360medics-ng2 中文文档教程

发布于 6 年前 浏览 46 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


Build Status

构建一个与 AoT 编译 & 兼容的 Angular 库 像官方包一样摇树。

此启动程序允许您为 Angular v7 应用程序创建一个库。 该项目基于官方 Angular 包。

获取 变更日志


1 Project structure

  • Library:
    • src folder for the classes
    • public_api.ts entry point for all public APIs of the package
    • package.json npm options
    • rollup.config.js Rollup configuration for building the umd bundles
    • rollup.es.config.js Rollup configuration for building the es2015 bundles
    • tsconfig-build.json ngc compiler options for AoT compilation
    • build.js building process using ShellJS
  • Testing:
    • tests folder for unit & integration tests
    • karma.conf.js Karma configuration that uses webpack to build the tests
    • spec.bundle.js defines the files used by webpack
  • Extra:
    • tslint.json Angular TSLint Preset (TypeScript linter rules with Codelyzer)
    • travis.yml Travis CI configuration

2 Customizing

  1. 更新 Node & npm

  2. angular-library-starterangularLibraryStarter 重命名为 my-librarymyLibrary

  3. 使用您的图书馆许可证自定义 license-banner.txt 文件。

  4. 更新 package.json 文件:

    • version: Semantic Versioning
    • description
    • urls
    • packages (optional): make sure you use a version of TypeScript compatible with Angular Compiler

    并运行 npm install

  5. src 文件夹中创建您的类,并在 my-library.ts 中导出公共类。

  6. 您只能为整个库创建一个模块: 我建议你为不同的功能创建不同的模块, 这样宿主应用程序就可以只导入它使用的模块,并优化它的Tree shaking

  7. rollup.config.js 文件 globals 外部依赖项更新为您实际用于构建 umd 包的依赖项。

  8. 创建单元 & tests 文件夹中的集成测试,或在 src 文件夹中测试的内容旁边进行单元测试,始终使用 .spec.ts 扩展名。

3 Testing

以下命令运行 unit & tests 文件夹中的集成测试(您可以在 spec.bundle.js 文件中更改文件夹):

npm test 


npm run test:watch

它还使用 报告覆盖率伊斯坦布尔。

4 Building


npm run build
  • starts TSLint with Codelyzer using Angular TSLint Preset
  • starts AoT compilation using ngc compiler
  • creates dist folder with all the files of distribution, following Angular Package Format (APF):
└── dist
    ├── bundles
    |   ├── my-library.umd.js
    |   ├── my-library.umd.js.map
    |   ├── my-library.umd.min.js
    |   └── my-library.umd.min.js.map
    ├── esm5
    |   ├── **/*.js
    |   └── **/*.js.map
    ├── esm2015
    |   ├── **/*.js
    |   └── **/*.js.map
    ├── fesm5
    |   ├── my-library.js
    |   └── my-library.js.map
    ├── fesm2015
    |   ├── my-library.js
    |   └── my-library.js.map
    ├── src
    |   └── **/*.d.ts
    ├── my-library.d.ts
    ├── my-library.metadata.json
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── package.json
    ├── public_api.d.ts
    └── README

在发布前在本地测试 npm 包:

npm run pack:lib


npm install [path]my-library-{version}.tgz

5 Publishing


npm run publish:lib

6 Documentation

为了生成文档,这个启动器使用 compodoc

npm run compodoc
npm run compodoc:serve 

7 Using the library


npm install my-library --save 




Rollup or webpack


Using SystemJS configuration

    map: {
        'my-library': 'node_modules/my-library/bundles/my-library.umd.js'

Plain JavaScript

index.html 中包含 umd 包:

<script src="node_modules/my-library/bundles/my-library.umd.js"></script>

并使用全局 ng.myLibrary 命名空间。

AoT compilation

该库与AoT 编译 兼容。

8 What it is important to know

  1. package.json

    • "main": "./bundles/angular-library-starter.umd.js" legacy module format
    • "module": "./esm5/angular-library-starter.js" flat ES module, for using module bundlers such as Rollup or webpack
    • "es2015": "./esm2015/angular-library-starter.js" ES2015 flat ESM format
    • "typings" declaration files for TypeScript compiler
    • "peerDependencies" the packages and their versions required by the library when it will be installed
  2. tsconfig.json TypeScript 编译器

    • Compiler options:
      • "strict": true enables TypeScript strict master option
  3. 使用的文件 tsconfig-build.json 使用的文件ngc 编译

    • 器 编译器选项:

      • "declaration": true to emit TypeScript declaration files
      • "module": "es2015" & "target": "es2015" are used by Rollup to create the ES2015 bundle
    • Angular 编译器选项:

      • "enableResourceInlining": true inlining of templates & styles
      • "skipTemplateCodegen": true skips generating AoT files
      • "annotateForClosureCompiler": true for compatibility with Google Closure compiler
      • "strictMetadataEmit": true without emitting metadata files, the library will not be compatible with AoT compilation: it is intended to report syntax errors immediately rather than produce a .metadata.json file with errors
      • "flatModuleId": "@scope/package" full package name has to include scope as well, otherwise AOT compilation will fail in the consumed application
  4. rollup.config.jsRollup

    • format: 'umd' the Universal Module Definition pattern is used by Angular for its bundles
    • moduleName: 'ng.angularLibraryStarter' defines the global namespace used by JavaScript apps
    • external & globals declare the external packages
  5. 服务器端渲染


    • window, document, navigator and other browser types do not exist on the server
    • don't manipulate the nativeElement directly

9 Inlining of templates and stylesheets

现在 ngc 编译器支持内联模板 & 样式。 此外,此启动器允许您使用 .scss sass 文件。 如果需要,您可以使用不同的预处理器。

Built with this starter

  • angular-l10n An Angular library to translate messages, dates and numbers
  • angular-auth-oidc-client An OpenID Connect Implicit Flow client for Angular
  • ngx-infinite-scroll An infinite scroll directive for Angular compatible with AoT compilation and Tree shaking
  • ngx-typeahead A simple but yet powerful typeahead component for Angular
  • ng2-youtube-player A Powerful Youtube Player Component for Angular
  • ng2-completer Angular autocomplete component
  • ngx-store Angular Storage library for managing localStorage, sessionStorage and cookies, allowing to watch storage changes. Includes easy-to-use decorators, services and API based on builder pattern.
  • ngx-table-editor A library for Angular that transforms HTML tables into dynamic editable components.
  • ngx-ui-scroll An Angular *ngFor-like directive for infinite/virtual scrolling

Previous versions




Build Status

Build an Angular library compatible with AoT compilation & Tree shaking like an official package.

This starter allows you to create a library for Angular v7 apps. The project is based on the official Angular packages.

Get the Changelog.


1 Project structure

  • Library:
    • src folder for the classes
    • public_api.ts entry point for all public APIs of the package
    • package.json npm options
    • rollup.config.js Rollup configuration for building the umd bundles
    • rollup.es.config.js Rollup configuration for building the es2015 bundles
    • tsconfig-build.json ngc compiler options for AoT compilation
    • build.js building process using ShellJS
  • Testing:
    • tests folder for unit & integration tests
    • karma.conf.js Karma configuration that uses webpack to build the tests
    • spec.bundle.js defines the files used by webpack
  • Extra:
    • tslint.json Angular TSLint Preset (TypeScript linter rules with Codelyzer)
    • travis.yml Travis CI configuration

2 Customizing

  1. Update Node & npm.

  2. Rename angular-library-starter and angularLibraryStarter everywhere to my-library and myLibrary.

  3. Customize the license-banner.txt file with your library license.

  4. Update in package.json file:

    • version: Semantic Versioning
    • description
    • urls
    • packages (optional): make sure you use a version of TypeScript compatible with Angular Compiler

    and run npm install.

  5. Create your classes in src folder, and export public classes in my-library.ts.

  6. You can create only one module for the whole library: I suggest you create different modules for different functions, so that the host app can only import the modules it uses, and optimize its Tree shaking.

  7. Update in rollup.config.js file globals external dependencies with those that actually you use to build the umd bundle.

  8. Create unit & integration tests in tests folder, or unit tests next to the things they test in src folder, always using .spec.ts extension.

3 Testing

The following command runs unit & integration tests that are in the tests folder (you can change the folder in spec.bundle.js file):

npm test 

or in watch mode:

npm run test:watch

It also reports coverage using Istanbul.

4 Building

The following command:

npm run build
  • starts TSLint with Codelyzer using Angular TSLint Preset
  • starts AoT compilation using ngc compiler
  • creates dist folder with all the files of distribution, following Angular Package Format (APF):
└── dist
    ├── bundles
    |   ├── my-library.umd.js
    |   ├── my-library.umd.js.map
    |   ├── my-library.umd.min.js
    |   └── my-library.umd.min.js.map
    ├── esm5
    |   ├── **/*.js
    |   └── **/*.js.map
    ├── esm2015
    |   ├── **/*.js
    |   └── **/*.js.map
    ├── fesm5
    |   ├── my-library.js
    |   └── my-library.js.map
    ├── fesm2015
    |   ├── my-library.js
    |   └── my-library.js.map
    ├── src
    |   └── **/*.d.ts
    ├── my-library.d.ts
    ├── my-library.metadata.json
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── package.json
    ├── public_api.d.ts
    └── README

To test locally the npm package before publishing:

npm run pack:lib

Then you can install it in an app to test it:

npm install [path]my-library-{version}.tgz

5 Publishing

Before publishing the first time:

npm run publish:lib

6 Documentation

To generate the documentation, this starter uses compodoc:

npm run compodoc
npm run compodoc:serve 

7 Using the library


npm install my-library --save 



No need to set up anything, just import it in your code.

Rollup or webpack

No need to set up anything, just import it in your code.

Using SystemJS configuration

    map: {
        'my-library': 'node_modules/my-library/bundles/my-library.umd.js'

Plain JavaScript

Include the umd bundle in your index.html:

<script src="node_modules/my-library/bundles/my-library.umd.js"></script>

and use global ng.myLibrary namespace.

AoT compilation

The library is compatible with AoT compilation.

8 What it is important to know

  1. package.json

    • "main": "./bundles/angular-library-starter.umd.js" legacy module format
    • "module": "./esm5/angular-library-starter.js" flat ES module, for using module bundlers such as Rollup or webpack
    • "es2015": "./esm2015/angular-library-starter.js" ES2015 flat ESM format
    • "typings" declaration files for TypeScript compiler
    • "peerDependencies" the packages and their versions required by the library when it will be installed
  2. tsconfig.json file used by TypeScript compiler

    • Compiler options:
      • "strict": true enables TypeScript strict master option
  3. tsconfig-build.json file used by ngc compiler

    • Compiler options:

      • "declaration": true to emit TypeScript declaration files
      • "module": "es2015" & "target": "es2015" are used by Rollup to create the ES2015 bundle
    • Angular Compiler Options:

      • "enableResourceInlining": true inlining of templates & styles
      • "skipTemplateCodegen": true skips generating AoT files
      • "annotateForClosureCompiler": true for compatibility with Google Closure compiler
      • "strictMetadataEmit": true without emitting metadata files, the library will not be compatible with AoT compilation: it is intended to report syntax errors immediately rather than produce a .metadata.json file with errors
      • "flatModuleId": "@scope/package" full package name has to include scope as well, otherwise AOT compilation will fail in the consumed application
  4. rollup.config.js file used by Rollup

    • format: 'umd' the Universal Module Definition pattern is used by Angular for its bundles
    • moduleName: 'ng.angularLibraryStarter' defines the global namespace used by JavaScript apps
    • external & globals declare the external packages
  5. Server Side Rendering

    If you want the library will be compatible with Server Side Rendering:

    • window, document, navigator and other browser types do not exist on the server
    • don't manipulate the nativeElement directly

9 Inlining of templates and stylesheets

Now ngc compiler supports inlining of templates & styles. Moreover, this starter allows you to use .scss sass files. If you need, you can use different pre-processors.

Built with this starter

  • angular-l10n An Angular library to translate messages, dates and numbers
  • angular-auth-oidc-client An OpenID Connect Implicit Flow client for Angular
  • ngx-infinite-scroll An infinite scroll directive for Angular compatible with AoT compilation and Tree shaking
  • ngx-typeahead A simple but yet powerful typeahead component for Angular
  • ng2-youtube-player A Powerful Youtube Player Component for Angular
  • ng2-completer Angular autocomplete component
  • ngx-store Angular Storage library for managing localStorage, sessionStorage and cookies, allowing to watch storage changes. Includes easy-to-use decorators, services and API based on builder pattern.
  • ngx-table-editor A library for Angular that transforms HTML tables into dynamic editable components.
  • ngx-ui-scroll An Angular *ngFor-like directive for infinite/virtual scrolling

Previous versions



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