3commas-api-node 中文文档教程
3commas API NodeJs wrapper
官方 3commas API 的 NodeJS 包装器
3commas.io 是加密货币交易者和投资者的智能工具集合,可帮助他们最大程度地降低风险、限制损失、增加利润以及管理跨多个交易所的交易和投资组合。
How to use
Set up
使用 npm 或 yarn 添加节点模块
npm i 3commas-api-node
yarn add 3commas-api-node
Using in your project
将模块添加到您的脚本并提供 API 凭据,
const threeCommasAPI = require('3commas-api-node')
const api = new threeCommasAPI({
apiKey: '',
apiSecret: '',
// url: 'https://api.3commas.io' // this is optional in case of defining other endpoint
// forcedMode: 'real' // this is optional in case of defining account mode, 'real' or 'paper'
请参阅 example.js
Current methods
for deals
getDeals (params)
dealUpdateMaxSafetyOrders (deal_id, max_safety_orders)
dealPanicSell (deal_id)
dealCancel (deal_id)
dealUpdateTp (deal_id, new_take_profit_percentage)
getDeal (deal_id)
getDealSafetyOrders (deal_id)
for bots
getBotsBlackList ()
botsUpdateBlackList (params)
botCreate (params)
getBots (params)
getBotsStats (params)
botUpdate (params)
botDisable (bot_id)
botEnable (bot_id)
botStartNewDeal (params)
botDelete (bot_id)
botPaniceSellAllDeals (bot_id)
botCancelAllDeals (bot_id)
botShow (bot_id)
for smart trades
smartTradesCreateSimpleSell (params)
smartTradesCreateSimpleBuy (params)
smartTradesCreateSmartSell (params)
smartTradesCreateSmartCover (params)
smartTradesCreateSmartTrade (params)
smartTrades ()
smartTradesStepPanicSell (params)
smartTradesUpdate (params)
smartTradesCancel (smart_trade_id)
smartTradesPanicSell (smart_trade_id)
smartTradesForceProcess (smart_trade_id)
for accounts
accountsNew (params)
accounts ()
accountsMarketList ()
accountsCurrencyRates ()
accountSellAllToUsd (account_id)
accountSellAllToBtc (account_id)
accountLoadBalances (account_id)
accountRename (params)
accountPieChartData (account_id)
accountTableData (account_id)
accountRemove (account_id)
3commas API NodeJs wrapper
NodeJS wrapper for Official 3commas API
3commas.io is collection of smart tools for cryptocurrency traders and investors to minimize risks, limit losses, grow profits, and manage their trades and portfolios across multiple exchanges.
How to use
Set up
Add node module using npm or yarn
npm i 3commas-api-node
yarn add 3commas-api-node
Using in your project
add module to your script and provide API credentials
const threeCommasAPI = require('3commas-api-node')
const api = new threeCommasAPI({
apiKey: '',
apiSecret: '',
// url: 'https://api.3commas.io' // this is optional in case of defining other endpoint
// forcedMode: 'real' // this is optional in case of defining account mode, 'real' or 'paper'
see example.js
for more details
Current methods
for deals
getDeals (params)
dealUpdateMaxSafetyOrders (deal_id, max_safety_orders)
dealPanicSell (deal_id)
dealCancel (deal_id)
dealUpdateTp (deal_id, new_take_profit_percentage)
getDeal (deal_id)
getDealSafetyOrders (deal_id)
for bots
getBotsBlackList ()
botsUpdateBlackList (params)
botCreate (params)
getBots (params)
getBotsStats (params)
botUpdate (params)
botDisable (bot_id)
botEnable (bot_id)
botStartNewDeal (params)
botDelete (bot_id)
botPaniceSellAllDeals (bot_id)
botCancelAllDeals (bot_id)
botShow (bot_id)
for smart trades
smartTradesCreateSimpleSell (params)
smartTradesCreateSimpleBuy (params)
smartTradesCreateSmartSell (params)
smartTradesCreateSmartCover (params)
smartTradesCreateSmartTrade (params)
smartTrades ()
smartTradesStepPanicSell (params)
smartTradesUpdate (params)
smartTradesCancel (smart_trade_id)
smartTradesPanicSell (smart_trade_id)
smartTradesForceProcess (smart_trade_id)
for accounts
accountsNew (params)
accounts ()
accountsMarketList ()
accountsCurrencyRates ()
accountSellAllToUsd (account_id)
accountSellAllToBtc (account_id)
accountLoadBalances (account_id)
accountRename (params)
accountPieChartData (account_id)
accountTableData (account_id)
accountRemove (account_id)
buy me a beer ????
ETH: 0x9F5e35e7DCa77A6Ec7a307213C5F65bc6d010088
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