500wallpaper 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 47 项目主页 更新于 3 年前


CI 状态npm 版本 npm 下载 依赖状态 devDependencies 状态License

500px 网站。


npm install -g 500wallpaper
# OR
yarn global add 500wallpaper

或者,您也可以使用 npx 直接调用二进制文件:

npx 500wallpaper


不带参数运行 500wallpaper 以下载最近添加了 500px 最高脉冲的照片。

使用 500wallpaper --help 查看选项列表:

Usage: 500wallpaper [options]

  -V, --version                  output the version number
  -f, --feature <featureName>    photo stream to be retrieved
  -c, --category <categoryName>  category to return photos from (case sensitive, separate multiple values with a comma)
  -w, --width <minWidth>         minimum width of the photo to be downloaded
  -H, --height <minHeight>       minimum height of the photo to be downloaded
  -l, --landscape                the photo must be in landscape orientation
  -o, --output <fileName>        destination file name without extension
  -h, --help                     output usage information

  popular, highest_rated, upcoming, editors, fresh_today, fresh_yesterday, fresh_week

  Uncategorized, Abstract, Aerial, Animals, Black and White, Celebrities, City and Architecture, Commercial, Concert, Family, Fashion, Film, Fine Art, Food, Journalism, Landscapes, Macro, Nature, Night, Nude, People, Performing Arts, Sport, Still Life, Street, Transportation, Travel, Underwater, Urban Exploration, Wedding

  $ 500wallpaper
  $ 500wallpaper -o wallpaper
  $ 500wallpaper -f editors -c Landscapes -H 2048 -l -o ~/Images/wallpaper
  $ 500wallpaper -f popular -c "City and Architecture,Landscapes,Nature,Travel" -H 4096 -l


此项目已根据以下条款获得许可 麻省理工学院许可证


CI Statusnpm Versionnpm Downloadsdependencies StatusdevDependencies StatusLicense

Download wallpapers and lock screens from 500px website.


npm install -g 500wallpaper
# OR
yarn global add 500wallpaper

Alternatively, you can also invoke the binary directly with npx:

npx 500wallpaper


Run 500wallpaper without argument to download the recently added photo with the highest Pulse from 500px.

View the list of options using 500wallpaper --help:

Usage: 500wallpaper [options]

  -V, --version                  output the version number
  -f, --feature <featureName>    photo stream to be retrieved
  -c, --category <categoryName>  category to return photos from (case sensitive, separate multiple values with a comma)
  -w, --width <minWidth>         minimum width of the photo to be downloaded
  -H, --height <minHeight>       minimum height of the photo to be downloaded
  -l, --landscape                the photo must be in landscape orientation
  -o, --output <fileName>        destination file name without extension
  -h, --help                     output usage information

  popular, highest_rated, upcoming, editors, fresh_today, fresh_yesterday, fresh_week

  Uncategorized, Abstract, Aerial, Animals, Black and White, Celebrities, City and Architecture, Commercial, Concert, Family, Fashion, Film, Fine Art, Food, Journalism, Landscapes, Macro, Nature, Night, Nude, People, Performing Arts, Sport, Still Life, Street, Transportation, Travel, Underwater, Urban Exploration, Wedding

  $ 500wallpaper
  $ 500wallpaper -o wallpaper
  $ 500wallpaper -f editors -c Landscapes -H 2048 -l -o ~/Images/wallpaper
  $ 500wallpaper -f popular -c "City and Architecture,Landscapes,Nature,Travel" -H 4096 -l


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

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