2d-gaming 中文文档教程

发布于 7 年前 浏览 32 项目主页 更新于 2 年前



这是一个 Angular 包,用于以角度开发 2d 游戏。 请报告问题/问题/任何想法以更好地帮助这个包


  1. Run npm instll 2d-gaming
  2. Import { TwoDGaming } from '2d-gaming'; Into your module
  3. Import { GameAreaObject, ObjectComponent, ObjectDesign, PositionObject } from '2d-gaming' into the file of your game.

Getting Started

Setup your game
  1. Setup your game area. Each area object will have a name, width, height and gravity.
First Create Your Game Object
    // Create A New File gameArea.ts
    import { GameAreaObject } from '2d-gaming';

    export class GameArea implements OnInit{

        component: GameAreaObject;

        constructor() {
            this.component = new GameAreaObject('myGame', '300px', '300px');
            this.game.gravity = 0;

###### 然后在你的组件中设置你的对象

  // Create A New File game.component.ts
    import {GameAreaObject, ObjectComponent, ObjectDesign, PositionObject, ObjectArray } from '2d-gaming';
    import {GameArea} from './gameArea.ts':
        selector: 'app-game',
        templateUrl: './game.html'

    export class GameComponent implements OnInit {
        gameObject: GameArea

        ngOnInit() {
            this.gameObject = new GameArea();
            this.gameObject.component.doEveryFrame = (() => this.doPerFrame());

        start() {
            this.gameObject.component.start(); // this starts the game

        stop() {
            this.gameObject.component.stop(); // this stops and resets the game

        doPerFrame() {
            // put code here you want to run everyFrame
  <!--- In game.html Place This-->
  <button (click)="start()">Start</button>
  1. Now lets add a player.
  // Create A New File player.ts
    import {GameAreaObject, ObjectComponent, ObjectDesign, PositionObject } from '2d-gaming'

    export class Player {
        component: ObjectComponent;
        position: PositionObject;
        design: ObjectDesign;

        constructor(public game: GameAreaObject) {
            this.design = new ObjectDesign(20, 20, 'square', 'green'); // create a design. we will add this to our player
            this.position = new PositionObject(150, 150); // create a position object. we will add this to our player
            this.component = new ObjectComponent(this.game, this.design, this.position) // add the design and position to the player.
            // we inject a gameObject into the constructor so the player can know what game it belongs to

##### 现在在组件中设置播放器

    // back in game.component.ts
    gameObject: GameArea;
    playerObject: Player; //Import Player from the previous file

    ngOnInit() {
        this.gameObject = new GameArea();
        this.playerObject = new Player(this.gameObject.component); // Create a new Instance of it and inject the component of the gameObject in its constructor
  1. Lets give our player movement.
  // Im using HostListener. You can use another event detection if you pefer
     @HostListener('document:keyup', ['$event'])

    onKeyup(e: KeyboardEvent) {
        const code = e.keyCode;

    @HostListener('document:keydown', ['$event'])

    onkeydown(e: KeyboardEvent) {
        const code = e.keyCode;
        // D Key
      if (code === 68) {
          this.playerObject.component.moveRight(1.5); // move right
      // A Key
      if (code === 65) {
          this.playerObject.component.moveLeft(1.5); //move left
      // W Key
      if (code === 87) {
          this.playerObject.moveUp(1.5); // move up
      // S Key
      if (code === 83) {
          this.playerObject.component.moveDown(1.5); // move down
  1. Lets add an object that will move from one point to another. To do this we set object.path. The path object has a x and y value for the points you want your object to move to.
  // Create a new file item.ts
  import {GameAreaObject, ObjectComponent, ObjectDesign, PositionObject, IPath } from '2d-gaming'

    export class item {
        component: ObjectComponent;
        position: PositionObject;
        design: ObjectDesign;

        constructor(public game: GameAreaObject) {
            this.design = new ObjectDesign(20, 20, 'square', 'red'); // create a design. we will add this to our object
            this.position = new PositionObject(100, 100); // create a position object. we will add this to our object
            this.component = new ObjectComponent(this.game, this.design, this.position) // add the design and position to the object.
            // we inject a gameObject into the constructor so the object can know what game it belongs to
            this.component.newPath = {
                x: 200, // New X Pos
                y: 200, // New Y Pos
                speed: 1, // Speed It Moves At
                infinit: false // If it stops at designated location or continue after

##### 将对象添加到我们的组件中

    gameObject: GameArea;
    playerObject: Player; //Import Player from the previous file
    movingObject: item; //Import item from the previous file

    ngOnInit() {
        this.gameObject = new GameArea();
        this.playerObject = new Player(this.gameObject.component); // Create a new Instance of it and inject the component of the gameObject in its constructor
        this.movingObject = new item(this.gameObject.component)
Now Run And click Start

Objects In Package


   var Init = new Object();


draw()draws the object on the canvasnone
shoot()shoots the bulletsnone
gamethe gameArea it belongs to
designa designObject
positiona PositionObject
movementa Movement Object
bulletsitems your wanting to shoot
scorehow points stored in this object
isBarrierif object is a barrier


shapeis type image, square, circle, text
widthwidth of the connected object
heightheight of the connected Object
coloris a color unless shape is image then is an image url
textthe text of an text shape


xPosx position
yPosy position


speedYthe speed of the object on the y axis
speedXspeed of object on x axis
gravitygravity of object
positiona PositionObject
moveright()moves object rightspeed: number
moveLeft()moves object leftspeed: number
moveUp()moves object upspeed: number
moveDown()moves object downspeed: number
newPosmoves object to new locationxPos: number, yPos: number, speed: number, infinit: boolean


.start()starts the gamenone
stop()stops the gamenone
.clear()clears the game areanone
.doEveryFrame()runs every framefunction
.everyinterval()returns true or false. Do somthing every intervalnumber for when you want the interval to be set at
framethe current frame your on
areaThe element container of the game
gravitythe gravity of the game
crashHandlerhandles collides in game
heightheight of the game
widthwidth of the game
gameObjectsall objects in game
namename of the game


This is a object that lets have multiple objects in one. Its main purpose is to create multiple intances of one object.
add()Adds an Objectitem: ObjectComponent
addMulti()Adds array of objectsitems: ObjectComponent[]
multiply()adds multiple instances of one objectitem: ObjectComponent, howMany: number
removeFromGame()removes its items from the gamenone
itemsarray of objectcomponents



This is an Angular package fo developing 2d games in angular. Please report issues/questions/any ideas to better help this package.


  1. Run npm instll 2d-gaming
  2. Import { TwoDGaming } from '2d-gaming'; Into your module
  3. Import { GameAreaObject, ObjectComponent, ObjectDesign, PositionObject } from '2d-gaming' into the file of your game.

Getting Started

Setup your game
  1. Setup your game area. Each area object will have a name, width, height and gravity.
First Create Your Game Object
    // Create A New File gameArea.ts
    import { GameAreaObject } from '2d-gaming';

    export class GameArea implements OnInit{

        component: GameAreaObject;

        constructor() {
            this.component = new GameAreaObject('myGame', '300px', '300px');
            this.game.gravity = 0;

###### Then SetUp Your Object In Your Component

  // Create A New File game.component.ts
    import {GameAreaObject, ObjectComponent, ObjectDesign, PositionObject, ObjectArray } from '2d-gaming';
    import {GameArea} from './gameArea.ts':
        selector: 'app-game',
        templateUrl: './game.html'

    export class GameComponent implements OnInit {
        gameObject: GameArea

        ngOnInit() {
            this.gameObject = new GameArea();
            this.gameObject.component.doEveryFrame = (() => this.doPerFrame());

        start() {
            this.gameObject.component.start(); // this starts the game

        stop() {
            this.gameObject.component.stop(); // this stops and resets the game

        doPerFrame() {
            // put code here you want to run everyFrame
  <!--- In game.html Place This-->
  <button (click)="start()">Start</button>
  1. Now lets add a player.
  // Create A New File player.ts
    import {GameAreaObject, ObjectComponent, ObjectDesign, PositionObject } from '2d-gaming'

    export class Player {
        component: ObjectComponent;
        position: PositionObject;
        design: ObjectDesign;

        constructor(public game: GameAreaObject) {
            this.design = new ObjectDesign(20, 20, 'square', 'green'); // create a design. we will add this to our player
            this.position = new PositionObject(150, 150); // create a position object. we will add this to our player
            this.component = new ObjectComponent(this.game, this.design, this.position) // add the design and position to the player.
            // we inject a gameObject into the constructor so the player can know what game it belongs to

##### Now SetUp the player in the component

    // back in game.component.ts
    gameObject: GameArea;
    playerObject: Player; //Import Player from the previous file

    ngOnInit() {
        this.gameObject = new GameArea();
        this.playerObject = new Player(this.gameObject.component); // Create a new Instance of it and inject the component of the gameObject in its constructor
  1. Lets give our player movement.
  // Im using HostListener. You can use another event detection if you pefer
     @HostListener('document:keyup', ['$event'])

    onKeyup(e: KeyboardEvent) {
        const code = e.keyCode;

    @HostListener('document:keydown', ['$event'])

    onkeydown(e: KeyboardEvent) {
        const code = e.keyCode;
        // D Key
      if (code === 68) {
          this.playerObject.component.moveRight(1.5); // move right
      // A Key
      if (code === 65) {
          this.playerObject.component.moveLeft(1.5); //move left
      // W Key
      if (code === 87) {
          this.playerObject.moveUp(1.5); // move up
      // S Key
      if (code === 83) {
          this.playerObject.component.moveDown(1.5); // move down
  1. Lets add an object that will move from one point to another. To do this we set object.path. The path object has a x and y value for the points you want your object to move to.
  // Create a new file item.ts
  import {GameAreaObject, ObjectComponent, ObjectDesign, PositionObject, IPath } from '2d-gaming'

    export class item {
        component: ObjectComponent;
        position: PositionObject;
        design: ObjectDesign;

        constructor(public game: GameAreaObject) {
            this.design = new ObjectDesign(20, 20, 'square', 'red'); // create a design. we will add this to our object
            this.position = new PositionObject(100, 100); // create a position object. we will add this to our object
            this.component = new ObjectComponent(this.game, this.design, this.position) // add the design and position to the object.
            // we inject a gameObject into the constructor so the object can know what game it belongs to
            this.component.newPath = {
                x: 200, // New X Pos
                y: 200, // New Y Pos
                speed: 1, // Speed It Moves At
                infinit: false // If it stops at designated location or continue after

##### add the object to our component

    gameObject: GameArea;
    playerObject: Player; //Import Player from the previous file
    movingObject: item; //Import item from the previous file

    ngOnInit() {
        this.gameObject = new GameArea();
        this.playerObject = new Player(this.gameObject.component); // Create a new Instance of it and inject the component of the gameObject in its constructor
        this.movingObject = new item(this.gameObject.component)
Now Run And click Start

Objects In Package

Initialize each object like this

   var Init = new Object();


draw()draws the object on the canvasnone
shoot()shoots the bulletsnone
gamethe gameArea it belongs to
designa designObject
positiona PositionObject
movementa Movement Object
bulletsitems your wanting to shoot
scorehow points stored in this object
isBarrierif object is a barrier


shapeis type image, square, circle, text
widthwidth of the connected object
heightheight of the connected Object
coloris a color unless shape is image then is an image url
textthe text of an text shape


xPosx position
yPosy position


speedYthe speed of the object on the y axis
speedXspeed of object on x axis
gravitygravity of object
positiona PositionObject
moveright()moves object rightspeed: number
moveLeft()moves object leftspeed: number
moveUp()moves object upspeed: number
moveDown()moves object downspeed: number
newPosmoves object to new locationxPos: number, yPos: number, speed: number, infinit: boolean


.start()starts the gamenone
stop()stops the gamenone
.clear()clears the game areanone
.doEveryFrame()runs every framefunction
.everyinterval()returns true or false. Do somthing every intervalnumber for when you want the interval to be set at
framethe current frame your on
areaThe element container of the game
gravitythe gravity of the game
crashHandlerhandles collides in game
heightheight of the game
widthwidth of the game
gameObjectsall objects in game
namename of the game


This is a object that lets have multiple objects in one. Its main purpose is to create multiple intances of one object.
add()Adds an Objectitem: ObjectComponent
addMulti()Adds array of objectsitems: ObjectComponent[]
multiply()adds multiple instances of one objectitem: ObjectComponent, howMany: number
removeFromGame()removes its items from the gamenone
itemsarray of objectcomponents
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