@0xcert/web3-error-parser 中文文档教程
Error | Description |
ZERO_ADDRESS | One of the addresses provided was a zero (0x0) address. |
INVALID_NFT | Provided NFT is invalid (id does not exist). |
NOT_AUTHORIZED | Indicates that a user is not authorized for the action(not approved for transfer/does not have a certain ability etc.). |
RECEIVERDOESNOTSUPPORTNFT | Smart contract to which you are transfering NFT does not implement a way to safely receive a NFT. |
NFTALREADYEXISTS | A NFT with the same ID already exists. You cannot create multiple NFTs with the same ID. |
INVALID_INDEX | NFT at provided index does not exist. |
TRANSFERS_PAUSED | NFT transfers are paused. |
COINTRANSFERFAILED | Coin transfer within the exchange order failed. |
INVALIDSIGNATUREKIND | Provided signature kind is not supported. |
INVALID_PROXY | Provided proxy is not supported. |
YOUARENOTTHETAKER | You are trying to perform an order from an account that cannot perform it. Check order takerId field to see which address has the ability to perform this order. |
SENDERNOTTAKERORMAKER | You are trying to transfer assets that you are not allowed. |
ORDER_EXPIRED | Order has expired (check expiration field). |
INVALID_SIGNATURE | The signature provided is invalid. |
ORDER_CANCELED | Order has been canceled. |
ORDERCANNOTBEPERFORMEDTWICE | Order was already performed and cannot be performed twice. |
YOUARENOTTHEMAKER | User making the transaction is not he order maker. Check the makerId field. |
SIGNERNOTAUTHORIZED | Signature provided was signed by an unauthorized user. |
ONEZEROABILITYHASTO_EXIST | There always has to be at least on user with the ability to assign new abilities. |
GENERAL_REVERT | Transaction reverted from an unknown reason. |
TRANSATIONRESPONSEERRORCHECKPENDING_TRANSACTIONS | While executing the transaction there was an error with the response. The transaction may or may not have executed sucessfully. Please recheck transaction status and pending transactions. |
INVALID_ADDRESS | User/smart contract address provided is invalid. |
UNHANDLED | An unhandled error has occured. |
Error | Description |
ZERO_ADDRESS | One of the addresses provided was a zero (0x0) address. |
INVALID_NFT | Provided NFT is invalid (id does not exist). |
NOT_AUTHORIZED | Indicates that a user is not authorized for the action(not approved for transfer/does not have a certain ability etc.). |
RECEIVERDOESNOTSUPPORTNFT | Smart contract to which you are transfering NFT does not implement a way to safely receive a NFT. |
NFTALREADYEXISTS | A NFT with the same ID already exists. You cannot create multiple NFTs with the same ID. |
INVALID_INDEX | NFT at provided index does not exist. |
TRANSFERS_PAUSED | NFT transfers are paused. |
COINTRANSFERFAILED | Coin transfer within the exchange order failed. |
INVALIDSIGNATUREKIND | Provided signature kind is not supported. |
INVALID_PROXY | Provided proxy is not supported. |
YOUARENOTTHETAKER | You are trying to perform an order from an account that cannot perform it. Check order takerId field to see which address has the ability to perform this order. |
SENDERNOTTAKERORMAKER | You are trying to transfer assets that you are not allowed. |
ORDER_EXPIRED | Order has expired (check expiration field). |
INVALID_SIGNATURE | The signature provided is invalid. |
ORDER_CANCELED | Order has been canceled. |
ORDERCANNOTBEPERFORMEDTWICE | Order was already performed and cannot be performed twice. |
YOUARENOTTHEMAKER | User making the transaction is not he order maker. Check the makerId field. |
SIGNERNOTAUTHORIZED | Signature provided was signed by an unauthorized user. |
ONEZEROABILITYHASTO_EXIST | There always has to be at least on user with the ability to assign new abilities. |
GENERAL_REVERT | Transaction reverted from an unknown reason. |
TRANSATIONRESPONSEERRORCHECKPENDING_TRANSACTIONS | While executing the transaction there was an error with the response. The transaction may or may not have executed sucessfully. Please recheck transaction status and pending transactions. |
INVALID_ADDRESS | User/smart contract address provided is invalid. |
UNHANDLED | An unhandled error has occured. |
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