使用交界处合并 “合并”>
I have referred quite a lot of materials online, I saw the usage of merge and junction is almost the same? Some sites said to use the diamond shape as a merge, some said to use junction. Can I know which one is correct? The following images are the material I have read.
merge using diamond shape
merge using junction
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A 交界处状态只是连接过渡。可以用尽可能多的过渡代替可能的路由。这样的过渡仅在路线上的所有全部后卫评估为true时就会发射。
In a state machine diagram there are two pseudo states that are often confused: The junction state (a black filled circle) and the choice state (a hollow diamond). Don't confuse them with similar shapes in an activity diagram (initial node, decision node and merge node). They only look the same.
Now for the difference between choice and junction states: A compound transition fires, when its triggering event occurs AND all guards before an eventual choice state evaluate to true. Then all the effect behaviors up to the choice state are executed before any of the guards of outgoing transitions are checked. This allows dynamic branching depending on some value that only gets evaluated when the transition has fired.
A junction state just connects transitions. It could be replaced with as many transitions as there are possible routings. Such a transition only fires if all guards on the route evaluate to true.
Both states can have as many in- and outgoing transitions as you like.
作为一个旁注(不长时间评论),合并合并/决策的符号需要一些澄清。 UML 2.5 p。 387:
如 @AxelsCheithauer 指出,该图渲染可能会偏差。 UML 2.5州的P. 390
As a side note (too long for a comment) the notation for the combined merge/decision needs some clarification. UML 2.5 states on p. 387:
and below (a bit more obscure!):
Note that this is about activities and not states!
As @AxelScheithauer noted, the diagram rendering may deviate. P. 390 of UML 2.5 states