20ful 中文文档教程

发布于 3 年前 浏览 42 项目主页 更新于 2 年前




$ npm init -y
$ npm install 20ful

Quick start

$ mkdir -p src/html
$ cat > src/html/hello.md
index: true
# Hello world!
$ 20ful


Running and command line options

20ful 构建 编译您的输入文件并退出

20ful watch 编译你的输入文件并观察变化

20ful serve 以上所有,并启动静态服务器,在更改时重新加载它 与浏览器同步。 这是默认值。

20ful 代理 改为启动 HTTP 代理服务器并连接到给定端口。 这个有用 如果您的站点不是那么静态并且您已经有一个服务器在运行,但是 想观察前端文件的变化。


serverproxy 模式下监听的端口。 默认值为 3000。

What it does

生成器接收您的输入文件,可能应用转换,并且 写出来。

Directory structure

把你所有的东西都放在 src/ 中。 它将被编译并放入 _site/,保留目录结构。 忽略点文件。

文件夹 src/html/ 是特殊的,“html”部分将在结果中被剥离 路径,对于编译成 HTML 文件名的文件做成一个文件夹,内容 放在index.html里面。


这也意味着,如果您创建两个路径名不同的文件 在 html/ 部分,只有其中一个会到达输出位置,所以不要 去做。



  • for HTML: Markdown (.md), Pug (.pug), Nunjucks (.njk)
  • for CSS: Stylus (.styl), Sass (.scss, .sass)
  • for JavaScript: LiveScript (.ls)

文件类型由其后缀决定。 所有其他文件都按原样复制到 它们的目的地,包括纯 HTML、CSS 和 JavasScript。

任何文件都可以具有 YAML 格式、--- 分隔的前部内容 (FM),即 处理后剥离。 某些行为由前端数据定义。

Front matter attributes

template: string

该文件是一个命名模板,通常为 pugnjk。 没有指定 存储模板的位置,只要它们在 src 中,也不存在 是您必须给它们的任何特定文件名。 以下模板 变量是特殊的:




    中的目录或导航。 从 toc 属性构建, 见下文。


引用 CSS 文件的 属性集(如果启用了缓存清除)。 见下文。


引用 JS 文件的

所有特殊变量都包含 HTML,因此必须在不安全模式下传递。 默认模板 system 始终存在,并且只渲染主体,因此您 可能想将您的第一个模板命名为“系统”。

layout: string

该文件使用命名模板呈现。 可能的值:

  • some name named template is used.
  • none no template is used
  • (attribute not present) template "system" is used

index: boolean

如果设置为 true,此文件将写入输出中的顶级 index.html 目录。

toc: object

对象,描述目录条目。 它的属性:

  • key: (visible label in the TOC link)
  • order: (entries are sorted using this value)

目录是分层的,遵循目录结构。 有一个 有用的目录组织你的文件:

  My-Stories.md           [FM]  toc:
                                   key: My cool stories
     Cool-story-1.md      [FM]  toc:
                                   key: First cool story
                                   order: 10
     Another-story.md     [FM]  toc: ...

没有必要(也没有办法)指定父母,你可以重新安排你的 页面只是移动它们,TOC 将自动重建,并且 将呈现为有序列表:

  1. My cool stories

bust-cache: boolean

如果设置为 true,为这个 CSS 或 JS 文件启用缓存清除。 缓存破坏 通过自动向文件名添加哈希后缀来完成,更改为 文件内容变化。 模板变量 cssjs 将具有整个 您需要逐字传递的

对于编译为 CSS 的所有文件,css 变量存储一系列 link tags:

<link rel=stylesheet href='/path/filename-34856.css'><link ...

对于编译成 JavasScript 的所有文件 js 变量存储一系列 script 标签:

<script src='/path/filename-51536.js'><js ...

在 pug 模板中,放置 | !{css}| !{js} 在头部。

order: number

这控制了缓存破坏的 cssjs 变量中标签的顺序。

options: object

传递给编译器的选项,例如 main.ls 可能看起来是:

   bare: true
f = a >> b

并且 LiveScript 不会生成顶级包装器。

ignore: boolean

如果设置为 true,则跳过此文件。

Config file

./20ful-config.yaml 中读取用户配置。 默认值是:

source:  src
outroot: _site
  markdown-it-mark: true
    headerless:   true
    multiline:    true
    rowspan:      true

Markdown-it-plugins 就是它们看起来的样子。 添加 markdown-it 插件:

  • install markdown-it-plugin-<name>
  • mention it in the config (false to disable)



人们为像这样简单的事情付出的努力让我感到惊讶 站点生成器,同时因缺乏明显的 功能,例如 CSS 的预处理。

这个项目几乎没有那么宏伟(截至目前不到 350 行代码), 它仍然涵盖了最基本的需求。


Static site generator that makes sense.


$ npm init -y
$ npm install 20ful

Quick start

$ mkdir -p src/html
$ cat > src/html/hello.md
index: true
# Hello world!
$ 20ful

You can also check the example project.

Running and command line options

20ful build compiles your input files and exits

20ful watch compiles your input files and watches for changes

20ful serve all the above, and starts static server, reloading it on change with browser-sync. This is the default.

20ful proxy <port> starts HTTP proxy server instead and connects to given port. This is useful if your site is not so static and you already have a server running, but would like to watch for changes of the front end files.


Port to listen on in server or proxy mode. Default is 3000.

What it does

The generator takes in your input files, possibly applies conversions, and writes them out.

Directory structure

Put all your stuff in src/. It will get compiled and placed into _site/, preserving directory structure. Dot files are ignored.

Folder src/html/ is special, the "html" part will be stripped in the resulting path, and for files compiled to HTML file name is made a folder, and the content is placed in index.html in it.


This also means that if you create two files whose pathnames are different only in html/ part, only one of them will make it to the output location, so don't do that.


The generator natively supports the following conversions:

  • for HTML: Markdown (.md), Pug (.pug), Nunjucks (.njk)
  • for CSS: Stylus (.styl), Sass (.scss, .sass)
  • for JavaScript: LiveScript (.ls)

File type is determined by its suffix. All other files are copied as is to their destinations, including plain HTML, CSS, and JavasScript.

Any file can have YAML-formatted, --- delimited front matter (FM), which is stripped after processing. Some behavior is defined by the front matter data.

Front matter attributes

template: string

The file is a named template, normally pug or njk. There is no designated location to store your templates, as long as they are within src, nor there are any particular filenames that you must give them. The following template variables are special:


The rendered file that used this template.


Table of content, or navigation, within an <ol>. Built from toc attributes, see below.


Set of <link> attributes referring to CSS files, if cache busting is enabled. See below.


Set of <script> attributes referring to JS files, if cache busting is enabled.

All special variables contain HTML and therefore must be passed in unsafe mode. Default template system is always present, and just renders the body, so you may want to name your first template "system".

layout: string

The file is rendered using the named template. Possible values:

  • some name named template is used.
  • none no template is used
  • (attribute not present) template "system" is used

index: boolean

If set to true, this file is written to top-level index.html in the output direcory.

toc: object

Object, describing a table of content entry. Its attributes:

  • key: (visible label in the TOC link)
  • order: (entries are sorted using this value)

Table of content is hierarchical and follows the directory structure. To have a useful table of content organize your files:

  My-Stories.md           [FM]  toc:
                                   key: My cool stories
     Cool-story-1.md      [FM]  toc:
                                   key: First cool story
                                   order: 10
     Another-story.md     [FM]  toc: ...

There is no need (and no way) to specify a parent, you can rearrange your pages just moving them around, and TOC will be automatically rebuilt, and will render to an ordered list: <ol><li><a href='/'>My cool stories</a...

bust-cache: boolean

If set to true, enables cache busting for this CSS or JS file. Cache busting is done by automatically adding a hash suffix to the filename, changing as the file content changes. Template variables css and js will have the whole sequences of <link> and <script> attributes which you need to pass verbatim to templates.

For all files that compile to CSS css variable stores a sequence of link tags:

<link rel=stylesheet href='/path/filename-34856.css'><link ...

For all files that compile to JavasScript js variable stores a sequence of script tags:

<script src='/path/filename-51536.js'><js ...

In a pug template, put | !{css} and | !{js} within the head.

order: number

This controls the order of tags within cache-busted css and js variables.

options: object

Options to pass to the compiler, e.g. main.ls may look:

   bare: true
f = a >> b

and LiveScript won't generate top-lever wrapper.

ignore: boolean

If set to true, this file is skipped.

Config file

User configuration is read from ./20ful-config.yaml. The defaults are:

source:  src
outroot: _site
  markdown-it-mark: true
    headerless:   true
    multiline:    true
    rowspan:      true

Markdown-it-plugins are what they appear to be. To add a markdown-it plugin:

  • install markdown-it-plugin-<name>
  • mention it in the config (false to disable)

If the plugin takes options, give them as sub-keys.


I was amazed by the amount of effort put by people into something as simple as site generators, and at the same time frustrated by the absence of obvious functionality, such as preprocessing of CSS.

This project is not nearly as grandiose (under 350 lines of code as of now), still it covers most basic needs.

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