3d-tiles-tools 中文文档教程

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3D Tiles Tools

用于处理和转换 3D Tiles tilesets 的 Node.js 库和命令行工具。


克隆此存储库并安装 Node.js。 从这个 repo 的根目录,运行:

npm install

Command line tools


Gzips 输入的 tileset。

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js gzip ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-gzipped/
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js gzip -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ -o ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-gzipped/
-i, --inputInput directory of the tileset.:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput directory of the processed tileset.No
-t, --tilesOnlyOnly gzip tiles.No, default false
-f, --forceOverwrite output directory if it exists.No, default false



node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js ungzip ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-ungzipped/
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js ungzip -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ -o ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-ungzipped/
-i, --inputInput directory of the tileset.:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput directory of the processed tileset.No
-f, --forceOverwrite output directory if it exists.No, default false


从具有空批处理表的 glb 创建 b3dm。 由于该工具不 处理整个 tileset,它不能与 Pipeline 工具一起使用。

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js glbToB3dm ./specs/data/CesiumTexturedBox/CesiumTexturedBox.glb ./output/CesiumTexturedBox.b3dm
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js glbToB3dm -i ./specs/data/CesiumTexturedBox/CesiumTexturedBox.glb -o ./output/CesiumTexturedBox.b3dm
-i, --inputInput path of the .glb:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .b3dmNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


从 glb 创建一个 i3dm,在位置 [0, 0, 0] 有一个实例和一个空的批处理表。 由于该工具不 处理整个 tileset,它不能与 Pipeline 工具一起使用。

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js glbToI3dm ./specs/data/CesiumTexturedBox/CesiumTexturedBox.glb ./output/CesiumTexturedBox.i3dm
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js glbToI3dm -i ./specs/data/CesiumTexturedBox/CesiumTexturedBox.glb -o ./output/CesiumTexturedBox.i3dm
-i, --inputInput path of the .glb:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .i3dmNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


从 b3dm 创建一个 glb。 由于此工具不会处理整个图块集, 它不能与管道工具一起使用。

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js b3dmToGlb -i ./specs/data/batchedWithBatchTableBinary.b3dm -o ./output/extracted.glb
-i, --inputInput path of the .b3dm:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .glbNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


从 i3dm 创建一个 glb。 由于此工具不会处理整个图块集, 它不能与管道工具一起使用。

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js i3dmToGlb -i ./specs/data/instancedWithBatchTableBinary.i3dm -o ./output/extracted.glb
-i, --inputInput path of the .i3dm:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .glbNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


从 cmpt 磁贴中提取 glb 模型。 如果找到多个模型,一个数字将附加到 输出文件名。 由于此工具不处理整个图块集,因此不能与管道工具一起使用。

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js cmptToGlb -i ./specs/data/composite.cmpt -o ./output/extracted.glb
-i, --inputInput path of the .cmpt:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .glbNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


使用 gltf-pipeline 优化 b3dm。 由于该工具不 处理整个 tileset,它不能与 Pipeline 工具一起使用。

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeB3dm -i ./specs/data/batchedWithBatchTableBinary.b3dm -o ./output/optimized.b3dm

量化浮点属性和 oct 编码法线

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeB3dm -i ./specs/data/batchedWithBatchTableBinary.b3dm -o ./output/optimized.b3dm --options -q -n
-i, --inputInput path of the .b3dm:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .b3dmNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false
--optionsAll arguments past this flag are consumed by gltf-pipeline.No

要使用 tileset 纹理压缩,传递"texcomp flags

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeB3dm -i ./specs/data/Textured/batchedTextured.b3dm -o ./output/optimized.b3dm --options --texcomp.dxt1.enable --texcomp.dxt1.quality=5 --texcomp.etc1.enable

此示例优化了 b3dm 并将纹理压缩为 dxt1etc1 格式。


使用 gltf-pipeline 优化 i3dm。 由于此工具不处理整个图块集,因此不能与管道工具一起使用。

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeI3dm -i ./specs/data/instancedWithBatchTableBinary.i3dm -o ./output/optimized.i3dm

量化浮点属性和 oct 编码法线

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeI3dm -i ./specs/data/instancedWithBatchTableBinary.i3dm -o ./output/optimized.i3dm --options -q -n
-i, --inputInput path of the .i3dm:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .i3dmNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false
--optionsAll arguments past this flag are consumed by gltf-pipeline.No

要使用 tileset 纹理压缩,传递"texcomp 标志。

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeI3dm -i ./specs/data/Textured/instancedTextured.i3dm -o ./output/optimized.i3dm --options --texcomp.dxt1.enable --texcomp.dxt1.quality=5 --texcomp.etc1.enable

此示例优化了 i3dm 并将纹理压缩为 dxt1etc1 格式。


为 tileset 生成一个 sqlite 数据库。


每个图块都以 gzip 压缩格式存储在数据库中。 数据库中表格的规范不是最终的,请参阅 3d-tiles/#89

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js tilesetToDatabase ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ ./output/tileset.3dtiles
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js tilesetToDatabase -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ -o ./output/tileset.3dtiles
-i, --inputInput directory of the tileset.:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .3dtiles.No
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


将 tileset 数据库解压到 tileset 文件夹。


每个图块都以 gzip 压缩格式存储在数据库中,并在解压缩时解压缩。 数据库中表格的规范不是最终的,请参阅 3d-tiles/#89

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js databaseToTileset ./specs/data/tileset.3dtiles ./output/Tileset
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js databaseToTileset -i ./specs/data/tileset.3dtiles -o ./output/Tileset
-i, --inputInput .3dtiles database file.:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput directory of the unpacked tileset.No
-f, --forceOverwrite output directory if it exists.No, default false


node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js pipeline ./specs/data/pipeline.json
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js pipeline -i ./specs/data/pipeline.json
-i, --inputInput pipeline JSON file.:whitecheckmark: Yes
-f, --forceOverwrite output directory if it exists.No, default false

执行包含输入目录、输出目录和要运行的阶段列表的管道 JSON 文件。 阶段可以是指定阶段名称的字符串,也可以是指定阶段名称和任何其他参数的对象。 阶段按列出的顺序执行。

此示例 pipeline.json 对输入图块进行 gzip 压缩并将其保存在给定的输出目录中。

    "input": "Tileset/",
    "output": "TilesetGzipped/",
    "stages": ["gzip"]

此管道解压缩输入的图块集,然后压缩所有图块。 tileset.json 等文件未压缩。

    "input": "Tileset/",
    "output": "TilesetGzipped/",
    "stages": [
            "name": "gzip",
            "tilesOnly": true

Pipeline Stages


Gzip 压缩输入瓦片集。


tilesOnlybooleanOnly gzip tiles.No, default: false



Build Instructions


npm run test

要在整个代码库上运行 JSHint,请运行:

npm run jsHint

要在保存文件时自动运行 JSHint,请运行以下命令并在控制台窗口中保持打开状态:

npm run jsHint-watch

Running Test Coverage

Coverage 使用 伊斯坦布尔。 运行:

npm run coverage

有关完整的覆盖详细信息,请打开 coverage/lcov-report/index.html

测试和覆盖范围涵盖了 Node.js 模块; 它不包括命令行界面。

Generating Documentation


npm run jsDoc

文档将放置在 doc 文件夹中。


  • To debug the tests in Webstorm, open the Gulp tab, right click the test task, and click Debug 'test'.
  • To run a single test, change the test function from it to fit.

3D Tiles Tools

Node.js library and command-line tools for processing and converting 3D Tiles tilesets.


Clone this repo and install Node.js. From the root directory of this repo, run:

npm install

Command line tools


Gzips the input tileset.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js gzip ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-gzipped/
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js gzip -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ -o ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-gzipped/
-i, --inputInput directory of the tileset.:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput directory of the processed tileset.No
-t, --tilesOnlyOnly gzip tiles.No, default false
-f, --forceOverwrite output directory if it exists.No, default false


Ungzips the input tileset.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js ungzip ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-ungzipped/
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js ungzip -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ -o ./output/TilesetOfTilesets-ungzipped/
-i, --inputInput directory of the tileset.:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput directory of the processed tileset.No
-f, --forceOverwrite output directory if it exists.No, default false


Creates a b3dm from a glb with an empty batch table. Since this tool does not process an entire tileset, it cannot be used with the Pipeline tool.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js glbToB3dm ./specs/data/CesiumTexturedBox/CesiumTexturedBox.glb ./output/CesiumTexturedBox.b3dm
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js glbToB3dm -i ./specs/data/CesiumTexturedBox/CesiumTexturedBox.glb -o ./output/CesiumTexturedBox.b3dm
-i, --inputInput path of the .glb:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .b3dmNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


Creates a i3dm from a glb with a single instance at position [0, 0, 0] and an empty batch table. Since this tool does not process an entire tileset, it cannot be used with the Pipeline tool.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js glbToI3dm ./specs/data/CesiumTexturedBox/CesiumTexturedBox.glb ./output/CesiumTexturedBox.i3dm
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js glbToI3dm -i ./specs/data/CesiumTexturedBox/CesiumTexturedBox.glb -o ./output/CesiumTexturedBox.i3dm
-i, --inputInput path of the .glb:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .i3dmNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


Creates a glb from a b3dm. Since this tool does not process an entire tileset, it cannot be used with the Pipeline tool.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js b3dmToGlb -i ./specs/data/batchedWithBatchTableBinary.b3dm -o ./output/extracted.glb
-i, --inputInput path of the .b3dm:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .glbNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


Creates a glb from a i3dm. Since this tool does not process an entire tileset, it cannot be used with the Pipeline tool.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js i3dmToGlb -i ./specs/data/instancedWithBatchTableBinary.i3dm -o ./output/extracted.glb
-i, --inputInput path of the .i3dm:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .glbNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


Extracts the glb models from a cmpt tile. If multiple models are found a number will be appended to the output file name. Since this tool does not process an entire tileset, it cannot be used with the Pipeline tool.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js cmptToGlb -i ./specs/data/composite.cmpt -o ./output/extracted.glb
-i, --inputInput path of the .cmpt:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .glbNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


Optimize a b3dm using gltf-pipeline. Since this tool does not process an entire tileset, it cannot be used with the Pipeline tool.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeB3dm -i ./specs/data/batchedWithBatchTableBinary.b3dm -o ./output/optimized.b3dm

Quantize floating-point attributes and oct-encode normals

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeB3dm -i ./specs/data/batchedWithBatchTableBinary.b3dm -o ./output/optimized.b3dm --options -q -n
-i, --inputInput path of the .b3dm:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .b3dmNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false
--optionsAll arguments past this flag are consumed by gltf-pipeline.No

To use tileset texture compression, pass the texcomp flags

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeB3dm -i ./specs/data/Textured/batchedTextured.b3dm -o ./output/optimized.b3dm --options --texcomp.dxt1.enable --texcomp.dxt1.quality=5 --texcomp.etc1.enable

This example optimizes the b3dm and compresses the textures into dxt1 and etc1 formats.


Optimize a i3dm using gltf-pipeline. Since this tool does not process an entire tileset, it cannot be used with the Pipeline tool.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeI3dm -i ./specs/data/instancedWithBatchTableBinary.i3dm -o ./output/optimized.i3dm

Quantize floating-point attributes and oct-encode normals

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeI3dm -i ./specs/data/instancedWithBatchTableBinary.i3dm -o ./output/optimized.i3dm --options -q -n
-i, --inputInput path of the .i3dm:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .i3dmNo
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false
--optionsAll arguments past this flag are consumed by gltf-pipeline.No

To use tileset texture compression, pass the texcomp flags.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js optimizeI3dm -i ./specs/data/Textured/instancedTextured.i3dm -o ./output/optimized.i3dm --options --texcomp.dxt1.enable --texcomp.dxt1.quality=5 --texcomp.etc1.enable

This example optimizes the i3dm and compresses the textures into dxt1 and etc1 formats.


Generates a sqlite database for a tileset.

This tool cannot be used with the Pipeline tool.

Each tile is stored gzipped in the database. The specification for the tables in the database is not final, see 3d-tiles/#89.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js tilesetToDatabase ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ ./output/tileset.3dtiles
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js tilesetToDatabase -i ./specs/data/TilesetOfTilesets/ -o ./output/tileset.3dtiles
-i, --inputInput directory of the tileset.:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput path of the resulting .3dtiles.No
-f, --forceOverwrite output file if it exists.No, default false


Unpack a tileset database to a tileset folder.

This tool cannot be used with the Pipeline tool.

Each tile is stored gzipped in the database, and unzipped when unpacked. The specification for the tables in the database is not final, see 3d-tiles/#89.

node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js databaseToTileset ./specs/data/tileset.3dtiles ./output/Tileset
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js databaseToTileset -i ./specs/data/tileset.3dtiles -o ./output/Tileset
-i, --inputInput .3dtiles database file.:whitecheckmark: Yes
-o, --outputOutput directory of the unpacked tileset.No
-f, --forceOverwrite output directory if it exists.No, default false


node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js pipeline ./specs/data/pipeline.json
node ./bin/3d-tiles-tools.js pipeline -i ./specs/data/pipeline.json
-i, --inputInput pipeline JSON file.:whitecheckmark: Yes
-f, --forceOverwrite output directory if it exists.No, default false

Executes a pipeline JSON file containing an input directory, output directory, and list of stages to run. A stage can be a string specifying the stage name or an object specifying the stage name and any additional parameters. Stages are executed in the order listed.

This example pipeline.json gzips the input tilest and saves it in the given output directory.

    "input": "Tileset/",
    "output": "TilesetGzipped/",
    "stages": ["gzip"]

This pipeline uncompresses the input tileset and then compresses all the tiles. Files like tileset.json are left uncompressed.

    "input": "Tileset/",
    "output": "TilesetGzipped/",
    "stages": [
            "name": "gzip",
            "tilesOnly": true

Pipeline Stages


Gzips the input tileset.


tilesOnlybooleanOnly gzip tiles.No, default: false


Ungzips the input tileset.

Build Instructions

Run the tests:

npm run test

To run JSHint on the entire codebase, run:

npm run jsHint

To run JSHint automatically when a file is saved, run the following and leave it open in a console window:

npm run jsHint-watch

Running Test Coverage

Coverage uses istanbul. Run:

npm run coverage

For complete coverage details, open coverage/lcov-report/index.html.

The tests and coverage covers the Node.js module; it does not cover the command-line interface.

Generating Documentation

To generate the documentation:

npm run jsDoc

The documentation will be placed in the doc folder.


  • To debug the tests in Webstorm, open the Gulp tab, right click the test task, and click Debug 'test'.
  • To run a single test, change the test function from it to fit.
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