMSUpdateListenerActions 类中
Join the room
import { HMSUpdateListenerActions, HMSConfig } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
const HmsConfig = new HMSConfig({authToken, userID, roomID});
// instance acquired from build() method
hmsInstance.preview(HmsConfig); // to start preview
// or
hmsInstance.join(HmsConfig); // to join a room
不要忘记在调用加入之前添加 ON_JOIN 监听器以接收事件回调
Viewing the video of a peer
要在屏幕上显示视频,包提供一个名为 HmsView 的 UI 组件,它获取视频轨道 ID 并在其中显示视频组件,此组件需要 style 属性中的 width 和 height 来设置将显示视频流的图块的边界
import { HMSRemotePeer } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
// getting local track ID
const localTrackId: string = hmsInstance?.localPeer?.videoTrack?.trackId;
// getting remote track IDs
const remotePeers: HMSRemotePeer[] = hmsInstance?.remotePeers
const remoteVideoIds: string[] = [];
remotePeers.map((remotePeer: HMSRemotePeer) => {
const remoteTrackId: string = remotePeer?.videoTrack?.trackId;
if (remoteTrackId) {
Display a video in HmsView
import { HMSVideoViewMode } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
// instance acquired from build() method
const HmsView = hmsInstance?.HmsView;
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
hmsView: {
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
// trackId can be acquired from the method explained above
// sink is passed false video would be removed. It is a ios only prop, for android it is handled by the package itself.
// scaleType can be selected from HMSVideoViewMode as required
// mirror can be passed as true to flip videos horizontally
<HmsView sink={true} style={styles.hmsView} trackId={trackId} mirror={true} scaleType={HMSVideoViewMode.ASPECT_FIT} />
Calling various functions of HMS
// Mute Audio
// Stop Video
// Switch Camera
// Leave the call (async function)
await hmsInstance?.leave();
Sending messages
import { HMSRole, HMSPeer } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
const message = 'hello'
const roles: HMSRole[] = hmsInstance?.knownRoles
// any remote peer
const peer: HMSPeer = hmsInstance?.remotePeers[0]
// send a different type of messages
hmsInstance?.sendGroupMessage(message, [role[0]);
hmsInstance?.sendDirectMessage(message, peer);
Error handling
import { HMSUpdateListenerActions } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
// add an error event listener
hmsInstance.addEventListener(HMSUpdateListenerActions.ON_ERROR, onError);
Run Example App
运行示例应用程序在 您的系统,请按照下列步骤操作 -
- In the project root, run
npm install
- Go to the example folder,
cd example
- In the example folder, run
npm install
- To run on Android, run
npx react-native run-android
- To run on iOS, first install the pods in iOS folder,
cd ios; pod install
. Then, in example folder, runnpx react-native run-ios
React native wrapper for 100ms SDK
npm install @100mslive/react-native-hms --save
???? Download the Sample iOS App here: https://testflight.apple.com/join/v4bSIPad
???? Download the Sample Android App here: https://appdistribution.firebase.dev/i/7b7ab3b30e627c35
For iOS Permissions
Add following lines in Info.plist
<string>Please allow access to Camera to enable video conferencing</string>
<string>Please allow access to network usage to enable video conferencing</string>
<string>Please allow access to Microphone to enable video conferencing</string>
For Android Permissions
Add following permissions in AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
You will also need to request Camera and Record Audio permissions at runtime before you join a call or display a preview. Please follow Android Documentation for runtime permissions.
We suggest using react-native-permission to acquire permissions from both platforms.
The package exports all the classes and a HMSSDK class that manages everything.
Setting up the HMS Instance:
first we'll have to call build method, that method returns an instance of HMSSDK class and the same is used to perform all the operations
import { HMSSDK } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
const hmsInstance = await HMSSDK.build();
// save this instance, it will be used for all the operations that we'll perform
Add event listeners
add event listeners for all the events such as onPreview, onJoin, onPeerUpdate etc. the actions can be found in HMSUpdateListenerActions class
import { HMSUpdateListenerActions } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
// instance acquired from build() method
previewSuccess, // function that will be called on Preview success
The event handlers are the way of handling any update happening in hms all events can be found in HMSUpdateListenerActions class
Join the room
Joining the room connects you to the remote peer and broadcasts your stream to other peers, we need instance of HMSConfig in order to pass the details of room and user to join function
import { HMSUpdateListenerActions, HMSConfig } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
const HmsConfig = new HMSConfig({authToken, userID, roomID});
// instance acquired from build() method
hmsInstance.preview(HmsConfig); // to start preview
// or
hmsInstance.join(HmsConfig); // to join a room
don't forget to add ON_JOIN listener before calling join to receive an event callback
Viewing the video of a peer
To display a video on screen the package provide a UI component named HmsView that takes the video track ID and displays the video in that component, this component requires on width and height in style prop to set bounds of the tile that will show the video stream
import { HMSRemotePeer } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
// getting local track ID
const localTrackId: string = hmsInstance?.localPeer?.videoTrack?.trackId;
// getting remote track IDs
const remotePeers: HMSRemotePeer[] = hmsInstance?.remotePeers
const remoteVideoIds: string[] = [];
remotePeers.map((remotePeer: HMSRemotePeer) => {
const remoteTrackId: string = remotePeer?.videoTrack?.trackId;
if (remoteTrackId) {
Display a video in HmsView
import { HMSVideoViewMode } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
// instance acquired from build() method
const HmsView = hmsInstance?.HmsView;
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
hmsView: {
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
// trackId can be acquired from the method explained above
// sink is passed false video would be removed. It is a ios only prop, for android it is handled by the package itself.
// scaleType can be selected from HMSVideoViewMode as required
// mirror can be passed as true to flip videos horizontally
<HmsView sink={true} style={styles.hmsView} trackId={trackId} mirror={true} scaleType={HMSVideoViewMode.ASPECT_FIT} />
Calling various functions of HMS
// Mute Audio
// Stop Video
// Switch Camera
// Leave the call (async function)
await hmsInstance?.leave();
Sending messages
import { HMSRole, HMSPeer } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
const message = 'hello'
const roles: HMSRole[] = hmsInstance?.knownRoles
// any remote peer
const peer: HMSPeer = hmsInstance?.remotePeers[0]
// send a different type of messages
hmsInstance?.sendGroupMessage(message, [role[0]);
hmsInstance?.sendDirectMessage(message, peer);
Error handling
import { HMSUpdateListenerActions } from '@100mslive/react-native-hms';
// add an error event listener
hmsInstance.addEventListener(HMSUpdateListenerActions.ON_ERROR, onError);
Run Example App
To run the example app on your system, follow these steps -
- In the project root, run
npm install
- Go to the example folder,
cd example
- In the example folder, run
npm install
- To run on Android, run
npx react-native run-android
- To run on iOS, first install the pods in iOS folder,
cd ios; pod install
. Then, in example folder, runnpx react-native run-ios
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