60gs 中文文档教程

发布于 6 年前 浏览 55 项目主页 更新于 3 年前

60 Columns Grid System

60 网格系统是 CSS 网格的初始网格。

什么是 60 网格系统?

60 网格系统是 CSS 网格的入门网格。

它只是一个 CSS 类。


.grid {
          display: grid;
          grid-template-columns: repeat(60, 1fr)

就是这个? 你一定是在开玩笑!? 这是某种黑魔法吗?

我会在一分钟内告诉你它的黑暗秘密。 给我一个解释的机会。

为什么是 60 列?

60 是第一个可被 2、3、4、5 和 6 整除的数字。


这是使用 CSS Grid 制作等宽 1-6 列网格的最简单方法。



在过去,960px 是一个神奇的数字,可以被 2、3、4、5 和 6 整除。你们过去可能都使用过 960px 布局。

60 网格系统通过制作 60 个更小的单元来完成 1 - 6 列的相同操作。 加上是灵活的。


.grid {
   width: 1237px / 83% / 40rem /* random numbers */
   display: grid;
   grid-template-columns: repeat(60, 1fr)


.grid {
   width: 1237px / 83% / 40rem /* random numbers */
   display: grid;
   grid-gap: 10px; /* random number */
   grid-template-columns: repeat(60, 1fr)

我不明白? 如何添加列? 我喜欢制作自己的语义 HTML5 友好布局,我不想使用任何框架。

你可以。 制作自己的 ID 和课程。

我喜欢 Header、Footer、Sidebar 的经典布局,我该怎么做?



#header, #footer { grid-column: 1 / 61 }
#sidebar {  grid-column: 1 / 17 }
#article { grid-column: 17 / 61 }


我还是不明白 1 / 17 和 17 / 61 ?

你确定你知道 CSS 网格!? 先去学习CSS Grid,稍后再回来。

是的,我还在学习 Flexbox.. 现在是 CSS Grid。 过去的生活更轻松。


我回来了。 所以我可以使用我自己的命名系统添加我自己的自定义列吗?


我只需要指定网格列从 1 到 61,对吗?



重叠栏 .. 啊,你就是那个看过关于重叠栏的视频的人,你想用 HTML 和 CSS 制作多层海报。 当然你也可以做重叠的列。 示例(1 到 23 和 17 到 30 ......)只是重叠数字。

我不喜欢制作页眉、页脚 ID。 我们1996年是什么? 我可以做一些像 OOP CSS 这样更现代的东西吗?

最后是一些好问题。 我们可以!

使用 CSS 网格,我们可以像这样合并列:

.col-30 { grid-column-end: span 30 }  /* 2 columns */
.col-20 { grid-column-end: span 20 } /* 3 columns */
<div class=“col-30”> 50% </div>
<div class=“col-30”> 50% </div>

<div class=“col-30”> 33.33% </div>
<div class=“col-30”> 33.33% </div>
<div class=“col-30”> 33.33% </div>

啊哈,所以 30 + 30 = 60 意味着 50% 和 50% 列很重要吗?


我可以用 Sass 吗?

是的,我构建了一些 Sass。 去检查 60gs.scss 文件。


可以,我已经在 60gs.css 文件中做了一些基本的响应,添加更多功能是你的任务。

现在是一些棘手的问题:我可以在一行中有 7 个相同的列吗?

不,谁做 7 列!? 甚至瑞克和莫蒂的网格中也没有 7 列! 瑞克是宇宙中最聪明的人。



但说真的,我需要 7 列?

好吧.. .grid7{ grid-template-columns: repeat(7, 1fr) } .somename{grid-column-end: span 1} 并将 grid7 放入网格中。 像 Matrix 或 Inception。

11 列呢?

你知道玩俄罗斯轮盘吗.. 玩了 11 次.. 问题解决了 :)

我玩了 11 次你现在能告诉我解决方法吗?

嗯..你很幸运……是的,你需要像 7 列一样做同样的事情。

每个人都.. CSS 网格是下一件大事.. 现在我需要有 60 列,这样我才能有 6 列?



首先,了解你的客户。 如果您的客户是像我这样的人并且您没有问题..否则就顺其自然-> 漂浮。

所以基本上 60 gs 就像 960px 网格但仅适用于 CSS 网格?

是的,但是 60 gs 可以取任何值,而不仅仅是 960px,并且更加灵活和流畅,而且非常容易制作网格间隙。

谢谢,我可能会坚持使用 Flexbox。

PS啊,你还在这里。 你想知道 NPM 命令在哪里.. 抱歉你更喜欢 yarn。 你没读到 npm 是 new yarn 吗? 啊哈,你最近使用 web-pack。 你可以只复制粘贴,它只是一个 CSS 类。

开个玩笑 npm 我也爱你 :)

$ npm i ...

60 Columns Grid System

60 Grid System is Starter Grid for the CSS Grid.

What is 60 Grid System?

60 Grid System is Starter Grid for the CSS Grid.

It is just one CSS class.

Let me show you the code:

.grid {
          display: grid;
          grid-template-columns: repeat(60, 1fr)

This is it? You must be joking!? Is it some kind of dark magic?

I will show you it’s dark secrets in a minute. Just give me a chance to explain.

Why 60 columns?

60 is the first number that is dividable by 2,3,4,5 and 6.

So what?

This is the easiest way to make 1- 6 column grid with equal width using the CSS Grid.

I’m talking about this picture:

Hmm.. I’m sceptical about this?

Back in the day the 960px was the magic number and was dividable by 2,3,4,5 and 6. You all probably used 960px layout in the past.

60 Grid System does the same thing 1 - 6 columns by making 60 smaller units. Plus is flexible.

It will work with any width:

.grid {
   width: 1237px / 83% / 40rem /* random numbers */
   display: grid;
   grid-template-columns: repeat(60, 1fr)

You can also add grid-gap:

.grid {
   width: 1237px / 83% / 40rem /* random numbers */
   display: grid;
   grid-gap: 10px; /* random number */
   grid-template-columns: repeat(60, 1fr)

I don't get it? How you can add columns? I like to make my own semantic HTML5 friendly layout and I don't want to use any framework.

You can. Make your own id and classes.

I like layout with Header, Footer, Sidebar the classic style, how can I do that?

Hmm, nobody does that anymore, but you are the boss.

You probably want something like this:

#header, #footer { grid-column: 1 / 61 }
#sidebar {  grid-column: 1 / 17 }
#article { grid-column: 17 / 61 }

Here is the demo

I still don't understand 1 / 17 and 17 / 61 ?

Are you sure you know CSS Grid!? First go learn the CSS Grid and come back later.

Yeah I'm still learning Flexbox.. now CSS Grid. Life was easier back in the day.

I hear you, brother.

I'm back. So I can add my own custom columns with my own naming system?

Yes, absolutely.

I just need to specify the grid-column to go form 1 to 61, right?

Yes, exactly.

What about overlapping columns?

Overlapping columns .. ah you are that guy that watched the video about overlapping columns and you want to make multilayer posters with HTML and CSS. Sure you can do overlapping columns as well. Example (1 to 23 and 17 to 30…) just overlap the numbers.

I don't like to make header, footer ids. What are we 1996? Can me make something more modern like OOP CSS?

Finally some good questions. Yes we can!

With the CSS Grid we can merge columns like this:

.col-30 { grid-column-end: span 30 }  /* 2 columns */
.col-20 { grid-column-end: span 20 } /* 3 columns */
<div class=“col-30”> 50% </div>
<div class=“col-30”> 50% </div>

<div class=“col-30”> 33.33% </div>
<div class=“col-30”> 33.33% </div>
<div class=“col-30”> 33.33% </div>

Aha, so it is important to 30 + 30 = 60 meaning 50% and 50% column?


Can I use Sass with this?

Yes I’ve build some Sass. Go check the 60gs.scss file.

Is it responsive?

It can be, I’ve made some basic responsiveness in the 60gs.css file and it is your task to add more features.

Now some hard questions: Can I have 7 identical columns in one row?

No. Who does 7 columns!? Not even Rick and Morty have 7 columns in their grid! And Rick is the smartest man in the universe.

But the designer made 7 column grid, I don’t know what to do?

Fire the designer.

But seriously, I need 7 columns?

Allllright.. .grid7{ grid-template-columns: repeat(7, 1fr) } .somename{grid-column-end: span 1} and put the grid7 inside the grid. Like Matrix or Inception.

What about 11 columns?

Do you know to play Russian Roulette .. play it for 11 times .. problem solved :)

I played it for 11 times can you now tell me the solution?

Hmm.. you lucky bas… Yes, you need to do the same thing like with the 7 columns.

Everyone was .. CSS Grid is the next big thing.. now I need to have 60 columns so I can have 6 columns?

There's more than one way to skin a cat, use the solution that works best for you.

What about browser compatibility?

First, know your customers. If your customers are people like me and you don’t have a problem.. otherwise go with the flow -> float.

So basically 60 gs is like the 960px grid but just for the CSS Grid?

Yes, but 60 gs can take any value not just 960px and is much more flexible and fluid plus is super easy to make your grid-gap.

Thanks, I'll probably stick with Flexbox.

P.S Ahh, You are still here. You are wondering where is the NPM command.. ahh sorry you prefer yarn. Didn't you read that npm is new yarn? Aha, you use web-pack lately. You can just copy paste, it's only one CSS class.

Just kidding npm I love you too :)

$ npm i ...
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