7digital-api-promisified 中文文档教程

发布于 5 年前 浏览 37 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


Node.js API Client


Build Status

About 7digital

7digital.com 是一家在线音乐商店在超过 16 个国家和地区开展业务 提供超过 1100 万种高质量的无 DRM MP3 (320kbps) 来自所有 主要标签和范围广泛的独立标签和分销商。 7数码 API 将使您能够访问包括高质量专辑在内的完整目录 艺术,所有曲目的 30 年代预览剪辑,销售佣金,集成 购买和全长流媒体。 更多详细信息,请访问 developer.7digital.net

What is this?

7digital API 的服务器端 javascript 客户端。 最新版本的完整代码文档可以在此处找到。

要使用此库的方法映射文档端点,最好查看 在 API 定义文件



通过 npm 安装它

npm install --save 7digital-api


注意:这是原始库的一个分支,添加了所有 API 方法的承诺版本< /strong>

要使用 promisified 版本,只需在方法名称中添加后缀 Promise 并且不要传递回调函数:

const api = require('7digital-api');
const artists = new api.Artists();

async function printData() {
    const data = await artists.getReleasesPromise({ artistid: 1 });

有关如何使用它的示例,请参见示例文件夹。 如果你已经包括 7digital-api 在你的 package.json 文件中的依赖项中,你可以使用 像这样:

var api = require('7digital-api'),
    artists = new api.Artists();

artists.getReleases({ artistid: 1 }, function(err, data) {

要提供您的 OAuth 凭据或如果您想要 XML 响应,您可以使用 配置功能。 以下是您可以这样做的方法:

var api, artists;

api = require('7digital-api').configure({
    format: 'XML',
    consumerkey: 'MY_KEY_HERE',
    consumersecret: 'MY_SECRET_HERE',
    defaultParams: { country: 'fr' }

artists = new api.Artists();

artists.getReleases({ artistid: 1 }, function(err, data) {


var api, artists;

api = require('7digital-api').configure({
    defaultParams: {
        country: 'fr'

artists = new api.Artists({ defaultParams: { pageSize: 15 } });

artists.getReleases({ artistid: 1 }, function(err, data) {
    // 15 releases in france

有关完整详细信息,请参阅 developer.7digital.net API 端点及其接受的参数。

OAuth protected endpoints

注意:oauth 访问方法在 0.19.0 中发生了很大变化,更新为 强烈推荐最新版本

Accessing the media delivery api

媒体传输端点的行为与其他端点不同,因为 他们将字节返回给您内容。 您必须签署所有请求,例如 所以:

var api = require('7digital-api').configure({
    consumerkey: 'YOUR_KEY_HERE',
    consumersecret: 'YOUR_SECRET_HERE',
    defaultParams: {
        country: 'es'

var oauth = new api.OAuth();
var previewUrl = oauth.sign('http://previews.7digital.com/clip/12345');

// For access to locker / subscription streaming without managed users you
// will need to provide the accesstoken and secret for the user
var signedUrl = oauth.sign('https://stream.svc.7digital.net/stream/locker', {
    trackId: 1234,
    formatId: 26,
    accesstoken: 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
    accesssecret: 'ACCESS_SECRET'
// Requesting this URL will now respond with the media data (or redirect to
// an error).

Making requests on behalf of a user to OAuth protected endpoints

注意:oauth 访问方法在 0.19.0 中发生了很大变化

本示例假设您可以访问 oauth/requestToken/authorise 端点来验证用户。 如果您没有此访​​问权限,您将 需要将用户发送到 getRequestToken 提供的 authoriseUrl 并在您的 callbackUrl 被点击时完成身份验证流程。

var api = require('7digital-api').configure({
    consumerkey: 'YOUR_KEY_HERE',
    consumersecret: 'YOUR_SECRET_HERE',
    defaultParams: {
        country: 'fr'

var oauth = new api.OAuth();
oauth.getRequestToken('http://callbackurl.com/', authoriseToken);
function authoriseToken(err, requesttoken, requestsecret) {
        username: 'joe@bloggs.com',
        password: 'top-secret',
        token: requesttoken
    }, function (err) {
            requesttoken: requesttoken,
            requestsecret: requestsecret
        }, function (err, accesstoken, accesssecret) {
            // use the token and secret to call secure endpoints.
            var apiForJoeBloggs = api.reconfigure({
                defaultParams: {
                    accesstoken: accesstoken,
                    accesssecret: accesssecret
            var user = new apiForJoeBloggs.User();
                pageSize: 1
            }, function (err, response) {
                // Do something with the locker

有关示例,请参阅示例文件夹中的 oauth.js 和 create-user.js 用于获取授权访问令牌和机密的 OAuth 流程 需要代表用户访问任何受保护的端点。

Partner users (3rd party user management)

如果您的密钥有权创建第 3 方(合作伙伴)用户,您必须 配置客户端以允许您使用您的访问受保护的点 用户 ID 而不是访问令牌。 这可以像这样完成:

var api = require('7digital-api').configure({
    consumerkey: 'YOUR_KEY_HERE',
    consumersecret: 'YOUR_SECRET_HERE',
    userManagement: true,
    defaultParams: {
        country: 'fr'

// You can now access user endpoints for your users without an access token or
// secret and with your external user id instead
    userId: 'external-user-12345',
    emailAddress: 'joe@bloggs.com'
    }, function (err, userResponse) {
            userId: 'external-user-12345',
            pageSize: 1
        }, function (err, response) {
        // Do something with the user's (empty!) locker

Using the environment to configure the client

客户端将检查环境中的以下变量,这使得 可以将您的密钥和秘密保密:

  • _7D_API_CLIENT_USER_TOKEN - is not set by default
  • _7D_API_CLIENT_USER_SECRET - is not set by default

客户端将检查环境中的以下变量,这使得 更容易控制每个环境的行为(例如在测试中) 必须在您的应用程序代码中分支:

  • _7D_API_CLIENT_HOST - defaults to 'api.7digital.com'
  • _7D_API_CLIENT_SSL_HOST - defaults to 'api.7digital.com'
  • _7D_API_CLIENT_PORT - defaults to 80
  • _7D_API_CLIENT_PREFIX - defaults to '1.2'

请注意,这些变量具有最低的优先级(除了默认值)。 IE 在应用程序代码中覆盖它们将优先。

Running the tests


npm test

还有集成测试。 测试各种错误处理场景 针对存根 7d api 运行。 可以安装 with:

npm install git://github.com/7digital/api-stub.git

一些集成测试(围绕客户端对 OAuth 的处理)运行 针对真正的 7d api。 为了使这些测试起作用,您需要设置 上面概述的环境变量。 以及以下内容:


可应用于包含以下项目的购物篮的代金券代码 1p,用于两条腿的 OAuth 测试。


npm run integration-test


Node.js API Client

Current head build status:

Build Status

About 7digital

7digital.com is an online music store operating in over 16 countries and offering more than 11 million high quality DRM free MP3s (320kbps) from all major labels and wide range of idependent labels and distributors. 7digital API will give you access to the full catalogue including high quality album art, 30s preview clips for all tracks, commissions on sales, integrated purchasing and full length streaming. More details at developer.7digital.net

What is this?

A serverside javascript client for the 7digital API . Full code documentation for the most recent release can be found here.

To map documentation endpoints with this library's methods, it's best to look at the API definition file.



Install it via npm

npm install --save 7digital-api


Note: this is a fork of original library that adds promisified versions of all API methods

To use promisified version, just add suffix Promise to the name of the method and don't pass callback function:

const api = require('7digital-api');
const artists = new api.Artists();

async function printData() {
    const data = await artists.getReleasesPromise({ artistid: 1 });

See the examples folder for examples of how to use this. If you have included 7digital-api in your dependencies in the package.json file, you can use the like so:

var api = require('7digital-api'),
    artists = new api.Artists();

artists.getReleases({ artistid: 1 }, function(err, data) {

To supply your OAuth credentials or if you want XML responses, you can use the configure function. Here is how you can do so:

var api, artists;

api = require('7digital-api').configure({
    format: 'XML',
    consumerkey: 'MY_KEY_HERE',
    consumersecret: 'MY_SECRET_HERE',
    defaultParams: { country: 'fr' }

artists = new api.Artists();

artists.getReleases({ artistid: 1 }, function(err, data) {

You can specify default parameters on a per resource basis also:

var api, artists;

api = require('7digital-api').configure({
    defaultParams: {
        country: 'fr'

artists = new api.Artists({ defaultParams: { pageSize: 15 } });

artists.getReleases({ artistid: 1 }, function(err, data) {
    // 15 releases in france

See developer.7digital.net for full details of the API endpoints and the parameters they accept.

OAuth protected endpoints

NOTE: The oauth access method changed considerably in 0.19.0, updating to the latest version is highly recommended

Accessing the media delivery api

The media delivery endpoints behave differently from the other endpoints as they return you the bytes to the content. You must sign all your requests like so:

var api = require('7digital-api').configure({
    consumerkey: 'YOUR_KEY_HERE',
    consumersecret: 'YOUR_SECRET_HERE',
    defaultParams: {
        country: 'es'

var oauth = new api.OAuth();
var previewUrl = oauth.sign('http://previews.7digital.com/clip/12345');

// For access to locker / subscription streaming without managed users you
// will need to provide the accesstoken and secret for the user
var signedUrl = oauth.sign('https://stream.svc.7digital.net/stream/locker', {
    trackId: 1234,
    formatId: 26,
    accesstoken: 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
    accesssecret: 'ACCESS_SECRET'
// Requesting this URL will now respond with the media data (or redirect to
// an error).

Making requests on behalf of a user to OAuth protected endpoints

NOTE: The oauth access method changed considerably in 0.19.0

This example assumes you have access to the oauth/requestToken/authorise endpoint to authenticate users. If you do not have this access you will need to send the user to the authoriseUrl provided by getRequestToken and complete the auth flow when your callbackUrl is hit.

var api = require('7digital-api').configure({
    consumerkey: 'YOUR_KEY_HERE',
    consumersecret: 'YOUR_SECRET_HERE',
    defaultParams: {
        country: 'fr'

var oauth = new api.OAuth();
oauth.getRequestToken('http://callbackurl.com/', authoriseToken);
function authoriseToken(err, requesttoken, requestsecret) {
        username: 'joe@bloggs.com',
        password: 'top-secret',
        token: requesttoken
    }, function (err) {
            requesttoken: requesttoken,
            requestsecret: requestsecret
        }, function (err, accesstoken, accesssecret) {
            // use the token and secret to call secure endpoints.
            var apiForJoeBloggs = api.reconfigure({
                defaultParams: {
                    accesstoken: accesstoken,
                    accesssecret: accesssecret
            var user = new apiForJoeBloggs.User();
                pageSize: 1
            }, function (err, response) {
                // Do something with the locker

See oauth.js and create-user.js in the examples folder for examples of the OAuth flow for acquiring an authorised access token and secret that you will need to access any of the protected endpoints on behalf of a user.

Partner users (3rd party user management)

If your key has permissions to create 3rd-party (partner) users, you must configure the client to allow you to access protected enpoints with your user ids instead of access tokens. This can be done like so:

var api = require('7digital-api').configure({
    consumerkey: 'YOUR_KEY_HERE',
    consumersecret: 'YOUR_SECRET_HERE',
    userManagement: true,
    defaultParams: {
        country: 'fr'

// You can now access user endpoints for your users without an access token or
// secret and with your external user id instead
    userId: 'external-user-12345',
    emailAddress: 'joe@bloggs.com'
    }, function (err, userResponse) {
            userId: 'external-user-12345',
            pageSize: 1
        }, function (err, response) {
        // Do something with the user's (empty!) locker

Using the environment to configure the client

The client will check the environment for the following variables which makes it possible to keep your key and secret actually secret:

  • _7D_API_CLIENT_USER_TOKEN - is not set by default
  • _7D_API_CLIENT_USER_SECRET - is not set by default

The client will check the environment for the following variables which makes controlling the behaviour per-environment easier (e.g. in tests) with out having to branch in your application code:

  • _7D_API_CLIENT_HOST - defaults to 'api.7digital.com'
  • _7D_API_CLIENT_SSL_HOST - defaults to 'api.7digital.com'
  • _7D_API_CLIENT_PORT - defaults to 80
  • _7D_API_CLIENT_PREFIX - defaults to '1.2'

Note that these variables have the lowest precedence (apart from defaults). I.E. overriding them in application code will take precendence.

Running the tests

To run the unit tests:

npm test

There are also integration tests. Tests for various error handling scenarios are run against a stub 7d api. It can be installed with:

npm install git://github.com/7digital/api-stub.git

Some of the integration tests (around the client's handling of OAuth) run against the real 7d api. In order for these tests to work, you'll need to set the environment variables outlined above. As well as the following:


The code for a voucher which can be applied to a basket containing an item of 1p, used for a two-legged OAuth test.

The tests can then be run with:

npm run integration-test
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