3h-daemon 中文文档教程
In your command line
3h-daemon <command> [options]
<command> The command to execute.
Default: node
-h, --help Show help info.
-e, --exec Use `child_process.exec` instead
of `child_process.spawn`.
-a, --args <args...> The arguments passed to the command.
-m, --max <number> Max restart times.
Default: Infinity
-d, --delay <number> Restart delay.
-t, --time <format> Time format.
-s, --silent Disable logs.
--no-stderr No stderr for the child process.
--no-stdin No stdin for the child process.
--no-stdout No stdout for the child process.
In your app
请参阅 typings
中的声明文件以了解 API。
A daemon lib.
In your command line
3h-daemon <command> [options]
<command> The command to execute.
Default: node
-h, --help Show help info.
-e, --exec Use `child_process.exec` instead
of `child_process.spawn`.
-a, --args <args...> The arguments passed to the command.
-m, --max <number> Max restart times.
Default: Infinity
-d, --delay <number> Restart delay.
-t, --time <format> Time format.
-s, --silent Disable logs.
--no-stderr No stderr for the child process.
--no-stdin No stdin for the child process.
--no-stdout No stdout for the child process.
In your app
See declaration files in typings
to learn the APIs.