@0x-jerry/x-release 中文文档教程
$ x-release [...tasks]
[...tasks] the tasks to run.
- "x-release npm:test": run scripts.test in package.json
- "x-release run:echo 'hello'": run "echo 'hello'" in shell
Internal tasks:
- "x-release pkg.update.version": update version property in package.json
- "x-release npm.publish": publish to npm
- "x-release git.commit": create a commit
- "x-release git.tag": create a new tag
- "x-release git.push": push to remote
Combine tasks example: "x-release npm:test pkg.update.version git.commit git.tag git.push npm:build npm.publish"
This will run the below tasks:
1. yarn run test
2. update version in package.json
3. git add .
4. git commit -m "<commit msg>"
5. git push && git push --tags
6. yarn run build
7. yarn publish --new-version <new-version>
For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag:
$ x-release --help
--new-version specified the exact new version
--patch auto-increment patch version number
--minor auto-increment minor version number
--major auto-increment major version number
--prepatch auto-increment prepatch version number
--preminor auto-increment preminor version number
--premajor auto-increment premajor version number
--prerelease auto-increment prerelease version number
-h, --help Display this message
-v, --version Display version number
import { defineConfig } from '@0x-jerry/x-release'
export default defineConfig({
sequence: [
'npm:test', // execute npm run test
'pkg.update.version', // update version of package.json
'git.commit', // execute git add . && git commit -m "${commit msg}"
'git.tag', // execute git tag "v${new-version}"
'git.push', // execute git push && git push --tags
'npm:build', // execute npm run build
'npm.publish', // execute npm publish --tag ${new-version}
'run:echo "custom task"', // execute echo "custom task"
async (ctx) => {
console.log('new version is:', ctx.nextVersion)
await ctx.run(`echo "custom script, all tasks are finished!"`)
A tool that helps you to create a new release quickly.
$ x-release [...tasks]
[...tasks] the tasks to run.
- "x-release npm:test": run scripts.test in package.json
- "x-release run:echo 'hello'": run "echo 'hello'" in shell
Internal tasks:
- "x-release pkg.update.version": update version property in package.json
- "x-release npm.publish": publish to npm
- "x-release git.commit": create a commit
- "x-release git.tag": create a new tag
- "x-release git.push": push to remote
Combine tasks example: "x-release npm:test pkg.update.version git.commit git.tag git.push npm:build npm.publish"
This will run the below tasks:
1. yarn run test
2. update version in package.json
3. git add .
4. git commit -m "<commit msg>"
5. git push && git push --tags
6. yarn run build
7. yarn publish --new-version <new-version>
For more info, run any command with the `--help` flag:
$ x-release --help
--new-version specified the exact new version
--patch auto-increment patch version number
--minor auto-increment minor version number
--major auto-increment major version number
--prepatch auto-increment prepatch version number
--preminor auto-increment preminor version number
--premajor auto-increment premajor version number
--prerelease auto-increment prerelease version number
-h, --help Display this message
-v, --version Display version number
Config file: x.release.conf.ts
Example config file:
import { defineConfig } from '@0x-jerry/x-release'
export default defineConfig({
sequence: [
'npm:test', // execute npm run test
'pkg.update.version', // update version of package.json
'git.commit', // execute git add . && git commit -m "${commit msg}"
'git.tag', // execute git tag "v${new-version}"
'git.push', // execute git push && git push --tags
'npm:build', // execute npm run build
'npm.publish', // execute npm publish --tag ${new-version}
'run:echo "custom task"', // execute echo "custom task"
async (ctx) => {
console.log('new version is:', ctx.nextVersion)
await ctx.run(`echo "custom script, all tasks are finished!"`)
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