1to2 中文文档教程
1to2 天真地将源代码文件从 NAN 1 转换为 NAN 2。会出现转换错误, 误报和错失机会。 输入文件被原地重写。 确保 你有备份。 之后您将必须手动查看更改并进行一些修改。
$ tools/1to2.js
Usage: 1to2 [options] <file ...>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
1to2 naively converts source code files from NAN 1 to NAN 2. There will be erroneous conversions, false positives and missed opportunities. The input files are rewritten in place. Make sure that you have backups. You will have to manually review the changes afterwards and do some touchups.
$ tools/1to2.js
Usage: 1to2 [options] <file ...>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number