3DViewerComponent 中文文档教程
ThreeD Viewer Component
这是一个呈现模型的 3D 查看器 Web 组件,当前基于 2 个参数:
- Previews - An array of objects, each consisting of two properties:
- file_type: "obj"/"stl"
- file_url: can be an absolute URL (for an S3 bucket for instance), or a relative path
- Color (optional) - If not provided, a value of #F18D05 will be used
bower install --save git@github.com:Autodesk/3DViewerComponent.git
然后将这两行添加到您的 HTML 文件中:
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/3DViewerComponent/dist/three-d-viewer.html">
<three-d-viewer color="ff0000"
previews='[{"file_type": "stl", "file_url": "bower_components/3DViewerComponent/samples/Camel.stl"}]'>
如果您作为一个新的运行项目或一个空白的新 HTML 页面并且没有您的样式,添加此 CSS 样式只是为了看看它的外观:
html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
ThreeD Viewer Component
This is a 3D viewer web component that presents a model, currently based on 2 parameters:
- Previews - An array of objects, each consisting of two properties:
- file_type: "obj"/"stl"
- file_url: can be an absolute URL (for an S3 bucket for instance), or a relative path
- Color (optional) - If not provided, a value of #F18D05 will be used
bower install --save git@github.com:Autodesk/3DViewerComponent.git
Then add these 2 lines at your HTML file:
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/3DViewerComponent/dist/three-d-viewer.html">
From here you just use the tag itself with the parameters, e.g.:
<three-d-viewer color="ff0000"
previews='[{"file_type": "stl", "file_url": "bower_components/3DViewerComponent/samples/Camel.stl"}]'>
If you're running as a new project or a blank new HTML page and don't have your styling, add this CSS for styling just to see how it looks:
html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: hidden;