@0x706b/coc-prettier 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 38 更新于 2 年前

Prettier formatter for coc.nvim

使用 Prettier 格式化 JavaScript / TypeScript / CSS / JSON 的 Coc 扩展。

prettier-vscode 的一个fork


运行vim 命令:

:CocInstall coc-prettier


Setup Prettier command in your init.vim or .vimrc

command! -nargs=0 Prettier :CocCommand prettier.formatFile

然后你可以使用:Prettier 来格式化current缓冲。

Remap keys for range format in your init.vim or .vimrc

vmap <leader>f  <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
nmap <leader>f  <Plug>(coc-format-selected)

然后你可以 f 进行范围格式。

Prettier range 格式只支持 languageId 包括:javascript, javascriptreacttypescripttypescriptreactjsongraphql

Update your coc-settings.json for format on save.




  "coc.preferences.formatOnSaveFiletypes": ["css", "markdown"],


注意: prettier extension 有较低的优先级,如果文档有其他 注册文档格式提供者,prettier 将无法工作。

要检查格式是否由 prettier 完成,请在之后检查输出消息 格式,其中应包含 Formatted by prettier

要使格式更漂亮,请使用命令 :CocCommand prettier.formatFile

而不格式化,请使用 :noa w


Prettier's Settings


  1. Prettier configuration file
  2. .editorconfig

要 不存在更漂亮的配置文件

  1. .editorconfig
  2. Coc prettier's settings (described below with their default)

prettier.printWidth (default: 80)


prettier.tabWidth (default: 2)


prettier.singleQuote (default: false)


prettier.trailingComma (default: 'none')

尽可能控制尾随逗号的打印。 有效选项:

  • "none" - No trailing commas
  • "es5" - Trailing commas where valid in ES5 (objects, arrays, etc)
  • "all" - Trailing commas wherever possible (function arguments)

prettier.bracketSpacing (default: true)


prettier.jsxBracketSameLine (default: false)

如果为真,则将多行 jsx 元素的 > 放在最后一行的末尾,而不是单独放在下一

prettier.parser (default: 'babylon') - JavaScript only

行使用。 有效选项是“flow”和“babylon”。

prettier.semi (default: true)

是否在每行末尾添加分号(semi:true), 或仅在可能引入 ASI 故障的行的开头(半:假)

prettier.useTabs (default: false)


prettier.proseWrap (default: 'preserve')


prettier.arrowParens (default: 'avoid')


Coc specific settings

这些设置特定于 Coc,需要在 Coc 设置文件中进行设置。 请参阅文档了解如何执行此操作。

prettier.formatterPriority (default: 1) - priority of formatter

如果您不希望 prettier 的优先级高于 其他语言服务器提供的格式化程序。

prettier.eslintIntegration (default: false) - JavaScript and TypeScript only

使用 prettier-eslint 而不是 prettier。 其他设置只会在无法从 ESLint 规则中推断出来的情况下作为回退。

prettier.tslintIntegration (default: false) - JavaScript and TypeScript only

使用 prettier-tslint 而不是 prettier。 其他设置只会在无法从 TSLint 规则中推断出来的情况下作为回退。

prettier.stylelintIntegration (default: false) - CSS, SCSS and LESS only

使用 prettier-stylelint 而不是 prettier。 其他设置只会在无法从 stylelint 规则推断出来的情况下作为回退。

prettier.requireConfig (default: false)

需要 'prettierconfig' 来格式化

prettier.ignorePath (default: .prettierignore)

提供忽略文件的路径,例如 .gitignore.prettierignore。 匹配的文件将不会被格式化。 设置为 null 不读取忽略文件。 需要重新启动。

prettier.disableLanguages (default: ["vue"])

禁用此扩展的语言 ID 列表。 需要重新启动。 注意:禁用在父文件夹中启用的语言将阻止格式化,而不是让任何其他格式化程序运行

prettier.statusItemText (default: "Prettier")

指示当前缓冲区的状态项文本可以由 prettier 格式化。

prettier.onlyUseLocalVersion (default: false)

仅使用客户端安装的 prettier 版本,忽略与 coc-prettier 捆绑的版本

prettier.disableSuccessMessage (default: false)

禁用每次成功格式化文件时都会回显的 'Formatted by prettier' 消息

Prettier resolution

此扩展将使用项目本地依赖项中的 prettier。 如果 prettier 不与项目的依赖项一起安装在本地,则副本将与扩展捆绑在一起。

ESLint and TSLint Integration

prettier-eslintprettier-tslint 包含在这个扩展的安装中。 无需为功能单独安装本地或全局安装。

eslinttslint 以及您的特定配置所需的所有对等依赖项都必须在本地安装。 全局安装将不会被识别。


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Prettier formatter for coc.nvim

Coc extension to format your JavaScript / TypeScript / CSS / JSON using Prettier.

A fork of prettier-vscode


Run vim command:

:CocInstall coc-prettier


Setup Prettier command in your init.vim or .vimrc

command! -nargs=0 Prettier :CocCommand prettier.formatFile

Then you can use :Prettier to format current buffer.

Remap keys for range format in your init.vim or .vimrc

vmap <leader>f  <Plug>(coc-format-selected)
nmap <leader>f  <Plug>(coc-format-selected)

Then you can <leader>f for range format.

Prettier range format only support languageId including: javascript, javascriptreact, typescript, typescriptreact, json and graphql.

Update your coc-settings.json for format on save.

Open settings file with:



  "coc.preferences.formatOnSaveFiletypes": ["css", "markdown"],

to setup the languages which you want to format on save.

Note: prettier extension have lower priority, if the document have other registered document format provider, prettier would not work.

To check the format is done by prettier, check out the output message after format, which should contains Formatted by prettier.

To make prettier do the format, use command :CocCommand prettier.formatFile

To save without formatting, use :noa w


Prettier's Settings

Settings will be read from (listed by priority):

  1. Prettier configuration file
  2. .editorconfig

Or if no prettier configuration file exist

  1. .editorconfig
  2. Coc prettier's settings (described below with their default)

prettier.printWidth (default: 80)

Fit code within this line limit

prettier.tabWidth (default: 2)

Number of spaces it should use per tab

prettier.singleQuote (default: false)

If true, will use single instead of double quotes

prettier.trailingComma (default: 'none')

Controls the printing of trailing commas wherever possible. Valid options:

  • "none" - No trailing commas
  • "es5" - Trailing commas where valid in ES5 (objects, arrays, etc)
  • "all" - Trailing commas wherever possible (function arguments)

prettier.bracketSpacing (default: true)

Controls the printing of spaces inside object literals

prettier.jsxBracketSameLine (default: false)

If true, puts the > of a multi-line jsx element at the end of the last line instead of being alone on the next line

prettier.parser (default: 'babylon') - JavaScript only

Which parser to use. Valid options are 'flow' and 'babylon'.

prettier.semi (default: true)

Whether to add a semicolon at the end of every line (semi: true), or only at the beginning of lines that may introduce ASI failures (semi: false)

prettier.useTabs (default: false)

If true, indent lines with tabs

prettier.proseWrap (default: 'preserve')

(Markdown) wrap prose over multiple lines.

prettier.arrowParens (default: 'avoid')

Include parentheses around a sole arrow function parameter

Coc specific settings

These settings are specific to Coc and need to be set in the Coc settings file. See the documentation for how to do that.

prettier.formatterPriority (default: 1) - priority of formatter

Change it to -1 if you don't want prettier to have higher priority than formatter provided by other language server.

prettier.eslintIntegration (default: false) - JavaScript and TypeScript only

Use prettier-eslint instead of prettier. Other settings will only be fallbacks in case they could not be inferred from ESLint rules.

prettier.tslintIntegration (default: false) - JavaScript and TypeScript only

Use prettier-tslint instead of prettier. Other settings will only be fallbacks in case they could not be inferred from TSLint rules.

prettier.stylelintIntegration (default: false) - CSS, SCSS and LESS only

Use prettier-stylelint instead of prettier. Other settings will only be fallbacks in case they could not be inferred from stylelint rules.

prettier.requireConfig (default: false)

Require a 'prettierconfig' to format

prettier.ignorePath (default: .prettierignore)

Supply the path to an ignore file such as .gitignore or .prettierignore. Files which match will not be formatted. Set to null to not read ignore files. Restart required.

prettier.disableLanguages (default: ["vue"])

A list of languages IDs to disable this extension on. Restart required. Note: Disabling a language enabled in a parent folder will prevent formatting instead of letting any other formatter to run

prettier.statusItemText (default: "Prettier")

Text of status item indicating current buffer can be formatted by prettier.

prettier.onlyUseLocalVersion (default: false)

Only use the version of prettier installed by the client, ignoring the version bundled with coc-prettier

prettier.disableSuccessMessage (default: false)

Disable the 'Formatted by prettier' message which is echoed every time a file is successfully formatted

Prettier resolution

This extension will use prettier from your project's local dependencies. Should prettier not be installed locally with your project's dependencies, a copy will be bundled with the extension.

ESLint and TSLint Integration

prettier-eslint and prettier-tslint are included with the installation of this extension. There is no need for a separate local or global install of either for functionality.

eslint, tslint, and all peer dependencies required by your specific configuration must be installed locally. Global installations will not be recognized.


Feel free to open issues or PRs!

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