@0ti.me/bitwise 中文文档教程
bitwise library
这样做的主要目的是能够根据配置随心所欲地在按位数组/缓冲区和按字节数组/缓冲区之间切换。 例如,PNG 可以使用多种位深度,包括 1 和 8。在位深度为 1 的情况下,位数组更有用,但在位深度为 8 的情况下,字节数组让路更有意义。
bitwise library
This typescript library is meant to provide bitwise and bytewise tooling with an interface allowing either function to work.
The main purpose of this is to be able to switch between a bitwise array/buffer and a bytewise array/buffer on a whim depending on configurations. For example, a PNG can use a variety of bit depths including 1 and 8. In the case of a bit depth of 1, a bit array is more useful, but in the case of a bit depth of 8, a byte array makes way more sense.