@0xislamtaha/orchestrator 中文文档教程

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orchestrator ????


Orchestrator 基于配置文件跨 n 个并行 docker 容器执行所有 cypress 规范。

Orchestrator Tutorial:

1- 赛普拉斯与 Orchestrator 的并行化——第 1 部分

2- Cypress 与 Orchestrator 的并行化 — 第 2 部分 — ShowCase


检查以下 repo作为公共用例。

♟️ Orchestrator mechanism:

  • Pares a config file.
  • Create (config.parallelizm * config.browsers.length) containers in parallel.
  • Recursively list all the specs files
  • Split all the specs across all those machines based on their execution time.
  • Collect all the execution json reports from those containers.
  • Down all the running containers.
  • Generate one HTML report that has all specs execution results.
  • Analyse the execution time for each spec.
  • Generate the execution time reports per browser under ExecutionTimeReport dir.
  • In the next run, The orchestrator It will split the test cases based on this execution time report to reduce the exeuction time.

The Splitting mechanism:

编排器可以测量和报告每个浏览器每个规范的执行时间。 它将报告为 mochawesome-report/specsExecutionTime-chrome.json 文件。 如果您在下次运行时将此路径作为 specsExecutionTimePath 提供,编排器将根据其执行时间拆分规范,以最小化总执行时间 ?????。

⌨️ Operating Systems:

  • Linux: working out of the box.
  • MacOS: please exeucte brew install coreutils command.
  • Windows 10: fully supported via WSL.


  • Install from npm
npm -g install @0xislamtaha/orchestrator
  • Install from Github branch
npm -g install 0xislamtaha/orchestrator

Requirements to use orchestrator:

1- 带有柏树服务的 docker-compose 文件。 这是一个例子。

version: '3.8'
    image: 0xislamtaha/cypress-snapshot-image:latest
    network_mode: "bridge"
      - ./cypress/:/cypress_testing/cypress
      - ./mochawesome-report:/cypress_testing/mochawesome-report
      - /dev/shm:/dev/shm

2- 在 cypress.json 中使用 mochawesome 作为记者,只需将以下代码片段添加到您的 cypress.json 中。

  "reporter": "mochawesome",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "reportDir": "cypress/report/mochawesome-report",
    "overwrite": false,
    "html": false,
    "json": true

3- 使用您的配置编辑 orchestrator 配置文件。 以下是每个配置选项的说明。

- parallelizm:
    description: number of container machines per browser
    type: Integer
    example: 2

- browser:
    description: list of browsers
    type: list
    example: ["chrome", "firefox"]

- timeout:
    description: timeout of each process of cypress 
    type: string
    example: "20m"

- environment:
    description: enviroment variable to be exported 
    type: dict
    example: {"DOCKER_TAG": "master_283"}

- preCommands: 
    description: list of commands to be executed befor the deployment of the cypress containers
    type: list
    example: ["ls -al", "mkdir -p test"],

- dockerComposePath:
    description: path to the docker compose file.
    type: string
    example: "/opt/code/github/cypress.docker-compose.yml"

- specsHomePath:
    description: path to the specs dir in the host machine.
    type: string
    example: "/opt/code/github/cypress/integration/"

- specsDockerPath:
    description: path to the specs dir in the cypress container.
    type: string
    example: "/cypress/integration"

- cypressContainerName:
    description: the name of cypress service.
    type: sting
    example: "cypress_service"

- mochawesomeJSONPath:
    description: path to the mochawseom dir in the host machine.
    type: string
    example: "mochawesome-report/*.json"

- reportPath:
    description: path to save the generated HTML report dir.
    type: string
    example: "./"

- specs:
    description: array of specific specs to be executed
    type: array
    example: ["test.js", "test2.js"]

- analyseReport:
    description: boolen value to generate an execution time report. 
    type: boolen
    example: true


  • With your configuration file
npx orchestrator --config "/path/to/config.json"
  • You can overwrite any configuration param on the fly, simplly path the new configuration as a prameter.
npx orchestrator --config ./src/config.json --parallelizm 2 --environment '{"DOCKER_TAG":"master_283"}' --browsers "[chrome, firefox]" --specs "[alerts.js, avatar.js]"



  • The HTML report under the mochawesome-report dir.
  • The execution time reports per browser und ExecutionTimeReport dir.


  • Export COMPOSEPROJECTNAME with random value if it doesn't exist.
  • list configuration rather than multiple files for multiple test suites.
  • Provide --help option.

???? orchestrator ????


Orchestrator executes all cypress specs across n parallel docker containers based on a configuration file.

???? Orchestrator Tutorial:

1- Cypress parallelization with the Orchestrator — part 1

2- Cypress parallelization with the Orchestrator — part 2 — ShowCase

???? Usecases:

Check the following repo as a public use case.

♟️ Orchestrator mechanism:

  • Pares a config file.
  • Create (config.parallelizm * config.browsers.length) containers in parallel.
  • Recursively list all the specs files
  • Split all the specs across all those machines based on their execution time.
  • Collect all the execution json reports from those containers.
  • Down all the running containers.
  • Generate one HTML report that has all specs execution results.
  • Analyse the execution time for each spec.
  • Generate the execution time reports per browser under ExecutionTimeReport dir.
  • In the next run, The orchestrator It will split the test cases based on this execution time report to reduce the exeuction time.

???? The Splitting mechanism:

The orchestrator can measure and report the execution time for each spec per browser. It will report it as mochawesome-report/specsExecutionTime-chrome.json file. If you provided this path as specsExecutionTimePath in the next run, The orchestrator will split the specs based on its execution time to minimize the total execution time ????.

⌨️ Operating Systems:

  • Linux: working out of the box.
  • MacOS: please exeucte brew install coreutils command.
  • Windows 10: fully supported via WSL.

???? Installation:

  • Install from npm
npm -g install @0xislamtaha/orchestrator
  • Install from Github branch
npm -g install 0xislamtaha/orchestrator

???? Requirements to use orchestrator:

1- docker-compose file with a cypress service. here is an example of it.

version: '3.8'
    image: 0xislamtaha/cypress-snapshot-image:latest
    network_mode: "bridge"
      - ./cypress/:/cypress_testing/cypress
      - ./mochawesome-report:/cypress_testing/mochawesome-report
      - /dev/shm:/dev/shm

2- use mochawesome as a reporter in cypress.json, just add the following snippet to your cypress.json.

  "reporter": "mochawesome",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "reportDir": "cypress/report/mochawesome-report",
    "overwrite": false,
    "html": false,
    "json": true

3- Edit the orchestrator configuration file with your configuration. Here is the description of each configuration option.

- parallelizm:
    description: number of container machines per browser
    type: Integer
    example: 2

- browser:
    description: list of browsers
    type: list
    example: ["chrome", "firefox"]

- timeout:
    description: timeout of each process of cypress 
    type: string
    example: "20m"

- environment:
    description: enviroment variable to be exported 
    type: dict
    example: {"DOCKER_TAG": "master_283"}

- preCommands: 
    description: list of commands to be executed befor the deployment of the cypress containers
    type: list
    example: ["ls -al", "mkdir -p test"],

- dockerComposePath:
    description: path to the docker compose file.
    type: string
    example: "/opt/code/github/cypress.docker-compose.yml"

- specsHomePath:
    description: path to the specs dir in the host machine.
    type: string
    example: "/opt/code/github/cypress/integration/"

- specsDockerPath:
    description: path to the specs dir in the cypress container.
    type: string
    example: "/cypress/integration"

- cypressContainerName:
    description: the name of cypress service.
    type: sting
    example: "cypress_service"

- mochawesomeJSONPath:
    description: path to the mochawseom dir in the host machine.
    type: string
    example: "mochawesome-report/*.json"

- reportPath:
    description: path to save the generated HTML report dir.
    type: string
    example: "./"

- specs:
    description: array of specific specs to be executed
    type: array
    example: ["test.js", "test2.js"]

- analyseReport:
    description: boolen value to generate an execution time report. 
    type: boolen
    example: true

???? Usage:

  • With your configuration file
npx orchestrator --config "/path/to/config.json"
  • You can overwrite any configuration param on the fly, simplly path the new configuration as a prameter.
npx orchestrator --config ./src/config.json --parallelizm 2 --environment '{"DOCKER_TAG":"master_283"}' --browsers "[chrome, firefox]" --specs "[alerts.js, avatar.js]"

???? Reports:

The orchestrator generates two reports by default:

  • The HTML report under the mochawesome-report dir.
  • The execution time reports per browser und ExecutionTimeReport dir.

???? To-Do:

  • Export COMPOSEPROJECTNAME with random value if it doesn't exist.
  • list configuration rather than multiple files for multiple test suites.
  • Provide --help option.
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