@0xcert/web3-error-parser 中文文档教程

发布于 6年前 浏览 26 更新于 3年前

ZERO_ADDRESSOne of the addresses provided was a zero (0x0) address.
INVALID_NFTProvided NFT is invalid (id does not exist).
NOT_AUTHORIZEDIndicates that a user is not authorized for the action(not approved for transfer/does not have a certain ability etc.).
RECEIVERDOESNOTSUPPORTNFTSmart contract to which you are transfering NFT does not implement a way to safely receive a NFT.
NFTALREADYEXISTSA NFT with the same ID already exists. You cannot create multiple NFTs with the same ID.
INVALID_INDEXNFT at provided index does not exist.
TRANSFERS_PAUSEDNFT transfers are paused.
COINTRANSFERFAILEDCoin transfer within the exchange order failed.
INVALIDSIGNATUREKINDProvided signature kind is not supported.
INVALID_PROXYProvided proxy is not supported.
YOUARENOTTHETAKERYou are trying to perform an order from an account that cannot perform it. Check order takerId field to see which address has the ability to perform this order.
SENDERNOTTAKERORMAKERYou are trying to transfer assets that you are not allowed.
ORDER_EXPIREDOrder has expired (check expiration field).
INVALID_SIGNATUREThe signature provided is invalid.
ORDER_CANCELEDOrder has been canceled.
ORDERCANNOTBEPERFORMEDTWICEOrder was already performed and cannot be performed twice.
YOUARENOTTHEMAKERUser making the transaction is not he order maker. Check the makerId field.
SIGNERNOTAUTHORIZEDSignature provided was signed by an unauthorized user.
ONEZEROABILITYHASTO_EXISTThere always has to be at least on user with the ability to assign new abilities.
GENERAL_REVERTTransaction reverted from an unknown reason.
TRANSATIONRESPONSEERRORCHECKPENDING_TRANSACTIONSWhile executing the transaction there was an error with the response. The transaction may or may not have executed sucessfully. Please recheck transaction status and pending transactions.
INVALID_ADDRESSUser/smart contract address provided is invalid.
UNHANDLEDAn unhandled error has occured.
ZERO_ADDRESSOne of the addresses provided was a zero (0x0) address.
INVALID_NFTProvided NFT is invalid (id does not exist).
NOT_AUTHORIZEDIndicates that a user is not authorized for the action(not approved for transfer/does not have a certain ability etc.).
RECEIVERDOESNOTSUPPORTNFTSmart contract to which you are transfering NFT does not implement a way to safely receive a NFT.
NFTALREADYEXISTSA NFT with the same ID already exists. You cannot create multiple NFTs with the same ID.
INVALID_INDEXNFT at provided index does not exist.
TRANSFERS_PAUSEDNFT transfers are paused.
COINTRANSFERFAILEDCoin transfer within the exchange order failed.
INVALIDSIGNATUREKINDProvided signature kind is not supported.
INVALID_PROXYProvided proxy is not supported.
YOUARENOTTHETAKERYou are trying to perform an order from an account that cannot perform it. Check order takerId field to see which address has the ability to perform this order.
SENDERNOTTAKERORMAKERYou are trying to transfer assets that you are not allowed.
ORDER_EXPIREDOrder has expired (check expiration field).
INVALID_SIGNATUREThe signature provided is invalid.
ORDER_CANCELEDOrder has been canceled.
ORDERCANNOTBEPERFORMEDTWICEOrder was already performed and cannot be performed twice.
YOUARENOTTHEMAKERUser making the transaction is not he order maker. Check the makerId field.
SIGNERNOTAUTHORIZEDSignature provided was signed by an unauthorized user.
ONEZEROABILITYHASTO_EXISTThere always has to be at least on user with the ability to assign new abilities.
GENERAL_REVERTTransaction reverted from an unknown reason.
TRANSATIONRESPONSEERRORCHECKPENDING_TRANSACTIONSWhile executing the transaction there was an error with the response. The transaction may or may not have executed sucessfully. Please recheck transaction status and pending transactions.
INVALID_ADDRESSUser/smart contract address provided is invalid.
UNHANDLEDAn unhandled error has occured.
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