8bits 中文文档教程
用于处理和转换字节值的 Javascript 库
表示字节大小的主要方式有两种:SI 单位(十进制/Base 10 / 10^3)和 IEC 单位(二进制/Base 2 / 2^10)。 8bits
$ npm install --save 8bits
var byte = require('8bits');
//=> 789 B
//=> 1 kB
// Setting the number of decimal places
byte(1024, {digits: 2});
//=> 1.02 kB
// Using binary instead of decimal
byte(1024, {digits: 2, binary: true});
//=> 1.00 KB
// Converting from one prefix to another
byte(500000, {from: 'kB', to: 'MB'});
//=> 500 MB
byte(512000, {from: 'KB', to: 'MB', binary: true});
//=> 500 MB
// Formatting the return value
byte(512000000, {format: '%s - %s'});
//=> 512 - kB
// Using custom unit values
byte(2000000, {
units: {
MB: 'Megabytes'
//=> 2 Megabytes
// All together
byte(2000000000000, {
from: 'MB',
to: 'YB',
format: '%s (%s)',
binary: true,
digits: 6,
units: {
YB: 'yoda bytes'
//=> 0.000002 (yoda bytes)
- Retrieve byte value from human-readable value (i.e. 1 MB => 1048576)
- Include API in Readme
Useful Information
// Prefixes for multiples of bits (b) or bytes (B)
// Decimal Binary
// ================================================
// Value Metric | Value JEDEC IEC
// 1000 k kilo | 1024 K kilo Ki kibi
// 1000^2 M mega | 1024^2 M mega Mi mebi
// 1000^3 G giga | 1024^3 G giga Gi gibi
// 1000^4 T tera | 1024^4 – – Ti tebi
// 1000^5 P peta | 1024^5 – – Pi pebi
// 1000^6 E exa | 1024^6 – – Ei exbi
// 1000^7 Z zetta | 1024^7 – – Zi zebi
// 1000^8 Y yotta | 1024^8 – – Yi yobi
麻省理工学院 © Andrew Kennedy
A Javascript library for manipulating and converting byte values
There are two primary ways to represent byte sizes: SI units (decimal / Base 10 / 10^3) and IEC units (binary / Base 2 / 2^10). 8bits
supports both of decimal and binary formats, with the default format being decimal.
$ npm install --save 8bits
var byte = require('8bits');
//=> 789 B
//=> 1 kB
// Setting the number of decimal places
byte(1024, {digits: 2});
//=> 1.02 kB
// Using binary instead of decimal
byte(1024, {digits: 2, binary: true});
//=> 1.00 KB
// Converting from one prefix to another
byte(500000, {from: 'kB', to: 'MB'});
//=> 500 MB
byte(512000, {from: 'KB', to: 'MB', binary: true});
//=> 500 MB
// Formatting the return value
byte(512000000, {format: '%s - %s'});
//=> 512 - kB
// Using custom unit values
byte(2000000, {
units: {
MB: 'Megabytes'
//=> 2 Megabytes
// All together
byte(2000000000000, {
from: 'MB',
to: 'YB',
format: '%s (%s)',
binary: true,
digits: 6,
units: {
YB: 'yoda bytes'
//=> 0.000002 (yoda bytes)
- Retrieve byte value from human-readable value (i.e. 1 MB => 1048576)
- Include API in Readme
Useful Information
// Prefixes for multiples of bits (b) or bytes (B)
// Decimal Binary
// ================================================
// Value Metric | Value JEDEC IEC
// 1000 k kilo | 1024 K kilo Ki kibi
// 1000^2 M mega | 1024^2 M mega Mi mebi
// 1000^3 G giga | 1024^3 G giga Gi gibi
// 1000^4 T tera | 1024^4 – – Ti tebi
// 1000^5 P peta | 1024^5 – – Pi pebi
// 1000^6 E exa | 1024^6 – – Ei exbi
// 1000^7 Z zetta | 1024^7 – – Zi zebi
// 1000^8 Y yotta | 1024^8 – – Yi yobi
MIT © Andrew Kennedy