1-out-of-n 中文文档教程

发布于 4 年前 浏览 23 项目主页 更新于 2 年前


JavaScript 中的 1-out-of-n 不经意传输协议


要创建 1-out-of-N,我们使用随机位的 log2(N) 1-out-of-2 不经意传输来创建 log2(N) 随机字符串。 每个秘密都用这些字符串之一(通过 XOR)屏蔽,接收方选择一个,然后发送方揭示所有被屏蔽的秘密。

我们通过组合随机 N 取 1 和多个 2 取 1 预言机来构建 N 取 1 OT。 这与 Oblivious Transfer and Polynomial Evaluation pp. 247-248 中描述的协议相同!-- [pdf](https://books c.xyz/dl/28462147/d44b14?openInBrowser) -->。

Project layout

├─ index.js           Module entry point (include this or use npm)
├─ lib/               Library source
│  ├─ ot.js             Oblivious transfer protocols
│  ├─ util.js           Bitwise helpers
│  └─ crypto.js         Crypto primitives
└─ demo/              Example demos
   ├─ io-example.js     Input-output communication for the demos
   ├─ io-template.js    IO methods template
   ├─ strings/          Strings demo
   │  ├─ example.js       OT choosing from strings
   │  └─ ascii.js         ASCII helpers to convert inputs to Uint8Array
   └─ numbers/          Numbers demo
      └─ example.js       OT choosing from numbers


您也可以从 npm 安装此模块。

npm install 1-out-of-n

Calling the API


// Each party includes the 1-out-of-n module with IO:
const OT = require('1-out-of-n')(IO);

// 1-out-of-3
const N = 3;

// The sender calls send and provides its secrets:
OT.send([77, 66, 88], N);

// The receiver calls receive with its selection out of N:
OT.receive(2, N).then(console.log.bind(null, 'Secret #2 is:'));

// Result:

请注意,最新版本期望获得一个 Uint8Array 数组作为输入,因此如果您使用大于 8 位的数字,强烈建议使用 Uint8Array 字节数组类型来表示您的数字选择. 请阅读 strings/example.js更详细的示例或使用 node demo/*/example.js 运行它。

Test suite

demo/numbers/example.jsdemo/strings/example.js 中的示例演示测试了库的基本用法和更高级的用法。 您可以单独运行它们,或通过运行 npm test 使用预配置的测试脚本。 所有版本和发行版都通过了测试。

Code linting

请在提交拉取请求之前运行 npm run-script lint-fix


1-out-of-n oblivious transfer protocol in JavaScript


To create 1-out-of-N, we use log2(N) 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfers of random bits to create log2(N) random strings. Each secret is masked with one of these strings (by XOR) and the receiving party picks one after which the sender reveals all the masked secrets.

We build 1-out-of-N OT by composing random 1-out-of-N and multiple 1-out-of-2 oracles. This is the same protocol as described in Oblivious Transfer and Polynomial Evaluation pp. 247-248.

Project layout

├─ index.js           Module entry point (include this or use npm)
├─ lib/               Library source
│  ├─ ot.js             Oblivious transfer protocols
│  ├─ util.js           Bitwise helpers
│  └─ crypto.js         Crypto primitives
└─ demo/              Example demos
   ├─ io-example.js     Input-output communication for the demos
   ├─ io-template.js    IO methods template
   ├─ strings/          Strings demo
   │  ├─ example.js       OT choosing from strings
   │  └─ ascii.js         ASCII helpers to convert inputs to Uint8Array
   └─ numbers/          Numbers demo
      └─ example.js       OT choosing from numbers


You may also install this module from npm.

npm install 1-out-of-n

Calling the API

The process generally works as follows:

// Each party includes the 1-out-of-n module with IO:
const OT = require('1-out-of-n')(IO);

// 1-out-of-3
const N = 3;

// The sender calls send and provides its secrets:
OT.send([77, 66, 88], N);

// The receiver calls receive with its selection out of N:
OT.receive(2, N).then(console.log.bind(null, 'Secret #2 is:'));

// Result:

Note that the latest version expects to get an array of Uint8Array as inputs, so if you are working with numbers larger than 8 bits, it is strongly recommended to use the Uint8Array byte array type to represent your number choices. Please read strings/example.js for a more detailed example or run it with node demo/*/example.js.

Test suite

The example demos in demo/numbers/example.js and demo/strings/example.js test both a basic, and slightly more advanced usage of the library. You may run them individually, or use the pre-configured test script by running npm test. All versions and releases have tests passing.

Code linting

Please run npm run-script lint-fix before submitting a pull request.

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