3f335bcfd286030b4771414e30b0582c84dc12000efa5ad019765ec55339860d 中文文档教程

发布于 8 年前 浏览 55 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


react-map-gl 提供了一个React 友好的 围绕 Mapbox GL JS 的 API 包装器。 一个webGL 基于矢量瓦片映射库。

警告:这个项目是新的,API 可能会改变。 也可能有 Mapbox 尚未公开的 API。





npm install react-map-gl --save

关于捆绑的注意事项: react-map-gl 已通过 browserify 进行了广泛测试, 然而,一些用户在使用捆绑他们的应用程序时报告了问题 <代码>网页包。 作为第一步,请咨询 官方 mapbox webpack 配置。 问题中还有一些有用的信息和 请求帮助


import MapGL from 'react-map-gl';

<MapGL width={400} height={400} latitude={37.7577} longitude={-122.4376}
  zoom={8} onChangeViewport={(viewport) => {
    const {latitude, longitude, zoom} = viewport;
    // Optionally call `setState` and use the state to update the map.

Using overlays

react-map-gl 提供了一个 overlay API,所以你可以使用内置的可视化 覆盖,或创建自己的。 这是使用内置的示例 散点图叠加。

import {ScatterplotOverlay} from 'react-map-gl';
// ...
<MapGL {...viewport}>
    compositeOperation="screen" />
  // Add additional overlays here...

Built-in Overlays

  1. ChoroplethOverlay
  2. ScatterplotOverlay
  3. DraggablePointsOverlay
  4. SVGOverlay
  5. CanvasOverlay


deck.gl overlays

deck.gl 是一个配套模块 react-map-gl 提供了一些经典的数据可视化叠加 (散点图、等值线图等)在 WebGL 中实现。 这些叠加层是 适用于大型或动态数据集,或用于透视模式 应用程序

Third party overlays

也可以创建第三方覆盖。 例如, heatmap-overlay 使用 webgl-heatmap 创建地理 热图。 heatmap-example


import HeatmapOverlay from 'react-map-gl-heatmap-overlay';
import cities from 'example-cities';
// ...
    render() {
      return <MapGL {...viewport}>
        return <HeatmapOverlay locations={cities} {...viewport}/>

想要创建和分享您的自己的覆盖? 分叉 react-map-gl-example-overlay 项目开始。

Perspective Mode

使用 pitchbearing 属性显示透视模式 (均默认为 0),这将显示地图“倾斜”pitch 度 (头顶为 0 度),朝向 方位(0 度为北)。

此外,perspectiveEnabled 属性(默认值:false) 将激活鼠标处理程序,允许用户更改 pitchbearing 在按住“command”键的同时使用鼠标。

如果 perspectiveEnabled 未设置为 true,则用户将无法 更改俯仰和方位,这意味着默认道具将显示 一个高架地图,并且只在该地图上启用标准的平移和缩放鼠标操作。

注意: Mapbox-gl-js 将俯仰角限制为 60 度。

注意:使用 pitch 时,会在 onViewportChange 回调,确保将所有收到的道具传回 组件。

注意:并非所有叠加层都与透视模式兼容。 对于一组适用于透视模式的叠加层,请查看 deck.gl


react-map-gl 不公开 mapbox-gl-js 的转换 API 因为它被设计为无状态组件。

相反,建议使用单独的模块,如 反应运动 动画属性。 一个示例:

<Motion style={{
  latitude: spring(viewport.latitude, { stiffness: 170, damping: 26, precision: 0.000001 }),
  longitude: spring(viewport.longitude, { stiffness: 170, damping: 26, precision: 0.000001 })
  {({ latitude, longitude }) => <MapGL

ImmutableJS all the things

MapGLmapStyle 属性以及几个内置的 覆盖属性必须提供为 ImmutableJS 对象。 这允许 库要快,因为计算道具的变化只涉及检查 如果不可变对象是同一个实例。

Use with Redux

如果您使用的是 redux,则将此组件连接到 将状态存储在 redux 状态树中。 最简单的方法就是把所有 传递给 onChangeViewport 函数属性的属性并添加它们 直接进入商店。 然后可以将此状态传递回 react-map-gl 没有任何改造。 你可以使用这个包 redux-map-gl 以节省编写此内容 自己编码。


要在此组件上进行开发,请安装依赖项,然后构建并观察 静态文件。

$ npm install


$ npm start &
$ open "http://localhost:9966/?access_token="`echo $MapboxAccessToken`

echo $MapboxAccessToken 返回您的 Mapbox 访问令牌。

完成后,您可以在浏览器中查看该组件,网址为 本地主机:9966。 您所做的任何更改都会 自动运行编译器再次构建文件。


很难为这个组件编写测试,因为它使用 WebGL。 test/ 中有一些测试,但大部分是作为新功能 添加后,我们通常通过运行 npm run start 和 玩演示。


欢迎投稿。 虽然不是必需的,但检查一下可能会有所帮助 维护者在打开你的 PR 之前。 此外,您还需要完成一个短开 在您的请求请求可以被接受之前,源贡献表格。




react-map-gl provides a React friendly API wrapper around Mapbox GL JS. A webGL based vector tile mapping library.

WARNING: This project is new and the API may change. There also may be Mapbox APIs that haven't yet been exposed.


See the interactive docs at: https://uber.github.io/react-map-gl



npm install react-map-gl --save

Note on Bundling: react-map-gl is extensively tested with browserify, however several users have reported issues when bundling their apps using webpack. As a first step, please consult the official mapbox webpack config. There is also some helpful information from in the issues and a request for help.


import MapGL from 'react-map-gl';

<MapGL width={400} height={400} latitude={37.7577} longitude={-122.4376}
  zoom={8} onChangeViewport={(viewport) => {
    const {latitude, longitude, zoom} = viewport;
    // Optionally call `setState` and use the state to update the map.

Using overlays

react-map-gl provides an overlay API so you can use the built-in visualization overlays, or create your own. Here's an example of using the build in ScatterplotOverlay.

import {ScatterplotOverlay} from 'react-map-gl';
// ...
<MapGL {...viewport}>
    compositeOperation="screen" />
  // Add additional overlays here...

Built-in Overlays

  1. ChoroplethOverlay
  2. ScatterplotOverlay
  3. DraggablePointsOverlay
  4. SVGOverlay
  5. CanvasOverlay

Note: These overlays are currently not compatible with perspective mode.

deck.gl overlays

deck.gl is a companion module to react-map-gl that provide a number of classic data visualization overlays (scatterplots, choropleths etc) implemented in WebGL. These overlays are suitable for large or dynamic data sets, or for use in perspective mode applications

Third party overlays

Third party overlays can also be created. For example, the heatmap-overlay uses webgl-heatmap to create geographic heatmaps. heatmap-example

Example usage:

import HeatmapOverlay from 'react-map-gl-heatmap-overlay';
import cities from 'example-cities';
// ...
    render() {
      return <MapGL {...viewport}>
        return <HeatmapOverlay locations={cities} {...viewport}/>

Want to create and share your own overlay? Fork the react-map-gl-example-overlay project to get started.

Perspective Mode

Perspective mode is exposed using the pitch and bearing props (both default to 0), which will show the map "tilted" pitch degrees (overhead being 0 degrees), looking towards bearing (0 degrees is north).

In addition, the perspectiveEnabled prop (default: false) will activate mouse handlers that allow the user to change pitch and bearing using the mouse while holding down the "command" key.

If perspectiveEnabled is not set to true then the user will not be able to change the pitch and bearing, which means that the default props will show an overhead map and only enable standard pan and zoom mouse actions on that map.

Note: Mapbox-gl-js limits the pitch to 60 degrees.

Note: When using pitch, several additional fields are passed in the onViewportChange callback, make sure to pass all received props back to the component.

Note: not all overlays are compatible with perspective mode. For a set of overlays that do work with perspective mode, look at deck.gl.


react-map-gl does not expose the transition API for mapbox-gl-js since it is designed to be a stateless component.

Instead it is recommended to use a separate module like react-motion to animate properties. An example:

<Motion style={{
  latitude: spring(viewport.latitude, { stiffness: 170, damping: 26, precision: 0.000001 }),
  longitude: spring(viewport.longitude, { stiffness: 170, damping: 26, precision: 0.000001 })
  {({ latitude, longitude }) => <MapGL

ImmutableJS all the things

The mapStyle property of the MapGL as well as several of the built in overlay properties must be provided as ImmutableJS objects. This allows the library to be fast since computing changes to props only involves checking if the immutable objects are the same instance.

Use with Redux

If you're using redux, it is relatively simple to hook this component up to store state in the redux state tree. The simplest way is to take all properties passed to the onChangeViewport function property and add them directly into the store. This state can then be passed back to react-map-gl without any transformation. You can use the package redux-map-gl to save writing this code yourself.


To develop on this component, install the dependencies and then build and watch the static files.

$ npm install

To serve example app:

$ npm start &
$ open "http://localhost:9966/?access_token="`echo $MapboxAccessToken`

Where echo $MapboxAccessToken returns your Mapbox access token.

Once complete, you can view the component in your browser at localhost:9966. Any changes you make will automatically run the compiler to build the files again.


Its difficult to write tests for this component beacuse it uses WebGL. There are some tests in test/ but for the most part, as new features are added, we typically test drive them by running npm run start and play with the demos.


Contruibutions are welcome. While not necessary, it can be helpful to check with maintainers before opening your PR. Also, you will need to complete a short open source contribution form before your pull request can be accepted.


See change log

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